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What's the most terrifying situation you've ever faced?

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Not to make this thread morbid, but when I received the call saying that my father was killed. The guy on the other end mistook me for my mother. I was 7 so I had a very soft voice, and the lines were terrible because of the war. He just yelled a few times about my father dying and the phone disconnected.

That wasn't the terrifying part at all. This is the most terrifying situation I have ever faced in my life, because as soon as it disconnected my mom came up to me and asked me who it was. Everything collapsed around me. I stood there for a minute, then ran out of the house. I ran out to the street and into the park. I went to a secluded section and stayed there for a few hours. I still remember my heart beating at 10000000bpm.

Damn you life "raises fist"
I was headed to a cabin at a ski resort with some friends to this party we would have every year, great american challenge, its a contest in which teams of two try to finish a twelve pack of beer, an 8th of bud, a large pizza and a puzzle. We left SUPER early, way before dawn, so we could go skiing/sledding before we the contest. My best friend's girlfriend took over driving at some point, we all fell asleep, I wake up, and see that we are nowhere near where we have to be, and are almost to Lake Tahoe, in the dead of winter, with snow drifts on each side higher than the car, with no snow tires on.

I take over driving being the only one with any kind of experience driving in snow, we turn around to head back to where we are supposed to go, going as slow as possible to avoid spinning out on ice.

Well, we hit a patch of black ice, which is road that has iced over that you can't see that has iced over, the car spins in a complete 180 turn and we are in the middle of the road, I slowly start to give it gas to get going, we are looking for a turn off to put snow chains on, we find one and get into it, but before we can get out and put the chains on, a huge snow clearing machine comes around the corner, now these things do not give a fuck and have been known to drive over/total peoples cars, with people in them, My brother's ex-gf almost had this happen to her. So I'm sitting in this car, about to be fucking chewed up by huge whirling blades and throw it into reverse and gun the gas, sending us back but also sending us spinning again.

Nearly avoiding being human burger, i get out and put the snow chains on with no jacket, (I wasnt going skiing, was just going to do some work before the party started). And drive us on back country roads to our destination.


Best Friends stupid girlfriend drove us the wrong direction and we almost got eaten by a gigantic snow plow.

He broke up with her a few months later.


Yellowstone park. About 10 years old.

We park on the side of the road near a small lake and decide to have a picnic. My parents open the back of the truck and start removing food, while my sister and I run down a small path to the lake. Halfway down, my sister, who's ahead of me, turns around and faces backward, toward me and further back, the truck.

She freezes and stares.

I freeze. I turn around as well and look back toward the road.

On the other side of the road, with no fences obviously, and only five feet from the pavement and 20 feet from my unsuspecting parents, are two large buffalo staring at us.

Mom, I call out, as quietly as possible. My sister is running back and stops where I'm at. My mom turns around and sees the buffalo and quickly starts putting everything back, while silently waving us to move our fucking asses.

Probably nothing, but we were close to two wild animals with short tempers that can weigh up to a ton, so we were very careful to GTFO. If it had been a grizzly we would have not walked away unscathed. We were too close and they would have ripped my parents apart before I got to them.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Excluding Satyamdas' stories, this thread is incredibly weak. Like my 100th most terrifying thing is more terrifying than some of these o_O

Here's one: being in a house in Galveston during Hurricane Ike
on mushrooms.



A few months ago I was involved in a high speed car crash on a highway.

I'm in the passenger seat and my mum is driving, driving in the far right lane. We're about about 90ish km/h and the speed limit is 100. I suddenly see a sedan rocketing past us, going what the police later said was around 170km/h. This guy was completely out of control, the car appeared badly damaged, the tires were smoking up heavily... he clearly had no control of the car, he hit the side cement barrier and bounced off it back into our direction -- we had slowed considerably at this point, not really knowing wtf to do -- at this point the out of control car is in front of use bouncing from barrier to barrier, the right thing to do in hindsight would have just been to break hard and let him crash all over the fucking road. He ended up bouncing off the other barrier on the other side of the road and spinning out right in our path, we slammed into his side passenger door at about 50 km/h freaking the fuck out and pulling over to the side of the road.

