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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer


I think everyone who appreciates gaming (not just "hard core" gamers -- I actually think using that word in the title does a disservice to the thread) should fight tooth and nail for open platforms.
The advantages are too numerous and important to ignore.

I mean, I'm not dogmatic about it -- I own consoles because they have exclusives I want to play. But beyond those exclusives I see no advantage at all for the platforms.
In my mind, it means looking for patches, updates, keeping it virus-free, etc. And making sure everything constantly works connecting it to your HDTV. Worrying about resolutions, fitting. Making sure you have controller settings mapped properly for each game (since would have no desire to play at a desk with a keyboard and mounse). Since I like older games, making sure they get emulated properly and conform to the screen. For mame-like stuff, making sure they play in the cabinet properly. Boot up times. Keeping the software OS software current and well as being able to keep legacy OS current. Hard stuff to maintain. I'm having trouble updating flash on my crazy old Mac here.

Sounds like 60% of these stuff are things that have nothing to do with whether you want to game on your PC or not.

Who wouldn't like his PC to be virus free, with the latest hotfixes installed, short boot times, etc etc ?
In my mind, it means looking for patches, updates, keeping it virus-free, etc. And making sure everything constantly works connecting it to your HDTV. Worrying about resolutions, fitting. Making sure you have controller settings mapped properly for each game (since would have no desire to play at a desk with a keyboard and mouse). Since I like older games, making sure they get emulated properly and conform to the screen. For mame-like stuff, making sure they play in the cabinet properly. Boot up times. Keeping the software OS software current and well as being able to keep legacy OS current. Hard stuff to maintain. I'm having trouble updating flash on my crazy old Mac here.

Much of this is handled completely automatically, similar to how these same kinds of functions work on current consoles.

And when it comes to emulation, it takes some effort , yes, but it's the only platform available for such things and should never be considered a negative aspect.
Cleaning the dust trays, running anti-virus software? Haha that's all that comes to mind for me.

You set anti virus to check automatically weekly at night, and download less fetish porn. Whats a dust tray? The thing that gets lint in dryers? Anyways you pretty much should just blow out your pc outside with compressed air... but you don't really have to these days.

It needs rust treatment, washing, services and parts replacement when worn. It all adds up.

All can be done at your local pepboys!


Sure but what if someone wanted to play BF3, ME3 or Dark Souls on PC? What if someone just don't want to deal with Steam at all? What about Diablo 3? DRM is a real problem on PC, it's really the only thing that I dislike about PC gaming tbh.

Well sure, DRM isn't non-existent. But my point was on an open platform both you and the developers get to chose what DRM they employ. Nobody is force feed DRM by the console manufacturers on either end.

Personally for me it depends on how good the game is the number of hoops I am willing to jump through. If a game is good enough, I'll put up with just about anything. But I have that choice of which game DRM I'm willing to put up with on an individual case by case basis. It's not a "one size fits all" DRM policy like on consoles.


Convenience over control. Close guidance over freedom and options. Ignorance over knowledge. Laziness over action.

Some people just prefer it that way, and you'll never change their minds. Consoles obviously do have a place in a gamer's diet. It's not either/or, and it doesn't have to be, but good luck convincing console warriors of that.


Checking in from home base. I built my first gaming PC back when I was in junior high. I've never looked back and will always have a dedicated gaming PC. Consoles have their own use. I see them as the generic platform of play and people use them because other people use them and they're simple. There's nothing wrong with that. I think it's just that some people really enjoy the simplicity of a console.

I, however, prefer to dive head first into PC gaming and all the customization that follows. I totally understand your points though, too.

PCs and consoles can exist together!


Great OP. I built my latest with gaf's help and have to agree. PC is a great enthusiast's machine. I love the DIY & choice available. I like my consoles for first party exclusives. Everything else I play on my PC.


You set anti virus to check automatically weekly at night, and download less fetish porn. Whats a dust tray? The thing that gets lint in dryers? Anyways you pretty much should just blow out your pc outside with compressed air... but you don't really have to these days.

All can be done at your local pepboys!

My PC stays off at night, I prefer to do scans manually. My case has dust tray filters, I just shake those free of dust every couple of weeks.
I allready said the games i love to play most aren't on pc. If i could play all my fav. games on one device, i would.
Rather not on a windows based device, but i guess i could live with the hassles.

Your last sentence makes no sense. Play the way you like mister. Or is PC your firstborn child, since you act so butthurt? Why is PC the answer to everything to you? If it is, en-fucking-joy.

