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Why do people talk about pot so casually? I mean, it IS still illegal...

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love weed, hate the "culture". i rarely ever talk about me getting high unless something truly spectacular happens. i used to know guys that only talked about weed and how gnarly it was to get baked. my old roommate was one of those guys and it was real annoying.


effingvic said:
love weed, hate the "culture". i rarely ever talk about me getting high unless something truly spectacular happens. i used to guys that only talked about weed and how gnarly it was to get baked. my old roommate was one of those guys and it was real annoying.

Whenever I'm in some class where we have active and open discussions there's always that one kid who argues for legalizing marijuana, or talking about how much he smokes. It's hilarious and annoying at the same time, no one cares kid.


Junior Member
onemic said:
For a blunt? Not true, especially if its already been lit up as there's even less weed in there. A blunt is nothing. The most you would get for just having a blunt(Not to mention if you were already smoking it) is a night in jail and probably a $1000 fine or less. And that's if you're dumb enough to get caught doing it. Which in that case, you probably deserve the damn fine:lol

Pretty sure people are aware, it's just that that not everyone's from the US or even the really anti-drug states in the US and more importantly because they're not dumbasses that will wave a joint in a cops face before smoking it.

The amount of weed is irrelevant unless it is over 2 ounces. It is simply possession and that is all there is to it. If there is any amount of weed then that is a misdemeanor in most states in the US. If you get caught again then often it is a felony. Again it differs from state to state but you can go to jail just for having traces of residue in your glass pipe. I have been to events in various US cities where they just ignore the fact that a ton of people there are smoking weed. But that is not the general attitude of law enforcement toward pot. Again I am talking about the US and not Canada, and I am talking about the majority of US states not all of them.
Alucrid said:
Whenever I'm in some class where we have active and open discussions there's always that one kid who argues for legalizing marijuana, or talking about how much he smokes. It's hilarious and annoying at the same time, no one cares kid.

"No one cares" is a legitimately damaging opinion just so you know.


C4Lukins said:
The amount of weed is irrelevant unless it is over 2 ounces. It is simply possession and that is all there is to it. If there is any amount of weed then that is a misdemeanor in most states in the US. If you get caught again then often it is a felony. Again it differs from state to state but you can go to jail just for having traces of residue in your glass pipe. I have been to events in various US cities where they just ignore the fact that a ton of people there are smoking weed. But that is not the general attitude of law enforcement toward pot. Again I am talking about the US and not Canada, and I am talking about the majority of US states not all of them.

And, from my personal experience of being arrested for possession it isn't a big deal and you'll hardly every actually get convicted of possession .

Whenever I'm in some class where we have active and open discussions there's always that one kid who argues for legalizing marijuana, or talking about how much he smokes. It's hilarious and annoying at the same time, no one cares kid.

Funny, in my Philosophy of Law class when asked who thinks Marijuana should be legal the entire class agreed, at a catholic university.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Drewsky said:
It makes me feel depressed and paranoid. I'm jealous of the happy and peaceful people.

Well sure.. it's not necessarily happiness. It has many effects. It can make you talkative or quiet, adventuresome or lazy, happy or sad... In fact I don't think weed is some wonderdrug like some people, but it has it's benefits.

What I really meant by that statement is: Weed is remarkably mild, compared to alcohol, and compared to the impression that you get from its illegality. It's a short high, not that strong, not that mood altering.... not really that big a deal! If someone smoked it and went to work two hours later, I wouldn't be worried for their ability to perform at all! They're probably back to normal at that point. With alcohol it's another story... if someone is drinking... I'd say sleep it off for 8 hours... I don't want to see a person drink and do anything like work.

And that impression you get from it being illegal is so ridiculous. Again, I mention Korea, because I deal with so many Korean students... they are just like normal North American kids, except they believe their parents and government about the dangers of weed! And it's a ridiculous position! They're shocked when they find out I'm friendly to weed smokers, let alone try it myself occasionally.... and this revelation might be while they're doing shots of soju (korean hard liquor), getting fucked up, not remembering anything, making bad decisions to regret in the morning......... So ironic that their demonized marijuana is completely tame in comparison to something they consider harmless culture.

