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Why do people talk about pot so casually? I mean, it IS still illegal...

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JodyAnthony said:
Sometimes I feel like the only person that's never done it.
Costanza said:
That's what I mean. For something that can get you in jail if you get caught with it, it seriously seems like EVERY FUCKING PERSON I meet does it.
Man, peer pressure is not nearly as effective as all those after school specials led me to believe.


Costanza said:
That's what I mean. For something that can get you in jail if you get caught with it, it seriously seems like EVERY FUCKING PERSON I meet does it.

That would probably be because it's wonderful.
Smoking it can still be a problem if you want to get a security clearance. Or get/keep certain jobs. Probably makes some insurance harder to get, too.


Junior Member
Tobor said:
It is like the cheddar of cheeses.

You're not going to jail for a blunt. Relax. Unless you're transporting bricks of it around, it's not a huge deal.

Not at all true. You would be lucky not to go to jail if you are caught with a blunt in most American cities. If you are caught with more then a couple of ounces then you could see a couple of years in prison. There are certain situations where you may get away with it like at a concert, but for the most part you are going in if a cop catches you with any amount of weed.


C4Lukins said:
Not at all true. You would be lucky not to go to jail if you are caught with a blunt in most American cities. If you are caught with more then a couple of ounces then you could see a couple of years in prison. There are certain situations where you may get away with it like at a concert, but for the most part you are going in if a cop catches you with any amount of weed.

A blunt is a personal amount. The most you'll spend is a night in jail with a fine. Ounces of weed vs a blunt that probably has less than a g of weed in it is a BIG difference.

Not to mention in Canada you wouldn't even get fined or spend a night in jail with a blunt.
Zeliard said:
That would probably be because it's wonderful.

Yup. Plus, I was always interested in altered states of awareness. I first came to try it through my own self agency (I sought it out) as I was curious about it... but when I come back to it now, it's because it's still just an (overall) great drug.


In MA, it basically IS a speeding ticket, if you have under an ounce.

It's not legal, but who the hell cares.


Count Dookkake said:
Your examples are hilarious and reflect a great deal of misunderstanding on your part.


Costanza you're cool and all, but you gotta get at least a little educated on this stuff before posting about it.
Broseybrose said:
Oh shit. :lol

It's funny because it's true. :lol

Gotta watch Daniel Tosh:

"Wanna come talk about Pot?"
"No, I'm not in High school any more, Grow up and do cocaine like a real adult."

onemic said:

Costanza you're cool and all, but you gotta get at least a little educated on this stuff before posting about it.

How so?
People in college are real world people who have jobs and function in the "real world?"
Plus, not everyone in college is a young adult.
Just asking why people are so casual about it.


I love getting high, and, for me at least, getting high has real benefits. It's pretty common for me to feel happier, more motivated, and more compassionate for several days after getting high. At most I only smoke marijuana 3 times a year, though.
Tobor said:
It is like the cheddar of cheeses.


tokkun said:
I hear people talking about piracy all the time, and the penalties for that are often higher.
Piracy is illegal in almost every country, smoking weed is not even illegal under certain circumstances in California and Canadian law, let alone some countries outside North America.
Cops don't really care about users. I mean, you smoke up in front of them, but they aren't going to actively investigate anyone smoking pot. Most police would rather focus on theft and violence.

And unless you are carrying bricks of it, they aren't going to put you in prison, that would just be stupid, and cost waaaaay too much money.


I don't smoke, but I found it absolutely hilarious that some idiot company has a "Don't do drugs" campaign, in Vancouver of all places, with marijuana as the major focus. What a joke. I don't know about the US, but you hit it with the last bit for my area. It's illegal by law (for a certain amount) but as far as anyone is concerned, it's legal.


I always thought it was funny you would be banned for slightly talking about pirating games because its illegal...yet there are regular LSD and Pot threads :lol


Firestorm said:
I don't smoke, but I found it absolutely hilarious that some idiot company has a "Don't do drugs" campaign, in Vancouver of all places, with marijuana as the major focus. What a joke. I don't know about the US, but you hit it with the last bit for my area. It's illegal by law (for a certain amount) but as far as anyone is concerned, it's legal.


Money said:
I always thought it was funny you would be banned for slightly talking about pirating games because its illegal...yet there are regular LSD and Pot threads :lol

it would be like going to some medical forum with doctors giving advise and talking about where to score drugs and the like. but they wouldnt give a shit about some ppl pirating DS games


ChubbyHuggs said:
Gotta watch Daniel Tosh:

"Wanna come talk about Pot?"
"No, I'm not in High school any more, Grow up and do cocaine like a real adult."
Hah... Im not 20 years old anymore. :lol And i wouldn't want to be anywhere near that shit today. Coke culture is way more scummy IMO than herb culture. Be it in clubs or offices. Not to mention, cocaine itself is kinda nasty, so, i can do without that.

