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Why is Adam Sessler tweeting about being afraid and having to leave the industry?

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They're quitting their jobs over this? What about when Rockstar locked all the journo's in a hotel for a weekend to review GTA4?
Being forced to power through the game under the eye of the publisher didn't seem to cause any backlash then or stop the 10's pouring in.

Im sure it helps when their websites are being pumped full of GTA ad money.


Cross-post from the other thread:
Gies is passing off NDA'd information from Sony to a MS employee SMH, and in a rather public fashion.

because it's not a Sony or MS thing. We know it happened at a press event that happened recently (AC4, BF4 or COD Ghosts).

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
So this is about the publisher controlling the method of review with bloggers whinning about it while not making a clear stand on it? Do some journalism and talk about it.

Someone just fucking say it. All this beating around the bush, hints, piecies of info on official twitters is worse than an anonymous letter with ALL the questions answered posted where the hell ever right now written in a plausible way.

Or give CBOAT all the info to type.

Exactly. I can't sympathize with "journalists" who are so scared of being thrown of a free review games list that they don't write about a problem regarding how they are allowed to review games. What the hell is it with gaming "journalism", and why is there no one who at least has some balls and does his or her job.
This actually makes more sense to me than Sony supposedly blocking journalists from monetizing PS4 footage. Maybe a big publisher like EA or Activision agreed to some kind of exclusive deal where only one site would get to have early previews of their titles? That would cut people like Sessler out in a big way, certainly enough to make them worried about their future careers.

Although this wouldn't really explain the other cryptic tweets.

Maybe it is simpler than that. Multiplatform 3rd party devs may not want to make transparent the differences between platforms, as it could detrimentally affect sales on one of them. They can probably influence more easily the larger video game review sites. Perhaps, they view small youtube outlets like Rev 3 as a liability because they see them as unpredictable (I.e., directly comparing the different console versions side by side in video review format, making the visual differences glaringly obvious). The obvious publishers might be EA or Activision for a situation like this.

It's either that or it could indeed be the blocking of monetizing game capture videos by one of he platform holders, which would mostly affect video reviewers on YouTube.


I don't know. Sure, COD is as big as it gets, but it's only one game. I don't think Sessler missing out on an early review of COD is making him worried about his livelihood.

If this is about a 3rd party publisher, it's EA. No doubt in my mind.

Considering the revenue the channel could be missing out on, this could be a huge hit if IGN get their review up early.

I just don't see this being a YouTube monetization issue for the simple fact that YouTube is bigger than the companies involved and Fair Use trumps pretty much everything that can be used to prevent people from monetizing videos.
I've never understood the concern over review events, even from Jeff Gerstmann. As long as it doesn't set a precedent surely you can just grin and bear it for a handful of launch titles, try to stay as objective as possible and just mention the circumstances in the review.
Marcus Beer says its about having to review games at review events

This makes sense to me. People in the enthusiast press have talked about these kind of events being bad before. If you want access you have to play ball and if you don't have access your shit comes out days/weeks later than everyone else and becomes irrelevant.

This is especially bad when it comes to multiplayer/online games. You cannot foresee or experience what playing an online game for a hundred hours after launch is going to be by playing two deathmatches versus the company that made the game.

It would be bad for us as consumers if companies made moves to make these events and practices more manipulative than they already are.


CBOAT and Mort both called Dent on this BS. Dent is an MS cheerleader, even if anything he says is true, it's firmly wedged between other fanboy lies and word twisting.

Well, couple that with the project he's working on right now isn't out and it's not slated for next-gen consoles. (Rekoil, PC/360, developed by Plastic Piranha, published by 505 Games, release TBD.) He probably doesn't know much himself unless his small company has devkits, which I doubt for a number of reasons, mainly since he quoted the XB1 devkit as $500/the cost of the retail unit.


Gold Member
I think publishers don't want their games following the fate of the reviewer. This is confusing because it's bottle necking different methods of the industry. Limiting a review is like saying you've got crap awaiting the consumer once they buy your product. If this on reviewing methods like video streaming then silence those neighborhood gamers on YouTube banking off by playing Walkthrough part 25 of a game that should of been bought in the first place.

If they don't get a free next gen console like IGN probably will, then screw 'em.
Ah so it's all over (some) games media having to wait for the Sony Review session to review some PS4 games. Can't they record the footage and strip it once they get back to the office?


This makes sense to me. People in the enthusiast press have talked about these kind of events being bad before. If you want access you have to play ball and if you don't have access your shit comes out days/weeks later than everyone else and becomes irrelevant.

This is especially bad when it comes to multiplayer/online games. You cannot foresee or experience what playing an online game for a hundred hours after launch is going to be by playing two deathmatches versus the company that made the game.

It would be bad for us as consumers if companies made moves to make these events and practices more manipulative than they already are.

Maybe I just don't see this but how exactly does this affect Adam? Is this about journalistic integrity and Adam not willing to compromise on his reviews or something?


Maybe Microsoft is preventing them (Handful of people, as he said.) from reviewing PS4 games for awhile or something like that?


Since when does being first even matter that much? Don't we all have reviewers the views of whom we trust and in whom we put more faith?

I mean, especially at launch, haven't we all pre-ordered based on hype anyway?

I suppose, for some people. Myself, if there is a game I have pre-ordered, I'm going to buy it anyway. There are some games that I wait on reviews, but I usually just go by general consensus on launch day. I'm not going to wait for Sessler's review, etc.