Later we learned that he had taken out several cars behind us, completely totally several cars, although there were no serious injuries. Cops came and found drugs, guns in his car and he himself was completely fucking wasted.

That moment right before we slammed into this guy's car, and the preceeding moments of not knowing wtf to do to avoid this hurtling out of control car, were pretty much the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced by far.
Walked into and a gas station hold up then right back out in the middle of it, dude saw me and gave chase...but I got away!

Got attacked by like 5 grown men and stomped to shit...they wanted my shoes.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Excluding Satyamdas' stories, this thread is incredibly weak. Like my 100th most terrifying thing is more terrifying than some of these o_O

Here's one: being in a house in Galveston during Hurricane Ike
on mushrooms.


Oh yeah. Steelrain's was really weak.


1. When I was 15 a riptide pulled me out beyond the second breakers off the coast of Huntington Beach, CA and I fought the current for over 2 hours trying to swim in. By the time I got ashore I was over 2 miles north from where I started. I kissed the sand, and I'll tell you it was because I was sure I was going to die that day.

2. House burned down (completely) in 2008 southern California Freeway Fire, wildfires. We were hit first at 7am on the ridgeline, I was woke up by the neighbor below me telling me maintenance was doing mandatory evacs. No police, no fire, no nobody was on the scene.. they were all still sleeping. Within 15 minutes of packing some important and expensive belongings the fire had reached our door step and was only 30 yards away, and was a 60ft wall of flame. My wife (then gf) screamed this death scream and time slowed to a crawl. I got her and our dog in her car, ran upstairs and told my roommate to run for his life. I ran to my car and high tailed it out of there. I was maybe a minute from death there ... our place burned to the ground and I lost everything, every childhood toy, trophy and everything I had stored in storage outside of that unit. :(

3. In 2006 I had reconstructive plastic surgery to repair my face from a random assault at a bar. I had shattered my entire orbital bone structure and repairing my face meant the doctors had to remove my eye from its socket, risk touching the optic nerve and perma-blinding me in that eye. 5 plates and 13 titanium screws later, I'm no longer Sloth. The scary thing was I was already legally blind in my other eye and this was my only good eye... Also, I woke up in the middle of surgery when my eye was in a tray about 4" outside of my head. I remember it to this day, and blew a few doctors minds lol

4. I was jumped by some gang members randomly one day in HS. I came home a bloody mess and my dad was FURIOUS. He's usually a very quiet kept man, who keeps to himself. However in his youth he was one fuck of a greaser, with a take no shit attitude. That greaser came out that afternoon and he grabbed my then 24 year old brother and demanded I show them where I was jumped. You see, after getting jumped I saw the house the gang losers went to. My dad wanted revenge and nothing was going to stop him, there was a fire in his eye like I'd never seen. He grabbed a lead pipe and my brother a baseball bat and we headed out. We pulled up to the house and I was scared FUCKING SHITLESS. I thought my dad was going to get killed, I begged for him to not get out but he told me to stay in the car. He got out with my brother and approached 2 gang dudes on the porch. He asked which one of them was the one who jumped his son, and one of them responded that they all did (which they did). My dad called them out, and like 2 or 3 more guys walked out of the house. My dad was just rocking his fists when one guy stepped up to him, well tried to.. he was probably 5'4 140lbs and my dad is 6'5 240 or so.. anyways he tried to mouth off to my dad, but see.. greasers of old don't talk, they fuck people up. My dad didn't let him finish 2 words before socking the dude in the face knocking him to the ground.. what happened next was straight up out of movie. In what seemed like slow motion, the other gang members rushed for my dad but my brother (6'4 220 or so at the time), pulled the baseball bat from behind his leg and beat the living SHIT out of 2 of the guys. Ever hear that aluminum 'ping' sound from college world series games on homeruns? Yea, kinda like that but on dudes skulls. Then when my dad had 3 guys surrounding him, my brother out of know where pulls a pistol and aims it right at one of the dudes. They all backed off, some more words were exchanged and my dad/brother got in the car and we drove off. Craziest fucking shit I'd ever seen, never had I ever experienced a fight, a brawl or anything that was that hair raising. Found out years later the gun was totally a secret my brother kept from my parents, my mom hates guns. My dad never told my mom.

