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What's the worst sitcom IYO?

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Gonna have to put in my vote for Two and a Half Men. It doesn't help that I think Charlie Sheen is a disgusting human being.


I've had a laugh with most of the sitcoms posted here. THIS however, is the most unfunny POS I've had the displeasure of watching:



NeoUltima said:
I think the Big Bang Theory is pretty damn horrible. I don't see how people can laugh at that. It must be the laugh tracks. Laughter is supposedly contagious, apparently laugh tracks can cause the same effect in some people.

I just knew people would post How I Met Your Mother. -_- Sure, if you tear it apart it isn't that great, but I still think its pretty enjoyable.


Junior Member
I dont know the name of this sitcom, but its with peggy from married with children and penny (from big bang theory) plays her daughter. David spade is also in this show. I dont like that sitcom, dunno if its considered bad by GAF.

T.M. MacReady

Emonga said:
The funniest current-era sitcoms to me are probably Cougar Town, Breaking Bad, and Parks & Recreation. .


In what universe is Breaking Bad classified as a "sitcom" or referred to as one of the "funniest shows on television"?
Stridone said:
The fuck is up with the Two and a Half Men hate? Especially with shit like King of Queens...

King of Queens just seems like rehash. Two and a Half Men is it's own kind of special awful shit.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Stridone said:
The fuck is up with the Two and a Half Men hate? Especially with shit like King of Queens...

Its horribly written and the cast has absolutely no charm or charisma?

I'm not huge King of Queens fan but the writing on that show was still miles ahead of anything Two and Half Men has ever done.

Adam J.

I always heard that the very short-lived Emeril sitcom was the worst one every made.

I've looked for clips online but can never find any.


I would say any sitcom on Fox:
American Dad
Cleveland show
War at Home
that one with Pam Anderson (out lasted Arrested Development!)
big ander said:
But Lizzy Caplan!
yeah it looks awful

I sat through the first episode of this, and some of the second. It is amazingly terrible. It seems like a parody of a sitcom, which I guess it was kind of supposed to be, but it just feels like it could have been a joke on The Simpsons, mocking Fox's programming.

It's also managed to completely ruin Dylan Baker for me. I can't not see him as "the dad from the Pitts."


The only sitcom that I "hate" is Two and a Half Men, because FX seems to play a lot of reruns of that right before new episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I agree that there are probably many more obscure/quickly cancelled sitcoms that are much worse, but... I haven't seen them, thankfully.

The A.V Club did do a story on the bizarre death of 'Til Death that made the whole thing sound kind of fascinating. Apparently, one of the main characters became self-aware of his being in a sitcom, and started to lose his mind. I highly recommend checking out the article and watching some of the clips that they included.



All this jibber jabber and no talk of 'Til Death? A show they had to give away to the network for them to air it?

big ander

Nert said:
The only sitcom that I "hate" is Two and a Half Men, because FX seems to play a lot of reruns of that right before new episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I agree that there are probably many more obscure/quickly cancelled sitcoms that are much worse, but... I haven't seen them, thankfully.

The A.V Club did do a story on the bizarre death of 'Til Death that made the whole thing sound kind of fascinating. Apparently, one of the main characters became self-aware of his being in a sitcom, and started to lose his mind. I highly recommend checking out the article and watching some of the clips that they included.

Whoa. I want to see this fourth season now.


ericexpo said:
I would say any sitcom on Fox:
American Dad
Cleveland show
War at Home
that one with Pam Anderson (out lasted Arrested Development!)

Stacked was really funny. It's from the same guys that created Modern Family, actually.

big ander said:
Whoa. I want to see this fourth season now.

I was thinking the same thing :lol :lol


Brian Fellows said:
I love how these threads always devolve into people posting the most popular show they don't like instead of posting shows that are actually horrible.

Thread should be renamed to:

"Shows I've never watched and I hate because I think I know what they're about, although I know jack shit."

I don't get the hate for HIMYM, sure it's a kind of Friends clone, but I've yet to see a boring/non creative episode.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
HIMYM is a decent yet highly derivative laughtrack sitcom that was propelled above mediocrity by NPH and Barney. The first few seasons were pretty good, but by the forth or fifth season (I can't remember which) it got pretty bad, and watchable only because of your attachment to the characters from the previous seasons.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Stridone said:
The fuck is up with the Two and a Half Men hate? Especially with shit like King of Queens...

At least King of Queens is mildly amusing. Two and a half Men is just infuriating. But there's one show that's actually worse than both 2.5 men and According to Jim; Yes, Dear. Jesus, that shit was rancid. Fucking awful.


RoboPlato said:
My mom forced me to watch a couple episodes of Shit My Dad says and it's the only time watching a sitcom that I didn't even chuckle once. I'm not exaggerating either.

Thank god someone mentioned this. I haven't actually watched an entire episode of this, but my roommate was watching this two days ago while I was making dinner. I heard a good ten minutes of the episode and it was the most contrived, forced comedy that I've ever heard. I'd rather watch Two and a Half Men than that crap, and that's saying alot.
I don't really watch tv, but I've seen a few minutes of Big Bang Theory. Jesus Christ. This is what passes for sitcoms these days?

haters gonna hate, i love that show, also don't get the hate for the big bang theory when garbage like rules of engagement, mike and molly, shit my dad says are on.

though its been overhyped a lot, community is still good :D senior chang > Jeff
RoboPlato said:
My mom forced me to watch a couple episodes of Shit My Dad says and it's the only time watching a sitcom that I didn't even chuckle once. I'm not exaggerating either.

It took this long for someone to mention Shit My Dad Says? GAF is seriously slacking.

Also, Outsourced.

big ander

butter_stick said:
Two and the Half Men is better than Community because nobody tries to get me to watch it.
I'll get you to watch it pretentious jackass.

Also, a reiterated "what the fuck" at Breaking Bad being a sitcom
DMeisterJ said:
D is for Dumbass, M is for Makes terrible posts, J is for JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY


Feel free to hate on everything, BUT!!!

I am really glad 30 Rock was never mentioned here. It either is off from people's radar or simply it cannot be hated :p


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Chao said:
I don't get the hate for HIMYM,

I got tired of it and stopped watching after last season but even at it worst its a million times better than the shows that deserve to be in this thread. For a standard laugh track sitcom the writing was pretty creative especially in the first 3 seasons.

big ander

V_Arnold said:
Feel free to hate on everything, BUT!!!

I am really glad 30 Rock was never mentioned here. It either is off from people's radar or simply it cannot be hated :p

Unfortunately it was. Who the hell knows why.

And yeah Brian, HIMYM is pretty clever at times.

Post above me, fuck you :lol
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