Again... this whole marijuana issue in the world.... just bonkers!

effingvic said:
love weed, hate the "culture". i rarely ever talk about me getting high unless something truly spectacular happens. i used to know guys that only talked about weed and how gnarly it was to get baked. my old roommate was one of those guys and it was real annoying.
"Weed culture" is like "atheist culture".

The strongest proponents of anything are usually annoying... because they're unusually obsessed with an issue.

But normal people can smoke weed and normal people can be atheists.


Junior Member
Xeke said:

Oooookay. Well. I was "arrested" for marijuana possession in Pittsburgh. I had nearly an ounce that I had just bought. It is standard practice in Allegheny County to not actually convict you of it. In fact, they wont ever bring you to jail for simple possession as the officer told me as he let me go and told me to wait for a letter.

I was eventually charged with disorderly conduct and received a $100 fine. IT'S A FUCKING JOKE.

And I know people who spent a night in jail, were kicked out of college, and a person who is serving two years now in prison for multiple possesion charges that were all under the typical 2 ounces rule. Again it varies throughout the country.

I am someone who thinks that weed should be completely legalized. I have no problem with it, but in many cases getting caught with it can cause a serious problem in your life because of the current laws.


C4Lukins said:
And I know people who spent a night in jail, were kicked out of college, and a person who is serving two years now in prison for multiple possesion charges that were all under the typical 2 ounces rule. Again it varies throughout the country.

Yeah but a night in jail is hardly "jail time".


Costanza said:
why is this? is the fact that it's still "illegal" considered that much of a fucking joke that nobody cares?

I think this is part of it, but I also really believe there is a non-verbal agreement among smokers (and even ex-smokers like myself) that know it is wrong that it is illegal, and thus will "act as if" it were not (I put "act as if" in quotes because that is something I was told when I was younger, if something isn't going right or your way, "act as if"). So everyone acts as if it were legal. The theory is, the more people that do this, the more common it comes into media (your Kevin Smith reference, MW2 had plenty of pot emblems and etc).

The more common it is in the media where unattended younger audiences absorb information from their entertainment, the more likely we will see pot legal (really legal, not the medical bs) in the next.. I say less than 20 years.

The government and the general US public finally has so many other world problems and even other issues that are WAAAAAAAAY more important than pot, that it is finally slipping through the cracks and making its way as a "regular" part of society. Regular in the sense that people who want to smoke it, will, people who don't want to, just won't, no biggie (much like alcohol).

tl;dr - Though I don't smoke anymore, i'm very pro pot, it is a big joke, and everyone should treat it like a joke whether you smoke or not. There are real criminals out there and your tax money is going toward catching Peter Potsmoker instead of Randy the Rapist (cousin of Chester the Child Molester).
Yeah, I wouldn't smoke pot. You could get a ticket for that.

-Steve Martin

Dude, it is not a big deal. Apparently we have pot clubs all over california. I heard that there there almost as many pot clubs as starbucks down in LA.

Costanza said:
Thing is, it kinda blows my mind that something that still carries a serious risk of getting arrested and doing jail time is SO widespread and casually discussed by just about everyone.

Your premise is faulty.


Why do some feel they need a specific reason to try weed out?

Experiment with life a bit. Have fun. Be adventurous.
Zeliard said:
Why do some feel they need a specific reason to try weed out?

Experiment with life a bit. Have fun. Be adventurous.

If I had to find a reason for everything I do in life, well I wouldn't have very much to do.


Junior Member
Xeke said:
Yeah but a night in jail is hardly "jail time".

It does suck though, and nobody is getting a night in jail for jaywalking. Well actually that probably does happen from time to time just because crazy shit happens. Again the point is that law enforcement and court systems differ from state to state and city to city, and you have places in the US where it is not such a big deal, and you have places where it can really fuck you pretty hard.
Costanza said:
That's what I mean. For something that can get you in jail if you get caught with it, it seriously seems like EVERY FUCKING PERSON I meet does it.

