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What's the worst sitcom IYO?

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Oh noooooo I did-INT

big ander

Manmademan, you're single handedly making the topic awesome.

I'm feeling bad for saying 2.5 Men now. It's pretty goddamn awful, but it's not worst ever.


Manmademan said:
true, but there is something fun about the TRULY unwatchable trainwrecks, no?
Only if you're watching it with someone who shares your sense of humor, then you can rip on its terribleness the whole time. The one time I watched House of Payne by myself, I just got angry.


You're obviously all forgetting shit like My Boys or Running Wilde, if we're staying fairly recent. This isn't a "find the worst sitcom" thread, it's a "let's get together and jack ourselves off while we see which popular show we can spit the most bullshit venom at and sniff our own farts" thread. Granted I am not the biggest fan of Big Bang Theory or Two and a Half Men but fucking hell there are shows that are leagues worse than those floating around out there. House of Payne is a legitimate candidate though. Good lord.

Mikey Jr.

I tried to like Big Bang. I really did.

But that cock sucker Sheldon fucked it up for me. My God I hate that character so fucking much.

As for worst, Meet The Paynes for sure. I saw one episode, where a pedophile entered the house then chased the kid around, trying to have sex with him.
Calcaneus said:
Only if you're watching it with someone who shares your sense of humor, then you can rip on its terribleness the whole time. The one time I watched House of Payne by myself, I just got angry.

yeah, my GF is great for that. She puts up with an astounding amount of really horrible movies and TV to please me. Of course, I have to sit through all those penn state football games so we're even. :lol

big ander said:
Manmademan, you're single handedly making the topic awesome.

I'm feeling bad for saying 2.5 Men now. It's pretty goddamn awful, but it's not worst ever.

hey, thanks! :D


Rules of Engagement is pretty horrible. Every joke is a tired take on "married people hate each other but unite to hate everybody else". My girlfriend refers to it as "the show where everybody hates each other".
Manmademan said:
Really? The nanny was on for 6 seasons straight. I'm sure It's still on somewhere in syndication.

Small wonder had nearly 100 episodes, harry and the hendersons about 75. Somebody was watching these.

But the point is that this thread is about the worst sitcoms ever made. The true bottom of the barrel tended not to last very long. Stuff like Two and a half men and big bang theory aren't bad- just derivative and uninspired. they cater to the kind of people who enjoy traditional sitcom plots and things with laugh tracks. Not my thing, but definitely not "bad" in the sense that these shows were bad.

I forgot about The Nanny, but someone could probably make a good case for The Nanny being better than Community. The only thing Community has going for it is Alison Brie.

big ander

Trent Strong said:
I forgot about The Nanny, but someone could probably make a good case for The Nanny being better than Community. The only thing Community has going for it is Alison Brie.
And Donald Glover, one of the funniest people alive. Oh, and Chevy Chase, the almighty god and master of physical comedy. Oh, they've got the clever Joel McHale too. And Dan Harmon and the Russo Brothers have had contributions to several dozens of popular television pieces.

But yeah, beyond that, it's the worst show.
big ander said:
And Donald Glover, one of the funniest people alive. Oh, and Chevy Chase, the almighty god and master of physical comedy. Oh, they've got the clever Joel McHale too. And Dan Harmon and the Russo Brothers have had contributions to several dozens of popular television pieces.

But yeah, beyond that, it's the worst show.

:lol OK, but Chevy Chase? Come on. He hasn't been funny for decades. Probably right about the time he stopped taking drugs.

big ander

Trent Strong said:
:lol OK, but Chevy Chase? Come on. He hasn't been funny for decades. Probably right about the time he stopped taking drugs.
Go find the most recent episode of Community and watch Chevy try to eat cake. Or go to season 1 and watch him fall over a drumset. If you don't at least inwardly laugh, there's something wrong with you.


What about "Whoops!"