Then a few other minor things like getting hit by cars when I was a kid and other shit.
Indeed it is.

I guess the only good thing you can go away with is that I'll never do it again but it is pretty bad.

Meh i was a bit over the top there but it's certainly extremely dangerous. I did some dumb shit when i was younger too so i shouldn't get on my high horse too much.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
Oh yeah. Steelrain's was really weak.

Didn't see his, and was speaking to the thread in general. I'd imagine that would be pretty fucking scary.


Apartment fire 5 years ago. It was about 2 AM and I was waking up to the sound of a smoke detector. We were on the 3rd floor while the fire was happening in the basement. The worst memory is waking my roommate up and seeing the scared look on his face. I opened the door to the always lit up hallway and there was nothing but darkness. Just black. I just kept saying "we gotta get out" so we stupidly ran down 3 flights of stairs in the thickest, foul-tasting black smoke that you can imagine. Luckily we both made it out okay, along with all the other tenants. Ended up being an electrical fire. Thank god for smoke detectors.


One of my exes started gaining weight and I found out she had been lying about using birth control.

False alarm though, she just got fat.


Crossing a street in front of a PF Changs from the parking lot, there was a car coming but it was way down and the speed limit was 5 MPH. Realize asshole is speeding up instead of slowing down, and I had to jump out of the way, he clipped my foot and didn't slow down. My dad took off after him and somehow managed to catch up and hit the guys car. The two of them almost got into it, but I leapt to my feet and ran over and had to push my dad back from annihalating the guy. Not sure if the guy was drunk or just stupid or a combo. Can't stand to watch any movie where someone gets hit by a car now, scariest shit ever.

Also got hit in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, I was a kid and I didn't really feel it. I think my sister had it worse when she came out and saw me bent over bleeding and thought I had a bloody nose. When I looked up at her I actually had a hole in my head!
I was kidnapped by a guy I met chatting on a ham radio when I was a kid (like 10 or so). I didn't realize that that's what happened until he wouldn't let me leave his house. Pretty frightening.


So there is this small town in Mexico that I used to visit every year around the holidays. Its where my dad is from, really small, everyone knows everyone and it was around Christmas time. Anyways I am at my aunts house hanging out and this guy in a group near us does a "Mexican Grito" and fires off a hand gun a bunch of times into the air. My friend grabs me and gets me inside their house. Anyways after about 30 seconds I am freaking out and say I am going to run home really quick and that I am sure they are gone by now. After arguing with my friend that I will be fine I open the door and head out. Just as I am about to walk away from the house a cop points his gun at me and tells me to put my hands up. I put my hands up and tell him I don't have anything as he pushes me against the wall and he starts to frisk me while pointing his gun at me the whole time. After he finds nothing on me he tells me to get out of there. I was pretty tipsy and scared shitless.


Being banned from GAF for a month, getting unbanned then getting banned for two months right after. I don't know how I made it through.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Couple of them involving guns being point in my direction, shotgun blast through my front door and someone ready to stab me with a knife.

still here.


1. Paternity scare (9 months of fear and loathing DNA test proved she was full of shit)
2. 6.3 magnitude eathquake up on 6th floor
3. 7.4 magnitude earthquake up on 3rd floor
It was actually yesterday. We were transferring a very obese woman complaining of explosive diarrhea down a flight of stairs to the ambulance. We were using a chair, and I was on the lower end. She was wearing a muumuu, no diaper, no underwear. So I was staring down the barrel of a large vagina and a potential hot diarrhea stream, and knew that if she were to let loose, I was a goner.

Seeing a 3 car crash play out a few hundred feet in front of me on the freeway (with one car doing a 360) and successfully managing to weave my way through wreckage like Lightning McQueen in first race in 'Cars'.

Holy smokes is adrenalin a rush.


Saw a friend shot from about fifteen feet away. Had two different guys pull guns and threaten to shoot me. Was in a car wreck that triple-rolled the car down an embankment, onto the highway below. Nearly drowned while drunk. Fell out of a car while it was moving when I was a kid. Woke up to a burning apartment because some idiot decided to paint his motorcycle indoors and then make tea.


guns pointed at me by 6 police officers in my appartement.

gun pointed at me and shot 10 inches from me by my mother in my kitchen while I was 12, was deaf for 3 hours.


