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What's the most terrifying situation you've ever faced?

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Has problems recognising girls
Been involved in 2 riptides as well. The first one was with an ex-girlfriend, but there were lifesavers around so it was relatively okay and I wasn't breaking too much of a sweat. The second time was with my younger brother on an unmanned beach while I tried to help pull him along. Intense fear knowing that if we got sucked out, we were screwed.

Nature is rough. I can only begin to imagine what it would be like off this planet where the forces are much more harsh.


Trying to do a somersault in to shallow water, thinking I would land on my feet. Unfortunately my tailbone had hit the sand and my body went in to shock.

Nothing more terrifying than opening your eyes, knowing that the surface of the water is 30cm above your head and you can't move whatsoever because the shock of the pain through your nervous system is making your body break down. Was incredibly lucky to not suffer from anything serious that day, let alone drown.

Oh god fuck this, fuck this, that is literally my worst nightmare. Fuck this. In my nightmare though it's because I'm pinned down.


Got stuck in a rip with an ex-gf, I'm a strong swimmer, she wasn't. Took me about 10 minutes to get her out of there and I really didn't have much left in me toward the end. Easily the closest I've ever come.


1. Paternity scare (9 months of fear and loathing DNA test proved she was full of shit)
2. 6.3 magnitude eathquake up on 6th floor
3. 7.4 magnitude earthquake up on 3rd floor
9.0 earthquake on the 7th floor. My baby was taking a nap in my arms, and my wife was in the next room, when suddenly all the windows start rattling loudly, a second or so later the room is shaking and buckling like the mechanical bull in a bar. The building was shaking so much I didn't think there was possibly any way it could stay standing. Words can't describe how terrifying it was.

That said, I was fine in the end, and thousands and thousands of people four miles away died, so I don't want to sound like I complaining.


I was on a subway in NYC in 2005 and thought a terrorist was about to blow up the train @_@ Turns out it was just some random crazy guy, IIRC.
Watched a friend of mine get shot in the ass in the parking lot of my high school. Also lived in the Columbine area but was about a year away from high school at the time of the shooting.

So I guess none really, always terror by proxy.

Dead Man

Fucking officer cadet collapsing my canopy 100 feet above the ground. Thought I was a goner, turns out I bounce okay. Still got fucked up, but healed back to 95%.

Got stuck in a rip with an ex-gf, I'm a strong swimmer, she wasn't. Took me about 10 minutes to get her out of there and I really didn't have much left in me toward the end. Easily the closest I've ever come.

Strong rips are scary shit.


I woke up today with only one nut but then I found it, it had lodged itself somehow so I didn't feel it.

Never been so scared in my life.


Being held in handcuffs in the basement of a bar by two bouncers and threatened, "you will suffer", although I did ignite the situation, literally.
I have 3 terrifying moments...

I was little, and I had fallen asleep on my arm for the first time. I was so scared and panicked, because I thought my mom would have to take me to the doctors to amputate my arm off or something. :O

One time I was getting off work late at night, and I was pretty brain dead and tired. I had to make a left off a busy road to get home... I didn't notice I pulled out a little too far and I was slightly in the oncoming traffic lane. If that SUV didn't notice and swerve around me, I'd probably be dead.

Another late night getting off work, and there were severe storm and tornado warnings going out in the area. That was the most intense, white knuckle drive all the way home. The wind and rain was CRAZY strong... Luckily I had borrowed my parent's heavy Jaguar to drive that day. If I had driven my little sports car, I would of probably been blown off the road or something.


Was held up at gunpoint two years ago.

I was working the night shift at a small hotel. We had these sliding doors that were supposed to lock automatically at night, but they were busted most of the time so people could just walk in when they liked. I was doing some paperwork when I heard the doors slide open. I turned to check in my new customers and was greeted by the barrel of a gun pointing straight at my face instead. I remember feeling pretty calm at first, but then I noticed that the dudes (there were two of them) were nervous and shaky, and that scared me shitless.

