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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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Cloudy said:
They are only responding to Fox News leading an overt campaign to discredit the current government...
Rather than just trumpeting their policies? Where is the line here? I'm no Fox News sycophant but the WH shouldn't be meddling with the press because they don't like what they are saying.


I think the main issue these days with news in general is that the line between news and opinion is incredibly blurred. Which anchors and shows are we supposed to consider news? I blame the 24-hour newscycle and the search for ratings over substance.


The White House is sick of all the dumb shit Fox has been doing lately. Teabaggers, healthcare townhall yellers, 9/12 protests (did that go anywhere?), etc. They've all been started and pushed by Fox. And then other networks feel obliged to climb aboard and follow the story.

On the other hand, they're still a news channel. Sure, they do a bunch of dumb shit, but this reaction just doesn't feel right.


Tamanon said:
Yeah, it's pretty close. Bush was pointing a bit more to a specific case which makes it somewhat less egregious but bullshit all the same.

I suppose it's somewhat refreshing that this White House is open in it's attempts to control the public discourse instead of working in the shadows. These comments make it pretty tough to maintain a "the Government isn't trying to steer information dissemination" defense.

I always prefer open sleaziness.
The guy who came up with


is an healthcare expert for them.

So yea, Fox News isn't a news organization.

I don't care what way you lean, the government leading an overt campaign to discredit a news outlet is fucked up.

It's so tired and cliched, but if President Bush led an aggressive public charge to discredit MSNBC or CNN many of the same cheerleaders here would be raging about misuse of power.

Some things should transcend party affiliation.

When Fox News Lie about WH Proposals, what Obama is doing, about his plans, WH has to respond. And saying that Fox News is just opinion news and not real news is a legitimate response if you look at the lies they spread 24/7 on that channel.

The worst part about Fox News though is that other "real journalists" give them credibility by appearing on their shows.


Cyan said:
The White House is sick of all the dumb shit Fox has been doing lately. Teabaggers, healthcare townhall yellers, 9/12 protests (did that go anywhere?), etc. They've all been started and pushed by Fox. And then other networks feel obliged to climb aboard and follow the story.

On the other hand, they're still a news channel. Sure, they do a bunch of dumb shit, but this reaction just doesn't feel right.

That was CNBC.
Most of you are missing the point. It's not what the White House is saying that is important; it's that they're saying it at all.


G***n S**n*bi
Anyone with half a mind knows foxnews is a bullshit organization. I'm glad the White House isn't going to sit on it's ass and let Fox get away with their bullshit hate mongering and propaganda, all the while pawning it off as "news" and "journalism".

As for the people claiming that this will only anger the right even more, so what? Those people were never going to be reasoned with anyway. No matter WHAT he did. So fuck 'em.


Still Alive
Isn't this pretty old news? Anyway, best move on the part of the white house all year. :lol

The funniest part of it all is now Fox is putting on their innocent face and wondering why in the world they were called out... as if they didn't provoke such a thing.


eznark said:
I don't care what way you lean, the government leading an overt campaign to discredit a news outlet is fucked up.

It's so tired and cliched, but if President Bush led an aggressive public charge to discredit MSNBC or CNN many of the same cheerleaders here would be raging about misuse of power.

Some things should transcend party affiliation.
I'm sorry, when you start organizing and promoting partisan rallies you stop being a news outlet.
And please, it's hardly an overt campaign to discredit anyone.

Also, Fox News is a politically motivated organization, it has always been one and it's directed to be such from the very top.

It's no more news org than Air America and it should be treated as such.
cartoon_soldier said:
The guy who came up with


is an healthcare expert for them.

So yea, Fox News isn't a news organization.
Holy... wow.

Also, Dan Carlin is going to have a field day with this one. :lol
Forceatowulf said:
As for the people claiming that this will only anger the right even more, so what? Those people were never going to be reasoned with anyway. No matter WHAT he did. So fuck 'em.