Almost chased by an army trained pit bull :/

The thing was ready to give chase. Brother bolted leaving my cousin and I behind. I jumped back then slowly backed off keeping eye contact while my cousin stood his ground staring it dead in the eyes as it growled, ready to pounce. Both stood their ground and the dog slowly backed off before an army official came and dragged the beast away... that cousin is now in the army!

This was my second day in Lebanon and after that experience I was ready to leave :|


Death Prophet
I don't think I've ever been in anything that was actually terrified. I used to be able to convince myself that there were people in my house, though. It happened all the time and I would just lay in bed, frozen with fear and listen to all the noises in my house. Sometimes I would leave the room and venture downstairs. So fucking scary, even though there was nothing to be scared about. :p I convinced myself I heard someone screaming one night too.

As I was typing this I remember seeing a car crash in front of me on the interstate. That was kind of scary.

EDIT: Holy shit at the kinds of stuff people are posting. I can't even imagine.
EDIT 2: Oh yeah, getting the call that your house is on fire. My stomach turned so terribly.

I was kidnapped by a guy I met chatting on a ham radio when I was a kid (like 10 or so). I didn't realize that that's what happened until he wouldn't let me leave his house. Pretty frightening.
That's fucking horrifying. I can imagine being so naive and innocent and then slowly starting to figure out that something is wrong. Sorry to hear you went through that. :(


Stuck driving in the city at 4am with my ass ready to explode and nothing open. Local 7-11 guy pretending they have no bathroom and forcing me to high-tail it out of the store before I shit all over the floor. Shitting in an ice-cold alley 4ft from a sleeping homeless man who looks at me as if to say 'Damn, that motherfucker has it rough', whilst a few doors over a fish market starts loading their shipment - one of the women walking past me and luckily not noticing me 1ft behind her in a divet in the building with my pants down and two steaming chocolate swirls on the doorstep of the back entrance to some other business. Postit notes with an infinitely stickier and smellier adhesive all over the place when I leave.

i was close to that once too. i pulled over into an alley and was contemplating getting out of my car in between contractions and shitting into a garbage can. i didnt have anything to wipe with though so after 10 minutes i risked it and drove home fast stiff as a board trying to clench my hole. i barely made it and was soaked in sweat.

i've shit into a plastic safeway bag before during an emergency and really dont want to set a new low point for pooping.
i was close to that once too. i pulled over into an alley and was contemplating getting out of my car in between contractions and shitting into a garbage can. i didnt have anything to wipe with though so after 10 minutes i risked it and drove home fast stiff as a board trying to clench my hole. i barely made it and was soaked in sweat.

i've shit into a plastic safeway bag before during an emergency and really dont want to set a new low point for pooping.

I wish that had even been an option. I was watching how I was contorting my body just so it wouldn't slip out at that point. It was coming and nothing was going to stop it.


I nearly choked to death once in the back of a cab. I was eating a kebab and I put a piece of steak in my mouth, my friend made me laugh, and I involuntarily inhaled and sucked in the steak which completely blocked my throat. I don't think the friend who was with me or the taxi driver realised how bad it was as they didn't react at first even though I was clearly panicking. I got to the stage where my eyesight went really weird and I felt like I was just seconds away from blacking out, then my friend twisted me round and whacked me on the back a few times and I coughed the piece of steak out. I laugh about it now and it seems like such a minor thing in comparison to some of the things mentioned in this thread, but at the time I thought I was a goner.

For shock factor, it was a car crash I saw when I was still at high school. We were in the school minibus on a country lane coming up to a junction with a main road that has a 60 MPH speed limit. In front of us was a Mini. The Mini stopped at the junction and we stopped behind it, but then the Mini pulled out right in front of a van. The van hit the Mini, it spun round and the driver flew out through the windscreen, through the air like a rag doll, and landed further off down the road. The van went off the road, through a hedge and into a field. The driver of the Mini couldn't have been wearing his seat belt. An ambulance and the police turned up. The van driver was fine, but shaken up. The Mini driver was taken off to hospital on a stretcher. I thought he was dead. The next day, the teacher said that the driver of the Mini was going to be fine and that his injuries were minor.
getting attacked by an Alsation at 6yrs old.
85 stitches, coma for 3 weeks. Died 2 times and countless pints of blood later . . .