I gave them everything they wanted (the safe only held about 1200 euros), they slapped me around a bit and tore up the place (assholes even took some liquor bottles) and were gone within ten minutes. The cops caught them a couple of weeks later, they were part of some gang holding up hotels all through the country. I got away from it relatively unharmed and without any major traumas, but it was still a pretty awful experience.


Falling into a construction site pit full of debris. I get out and notice a big sharp chunk of a broken brick sticking from my side. It punctured part of my kidney. I was 7 years old.


Distinguished Air Superiority
Skipped school to go over this girls house when I was in high school. Took 2 busses and skated the rest of the way. Finally got there and ended up having sex in her upstairs bedroom. Took my virginity that day. We were laying there naked afterwards and all of a sudden we hear the front door open. "It's just my sister coming home from work" she says. Then, I hear 2 hard thuds on her bedroom door and her dad yelling to open the door. I jump the fuck out of bed and put my clothes on the fastest I ever did, but there's nowhere to hide. Her closet didn't have a door, but it was on the same wall as her front door so that was my only place to go. She gets dressed quick and finally opens the door.

"Why aren't you in school?" he says. And she replies with some lie I can't remember. All the while I'm in the closet with my heart in my throat praying he doesn't walk in and see me standing in there. Right then he pushes the door open, walks in, and turns around. He looks right at me and says nothing for a second. Finally he says "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" I'm fucked. All I do is apologize and say we were just hanging out. At this point, he looks down and he picks up my fucking used condom. I forgot to throw it out cause I was scared shitless for the door knocking. He looks at me and says "just hanging out?" while hes dangling the condom at me.

I knew I was dead. At this point i was contemplating jumping out her second story window. It was a just a few feet away. At least I might survive the fall. He did something weird though. He just said "get the fuck out of here, now" but in a calm voice. I don't hesistate. I fucking run out of that house. The whole time I felt like I was gonna get shot at any moment until I turned the corner out of her neighborhood. Walked the whole way home.

I never knew what happened to her, since we went to different schools. Never did get my skateboard back either.
Not to make this thread morbid, but when I received the call saying that my father was killed. The guy on the other end mistook me for my mother. I was 7 so I had a very soft voice, and the lines were terrible because of the war. He just yelled a few times about my father dying and the phone disconnected.

That wasn't the terrifying part at all. This is the most terrifying situation I have ever faced in my life, because as soon as it disconnected my mom came up to me and asked me who it was. Everything collapsed around me. I stood there for a minute, then ran out of the house. I ran out to the street and into the park. I went to a secluded section and stayed there for a few hours. I still remember my heart beating at 10000000bpm.

Damn you life "raises fist"

Goddamn man, I can't even imagine how tough that has to be. Holy shit.

getting attacked by an Alsation at 6yrs old.
85 stitches, coma for 3 weeks. Died 2 times and countless pints of blood later . . .

Coming out of hospital and on my first trip out getting run over by a joyrider. . . Still have a huge dent in my hip from it.

I close my eyes and still see the dog gnawing at my face.



is now taking requests
So i was sitting with about 50 friends at a pub drinking before the derby. It's time to leave and the toilet has a massive queue. I really need to pee so i run ahead to the tubestation at Fridhemsplan and find a public toilet there. I do my business. When i get out i find that the entire station is filled with fans from the firm of the opposing side, there's about 300 of them - who incidentally were there looking for us, and they had already chased away the people i was there with. I was completely surrounded by them.

I got out of there without too many bruises in the end, but shit that could have ended badly. And when you show up for work with a black eye the day after a derby your colleauges know you've been to, you just have to accept that "i walked into a door" wont cut it as an excuse :p

The other terrifying situation was even earlier in my life, my mother could not find her skiing equipment. I guess she had read one too many of those "how do you know if your child is doing drugs" brochures, because suddenly she accused me of stealing her shit and selling them for drugs.

It came completely out of the blue, i was noway near drugs - including alcohol - at that time in my life. I was like 12 or 13. I mean how do you even defend yourself from something like that?