Wasn't this Bush's motivation for the IRAQ war? o_O


Chichikov said:
And please, it's hardly an overt campaign to discredit anyone.

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."

What?? An overt attempt at discrediting Fox is exactly what it is.
The WH tried to cooperate with them, but it was like talking to a brick wall. CNN, MSNBC, etc. have gotten equally fed up with Fox's dumb antics (remember that CNN guy fucking ragging on Fox for calling out CNN for "not covering the tea parties" when they very much DID cover them, jsut didn't PROMOTE them?). I say fuck them, and I'm alright with this stance.
eznark said:
I don't care what way you lean, the government leading an overt campaign to discredit a news outlet is fucked up.

It's so tired and cliched, but if President Bush led an aggressive public charge to discredit MSNBC or CNN many of the same cheerleaders here would be raging about misuse of power.

Some things should transcend party affiliation.
Are your First Amendment privileges revoked when you go the whitehouse?

Bush going after MSNBC would have been just fine . . . except that he would have a much harder time finding pure bullshit in the volumes that Fox produces.

Just look at this shit . . . Fox blasted Obama in March because the Dow & Nasdaq were down . . . they called it the Obama depression. And now that the stock indexes are at year highs . . . well . .


The place is a total propaganda factory.


deadbeef said:
Rather than just trumpeting their policies? Where is the line here? I'm no Fox News sycophant but the WH shouldn't be meddling with the press because they don't like what they are saying.
They're not really meddling since they're not actually doing anything other than talking...


Why can't they just start a White House News Network. (WHNN) so that we can get the TRUTH without any meddling from these partisians.


deadbeef said:
Why can't they just start a White House News Network. (WHNN) so that we can get the TRUTH without any meddling from these partisians.
I doubt us taxpayers can afford Keith Olbermans salary.


I don't agree with this and I don't like that the White House is saying this. Fox News is a joke organization yes... But I still don't like the White House saying this so blatantly. Anyone with common sense knows it already. This will just cause even more conspiracy theories that Obama is establishing some kind of totalitarian government where anyone who speaks against him will be silenced.


Water is not wet!
deadbeef said:
Why can't they just start a White House News Network. (WHNN) so that we can get the TRUTH without any meddling from these partisians.
This is a good idea. Get things straight from the horses mouth so to speak.


eznark said:
I don't care what way you lean, the government leading an overt campaign to discredit a news outlet is fucked up.

It's so tired and cliched, but if President Bush led an aggressive public charge to discredit MSNBC or CNN many of the same cheerleaders here would be raging about misuse of power.

Some things should transcend party affiliation.
People should oppose this out of precedent. Yes it's nice that Obama is riling up his fanbase, but what stops future administrations from doing this.

However as long as people enter this issue with their usual "Obama is always right" mindset instead of as an issue of future journalistic integrity then what can you do.


eznark said:
A dude on CNBC started the tea party idea. Not Fox.
To be fair Fox provided the full on coverage.

I wish the White House would go full monty and just declare CNN(to some extent), MSNBC, and Fox aren't news. Haven't been for a long long time.


Junior Member
blame space said:
Yeah this won't help anything. Way to make the viewers even more ignorantly angry at your administration.

Yeah this makes absolutely no sense at all. This will make more enemies to the administration than they had before.
eznark said:
A dude on CNBC started the tea party idea. Not Fox.
The dude just suggested the idea of a tea party as an idea. They're the ones that organized and televised the "Revolution" with free concerts and shit (Hannity had some country stars I remember.).

How could you deny they were behind it? Shit, they branded the fucking thing.


PSGames said:
Yeah this makes absolutely no sense at all. This will make more enemies to the administration than they had before.
Not really. Too many Democrats fall victim to the idea they can pull aside the Fox News crowd and get their audience to listen to them, it doesn't work and it's not worth it. Legitimizing the network simply infects the other networks, nothing more.


avatar299 said:
People should oppose this out of precedent. Yes it's nice that Obama is riling up his fanbase, but what stops future administrations from doing this.