The series centered around the six survivors of a world nuclear holocaust. The six of them live together in an abandoned farm house while trying to survive and re-establish civilization. Thirteen episodes were made, but only ten were aired before Fox canceled the series


friskykillface said:
:lol reading that summary, i'm curious to see it, i'm assuming nuclear jokes were the main focus or is it not a comedy

I've looked for a while when I was doing a project on the atomic bomb and television. I literally don't think there is a video of it on the internet.
Manmademan said:
All american girl. I've never seen it, but one of her stand up routines incorporated a bit about how terribly run and ill-conceived it was.

edit: some gems per wiki:

Hey thanks for info. Sad story actually.

TestMonkey said:

Margaret Cho brought great shame to Asian-Americans. Great shame.

Hey, I remember seeing that old Korean lady on Seinfeld. She was like the girl that Frank Costanza tried to "stop short" on :lol
Trent Strong said:
I forgot about The Nanny, but someone could probably make a good case for The Nanny being better than Community. The only thing Community has going for it is Alison Brie.

WOW. no. have you ever sat through an episode of the nanny? Fran Drescher is physically painful to listen to.

here's some more gems- text shamelessly stolen from around the web:

true colors


disclaimer: I remember the show being kind of lame, but the text here made me laugh-
"True Colors" was like (and probably pitched as) an interracial "Brady Bunch". I'd completely forgotten about it until I started working on this list, but I have a VIVID memory of one of the promos. A little white girl meets her new black siblings and, with her sass turned up to 11, says, "I always wanted a brother, I didn't realize he'd be a BROTHA!"

Fun fact: the male lead was replaced in the second season by Cleavon Little of Blazing Saddles and Once Bitten.

Woops! edit: I was beaten above to "woops" but I'm leaving it in anyway..text is hilarious


Back when the Fox network was first starting out they had a problem coming up with shows that weren’t awful, and this 1992 sitcom about six survivors of an accidental nuclear Armageddon is one of many that filled the void before they figured out what the hell they were doing. Only ten episodes aired, including such sitcom staples as “the characters have to fight off a giant mutant spider” and “Santa Claus visits the gang but he’s depressed because his wife and elves died because they couldn’t make it to the North Pole’s fallout shelter.” Comedy gold!

The Pauly Shore Show

you heard me- PAULY. SHORE. SITCOM. This one is so obscure I'm having a hard time finding any kind of promotional material. Canceled almost immediately in the late 90s after five episodes, but I did find a youtube of the show's opening. for something made in 97, this is very, very 80s. Amy Hill (the grandmother from All American Girl) appears to be in this.



layzie1989 said:

The Big Bang Theory is a huge guilty pleasure. Plus, they actually do use a consultant for all the scientific jokes.

Though, to be honest, I'm really trying to figure out what the hell is going on in that picture. Weird glances aside, Sheldon would never let someone touch him so nonchalantly like that!


I'm going with Kath and Kim. I absolutely hated the Australian version - every person in Australia quoted its unfunny shit (hur hur look at moiiii), and not one bit of it was good. Oh, Kim or Kath or whatever the daughter's name is are wearing clothes for hot people when she's really fat. HA. HA. Comedy gold.

But since people are bitching that the worst sitcoms ever have to be things that ran for like 2 episodes and were universally hated, I guess I have to lock in Kath and Kim the US version, which took all the worst bits of Kath and Kim, placed it in a setting that makes no sense (its all about Australiana and Australian bogans, how can you make that American?) and just generally made it worse. How many episodes did it end up having? Have to be less than a dozen, surely.

Also whoops! sounds interesting, in a trainwreck sort of way if nothing else. Santa plot sounds inspired.

big ander

fisheyes said:
I'm going with Kath and Kim. I absolutely hated the Australian version - every person in Australia quoted its unfunny shit (hur hur look at moiiii), and not one bit of it was good. Oh, Kim or Kath or whatever the daughter's name is are wearing clothes for hot people when she's really fat. HA. HA. Comedy gold.

But since people are bitching that the worst sitcoms ever have to be things that ran for like 2 episodes and were universally hated, I guess I have to lock in Kath and Kim the US version, which took all the worst bits of Kath and Kim, placed it in a setting that makes no sense (its all about Australiana and Australian bogans, how can you make that American?) and just generally made it worse. How many episodes did it end up having? Have to be less than a dozen, surely.