4. I was jumped by some gang members randomly one day in HS. I came home a bloody mess and my dad was FURIOUS. He's usually a very quiet kept man, who keeps to himself. However in his youth he was one fuck of a greaser, with a take no shit attitude. That greaser came out that afternoon and he grabbed my then 24 year old brother and demanded I show them where I was jumped. You see, after getting jumped I saw the house the gang losers went to. My dad wanted revenge and nothing was going to stop him, there was a fire in his eye like I'd never seen. He grabbed a lead pipe and my brother a baseball bat and we headed out. We pulled up to the house and I was scared FUCKING SHITLESS. I thought my dad was going to get killed, I begged for him to not get out but he told me to stay in the car. He got out with my brother and approached 2 gang dudes on the porch. He asked which one of them was the one who jumped his son, and one of them responded that they all did (which they did). My dad called them out, and like 2 or 3 more guys walked out of the house. My dad was just rocking his fists when one guy stepped up to him, well tried to.. he was probably 5'4 140lbs and my dad is 6'5 240 or so.. anyways he tried to mouth off to my dad, but see.. greasers of old don't talk, they fuck people up. My dad didn't let him finish 2 words before socking the dude in the face knocking him to the ground.. what happened next was straight up out of movie. In what seemed like slow motion, the other gang members rushed for my dad but my brother (6'4 220 or so at the time), pulled the baseball bat from behind his leg and beat the living SHIT out of 2 of the guys. Ever hear that aluminum 'ping' sound from college world series games on homeruns? Yea, kinda like that but on dudes skulls. Then when my dad had 3 guys surrounding him, my brother out of know where pulls a pistol and aims it right at one of the dudes. They all backed off, some more words were exchanged and my dad/brother got in the car and we drove off. Craziest fucking shit I'd ever seen, never had I ever experienced a fight, a brawl or anything that was that hair raising. Found out years later the gun was totally a secret my brother kept from my parents, my mom hates guns. My dad never told my mom.

Then a few other minor things like getting hit by cars when I was a kid and other shit.

double u
Easy one for me from years ago. During the summer solstice, loads of hippies would make their way to Stonehenge, and camp at various places along the way. Me and a couple of friends happened to be cruising past one of these camp sites on the way down to the coast, and we came across a petrol station that had been completely gutted by a fire, so we pulled over to check it out. The next thing we know some crazed lunatic runs over to us and shoves a shotgun in my face and is yelling stuff like "Fucking scum, get off my property!", so naturally we're the fuck out of there :lol

There's a pub across the road, so we pop in for a pint and get chatting to the barman, and he tells us that some of the hippies allegedly set fire to the petrol station over an altercation with the owner a few nights previously, and the police are still investigating the whole thing. As far as we were able to work out, the guy who went for us was one of the local landowners who probably didn't want the same thing happening to his property.

So yeah, I got a shotgun in my face and mistaken for a hippie all in the space of a few minutes!
In an effort to annoy my sister by waking her up after coming home from a party, I actually saved her life as she had taken 15 boxes of sleeping pills in an attempted suicide.

My schizophrenic mother tried killing me nearly everyday of my life. She would randomly chuck a knife full force at me, but luckily the handle would always hit me. She thought the devil was inside me, so I couldn't necessarily blame her for her disease.

Smoked up with some friends and their friends in a car, but one chick had her 5 year old daughter in the car and she got so fucked up from the second hand smoke. These were pretty ghetto, tough individuals so I couldn't necessarily say anything.

On halloween, while standing in a parking lot, some guy grabbed me from behind and held a knife to my throat, I somehow managed to fight him off and ran away.
I started to post about a family member's suicide but it became way too personal and I couldn't get through posting all the details. I have been through some pretty tough situations in life but this was probably one of the most terrifying. The image of everything that happened that night and the following weeks, the screaming, the pain and sorrow, everything is burned permanently into my mind. :(


Finding out it was twins: I'm holding our around 15 month old when my wife gets back from her sonogram to confirm her pregnancy. She walks in crying and hands me a sonogram picture with two babies in it. So we are having twins right as our oldest turns two, our families are fairly close but are absolutely zero help, like watch the kids for an hour once a year type help. We are terrified.