Depends on what state you are in. In some states weed possesion is pretty much a speeding ticket, in Alaska where I live it's actually legal to have and grow a personal amount in your own home.

Basically it's getting to the point where it is kinda like alchol, don't get caught with it in your car, be respectful to the cop and you probably won't even be charged with anything.

Disclaimer- Obviously if you live in the south you should be quite a bit more careful.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Dislike weed, hate the culture, but i'm hundred percent behind legalization. It just makes sense.

And on the "everyone does it" tip, I know far more people who smoke than don't. Even in my family, the ratio is 3 smokers to 2 non smokers. And no, the 2 aren't my parents. Whenever people talk about weed being a gateway drug and stoners being useless and yadda yadda, I think about my father who is a 40 year pot smoker and makes well over 6 figures a year as one of the most respected and sought after professionals in his field.

Change it to extended family and the ratio becomes even wider at around 20 to 5.
hokahey said:
Bullshit. I know multiple people that went to jail for at least the night for the equivalent amount of pot as would be in a blunt.

And people are casual about it because it's a joke that it's illegal.
Where do you live? Lynchburg, Virginia? Utah?
effingvic said:
love weed, hate the "culture". i rarely ever talk about me getting high unless something truly spectacular happens. i used to know guys that only talked about weed and how gnarly it was to get baked. my old roommate was one of those guys and it was real annoying.

You don't hate weed culture, you hate douchebag cutlture. The same guys who talk about weed like that are the same type of people who love to talk about how many shots they had saturday night and how many different things they peed on as a result.


Zeliard said:
Why do some feel they need a specific reason to try weed out?

Experiment with life a bit. Have fun. Be adventurous.

That´s what I thought before I first tried it 2 years ago. I was like "ok it´s not worse than alcohol so why the fuck not..." I think the most people who never tried it just don´t know how to get it and/or don´t want to get/consume it because the feel like a criminal then.
C4Lukins said:
Not at all true. You would be lucky not to go to jail if you are caught with a blunt in most American cities. If you are caught with more then a couple of ounces then you could see a couple of years in prison. There are certain situations where you may get away with it like at a concert, but for the most part you are going in if a cop catches you with any amount of weed.
Dude, you gotta get out of Maybury and travel a bit. That is just not true everywhere.

I was with a friend who was stoned out of his mind and went up and asked a policeman for directions. And that policeman knew he was stoned. (This was in NYC.)


missbreedsiddx said:
Dislike weed, hate the culture, but i'm hundred percent behind legalization. It just makes sense.

And on the "everyone does it" tip, I know far more people who smoke than don't. Even in my family, the ratio is 3 smokers to 2 non smokers. And no, the 2 aren't my parents. Whenever people talk about weed being a gateway drug and stoners being useless and yadda yadda, I think about my father who is a 40 year pot smoker and makes well over 6 figures a year as one of the most respected and sought after professionals in his field.

Change it to extended family and the ratio becomes even wider at around 20 to 5.
Is that sort of thing mainly an American cultural thing? In Australia (at least, in my family) pot culture is still very much underground(ish) and frowned upon. I'm the only one in my extended family who smokes on any kind of regular basis (around once a month, if that) and amongst my clubbing/partying friends the number would really only be around 10%. Drinking is a much, much bigger thing around here.
Xeke said:
Funny, in my Philosophy of Law class when asked who thinks Marijuana should be legal the entire class agreed, at a catholic university.

Like gay marriage, it is just a matter of time. In Carl Sagan's novel "Contact", he wrote about pot becoming legal.

New Poll: 52% Say Marijuana Should Be Legal, Taxed, Regulated

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - A new Zogby poll commissioned by the conservative-leaning O'Leary Report has found 52 percent voter support for treating marijuana as a legal, taxed, regulated substance.

The survey, published as a full-page ad in today's issue of the political newspaper The Hill, polled a sample of 3,937 voters weighted to match the 2008 presidential outcome -- 54 percent Obama voters and 46 percent McCain supporters.