Also whoops! sounds interesting, in a trainwreck sort of way if nothing else. Santa plot sounds inspired.
The US version managed to get 17 episodes somehow, but it really was TERRIBLE.


iamaustrian said:
yeah because emy winners make a sitcom automaticly good

The point is that noone is naming the actual WORST sitcoms, but rather finding the most popular sitcom they dont LIKE and posting it instead. Its fucking stupid and kinda makes the thread pointless.

My vote goes to Method and Red. A sitcom with method and redman that was quickly canceled. I fucking dare anyone in this thread to say this show was better than 90% of the stuff listed here lol.
big ander said:
The US version managed to get 17 episodes somehow, but it really was TERRIBLE.

I forgot about this one. caught it once and was banned from watching it since Molly Shannon (as Cath) was a dead ringer for my girlfriend's mother. mannerisms and everything. :lol

Also whoops! sounds interesting, in a trainwreck sort of way if nothing else. Santa plot sounds inspired.

"woops" sounds like the kind of show that might have had potential as a sci-fi thriller, then was morphed into a sitcom by an idiot studio executive somewhere. why make that a comedy? As the text notes though, that was the era when fox was in it's infancy, desperate for content and would air ANYTHING. literally ANYTHING.

remember "Herman's Head?"

Research assistant Herman Brooks works in the fact-checking department of a major magazine publisher. In his personal life and interactions with his boss Paul Bracken and co-workers Louise, Heddy and Jay, his decisions and actions are dramatized with a "Greek chorus" style dramatization of his thought processes.

Herman's multiple psyche (Left to right: Genius, Angel, Animal, and Wimp)

The four characters acting out Herman's emotions each represented a different aspect of his personality, or psyche. As they were intended to be one-dimensional, they often were lacking in other areas of their character, which led to frequent squabbles. The characters would act in unison when Herman's body is affected, such as having to sneeze, or crying out in pain after being punched in the stomach. They might also team up and form factions. The concept of inner conflict within a person is a common psychological concept; it is explored in Sigmund Freud's concepts of Ego, Superego and Id, and Eric Berne's transactional analysis.

This one wasn't a "bad" show, but the concept was pretty out there

big ander

Manmademan said:
I forgot about this one. caught it once and was banned from watching it since Molly Shannon (as Cath) was a dead ringer for my girlfriend's mother. mannerisms and everything. :lol
You're lucky you were banned from watching. I was compelled to watch maybe 3 episodes just because it was in the Thursday night block. So so so bad.

T.M. MacReady

ITT: Butthurt Community fans.

On topic: Remember Michael Strahan's Fox sitcom "Brothers" from a few years back? :::shudder:::
Lionel Mandrake said:
I change my answer. Pick anything from this list:

List of programs broadcast by UPN

I'd already grabbed "homeboys in outer space" and "Secret diary of desmond pfeiffer" but man how did I miss

the mullets

The Mullets are blue-collar, wrestling-loving, light-hearted, optimistic brothers who don the hairstyle that bears their surname ("business in the front, party in the back"). The brothers, who sport identical mullet haircuts, have different personalities; Dwayne Mullet (Michael Weaver) has a loud, in-your-face demeanor, while Denny Mullet (David Hornsby) is a quieter, more thoughtful, easygoing guy. The brothers live life to the fullest while dreaming of bigger and better futures, though their fantasies are out of step with their reality.


shasta mcnasty

Shasta McNasty featured three men — Scott, Dennis and Randy — in a rap/rock band. They spent their time creating mischief and checking out attractive women on Venice Beach — anything but writing their song lyrics. They hated their landlord and always avoided paying rent on their Venice Beach loft apartment.

:lol :lol


siddx said:
If we are talking about the big well known and successful ones.
Seinfeld. Just a completely below average show in every way. Except for one. The characters, who hold the distinction of being the 2nd most unpleasant TV characters ever created. The first? The cast of Curb. The third are the cast of Friends. I might have enjoyed Seinfeld if I wasn't constantly feeling the desire to drown them all in a bathtub and set the apartment in fire.
But if we start talking about the less known sitcoms or the sitcoms that people barely remember, there is an endless list of far worse sitcoms than Seinfeld.