Later in the pregnancy we are within minutes of the babies being born very early, like all types of problems early. In total we went in to the hospital three times before the due date and almost had them premature. They turn six in a couple of months, all fine.

Finding out even with the pill/patch, we have a fourth coming...

My wife had been using the pill then patch(fuck the patch and mini-pill by the way), we had sex one day that month(our twins were 9 months old so once a month sex was normal). We had all gotten the flu but hers had lingered on so she went to the doctor. I'll never forget her walking in the door, I'm holding a nine month old twin in each arm. Having gone through hell the past nine months, the kind my coworkers asked if I was getting divorced, my wife just dead pan delivers "Guess who is pregnant again." We were so relieved when it was just one kid and not another set of twins.

It all worked fine in the long run though and all four of them are kicking ass in Kirby together right now as I write this.


Venerable Member
I was driving down the interstate in southern Michigan on a sunny winter day years ago with my whole family in the car, I was going 65 mph or so. Normal traffic, nothing seem unusual, there was a lot of snow on the ground, but not really hardly any snow on the roads. I was behind this one station wagon full of people, not right on their tail but close. We were headed over a regular overpass, one of those things that have the signs "bridge may ice before roadway" or something like that, as the car in front of me went over it, it started to spin, and did a 90 degree turn as it went over the bridge, as it crossed it then was facing directly back at our car, I remember seeing the whites of the eyes of the people who were sitting in the front seat of that car, with a look of shear terror on their faces. As that car hit the dry pavement on the other side of the bridge, it swerved towards the median, and went off the road into a snow bank, we didn't hit it but came fairly close. It all happened so fast I wasn't really scared at the time, but my heart did start beating pretty darn fast.

Thinking back about it, it was scary, we all could have died in an instant there, but at the time it didn't seem like it, it only lasted seconds, but seemed to drag on a long time...


y'all should be ashamed
Skipped school to go over this girls house when I was in high school. Took 2 busses and skated the rest of the way. Finally got there and ended up having sex in her upstairs bedroom. Took my virginity that day. We were laying there naked afterwards and all of a sudden we hear the front door open. "It's just my sister coming home from work" she says. Then, I hear 2 hard thuds on her bedroom door and her dad yelling to open the door. I jump the fuck out of bed and put my clothes on the fastest I ever did, but there's nowhere to hide. Her closet didn't have a door, but it was on the same wall as her front door so that was my only place to go. She gets dressed quick and finally opens the door.

"Why aren't you in school?" he says. And she replies with some lie I can't remember. All the while I'm in the closet with my heart in my throat praying he doesn't walk in and see me standing in there. Right then he pushes the door open, walks in, and turns around. He looks right at me and says nothing for a second. Finally he says "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" I'm fucked. All I do is apologize and say we were just hanging out. At this point, he looks down and he picks up my fucking used condom. I forgot to throw it out cause I was scared shitless for the door knocking. He looks at me and says "just hanging out?" while hes dangling the condom at me.

I knew I was dead. At this point i was contemplating jumping out her second story window. It was a just a few feet away. At least I might survive the fall. He did something weird though. He just said "get the fuck out of here, now" but in a calm voice. I don't hesistate. I fucking run out of that house. The whole time I felt like I was gonna get shot at any moment until I turned the corner out of her neighborhood. Walked the whole way home.

I never knew what happened to her, since we went to different schools. Never did get my skateboard back either.

Oh man. That is both terrifying and hilarious at the same time, bwahaha

This is long but I hope it's worth reading...

I was on my way from Atlanta to Los Angeles on I-40. The weather ahead was looking very ugly so I decided to pull over for the night. After I exited the interstate I pulled into a parking lot so I could look up hotels on my phone. That's when I heard the sirens. At first I thought it was a fire truck. But after a minute I realized the sirens were coming from a couple of different directions and they weren't changing position. Then I realized that despite the fact that there was a raging thunderstorm just ahead, the air outside was so still and had a very cold edge to it. That's when I finally realized what was happening: those were tornado sirens.