"This new survey continues the recent trend of strong and growing support for taxing and regulating marijuana and ending the disastrously failed policy of prohibition," said Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project in Washington, D.C.

Voters were asked: "Scarce law enforcement and prison resources, a desire to neutralize drug cartels and the need for new sources of revenue have resurrected the topic of legalizing marijuana. Proponents say it makes sense to tax and regulate the drug while opponents say that legalization would lead marijuana users to use other illegal drugs. Would you favor or oppose the government's effort to legalize marijuana?"

The results showed a decisive majority of 52 percent in favor with 37 percent opposed and 11 percent not sure -- slightly higher than the 46 percent support reported in an ABC News/Washington Post poll released at the end of April.

In California, the respected Field poll recently found 56 percent support for making marijuana a taxed, regulated product that is legal for adults.

"Voters are coming to realize that marijuana prohibition gives us the worst of all possible worlds -- a drug that's widely available but totally unregulated, whose producers and sellers pay no taxes but whose profits often support murderous drug cartels," Kampia said.

"The public is way ahead of the politicians on this."

With more than 27,000 members and 100,000 e-mail subscribers nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP believes that the best way to minimize the harm associated with marijuana is to regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
in most states it is a misdemeanor if you have "personal use" amounts on you.. so yeah it is a ticket.
Shaneus said:
Is that sort of thing mainly an American cultural thing? In Australia (at least, in my family) pot culture is still very much underground(ish) and frowned upon. I'm the only one in my extended family who smokes on any kind of regular basis (around once a month, if that) and amongst my clubbing/partying friends the number would really only be around 10%. Drinking is a much, much bigger thing around here.
It is not like an open thing every where . . . . the overall culture does frown upon it. But it is such a harmless drug and the police have much better things to do, so it just isn't enforced.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Shaneus said:
Is that sort of thing mainly an American cultural thing? In Australia (at least, in my family) pot culture is still very much underground(ish) and frowned upon. I'm the only one in my extended family who smokes on any kind of regular basis (around once a month, if that) and amongst my clubbing/partying friends the number would really only be around 10%. Drinking is a much, much bigger thing around here.

Can't speak for all the US, but even in conservative Indiana, I knew church going staunch republicans that had at the very least smoked weed on a regular basis sometime in their past.
With Maine, i'd say far more smoke than don't. I pretty much expect someone to be a pot smoker when I first meet them.

AS far as other counties, weed is very common in Argentina, but as far as I can tell, only among the younger generation, up till about 30 or so. It's also dirt cheap (as is cocaine, which is probably why thats also very common among the young).
The asian counties I lived in were different, as the punishments for marijuana were much much more severe.

I do think the US has a very unique relationship with weed, stemming from the 60's/70's hippie movement if I had to guess.


Junior Member
speculawyer said:
Dude, you gotta get out of Maybury and travel a bit. That is just not true everywhere.

I was with a friend who was stoned out of his mind and went up and asked a policeman for directions. And that policeman knew he was stoned. (This was in NYC.)

You have to realize though that Maybury is the majority of the United States. I know that I can go to Seattle, or San Francisco, Austin, or the entirety of Alaska and I have nothing to worry about. But even in those places you cannot light up in a bar, or on the street and typically get away with it. The majority of the country is not in tune with what we are talking about here, and neither is the law enforcement in those places. I think we have a lot of people in this thread who come from major US cities, who are a bit unaware of how different other parts of this country prosecute simple marijuana possession. And when you look at our current prison system, it is not exclusively dealers that are making up the drug population of inmates.

My whole point is to say that a big portion of this country is not treating simple marijuana use as a J Walk or speeding ticket. We are not there yet, and for those who have not done a ton of traveling or maybe have not seen the horror stories that can come out of a single possession charge, they need be aware that it can be a big life changing deal. And these horror stories I am talking about are not from Little Rock, but Austin, San Diego, Destin, Las Vegas, New Orleans and Boulder.