Fuck you.


Manmademan said:
I forgot about this one. caught it once and was banned from watching it since Molly Shannon (as Cath) was a dead ringer for my girlfriend's mother. mannerisms and everything. :lol

"woops" sounds like the kind of show that might have had potential as a sci-fi thriller, then was morphed into a sitcom by an idiot studio executive somewhere. why make that a comedy? As the text notes though, that was the era when fox was in it's infancy, desperate for content and would air ANYTHING. literally ANYTHING.

remember "Herman's Head?"

This one wasn't a "bad" show, but the concept was pretty out there

The opening for Herman's Head is so... :lol


Not as LOLworthy as the UPN list, but there are some...questionable premises in there.

Kelly Kelly

Kelly Novak is an Ivy League English literature professor who meets widowed fire chief Doug Kelly. The two get married and she becomes Kelly Kelly

really? REALLY? that has to be the flimsiest excuse for a show, ever.



Cleghorne! is an American sitcom starring comedienne Ellen Cleghorne

was anyone really demanding this? anyone? :lol :lol

RobotNinjaHornets said:
...is that Burrell on the right (left photo)/middle (right photo)?!

Good call. it definitely is.
Full House

I imagine hell is just being forced to watch Full House 24/7. I'd gladly watch every episode of Wings before watching a single episode of Full House.
iamaustrian said:
IMO: Rules of Engagment

[B][I]How I met your mother[/I] is almost as bad[/B] but this stinker really takes the cake.
David Spade may be funny(or not) as comedian but his acting is terrible. Even my highly appreciated Patrick Warburton sucks. It's like they don't even try to act good. To my surprise Kate Hudsons brother Oliver Hudson is by far the best of the bunch.
[spoiler]oh, and Bianca Kajlich is ridiculously hot[/spoiler]

There is something so ignorant and "I'm so full of it" about New York sitcoms lately, it makes me sick sometimes. It's like New Yorkers are some kind of american superrace and the rest are either rednecks and hillbillies or pensioners living in Florida.[/QUOTE]

First the batman thread now this. Could you be any worse of a person?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
diunxx said:
Fuck you.

:lol Favorite thing about Seinfeld stans are how personally they take it when someone doesn't bow down and worship their over rated piece of shit show.
Judging by your reaction, you'd think I slapped your mom with the underside of my penis.


Nert said:
The A.V Club did do a story on the bizarre death of 'Til Death that made the whole thing sound kind of fascinating. Apparently, one of the main characters became self-aware of his being in a sitcom, and started to lose his mind. I highly recommend checking out the article and watching some of the clips that they included.

I was going to mention this but you did, and seeing as some others were wondering. I watched this. FOX had stuck it early on their Sundays, and I had just been leaving it on in the background. Then it started to get weird if I paid any attention. First some of the main characters would randomly disappear to be replaced by the actor who plays Leon from Curb. Then he disappeared and the main characters would come back. At first I was like, they must be airing out of order or something as this kept happening.

Then it got weirder. There was a pregnant daughter and some guy you never really saw before. Then there were new characters like Martin Mull and an insane principal who had a weird relationship based entirely around strange fetishes. Then the one guy learned he was in a sitcom. And the plots for all characters became increasingly unhinged.

Oh and the daughter was played by four different people, including changing randomly in the middle of an episode.

The AV Club account is pretty good, it's not...well, good...but it's certainly something. It would show outtakes during the credits on FOX and it was clear they didn't give a shit.
RobotNinjaHornets said:
...is that Burrell on the right (left photo)/middle (right photo)?!


siddx said:
:lol Favorite thing about Seinfeld stans are how personally they take it when someone doesn't bow down and worship their over rated piece of shit show.
Judging by your reaction, you'd think I slapped your mom with the underside of my penis.
You can say that it's bad. You can say that it's terrible. You cannot say that it is the WORST sitcom ever aired on television. It's just impossible to say that.
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