That moment, when the realization sank in, is when I felt that shot of fear and adrenaline. My first thought was to get back on the interstate and drive, but I then I realized I might drive straight into it. Or it might almost be on top of me already. There was no way to know. The best thing to do was to get indoors, so I drove to this cheap motel that was just down the street from where I'd stopped. I walked into the lobby and the lady at the front desk was white as a ghost. She looked genuinely scared and uncomfortable. The TV in the sitting area was lit up with EBS warnings and the local news station had interrupted programming. The weatherman was pointing at the radar showing a very large block of severe weather that had produced several violent tornadoes, including some that were still on the ground. The town I was in was directly in its path and it was already on top of us. Great.

I asked the freaked out front desk lady for a room for the night and she obliged. The building was 2 stories and my room was on the 2nd floor. When I parked my car and got out I looked up at the night sky and saw something I had never before seen in my life: The lightning flashes were happening so quickly that the sky looked like it was being lit up by an endless series of camera flashes. And yet... there was no thunder. Just flash after flash of lightning, one on top of the other. But no wind. No rain. No thunder. I think that is pretty much the moment when I knew for certain in my gut that we really were going to get hit.

On my way upstairs I couldn't decide if it would be better or worse on the second floor. On the one hand the people on the first floor would be more protected but on the other hand if the building collapsed the second floor would crush them. I figured my chances were shit either way when I saw how flimsy looking the rooms were. The place was built on the cheap. Once I sat down in the room I called my parents and told them I was in a potentially bad situation and may about to be hit by a tornado, and that if I didn't call them again by tomorrow morning that I was at such and such hotel in Jackson, TN and to look for me there. They didn't take me too seriously at that moment. After I hung up with them I turned on the TV to watch the weather updates. 30 seconds later the power went out. Not much of a surprise.

My room had two windows, one facing east and the other north. I opened them both so I could listen. I'd heard a tornado once before, they really do sound like trains. So I wanted to listen. Also, it's a good idea to open the windows to prevent a pressure differential from building up and blowing out glass everywhere. I tried to listen but there was a problem - the interstate. The constant "whoosh" noise of passing cars and trucks made it impossible to hear anything else. And there were too many trees and buildings to see. So I sat back in the chair next to the window and... waited. That was it. I wasn't even scared any more. There wasn't anything to do, if it came it came. Once I relaxed a bit it didn't take me long to fall asleep. I woke up maybe an hour later. The power was still out, but it was raining outside. Normal rain. Everything in the air "felt" more normal. I didn't have that feeling of imminent danger. But I did hear a lot of sirens - this time it was emergency vehicles for sure, not tornado sirens. I fell back asleep. I woke up again at about 3AM when the power was restored. The weather was calm. I turned the lights off and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning to find the town I was in on the news. National news. The outbreak had been deadly. 57 people were killed across several southern states.

Then the news showed pictures of the school. Union University, less than a couple of miles from my motel. It was flattened. Demolished. Students were trapped in rubble after the tornado ripped their dorms to shreds. Amazingly, none of them were killed. The tornado had been an EF-4, I believe estimated with 150-200mph winds and something like half a mile wide. It had missed my little motel room by such a narrow margin. Maybe half a mile? Less? And seeing the people who were hit gathered at a local coffe shop the next morning, I didn't even know what to say to them. I was just a passer by that walked into this and was now walking away. It was their lives that were just turned upside down. I almost felt guilty about wanting it to not hit me because instead it hit them, as ridiculous as it sounds. It was just a truly, truly awful experience. On my way west I saw the aftermath of the tornados for miles. Semi trucks thrown off the interstate like toys, lying on their sides. A visible scar in the earth - downed trees and turned soil that marked where a tornado had crossed the interstate. All of the local radio stations in Tennesse and Arkansas were reporting of nothing but the aftermath, of destroyed buildings and people who'd died. It was just one sad story after the next, but I couldn't stop listening because I was so worried that I'd be caught unaware by another storm.

