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White House: "Fox News is not a news organization"

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zoku88 said:
It's more of revealing the existing amount of integrity. They can't actually do anything to change the amount of integrity... unless they passed some laws or something.
im surprised there are no kinds of laws on the books where the Fox people can be imprisoned under. Surely they have broken something.


Fox News is by far the worst things to happen to mainstream journalism in America. It has basically blurred the line between journalism and opinion, and its success has caused a lot of other news networks to follow its model.

I don't agree with what they promote, and I don't mind that they do it, but I wished they would just stop misslabeling themselves. They need to drop the word "News" from their name and stop using the phrases like "fair and balanced."
deadbeef said:
Why can't they just start a White House News Network. (WHNN) so that we can get the TRUTH without any meddling from these partisians.
They don't need one. The truth is already out there. It exists in the form of the actual legislation bills, the CFR, the Congressional Record, and tons of government reports that are released all the time.

This is about fighting back against a "News" organization that ignores the reality of the government reports and instead makes shit up. Death panels and all that shit.

Look, if you hate Obama's policies . . . fine. But if you make shit up and lie about his policies then fuck you.

And yes, the same is true for discussing the GOP. Of course, there really is little need to lie about them . . . they say crazy-ass shit all the time. Just play it back verbatim. That's what mediamatters.org does.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
deadbeef said:
Why can't they just start a White House News Network. (WHNN) so that we can get the TRUTH without any meddling from these partisians.

That's not scary at all. Wow.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Inevitable what? Another Neocon gets in the White House and uses the precedence to do it your favorite news shows? Think, man. THINK.

Also: Streisand Effect.

He's a "conservative".


Paper or plastic?
Ysiadmihi said:
Unfortunately some people only think this is the case with Fox News.
Some people, sure. But let's be honest Fox News is the culmination of everything that is wrong with American News. That said, I don't really care for either any of them either.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
eznark said:
No the answer is to piss away political integrity as well, apparently.
No. Whats it called when a group is going around actively stirring up and guiding people to express their distaste for the government?

Its not called journalism.

Not saying that Fox is going around trying to start a rebellion, but they're definitely not some innocent news organization being attacked by some totalitarian government.


Chichikov said:
Not sure what it has to do with anything, but Air America never claimed to be balanced or even a news org.
Or relevant. End of the day? This is a good thing for Fox News. Attention + victim card + Big Brother = ratings

No. Whats it called when a group is going around actively stirring up and guiding people to express their distaste for the government?
Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
eznark said:
Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?
I didn't say it was bad - I said it wasn't journalism.

LOL hold up... Bush's actions and Obama's actions are worlds apart when it comes to things that need questioning as well. Lets just stick to the topic though.


Water is not wet!
SatelliteOfLove said:
Inevitable what? Another Neocon gets in the White House and uses the precedence to do it your favorite news shows? Think, man. THINK.

Also: Streisand Effect.
Holding people accountable to what they say has to happen eventually right? Just get this shit over with.
zoku88 said:
How many ppl pay attn to Air America? How many people know what it is? (I actually don't, which is why I'm asking.
Well, you can just pay attention to Senator Al Franken now.

I wanna see the loudmouth college drop-out crowd of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck run for Senate seats. :lol


Water is not wet!
speculawyer said:
Well, you can just pay attention to Senator Al Franken now.

I wanna see the loudmouth college drop-out crowd of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck run for Senate seats. :lol
Ummm yea.. id rather not see them try. You think if they run they wont have a shot at all? The country is pretty much 50/50.. too close for comfort for me.


zoku88 said:
Out of precedent for what? Future administrations calling some journalists liars?

And that is wrong because...?
Are you fucking kidding me. Seriously is this a joke? Can you really be this stupid?

By your logic CNN and other newslets shouldn't have followed leads questioning the Iraq war. There wouldn't have been investigations in things like the UN scandals or fuck even the Vietnam war.

Governments don't always lie, but i don't want them determining who or whom isn't a news source. That is not their god damn role. Stick your head out of the donkey's ass for a minute and think.

It's more of revealing the existing amount of integrity. They can't actually do anything to change the amount of integrity... unless they passed some laws or something.
American news has some of the most accurate and fair news on the planet. yeah there are extremes but on a whole when you combine the big players and small players i can't think of any other country i want my news from.

The problem in America isn't news, it's journalistic opinion replacing individual thinking.


speculawyer said:
Well, you can just pay attention to Senator Al Franken now.

I wanna see the loudmouth college drop-out crowd of Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck run for Senate seats. :lol
Oh, that's who he worked for. I read some of his books, but I didn't really know much about him. I always thought he was a comedian before becoming senator.
The media's going to close ranks here, but let's call this for what it is. Fox gets its marching orders from the Republican party. When you see them and Republicans spouting the same talking points & catch phrases every single day in unison you have to be willfully deceiving yourself not to see that they're all getting the same memos.