Okay, if you really insist
Dear Gaming "Journalists",
If there's shit going on in the industry that you don't like, inform us the consumer because we are the catalyst for change. If for whatever reason, you don't want to inform us, then kindly STFU.
Maybe a COD review event

It doesn't effect the XB1 version due to the embargo and so it will get a normal review copy at a later date while the other version including the PS4 version will be at the review event


Neo Member
My thinking is it could be an issue with PS4 console reviews being limited to the staged review event held by Sony. Either way this is very entertaining.


Since when does being first even matter that much? Don't we all have reviewers the views of whom we trust and in whom we put more faith?

I mean, especially at launch, haven't we all pre-ordered based on hype anyway?
i mean gamespot constantly being late with their reviews, sometimes waiting weeks sure as hell hasnt hurt them


If this IS about review events, I'm actually kind of cool with this.

Film studios get to restrict early access to movies to specialized events under very specific conditions... why shouldn't game publishers be allowed to do the same thing?

Now I'm not saying you're going to get the "full" picture of a game under controlled conditions and I can understand some grief from journos if they're denied specific access to parts of a game or specific game modes.

Fine... stagger your reviews then. Release Part 1 of your review based on the controlled exhibition of the game you received at their "review event" and then release Part 2 of your review a week later when you've had a chance to mess around with the game on your own after release when you're not so confined and restricted.


Giant Bomb has been saying "no" to going to staged review events for years so I don't know why that would be an existential issue to Sessler's site.

rdrr gnr

They're quitting their jobs over this? What about when Rockstar locked all the journo's in a hotel for a weekend to review GTA4?
Being forced to power through the game under the eye of the publisher didn't seem to cause any backlash then or stop the 10's pouring in.
If that's what it is, I agree.
Can someone fill me in as to why a company blocking footage would make Adam Sessler quit? Would it really impact him and the site that much? Assuming it has to do with the youtube thing. Sorry, It's late so I may have missed something. I hope he doesn't quit. I like watching his videos and he's one of the only journalists I can take seriously these days.
Let's set up a situation where journalists and/or reviewers don't want to go to review events since it's against their own or their outlet's code of ethics. If this is the case, I'd love to see some of the "journos are hacks" arguments fall to the wayside, because it seems that not wanting to review a game at an event paid for by the publisher is a pretty honourable thing to want to do for your audience. Especially if the timeframe doesn't allow them to fully assess the game or the environment isn't conducive to proper reflection and critique.

Seems pretty straight forward yeah. If you have a policy against those events then I can see the issue here.

BUT I would say that pre release events for console launch is maybe the only time these kind of events make any sense if the console makers want any coverage before day 1 because sites simply wont have consoles to review on.

Handing out review kits would be tricky because they wont be handing them out to everyone who wants one so then they have to play favorite and that opens another can of worms...

Its just a awkward thing that has to happen this time around and clearly will return to normal once everyone has consoles.

BUT i dont think Sess would be getting worked up and having a crisis about having to go to a review event for Knack and Killzone so he can have the reviews ready day1


Giant Bomb has been saying "no" to going to staged review events for years so I don't know why that would be an existential issue to Sessler's site.

Basically. If this is the case these staged events are tacky as shit but nobody is forcing anyone's hand. Well, aside from all their peers lapping this shit up. I'm sure there's a lot of pressure to remain relevant against their competition, but I'm not sure an early review is going to define Rev3's business.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Maybe reviewers have to buy their own games now instead of being handed free games along with baskets of goodies.


Well, technically he was called out on dev kit prices. The other stuff might be coherent info.

You're either ignoring or missed:

1. Famous Mortimer's line by line annihilation of Dent's entire unfounded post

2. CBOAT dismissing him as a clown

They certainly thought a great deal of what he had to say was complete BS.
Giant Bomb has been saying "no" to going to staged review events for years so I don't know why that would be an existential issue to Sessler's site.

Well, prior to Marcus' tweet about video capture not the issue, I would have said that Rev 3 reviews are video based, while Giant Bomb's reviews are still written. But now, I have no clue.


But that event already happened. Assuming this is the event, is it possible Sessler chose not to attend - and is now being denied a chance to review the game before launch?

Or this could be it as well? I don't know if I would call that career jeopardizing though? Maybe it's the case that he refuses to go about this way of reviewing games, but from my understanding according to people on GAF, these review events have been happening for years.
Maybe I just don't see this but how exactly does this affect Adam? Is this about journalistic integrity and Adam not willing to compromise on his reviews or something?

Being denied access or only getting access to certain footage making his job hard. I don't know anything more than what has been said by these guys.


No he wasn't. He was at a press event for the console. Do you remember their coverage of GTA 4 when all the staged review stuff was going on? The guys just said "Yeah I'm waiting for Amazon to ship me my copy so I can play it".

No you are thinking of the one from the week before that him and Brad went to. This week he was at the Battlefield/COD one. Thats the reason he was not on the podcast.


Jeff was at one this week...

Alex Navarro seems to go to a press event every other week since he's always talking about previewing a new game, and the embargos that he has to follow.

My best bet that we find out fully on Monday, and it'll be something that annoys the industry, but doesn't affect consumers that much.


No you are thinking of the one from the week before that him and Brad went to. This week he was at the Battlefield/COD one. Thats the reason he was not on the podcast.

I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me that Jeff went to a Battlefield/COD event that was intended to provide the attendees with material for a game review?

Because I'm pretty sure he went to a preview event.
Or this could be it as well? I don't know if I would call that career jeopardizing though? Maybe it's the case that he refuses to go about this way of reviewing games, but from my understanding according to people on GAF, these review events have been happening for years.

To pour speculation on top of speculation - what if this is EA's official stance for all major upcoming releases? Play it under our conditions, or wait until launch day?
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