In hindsight, the "scariest" part of all is what would have happened if I hadn't of pulled over. If I had kept driving that night and not decided to turn in early I probably would have driven straight into those tornadoes.

Anyway, here's a picture of the Union University dorms...

I'm kinda terrified of ominous bad weather...it scares the crap out of me. Amazing story.


Neo Member
A couple years ago I was walking through downtown Boston on a windy day. Out of nowhere a huge decorative brick fell about 3 feet in front of me and smashed into the sidewalk. This wasn't just a regular brick, but one that weighed about 50 pounds that had just fallen from about 10 stories.

One second you are casually walking down a sidewalk. The next you could be dead. To me that is terrifying.
Fiance shitting out about 2/3 of her blood supply, vomiting, fainting - she had to be rushed to the hospital. Genuinely feared for her life, then. Planned on dying shortly after if she didn't make it. Not a pity post - she's fine now, though the docs still don't know what happened. Couldn't find the source of the bleeding. She got a transfusion and that was it - back to normal. Still a little scared to death it could happen again.


I'd probably have to say it was back when I worked in retail and witnessed the terror of a shooting at the mall. Twice.


A couple years ago I was walking through downtown Boston on a windy day. Out of nowhere a huge decorative brick fell about 3 feet in front of me and smashed into the sidewalk. This wasn't just a regular brick, but one that weighed about 50 pounds that had just fallen from about 10 stories.

One second you are casually walking down a sidewalk. The next you could be dead. To me that is terrifying.

Was just about to post almost the exact same story - landed right in front of me, I just paused for a second then carried on walking. Wasn't till a little while later I properly realised how close a call at was.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
1998 Birmingham, Alabama Tornado

Sitting in a Pitch Black hallway (the Blackest Black I've ever seen, like light never existed), while a mile wide EF-5 tornado misses the house I was in by maybe 1/4 of a mile. The only senses I had, were the loudest train sound I've ever heard and the feel of the carpet I was laying on.

Waiting for the end that I couldn't see coming. Still gives me the willies now.


Driving home from guitar lessons, huge storm going on. I try to take the connecting road to the main highway. Only problem is that there are cars flipped over in front of me. So i take a back road i know thinking i can reconnect onto the smaller ones. Big mistake. As i'm on one of these roads, suddenly a huge blast of water hits my car and spins it around to where the back of the car is resting on a rail. I'm stunned from the impact of the water and i shake my head. As i do, i realize that i'm suddenly in the middle of a fucking river, and there's water surrounding my car moving pretty fast. Can't open the door, water pressure's too heavy. I try to open my windows, but my engine floods before I can finish rolling it down. And then i feel it, my shoes are wet. Oh fuck, water's coming into the car cabin now. I call 911 and tell them to direct me to the fire department. I tell them where I am and what the situation is. I call my mom, do the same, and tell her I love her. I move to the back of the car and realize that my car is pinned up against a grate, the only thing keeping me from a 40 foot drop. I start getting a little scared now. I'm hoping this grate holds or i'm basically fucked. So the water keeps streaming through. and after 20 minutes i'm standing on my car seat. The water is about to reach my neck. I grab my keys and i'm about to punch my way out through the car roof and sit on top of the car. Right as I'm about to i see flashing lights on the distant bank of this new stream surrounding my car for feet and feet. I see a fireman rope himself to a truck and wade in after me. i open the door for him a crack with my foot, we pull it open together, and he drags me out.

Luckily I survived. No hypothermia, no drowning, no 40 foot fall, and luckily i didnt lose consciousness from the impact of the river. Told me a dam broke and burst onto my car mid drive. Crazy.

Thanks for reminding me to buy one of those things that can break car windows.

Seeing a 3 car crash play out a few hundred feet in front of me on the freeway (with one car doing a 360) and successfully managing to weave my way through wreckage like Lightning McQueen in first race in 'Cars'.

Holy smokes is adrenalin a rush.