So why does the White House need to grant the opposing party access for their propaganda arm? And why do they need to help out an organization that's willfully bullshitting? The guys running Fox News hate the other side's guts, but they're not retarded enough to believe the lunatic fantasies Beck makes up. But they let him keep at it because he gets ratings and he's an effective attack dog because he riles up the base. That's not news, it's daily slander.

Fox is not being censored. They can still say whatever they want. But they're not automatically entitled to White House access, there are tons of media outlets that don't have it. Fuck 'em, they DON'T deserve it.


DY_nasty said:
I didn't say it was bad - I said it wasn't journalism.
It was during Nam.

Fuck FOX News. Vietnam is when the modern press realized how much political power it possessed. Dissent was rad then (and a few years ago) and people like Seymour Hirsch (talk about liars) were praised as paradigms of journalism. Now that your guy is getting the harsh treatment it's a bad thing?

Come on.
LOL hold up... Bush's actions and Obama's actions are worlds apart when it comes to things that need questioning as well. Lets just stick to the topic though.

That's not true either. Health care reform, environmental regulations...these things will have far more long lasting effects than anything Bush did in his 8 years.


eznark said:
Or relevant. End of the day? This is a good thing for Fox News. Attention + victim card + Big Brother = ratings

Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?

Surely you can see the difference between challenging the administration(good) and sponsoring protests(bad) for a news network? Especially when you sponsor protests that support your view then refuse to cover those that don't(the gay protests a few weeks back).


eznark said:
Or relevant. End of the day? This is a good thing for Fox News. Attention + victim card + Big Brother = ratings
So now we're talking about the effectiveness of this tactic and not it legitimacy?

eznark said:
Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?
The problem with the media during the Bush years was not that it didn't have enough slant, is that they didn't fact-check.
No one would mind if Fox was only calling out Obama on his BS, which btw, is done much more effectively by real news outlets.


This is just calling a spade a spade. It might be politically unwise (I think it probably is), but it isn't an attack on the first amendment or "creepy." People at the White House have free speech rights, too.


avatar299 said:
Are you fucking kidding me. Seriously is this a joke? Can you really be this stupid?

By your logic CNN and other newslets shouldn't have followed leads questioning the Iraq war. There wouldn't have been investigations in things like the UN scandals or fuck even the Vietnam war.
Not sure how you got that conclusion. Really, if you got that from my post, you must have serious reading issues. Try again.

Or explain YOUR (clearly faulty) logic how you came to that conclusion.


Chichikov said:
So now we're talking about the effectiveness of this tactic and not it legitimacy?
Unlike this administration, I am willing to let the conversation go where it wants. (Also I'm going to bed soon, and wanted to throw out what a poor tactical move this was).


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?


eznark said:
Why is this bad, in and of itself? After blindly following the last administration into two wars, perhaps it's time America started questioning the big chiefs in Washington?
To what end?

Ever since the Nixon administration people have absolutely zero trust in the political system. Hell, even before there were always a deep seated cynicism of politics. So what happens in an age where every news organization tries to grab your ear and say 'boo your going to die if...'. People are against healthcare. Keeping people healthy is controversial and both sides argue end of the world possibilities if we do or do not pass it. It gets frustrating to watch as threats, but not important points, are only being made.


People are acting like this is a big deal, but it's not going to change how the White House or Fox News operates. I think it's nice to hear some Democrats have stopped pussyfooting around the issue.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Trurl said:
This is just calling a spade a spade. It might be politically unwise (I think it probably is), but it isn't an attack on the first amendment or "creepy." People at the White House have free speech rights, too.

People at the White House? This is the Excutive Branch not just a random group of people.


Tamanon said:
Surely you can see the difference between challenging the administration(good) and sponsoring protests(bad) for a news network? Especially when you sponsor protests that support your view then refuse to cover those that don't(the gay protests a few weeks back).
Not really. I don't think sponsoring anti-tax rallies is any different than NBC spearheading environmentalism campaigns (surely you enjoyed the lights out Sunday Night Football telecast last year). Just a different political cause.


Cooter said:
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?
Uhm, you can say anything you want.

Of course, if it looks unjustified, people will just think you're an idiot.


At least people like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are here to tell me the truth.

The people who are watching Fox News right now have already seen through the bullshit that this administration has been spewing for months now. AKA, Barack Obama is preaching to a choir of people already not watching fox.
This is a good thing.

It won't do shit but it will make the teabaggers angrier. Sounds like the strategy here is to make the Republicans look as unhinged as possible, so center and center right voters might not be enchanted with Obama but would rather stay the course with Obama than vote for a party of the insane in November 2010.