Shaneus said:
Is that sort of thing mainly an American cultural thing? In Australia (at least, in my family) pot culture is still very much underground(ish) and frowned upon. I'm the only one in my extended family who smokes on any kind of regular basis (around once a month, if that) and amongst my clubbing/partying friends the number would really only be around 10%. Drinking is a much, much bigger thing around here.

I think 2/3 of the US population has admitted to smoking weed at some point.


C4Lukins said:
You have to realize though that Maybury is the majority of the United States. I know that I can go to Seattle, or San Francisco, Austin, or the entirety of Alaska and I have nothing to worry about. But even in those places you cannot light up in a bar, or on the street and typically get away with it. The majority of the country is not in tune with what we are talking about here, and neither is the law enforcement in those places. I think we have a lot of people in this thread who come from major US cities, who are a bit unaware of how different other parts of this country prosecute simple marijuana possession. And when you look at our current prison system, it is not exclusively dealers that are making up the drug population of inmates.

My whole point is to say that a big portion of this country is not treating simple marijuana use as a J Walk or speeding ticket. We are not there yet, and for those who have not done a ton of traveling or maybe have not seen the horror stories that can come out of a single possession charge, they need be aware that it can be a big life changing deal. And these horror stories I am talking about are not from Little Rock, but Austin, San Diego, Destin, Las Vegas and Boulder.

You are acting as if people who smoke weed don't know their left from their right. Most people I know who smoke would in most cases never smoke weed casually walking down the street or lighting up in a bar and I live in Canada.(technically though you wouldn't be able to even light a cigarette in a bar:lol ) People have common sense man. No one said it was ever at that point yet, just at the point where it is talked about socially like it is no big deal.


Well it's a great drug--and it's relatively harmless.
I personally got over pot a while ago though, I prefer being sober--although it's nice to blow off some steam with cannabis every now and then.
yeah, most of my friends smoke even if I don't. I'm not against it or anything, I just don't. The culture is pretty fucking stupid, though. Rocking the leaf icon, talking about things better when stoned, and the stuff mentioned in the OP. It's not exactly fair to pin it on pot smokers. I hear just as many loud mouth kids yelling about how they wasted last night and things like that. Even with friends sometimes it seems like it's all about getting high or buzzed before doing anything.

and I think college is a big part of it. Like, in high school I was friends with people who were all against weed that went to college and are all about it. Maybe it has to do with living away from home and not having the worry of parents finding out.


speculawyer said:
Dude, you gotta get out of Maybury and travel a bit. That is just not true everywhere.

I was with a friend who was stoned out of his mind and went up and asked a policeman for directions. And that policeman knew he was stoned. (This was in NYC.)

I've done that a few times in downtown Savannah. I had just smoked a jay and I needed directions to a bar. I see a cop, I ask nicely, he tells me and I'm on my way. I wouldn't press my luck of course, but for the most part it's OK. Hell the last few times my friends have been stopped by the cops and had pot on them all the cops did was ask for the pot and give them a ticket for a busted taillight or whatever small thing they were being pulled over for in the first place.
C4Lukins said:
You have to realize though that Maybury is the majority of the United States. I know that I can go to Seattle, or San Francisco, Austin, or the entirety of Alaska and I have nothing to worry about. But even in those places you cannot light up in a bar, or on the street and typically get away with it.
You can't light up in a bar . . . that's illegal even if it is just cigarettes. But the street? You can smoke pot walking around the streets of San Francisco. I've seen that many times. The police won't bother you because they know the prosecutors will just drop it.

But point is taken that I wouldn't want to get hassled by Sheriff Buford T. Justice in bumfuck nowhere. Yes, pot is illegal under Federal law and in most states.

(And I forgot about Alaska . . . didn't they give themselves the right to grow for their own personal use many years ago?)


C4Lukins said:
You have to realize though that Maybury is the majority of the United States. I know that I can go to Seattle, or San Francisco, Austin, or the entirety of Alaska and I have nothing to worry about. But even in those places you cannot light up in a bar, or on the street and typically get away with it. The majority of the country is not in tune with what we are talking about here, and neither is the law enforcement in those places. I think we have a lot of people in this thread who come from major US cities, who are a bit unaware of how different other parts of this country prosecute simple marijuana possession. And when you look at our current prison system, it is not exclusively dealers that are making up the drug population of inmates.