Coming out of hospital and on my first trip out getting run over by a joyrider. . . Still have a huge dent in my hip from it.

I close my eyes and still see the dog gnawing at my face.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Reminds me of a time when I was a teen, and a bunch of us decided to break into an apartment unit in our building that was vacant at the time (this was easily accomplished through an unlocked balcony sliding glass door, no broken windows or picked locks necessary). We did this often during the summers and called it the Sugar Shack. The Sugar Shack was always a great place to kick it and get drunk, smoke weed, and mack to the neighborhood honeys. We were always quiet enough that we never drew attention or got caught.

Well one time we had a Sugar Shack poppin and in this particular apartment we ended up way in the back in the huge walk in closet of the master bedroom (these were 4 bdrm apartments that all had a long main hallway leading to the master). In this closet there were about 7 or 8 guys and we were shooting dice and smoking and drinking and having the time of our lives. I was a hardcore gambler and was there for hours while everyone else kind of rotated in and out.

Out of fucking nowhere as I'm reaching for the dice I look up and see a huge grey pistol being shoved into the closet accompanied by screams of "EVERYONE FREEZE! DON'T FUCKING MOVE!". Everyone backs away from the circle, except for one guy who decides to reach down and take this opportunity to swipe all the cash for some fucking reason. Dude lifts the gun right at his temple and I thought it was going to get messy so I flinched and closed my eyes. Luckily for my buddy the cop had enough restraint to just scream at him instead of paint the wall with his brains. We just got escorted out and chewed out by the managers and that was the end of the Sugar Shack.
Damn, sorry your setup was spoiled like that, glad no one ended up hurt.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
getting attacked by an Alsation at 6yrs old.
85 stitches, coma for 3 weeks. Died 2 times and countless pints of blood later . . .

Coming out of hospital and on my first trip out getting run over by a joyrider. . . Still have a huge dent in my hip from it.

I close my eyes and still see the dog gnawing at my face.



When I was six years old I had a rottweilier attack my left hand. I still have the scars to this very day, and if it weren't for my parents being there shit could've been very bad.

I can't swim so of course I have drowning horror stories. I remember getting lost in the woods while camping with some friends and being pretty scared shitless since I had no idea how to get back.

Edit: Welp, my scar stories are pretty tame. That's a good thing for me I suppose.


Redmond's Baby
Experienced airstrike on airport and antenna tower during 10 day war in 1991

Terrifying stuff


This is long but I hope it's worth reading...

I was on my way from Atlanta to Los Angeles on I-40. The weather ahead was looking very ugly so I decided to pull over for the night. After I exited the interstate I pulled into a parking lot so I could look up hotels on my phone. That's when I heard the sirens. At first I thought it was a fire truck. But after a minute I realized the sirens were coming from a couple of different directions and they weren't changing position. Then I realized that despite the fact that there was a raging thunderstorm just ahead, the air outside was so still and had a very cold edge to it. That's when I finally realized what was happening: those were tornado sirens.

That moment, when the realization sank in, is when I felt that shot of fear and adrenaline. My first thought was to get back on the interstate and drive, but I then I realized I might drive straight into it. Or it might almost be on top of me already. There was no way to know. The best thing to do was to get indoors, so I drove to this cheap motel that was just down the street from where I'd stopped. I walked into the lobby and the lady at the front desk was white as a ghost. She looked genuinely scared and uncomfortable. The TV in the sitting area was lit up with EBS warnings and the local news station had interrupted programming. The weatherman was pointing at the radar showing a very large block of severe weather that had produced several violent tornadoes, including some that were still on the ground. The town I was in was directly in its path and it was already on top of us. Great.