Is that really the first example that came to mind? :lol


Trying to do a somersault in to shallow water, thinking I would land on my feet. Unfortunately my tailbone had hit the sand and my body went in to shock.

Nothing more terrifying than opening your eyes, knowing that the surface of the water is 30cm above your head and you can't move whatsoever because the shock of the pain through your nervous system is making your body break down. Was incredibly lucky to not suffer from anything serious that day, let alone drown.

Another time I almost drowned as a child in a river. That was a frightening experience until I was saved by my mother. Hard to believe these days since I am such a strong swimmer.
Yeah, the thought of drowning is just impossibly scary. When I was about 6 or 7 my parents and I went to visit a couple who lived down our block who had a huge swimming pool. For whatever reason they only pulled the pool cover back about 2/3 of the way, and told me to stay where it was open and explicitly told me not to go under the pool cover.

So of course, after about 20 minutes I decided to swim underwater, under the pool cover to the far end of the pool, push off and swim back to the uncovered area all in one breath. No problem! I was actually a really good swimmer and pretty fast, but I was too young to realize that my tiny lungs combined with the length of the pool meant that I wasn't going to get close to making it. Got to the far end no problem, pushed off, and about 4 seconds later I needed air. I was about midway between the far end and where the pool cover stopped. Instinctively I went to the surface, but of course the cover is being sucked down and is an immovable wall. My weak arms have no chance of pushing it up high enough to where I can poke my head out and get some air. So I just force my head up into the cover and am able to take one breath through my nose (along with a bunch of water). Panic kicks in but luckily I keep my mouth closed and force myself to swim the rest of the way out. Needless to say, my swimming session was done for the day and I never, ever fucked around with swimming under pool covers after that.


2 things, both while in my first year of college in Hawaii:

1. Bodysurfing at Pounders Beach....couple days where there were what seemed like 15-20 foot waves (and probably were really close to that). Insane shorebreak. We were just noob haoles and didn't know how to bodysurf correctly and so we would just go straight to the top of the wave and not even try to barrel it...terrible idea. Seeing the hard ocean floor coming at you with like 2 inches of water from 15 feet high is terrifying. Then when you hit and have no control over where your body goes because of the wave crashing down upon you like a 50 ton hammer...ugh. But it's also one of the funnest things I've done. However, Would not do it again, mostly cuz I'm not a goddamn idiot anymore.

2. Getting arrested for burglary and going to jail for a couple days. Not knowing what to expect was what was terrifying. I honestly didn't think my parents would bail me out of jail, if they even found out. Eventually the terror subsided into anger and diarrhea lmfao


I was in a car accident early this summer. Car rolled a couple of times and landed upside down. It actually wasn't that bad, just got a few bumps. Wear your seat belts kids.


Where your seat belts kids.

This, so hard. I would have been fucked without mine during my accident, and I know a couple people who've died or been worse off for not wearing theirs. It's easy, it's not uncomfortable, just do it. Every time.


Back when I was a government contractor working in a country I won't name I was on my way back from a local law enforcement agency forward location of that countries drug interdiction office with some other contractors and some military folks. Everyone was in plain clothes and we were headed back on a gravel/dirt road when we came across some backwoods checkpoint with several guys with AK-47s.

As we approached, the guys up front said "no matter what you do - don't get out of the car and slide your belongings under the seat". Needless to say I was unnerved. None of the guys in the car was armed and they were all under cover so chances are they wouldn't have tried to play the government card. As we rolled up the guys began speaking in Spanish and then turned to the rest of us and asked for cash - I gave what I had. The checkpoint guys opened the trunk and went through it. After what seemed like an eternity they took the cash, closed the trunk and waves us off.

I left that project about 2 months later and went to work in the games industry.


This, so hard. I would have been fucked without mine during my accident, and I know a couple people who've died or been worse off for not wearing theirs. It's easy, it's not uncomfortable, just do it. Every time.
Yeah I don't understand people who refuse to wear them. It should just be automatic to put them on. I don't care if I'm just moving my car from one side of the street to the other, the seat belt goes on.
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