My whole point is to say that a big portion of this country is not treating simple marijuana use as a J Walk or speeding ticket. We are not there yet, and for those who have not done a ton of traveling or maybe have not seen the horror stories that can come out of a single possession charge, they need be aware that it can be a big life changing deal. And these horror stories I am talking about are not from Little Rock, but Austin, San Diego, Destin, Las Vegas, New Orleans and Boulder.

No one is implying that. Who's stupid enough to try to light up at a bar?

Secondly, I've been caught with a oz on me and just received a ticket. San Antonio, Tx.

and a person who is serving two years now in prison for multiple possesion charges

No one is saying that after multiple times of being caught w/ marijuana that the punishment wont be more severe, people are talking about 1 instance.
C4Lukins said:
You have to realize though that Maybury is the majority of the United States. I know that I can go to Seattle, or San Francisco, Austin, or the entirety of Alaska and I have nothing to worry about. But even in those places you cannot light up in a bar, or on the street and typically get away with it. The majority of the country is not in tune with what we are talking about here, and neither is the law enforcement in those places. I think we have a lot of people in this thread who come from major US cities, who are a bit unaware of how different other parts of this country prosecute simple marijuana possession. And when you look at our current prison system, it is not exclusively dealers that are making up the drug population of inmates.

My whole point is to say that a big portion of this country is not treating simple marijuana use as a J Walk or speeding ticket. We are not there yet, and for those who have not done a ton of traveling or maybe have not seen the horror stories that can come out of a single possession charge, they need be aware that it can be a big life changing deal. And these horror stories I am talking about are not from Little Rock, but Austin, San Diego, Destin, Las Vegas, New Orleans and Boulder.

Something tells me that your "horror stories" are coming from people who didn't really go about the right ways to deal with cops. There isn't a chance in hell that Vegas, Boulder or New Orleans (Don't know about the rest) cops are taking someone to jail for only having a gram or two on them.

If they did go to jail it was because they acted like assholes. Just like how having an open container in places isn't getting you a jail cell unless you are a drunk douce who berates the cops.


Junior Member
onemic said:
You are acting as if people who smoke weed don't know their left from their right. I don't know anyone that smokes weed who smokes it casually walking down the street or lighting up in a bar. People have common sense man. No one said it was ever at that point yet, just at the point where it is talked about socially like it is no big deal.

And that was my point. People will very casually J walk anywhere in this country or speed, but lighting up in public is still not at that level of innocence from a persecution perspective. That was not an attack on weed smokers, but on how people are comparing two crimes when one is obviously a complete non issue and the other requires a bit of anonymity.


C4Lukins said:
And that was my point. People will very casually J walk anywhere in this country or speed, but lighting up in public is still not at that level of innocence from a persecution perspective. That was not an attack on weed smokers, but on how people are comparing two crimes when one is obviously a complete non issue and the other requires a bit of anonymity.

Wow then you're just taking things way too literally then. It may not be exactly at that level, but it is definitely around that level in many areas and in some areas well on its way to getting right down to that level.


putting NON violent people behind bars is just stupid
the cages/prisons are there to confine dangerous people sorta like you cage a lion

weed users never harm anyone why are they caged like animals?
these prisons filled with potheads make me cry


Zeliard said:
The concept of a victimless crime seems to fly over some people's heads.

i had my shit stolen by a drug addict...yes i found out who did it and he needed money to feed his addiction. He stole all of my gold jewelry (which i collected when it was 300an ounce, and now its worth 1,200 an ounce.) Probably 8 grand worth in todays value.



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Money said:
i had my shit stolen by a drug addict...yes i found out who did it and he needed money to feed his addiction. He stole all of my gold jewelry (which i collected when it was 300an ounce, and now its worth 1,200 an ounce.) Probably 8 grand worth in todays value.

Feed his addiction to ONLY pot? Doubtful.
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