Cooter said:
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?
I think that MSNBC deserves much of the same criticism as Fox News, but I think too little of Palin to expect her criticism of MSNBC to be at all fair or reasonable.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Number 2 said:
Dont spew bullshit and MSNBC wont have to worry about it.

Not the point. Palin get's in and MSNBC devotes it's airwaves to take her down. Her administration declares them not a news organization and encourges the press core and country to ignore them. That sounds reasonable in America?


eznark said:
It was during Nam.

Fuck FOX News. Vietnam is when the modern press realized how much political power it possessed. Dissent was rad then (and a few years ago) and people like Seymour Hirsch (talk about liars) were praised as paradigms of journalism. Now that your guy is getting the harsh treatment it's a bad thing?

Come on.
That's some weird ass parallel, what media outlet was dedicated to supporting one political party during Vietnam?
Also, the media made a change in Vietnam through hard old school reporting, not exactly what Fox is engaging at the moment.


The Experiment said:
This is a good thing.

It won't do shit but it will make the teabaggers angrier. Sounds like the strategy here is to make the Republicans look as unhinged as possible, so center and center right voters might not be enchanted with Obama but would rather stay the course with Obama than vote for a party of the insane in November 2010.

Except the Polls are showing Demcorats are in for a kick in the nuts in 2010. All this does is give people a new thing to show as proof of the evil communist bastards making their moves.

The Commies are trying to censor the medias@@@@@!!@!!!!11!!


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
eznark said:
It was during Nam.

Fuck FOX News. Vietnam is when the modern press realized how much political power it possessed. Dissent was rad then (and a few years ago) and people like Seymour Hirsch (talk about liars) were praised as paradigms of journalism. Now that your guy is getting the harsh treatment it's a bad thing?

Come on.

That's not true either. Health care reform, environmental regulations...these things will have far more long lasting effects than anything Bush did in his 8 years.
Bush led a war based on bullshit - Obama is trying to make a better healthcare system. If those two actions are the same to you then whatever...

And Obama isn't my guy either.

I'm just saying that when a news media outlet steps outside of its bounds and starts making up things and leading public events of dissent, its no longer a news media outlet.


eznark said:
Not really. I don't think sponsoring anti-tax rallies is any different than NBC spearheading environmentalism campaigns (surely you enjoyed the lights out Sunday Night Football telecast last year). Just a different political cause.

But, again, NBC is not NBCNews.


Raxus said:
To what end?

Ever since the Nixon administration people have absolutely zero trust in the political system. Hell, even before there were always a deep seated cynicism of politics. So what happens in an age where every news organization tries to grab your ear and say 'boo your going to die if...'. People are against healthcare. Keeping people healthy is controversial and both sides argue end of the world possibilities if we do or do not pass it. It gets frustrating to watch as threats, but not important points, are only being made.
Newspapers have always been doing this and shockingly, the world hasn't ended. Look back at some turn of the century "journalism" and chuckle at how people think editorializing is new to journalism.

But, again, NBC is not NBCNews.

What? Their nightly news programs did it too, so did their morning shows and every other thing they masquerade as serious journalism. Green week was all over the network. They chose a political stance and carried the banner for it.


Water is not wet!
Cooter said:
Not the point. Palin get's in and MSNBC devotes it's airwaves to take her down. Her administration declares them not a news organization and encourges the press core and country to ignore them. That sounds reasonable in America?
If they are making lies then yes its reasonable.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Trurl said:
I think that MSNBC deserves much of the same criticism as Fox News, but I think too little of Palin to expect her criticism of MSNBC to be at all fair or reasonable.

You guys are all firmly on the left hemisphere of American politics and agree with what the White House is saying but do really deep down think this is how the Executive branch should interact with the media?


DY_nasty said:
Bush led a war based on bullshit - Obama is trying to make a better healthcare system. If those two actions are the same to you then whatever...

And Obama isn't my guy either.

I'm just saying that when a news media outlet steps outside of its bounds and starts making up things and leading public events of dissent, its no longer a news media outlet.
Better is in the eye of the beholder. I obviously think it would be catastrophic and far worse than two minor wars when taking a long view. That really isn't the point.

That's fine, but the White House should not be leading the charge to discredit the organization. I'm not debating the merits of FOX. The only news channel I watch, and only for a few minutes in the morning, is Bloomberg. They're all shit. That isn't the point.
Cooter said:
So Palin wins in 2012 and pulls this shit on MSNBC. Everyone here still find it justified?

False equivalency. I'm sorry, there's no way you can watch the content of those two stations and tell me it's anywhere close to one another. MSNBC did not organize marches on Washington during the Bush era. They didn't have Olberman or whoever ranting with no supporting evidence about Hitler youth or exoskeletons.
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