However as long as people enter this issue with their usual "Obama is always right" mindset instead of as an issue of future journalistic integrity then what can you do.
Out of precedent for what? Future administrations calling some journalists liars?

And that is wrong because...?


None of the Cable Networks are news organizations. They are all pandering to special interests and different groups. The news is just the facts not opinion shows etc


eznark said:
Obama senior adviser David Axelrod went further by calling on media outlets to join the administration in declaring that Fox is "not a news organization."

What?? An overt attempt at discrediting Fox is exactly what it is.
1st of all, awesome you picked on the most minor point in my post and ignored everything else.
But to your point, look at the video in context -

Does that look like a an effort to discredit anything?
Had the White House wanted to do that it could've run a fact checking campaign, boycott Fox or prevent access to them GWB style.


Raxus said:
To be fair Fox provided the full on coverage.

I wish the White House would go full monty and just declare CNN(to some extent), MSNBC, and Fox aren't news. Haven't been for a long long time.
Singling out one organization is one thing, calling for the press as a whole to rise up and declare the same to all of it's readers/listeners/viewers is another. Both are fucked up, of course.

Chicikov, they do prevent access to FoxNews, just like Bush. And just like Bush, it's pathetic. Preferential treatment by elected officials to organizations/interviewers they know will spin for them is gross.

And I picked that comment because it was the most ludicrous, and I had to get your reasoning.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
avatar299 said:
People should oppose this out of precedent. Yes it's nice that Obama is riling up his fanbase, but what stops future administrations from doing this.

However as long as people enter this issue with their usual "Obama is always right" mindset instead of as an issue of future journalistic integrity then what can you do.
Journalistic integrity has been dead in America for years.


avatar299 said:
People should oppose this out of precedent. Yes it's nice that Obama is riling up his fanbase, but what stops future administrations from doing this.

However as long as people enter this issue with their usual "Obama is always right" mindset instead of as an issue of future journalistic integrity then what can you do.
Let me ask you this, is there a point that it will be okay for an administration to do that?
Is there something a media outlet can do to deserve it?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
speculawyer said:
Are your First Amendment privileges revoked when you go the whitehouse?

Bush going after MSNBC would have been just fine . . . except that he would have a much harder time finding pure bullshit in the volumes that Fox produces.

Just look at this shit . . . Fox blasted Obama in March because the Dow & Nasdaq were down . . . they called it the Obama depression. And now that the stock indexes are at year highs . . . well . .


The place is a total propaganda factory.

They complained about the obama recession literally days after he came into office, and I think they even started referring to what was going to be "the obama recession" once he got elected.

now that things are starting to turn around, it is the "bush recovery"

what the fuck


eznark said:
Singling out one organization is one thing, calling for the press as a whole to rise up and declare the same to all of it's readers/listeners/viewers is another. Both are fucked up, of course.
That's true. It's just a sad situation we are in that news media became a victim of capitalism making honest news a thing of the past.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Ysiadmihi said:
Unfortunately some people only think this is the case with Fox News.
Fox desecrates the remains though. Having their own producers at rallies trying to rile up crowds and actually organize events themselves... thats beyond the realm of journalism.


fortified_concept said:
We already knew that.
Pretty much!

Although I sometimes wonder whether the perception in the US is different from the one we get from the outside. Because it's pretty fucking clear as day that they pursue a pretty one-sided agenda with their "reporting" from here, but I see earnest discussion about their balance on a lot of US websites, treating them as if they weren't.

And I can't even blame "lol those stupid Americans" as I usually do, since my own country has a similar problem (the most popular "newspaper" pushing a clear agenda, slanting nearly all their editorials articles accordingly). Too many ignorant people around that don't question what they're fed. :/


avatar299 said:
And how many people are attacking Air America?
How many ppl pay attn to Air America? How many people know what it is? (I actually don't, which is why I'm asking.

And the answer is to bury it deeper?
It's more of revealing the existing amount of integrity. They can't actually do anything to change the amount of integrity... unless they passed some laws or something.
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