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What's the most terrifying situation you've ever faced?

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Driving on 95 from Baltimore to DC (it's a big highway), I was driving next to an 18 wheeler, and when I had about half my car past it, it came into my lane, hitting my car, which spun in front of it, and it hit me on the drivers side and started to push me. I could see the grill right outside of my window. Soon, my car spun off and began to spin out through this 5 lane highway. I can remember bracing for another car to T-bone me, but it didn't happen. I came to rest in the second lane, got out and booked to the shoulder.

Other than some bruises, I was fine. My car, not so much.

Needless to say, I'm pretty jumpy when it comes to driving past trucks now.


Emigrated to Canada a few years back (from the UK) with pretty much nothing but what I could fit in a suitcase. I had my wife-to-be's family help me get on my feet over here there first couple of years but it still blows my mind looking back that I ever had the balls to do it the way I did it in the first place.

Most recently I climbed a ladder to fix my son's bedroom window while the snow was coming down like crazy. But I got laid because the wife thought I was a hero so that one was good.


I remember getting sucked into the ocean as a kid when I came under a pretty huge wave in Bulgaria on a vacation trip. Pretty damn terrifying feeling when you get pulled out like that, and I wasn't that good of a swimmer (luckily my parents were). I think I traveled 20 meters under water.


Yeah I don't understand people who refuse to wear them. It should just be automatic to put them on. I don't care if I'm just moving my car from one side of the street to the other, the seat belt goes on.

I've had people tell me they're uncomfortable and that's why they don't wear them.... Or that it's "only a short drive"... Both of which are pretty nonsensical to me at least. You're driving a 2 ton piece of metal and plastic powered by miniature explosions, it's a deadly weapon and you need to treat it as such.


Another scary moment was when I had just begun practicing driving on some of the more faster roads, and I met this huge caravan with cars on the other driving lane. Everything was going pretty smooth (I was quite scared because driving 90km/h for me was quite an experience the first time), but then suddenly a damn bus breaks out of the caravan because he want's to overtake. But the thing is the bus broke out literally 100 meters in front of me, and I just panicked and steered to the right side, almost out of the road. Luckily my driving inspector found the brakes and steered himself, but he told me afterwards how the bus driver was a fucking idiot and my reaction (even though I just steered away from the road) was good because I reacted fast.


Not to mention someone can easily plow into you at full speed while on your "short drive". Too much shit is out of my control while driving to ignore a harmless measure which might save me from being paralyzed or killed.


Damn, good on some of you for pulling through some of the things ITT. Some of the shit ITT is terrifying to just read, let alone imagine what it would be like to live through.
I'm a bit unnerved right now thinking about the sound of aluminum bat on skull...

I can't say I have ever been through anything terrifying.


Back in April of this year, a tornado hit my house, and I was inside. It is -- by far -- the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. This was the one time in my life that I accepted that I was going to die and prayed to go to the right place. After that, it was actually pretty calming...until reality hit that I lived and most of my house around me was gone.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Yeah, Not sure how people can decide to drive without the seat belt on. I feel naked if I'm in a moving vehicle without it on.
edit: god damn, I really have nothing that compares to the rest of the thread. Uh, I was in Bangkok during the violent protests a couple years back?


For me it was when I was about 14. My family was in Greece at the time, and I was swimming with my brother at a quiet beach. He had an inflatable raft and was maybe 100 feet offshore. It was just me and him, and a handful of other people.

He's the farthest one out in the water.

I notice people rushing onto shore and grabbing beach towels, and looking out to sea. I followed their eyes but at first saw nothing but a small sailboat about 300-400 feet offshore. I kept staring at it, and watching my brother raft farther out, when I realized it wasn't a sailboat but a fin.

No one else was going in the water, and I've always been scared (terrified) of swimming in the open ocean (it is the only thing, throughout my whole life, that has consistently and overwhelmingly terrified me), but I didn't know what was out there, and my brother was oblivious to it, so I dived in and swam out to reach him. I kept my eyes closed nearly the whole time, because I didn't want to see whatever it was. Was too scared. I remember my whole body felt like ice, and I had to force my mind to be blank so I wouldn't freeze in place.

Eventually I got to my brother, pulled myself into the raft, and snapped the paddles away from him to go back to shore. I don't think I've ever again moved that fast in my life.

When we were back on land the thing was gone, and no one seemed to know for sure what it was.
I've been in a lot of fairly scary situations, but the worst involved an ex of mine. He was a strong guy, roughly 6'5" and 280lbs, worked in construction. At the time, I was 5'6", 120lbs. When I broke up with him, he flipped out, attacked me, handcuffed me to a bed for the night and although I wont get into too much detail, he attempted to suffocate me and assaulted me physically, sexually, and mentally until the morning.

It's been 5 years since this happened, at some point he ended up untying me and dumping me outside of friends house, but not before pouring cooking oil all over my clothes, so when he left me outside my friends house, I was just in one of his own shirts, a bra, and shorts. I was completely covered in bruises and cuts.

My biggest regret to this day was not going to the police. At the time I was ashamed in a way. I felt as if I put myself in that situation and I could've stopped it from happening in the first place. Of course, I don't feel that way anymore. I was only 20 at the time. Since then, I've grown a lot and still regret not going to the police.


best junior ever
Got pulled over driving back from clubbing at 3am. I had only had a shandy that night so i wasn't worried about that but i was very worried about the 3 grams of coke i had in my glove box. Guy pulls me out of the car and being a big fella who was dressed like a drug baron from the mid 90's he calls for backup to come search my car and my friends.

He takes me to his car and gives me the Breathalyzer, i blow a 0.00. Heart going a mile a minute talking to this guy knowing that i'm fucked and he suddenly calls in and says to cancel the backup and sends me on my way.

Never bricked it so hard in my life.
My roommate was on coke and threw my kitchen knife at me, which stuck in the wall next to my head. Then he forced me to go with him to buy mushrooms holding his switchblade, but instead he went and shot his ex girlfriend for cheating on him with me. He passed out and I called the cops. Nobody came to my apartment after that.
Watching the ex-wife pack and leave. Easily the most horrifying moment of my life. I stood in a corner, hands in pockets, and couldn't think to breathe.
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