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Why do people start smoking?

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Immortal_Daemon said:
On their own, they give you a decent buzz for a minute or sol

I must be doing something wrong because besides the first smoke of the day I don't get no buzz. Although they must be doing something since I keep smoking :lol


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Wired said:
I must be doing something wrong because besides the first smoke of the day I don't get no buzz. Although they must be doing something since I keep smoking :lol
I think people who rarely smoke get more of a buzz than people who smoke a pack of day. Makes sense though, I guess.


demon said:
I think people who rarely smoke get more of a buzz than people who smoke a pack of day. Makes sense though, I guess.

Yeah, that makes sense but I'm stupid so I didn't think of it. *phew nice save*

I started out just smoking at parties, then after one party I had a bunch of cigs left and sort of... continued smoking. At first it was maybe two or three a day but in time it sort of escalates little by little. By now I'm smoking a pack every two or three days, four if I'm really stretching it. The worst was when I was in Florence for a couple of days (3), I went through 6 packs (120...120!! cigs)... bleh, never again.

I promised myself to just smoke one (or two) today, I think I've had five.


zam said:
Started smoking cigarettes cause I mix tobacco with marijuana when I roll a joint.

this is called a spliff where I come from.

I never really liked smoking cigarettes because they always fuck with my stomach, I hate that light headed feeling. I see no point in smoking cig's unless I'm drunk and it seems like a good idea at the time.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Is there any correlation to smoking and IQ? Especially in this era, I don't understand how any reasonable and mature person could ever start smoking unless they were of lower intelligence or were trying to gain acceptance into something or are co-dependents. Independent, mature, and well-adjusted people would never smoke.

My Father-in-Law smokes. He always feels like crap. He always has to take breaks to smoke or he is super irritated. My mother-in-law won't let him smoke inside, so he sits out on the porch in 10 degree weather so he can get his fix. His idiot kids now (from another marriage, not related to my wife) have started smoking and are headed down the same path. Sad, really.


r3d panda said:
this is called a spliff where I come from.
It's called that here as well, just wasn't sure everyone would get the reference :p

AlteredBeast said:
Is there any correlation to smoking and IQ? Especially in this era, I don't understand how any reasonable and mature person could ever start smoking unless they were of lower intelligence or were trying to gain acceptance into something or are co-dependents. Independent, mature, and well-adjusted people would never smoke
Christopher Hitchens, who I find to be a very intelligent person, smokes like a chimney and drinks heavily as well. Though I heard he quit smoking recently, he still is a heavy drinker.

Hitchens is just one example off the top of my head. I'm sure there are plenty writers, intellectuals etc who smoke. Not to mention all the artists, poets & musicians who smoke and do heavier drugs than that.


AlteredBeast said:
Is there any correlation to smoking and IQ? Especially in this era, I don't understand how any reasonable and mature person could ever start smoking unless they were of lower intelligence or were trying to gain acceptance into something or are co-dependents. Independent, mature, and well-adjusted people would never smoke.

My Father-in-Law smokes. He always feels like crap. He always has to take breaks to smoke or he is super irritated. My mother-in-law won't let him smoke inside, so he sits out on the porch in 10 degree weather so he can get his fix. His idiot kids now (from another marriage, not related to my wife) have started smoking and are headed down the same path. Sad, really.



AlteredBeast said:
Is there any correlation to smoking and IQ? Especially in this era, I don't understand how any reasonable and mature person could ever start smoking unless they were of lower intelligence or were trying to gain acceptance into something or are co-dependents. Independent, mature, and well-adjusted people would never smoke.

My Father-in-Law smokes. He always feels like crap. He always has to take breaks to smoke or he is super irritated. My mother-in-law won't let him smoke inside, so he sits out on the porch in 10 degree weather so he can get his fix. His idiot kids now (from another marriage, not related to my wife) have started smoking and are headed down the same path. Sad, really.
Oh for fucks sake.


Short bus special
CiSTM said:

You just know somebody will quote that and go "Hurr durr, he zaid intemmelligentz!!!11 lololololol"

For me though, I started smoking at 15. Not because peer pressure. Not to be cool. Hardly any of my friends smoked, or smoke now. I grew up with a family of smokers though, but mom quite cold turkey after 30 years and has been "clean" for 15 now. Well, I just wanted to see what it was like. I knew all the bad shit about smoking, but still just wanted to know first-hand. That's all there is to it for me. Now I've been smoking for 10 years, and well, I'll quit when I truly want it. Because as it is, I don't want to quit smoking really. *shrug*


Number 2 said:

And do you know who didn't smoke ? Hitler ! That must mean all non-smokers are evil !

But yeah, smoking doesn't have anything to do with IQ. Some people smoke and some don't. Simple as that.


missbreedsiddx said:
It amazes me that with all we know about skin cancer people still sit under tanning beds every week or let themselves get fried in the sun.
It amazes me that with all we know about heart disease people still eat fast food, fatty steaks, and junk food.
It amazes me that with all we know about cirrhosis of the liver people still drink alcohol to relax, party, get drunk, or just fit in.
It amazes me that people don't understand that we make choices that aren't always the best for our health because sometimes... we just enjoy it.

Except food and tanning do not include a drug that requires you to have more and more of it over time, in order to feel "normal".

Alcohol itself is ok if you drink moderately, Smoking has serious health risks even if you smoke moderately, not to mention alcohol doesn't spread its health risks around a 50ft radius.

Smoking is evil, it claimed my Mother and my Step Nan with the cancer causing bile it spews. So forgive me if I don't feel sympathy for the poor persecuted smoker.


Water is not wet!
Xavien said:
Except food and tanning do not include a drug that requires you to have more and more of it over time, in order to feel "normal".
Anything that feels pleasurable can be addictive. This is one reason why there are lots of overweight people around.. eating feels good.

Alcohol itself is ok if you drink moderately, Smoking has serious health risks even if you smoke moderately, not to mention alcohol doesn't spread its health risks around a 50ft radius.
Well, id hazard a guess that more people die from drunk driving thank smoke driving. When used responsibly both smoking and drinking dont put others at risk. Its been years since anyone has had to put up with smoke in almost all public places.

Smoking is evil, it claimed my Mother and my Step Nan with the cancer causing bile it spews. So forgive me if I don't feel sympathy for the poor persecuted smoker.
Sorry for your loss.


I've only smoked when I drank too much beer. For some reason, being buzzed makes me want to smoke. I know it does nothing for me, but I end up wanting to.

That said, I've smoked only three or so times in my whole life and have no plans of doing so again. I don't even like beer in particular either.
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