I asked the freaked out front desk lady for a room for the night and she obliged. The building was 2 stories and my room was on the 2nd floor. When I parked my car and got out I looked up at the night sky and saw something I had never before seen in my life: The lightning flashes were happening so quickly that the sky looked like it was being lit up by an endless series of camera flashes. And yet... there was no thunder. Just flash after flash of lightning, one on top of the other. But no wind. No rain. No thunder. I think that is pretty much the moment when I knew for certain in my gut that we really were going to get hit.

On my way upstairs I couldn't decide if it would be better or worse on the second floor. On the one hand the people on the first floor would be more protected but on the other hand if the building collapsed the second floor would crush them. I figured my chances were shit either way when I saw how flimsy looking the rooms were. The place was built on the cheap. Once I sat down in the room I called my parents and told them I was in a potentially bad situation and may about to be hit by a tornado, and that if I didn't call them again by tomorrow morning that I was at such and such hotel in Jackson, TN and to look for me there. They didn't take me too seriously at that moment. After I hung up with them I turned on the TV to watch the weather updates. 30 seconds later the power went out. Not much of a surprise.

My room had two windows, one facing east and the other north. I opened them both so I could listen. I'd heard a tornado once before, they really do sound like trains. So I wanted to listen. Also, it's a good idea to open the windows to prevent a pressure differential from building up and blowing out glass everywhere. I tried to listen but there was a problem - the interstate. The constant "whoosh" noise of passing cars and trucks made it impossible to hear anything else. And there were too many trees and buildings to see. So I sat back in the chair next to the window and... waited. That was it. I wasn't even scared any more. There wasn't anything to do, if it came it came. Once I relaxed a bit it didn't take me long to fall asleep. I woke up maybe an hour later. The power was still out, but it was raining outside. Normal rain. Everything in the air "felt" more normal. I didn't have that feeling of imminent danger. But I did hear a lot of sirens - this time it was emergency vehicles for sure, not tornado sirens. I fell back asleep. I woke up again at about 3AM when the power was restored. The weather was calm. I turned the lights off and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning to find the town I was in on the news. National news. The outbreak had been deadly. 57 people were killed across several southern states.

Then the news showed pictures of the school. Union University, less than a couple of miles from my motel. It was flattened. Demolished. Students were trapped in rubble after the tornado ripped their dorms to shreds. Amazingly, none of them were killed. The tornado had been an EF-4, I believe estimated with 150-200mph winds and something like half a mile wide. It had missed my little motel room by such a narrow margin. Maybe half a mile? Less? And seeing the people who were hit gathered at a local coffe shop the next morning, I didn't even know what to say to them. I was just a passer by that walked into this and was now walking away. It was their lives that were just turned upside down. I almost felt guilty about wanting it to not hit me because instead it hit them, as ridiculous as it sounds. It was just a truly, truly awful experience. On my way west I saw the aftermath of the tornados for miles. Semi trucks thrown off the interstate like toys, lying on their sides. A visible scar in the earth - downed trees and turned soil that marked where a tornado had crossed the interstate. All of the local radio stations in Tennesse and Arkansas were reporting of nothing but the aftermath, of destroyed buildings and people who'd died. It was just one sad story after the next, but I couldn't stop listening because I was so worried that I'd be caught unaware by another storm.

In hindsight, the "scariest" part of all is what would have happened if I hadn't of pulled over. If I had kept driving that night and not decided to turn in early I probably would have driven straight into those tornadoes.

Anyway, here's a picture of the Union University dorms...



Has problems recognising girls
Trying to do a somersault in to shallow water, thinking I would land on my feet. Unfortunately my tailbone had hit the sand and my body went in to shock.

Nothing more terrifying than opening your eyes, knowing that the surface of the water is 30cm above your head and you can't move whatsoever because the shock of the pain through your nervous system is making your body break down. Was incredibly lucky to not suffer from anything serious that day, let alone drown.

Another time I almost drowned as a child in a river. That was a frightening experience until I was saved by my mother. Hard to believe these days since I am such a strong swimmer.
Being stab at on my job at the club, and homeboy pulled a gun out. Luckily, it was jammed. It was when the bloods were a problem in NYC in the late 90's. Ever since that experience, I've been paranoid. But not shaky. Always have my guard up.
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