Also i thinks its funny the way the non drug people view the... open minded people. :lol


Junior Member
onemic said:
A blunt is a personal amount. The most you'll spend is a night in jail with a fine. Ounces of weed vs a blunt that probably has less than a g of weed in it is a BIG difference.

Not to mention in Canada you wouldn't even get fined or spend a night in jail with a blunt.

A night in jail is still a night in jail. And in most states simple possession is a misdemeanor and sometimes a felony if it happens twice. It is not a speeding ticket, and is closer to a DWI when it comes to fines and potential penalties. Of course it varies from state to state, and Canada is much more lenient in general.

The only reason I am making such a point of this, is that some people in this thread seem completely unaware of the legal consequences of getting caught simply with a blunt in most states in the US. It could mean thousands of dollars in fines, a night in jail at best, and several months at worst. Either way you are going to have a record if you are an adult and have to deal with a year in the court system and lawyers fees in most cases. Not to mention if you get caught on a college campus you could be kicked out of school. You may run into that cool cop who does not give a shit, or be at a gathering where the city is not enforcing the law, but to put it as lightly as jaywalking from a legal perspective is not accurate or responsible.


nocode said:
People talking about weed on a college campus does not mean anything. I think it should be legal don't get me wrong, but people don't do that in the real world at their jobs (career jobs).
I don't know about you... but there a large number of people that smoke weed in the industry i work in (service ondustry).


Money said:
I always thought it was funny you would be banned for slightly talking about pirating games because its illegal...yet there are regular LSD and Pot threads :lol

The concept of a victimless crime seems to fly over some people's heads.


massive bear, tiny salmon
Money said:
I always thought it was funny you would be banned for slightly talking about pirating games because its illegal...yet there are regular LSD and Pot threads :lol
That's because piracy hurts our hobby of choice. But weed and video games is just good times.


Costanza said:
For example, today: the cute, geeky brunette talking loudly on the phone in the halls to her boyfriend about how she's gonna pick up blunts on the way home, or the guy who comes to class every day high telling us how he smoked with his speech professor between classes, while the dude who's going to school to be a cop just laughs. Or another professor talking about priorities actually writes "weed" on the board after someone yells it out, etc.


ChubbyHuggs said:
How so?
People in college are real world people who have jobs and function in the "real world?"
Plus, not everyone in college is a young adult.
Just asking why people are so casual about it.

Wait, what? You lost me now.

And it's more casual because society is finally seeing how stupid it is that weed of all things is illegal. I remember just a few months back someone making a thread along the lines of how California might legalize weed as enough petitions were signed that it would be voted on. People are actually thinking for themselves instead of blindly following "The Law". If you knew about why weed was illegal in the first place, you'd know it has everything to do with corporations, money, and racism, not for the wellbeing of society.
onemic said:
Wait, what? You lost me now.

Oops, sorry. I meant to quote his instead of yours, but I saw his quote in your thread. I'm in that sleep/awake phaze right now.

I read this:
Count Dookkake said:
Your examples are hilarious and reflect a great deal of misunderstanding on your part.

So it should be like this:

I figured he meant a great deal of misunderstanding to how the real world is as to college, like everyone else is saying, so I said:

How So?
People in college are real world people who have jobs and function in the "real world?"
Plus, not everyone in college is a young adult. Just asking why people are so casual about it.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.


ChubbyHuggs said:
Oops, sorry. I meant to quote his instead of yours, but I saw his quote in your thread. I'm in that sleep/awake phaze right now.

I read this:

So it should be like this:

I figured he meant a great deal of misunderstanding to how the real world is as to college, like everyone else is saying, so I said:

How So?
People in college are real world people who have jobs and function in the "real world?"
Plus, not everyone in college is a young adult. Just asking why people are so casual about it.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Okay, gotcha now.
I can only speak from a Canadian viewpoint now, but it's because nobody gives a shit. You could probably go to the Vancouver Art Gallery on any arbitrary day and find 10 people smoking in the courtyard there. The only way anything is going to happen to you is if you go stand in front of a cop and wave your blunt in his face before lighting up.


J-walking is illegal too, as is speeding. The laws are a joke so I can do nothing but laugh at them.


C4Lukins said:
The only reason I am making such a point of this, is that some people in this thread seem completely unaware of the legal consequences of getting caught simply with a blunt in most states in the US. It could mean thousands of dollars in fines, a night in jail at best, and several months at worst. Either way you are going to have a record if you are an adult and have to deal with a year in the court system and lawyers fees in most cases. Not to mention if you get caught on a college campus you could be kicked out of school. You may run into that cool cop who does not give a shit, or be at a gathering where the city is not enforcing the law, but to put it as lightly as jaywalking from a legal perspective is not accurate or responsible.

For a blunt? Not true, especially if its already been lit up as there's even less weed in there. A blunt is nothing. The most you would get for just having a blunt(Not to mention if you were already smoking it) is a night in jail and probably a $1000 fine or less. And that's if you're dumb enough to get caught doing it. Which in that case, you probably deserve the damn fine:lol

Pretty sure people are aware, it's just that that not everyone's from the US or even the really anti-drug states in the US and more importantly because they're not dumbasses that will wave a joint in a cops face before smoking it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
When they made marijuana illegal... no one asked doctors. No one took a vote.

It was banned during a kind of dark ages in American history, when it was associated with something un-American, un-white, un-Christian: Mexicans. Politicians banned it to make it seem like they were getting something done, appeasing whatever racist fears were in the US population 100 years ago.... probably protecting their white women from stoned sombrero-wearing bandits or whatever.

And now it's just illegal because it's already illegal. It's frozen in the law books. The very fact that the OP implies we aren't supposed to talk about it, because it's illegal, shows how self-perpetuating a law can be. Hammer some random law through, and there's a good chance it can never be repealed.... It's illegal! Who would defend it? The law SAYS you're against the norms of society if you defend it!

Thankfully, many people don't care about the prohibition of marijuana... so even though our system of law is stagnant... people just don't give a shit. We openly disobey! I can buy Half-Baked for $9.99 at my grocery store! The law can kiss my ass... we know it's moral and safe enough!

^ And that's not just the story of American prohibition, btw. The same racist roots of the American law are to blame for marijuana's illegality around the world.... Thanks to America's early success, World War II, and the American superpower age of globalization, you basically have to prohibit weed, play ball with the US legal system, or you don't reap the rewards of easy trade. Canada, for example, made marijuana illegal FIRST, before the US did, in anticipation of their law against it, which was about to pass. We wanted to look like a safe and easy place to do business.... Again.. no one asked doctors! It was all bizzare early-20th century politics!

Or look at a place like South Korea.... already rather authoritarian with Confucianism saying you must obey your elders... and now the US comes along and says "there's some bad green stuff you don't know about, and you must help us to keep this evil stuff out of your country in the first place. Keep this filth out and we can do great business together! You will have success in the world!".... well of course you jump right on board! And this is why Koreans think it's somehow a big deal compared to the shots of hard liquor they are fond of, and now you have English teachers kicked out of the country with shame... for buying a plant which makes people feel happy and peaceful for 90 minutes.

...what a ridiculous world. :lol



A night in jail is still a night in jail. And in most states simple possession is a misdemeanor and sometimes a felony if it happens twice. It is not a speeding ticket, and is closer to a DWI when it comes to fines and potential penalties. Of course it varies from state to state, and Canada is much more lenient in general.

The only reason I am making such a point of this, is that some people in this thread seem completely unaware of the legal consequences of getting caught simply with a blunt in most states in the US. It could mean thousands of dollars in fines, a night in jail at best, and several months at worst. Either way you are going to have a record if you are an adult and have to deal with a year in the court system and lawyers fees in most cases. Not to mention if you get caught on a college campus you could be kicked out of school. You may run into that cool cop who does not give a shit, or be at a gathering where the city is not enforcing the law, but to put it as lightly as jaywalking from a legal perspective is not accurate or responsible.

Oooookay. Well. I was "arrested" for marijuana possession in Pittsburgh. I had nearly an ounce that I had just bought. It is standard practice in Allegheny County to not actually convict you of it. In fact, they wont ever bring you to jail for simple possession as the officer told me as he let me go and told me to wait for a letter.

I was eventually charged with disorderly conduct and received a $100 fine. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE.


BocoDragon said:
for buying a plant which makes people feel happy and peaceful for 90 minutes.

...what a ridiculous world. :lol
It makes me feel depressed and paranoid. I'm jealous of the happy and peaceful people.
It does make for the best stories though. A trip to Hardee's can be an adventure when you're high.


Devil Theory said:
I haven't either, seems worthless.

Well it depends. You can't really say if you haven't tried it. You might like having your mind in that altered state. Be it with weed or some other drug. For me, the drugs I tried were boring as fuck/waste of time. I stick to alcohol.
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