You completely avoid responding to my argument then build up a strawman.
How goes the saying again? 'It's like playing chess with a pigeon, it will just knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious'.
You are the pigeon.


Convenience over control. Close guidance over freedom and options. Ignorance over knowledge. Laziness over action.

Some people just prefer it that way, and you'll never change their minds.

I'm not sure I agree with all your characterizations. Some of them are unfairly harsh. However, what I would say is the people who do want that stuff aren't reall the enthuisasts. Just like I wouldn't call the guy who just buys a bike at Walmart and doesn't research it or like to customize it or visit bike shops a bike enthusiast. He is a casual weekend biker.

There is nothing wrong with being casual. We all have areas in life that we dabble in but are not overly passionate about. But for people who spent a lot of time reading, researching, talking about, and playing games, the PC makes a lot of sense as the base platform of choice. That was the point of the OP. Not to denigrate consoles or casual game players but to lay out the argument that if you are a true gaming enthusiasts, this is an extremely important platform that offers you a lot that you can't get elsewhere.


I never really understood the "Gaming PCs are so expensive" argument. It's not like if you didn't play PC games you wouldn't own a PC. I'm going to own one anyways, so the real cost of a gaming PC is the difference in price between what you'd buy were you not going to play games and your hypothetical gaming rig. Even from a basic computer, the step up to a solid gaming rig is no more than $500. This seems very in line with consoles to me, and comes with cheaper games and better performance.

For someone like me who doesn't own a TV and wants to consume HD content on my computer, the difference is even smaller.


I think the only reason I really feel the need to continue upgrading my pc is mouse+keyboard. I just can't play a shooter online and enjoy it while using a gamepad. The resolution also matters, like playing Battlefield in 720p is unbearable to me because of how it's difficult to see distant objects but I don't think overall graphic quality matters enough for me to be always upgrading my video card. I usually keep my video cards until it's unbearable to use anymore. I did upgrade to SLI so Battlefield 3 wouldn't feel so damn laggy though so I guess it's more about that one game I really want to play. I'm not upgrading to play Crysis 3 - I'll just play it two years later or whatever when my system is better because of some other game (hopefully I feel that way about BF4)
I'd hate for my PC to be my main gaming station so I am glad the existence of console is around, I just don't want to worry about parts and yadda yadda, I just want to press on and not worry about anything besides the game itself.

BUT i do enjoy all the innovative games that are experience only on PC and i appreciate that aspect of it..I really don't care about graphics to much but the creativeness that PC gaming has is glorious.
So what's the jumping-off point for someone interested in buying or building a living room PC as a next-gen replacement?

You can buy an alienware x51 or similar and plug it in over HDMI. Buy a 12 dollar Xbox wireless adapter and use a wireless 360 controller you may already have. Set steam to launch full screen big play mode then call it a day.

If you want to build there is a thread dedicated to that not sure how to link on my phone though sorry.

I can say its better than you think. Only big issue I have is in BF3, really geared towards mouse and keyboard not controller. It works but I die...a lot.
You completely avoid responding to my argument then build up a strawman.
How goes the saying again? 'It's like playing chess with a pigeon, it will just knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious'.
You are the pigeon.
That makes no sense. I'm not acting victorious (and i don't know the saying...) Just expressing my opinion. One that you somehow take personal and get extremely dramatic about.
I think i was clear in my answers. For me to play my fav. Games there isn't much more i can do that to play them in the way they are presented to me.
If i could play them in a higher fidelity, i would. I could play multiplats in a higher fidelity and framerate on pc. But then i'd also have to buy a (good) pc, on top of buying consoles like the PS3, PS4 and WiiU.
While I think his post is absolute garbage, attribution that statement to him seems completely made up.
How do you know he didn't think PS3/360 graphics have been shit for 2 years already?

The majority of "WIIU IS 10 YEAR OLD TECH HOW CAN PEOPLE PLAY THS UNDERPOWERED SHIT!!!111" posters are single console owners fanboyying it up obnoxiously.

Most Pc gamers judge games on their own merits and are completely fine with playing a hotline Miami or an FTL just as much as they're fine playing an ENB modded GTAIV


I'm not sure I agree with all your characterizations. Some of them are unfairly harsh. However, what I would say is the people who do want that stuff aren't reall the enthuisasts. Just like I wouldn't call the guy who just buys a bike at Walmart and doesn't research it or like to customize it or visit bike shops a bike enthusiast. He is a casual weekend biker.

There is nothing wrong with being casual. We all have areas in life that we dabble in but are not overly passionate about. But for people who spent a lot of time reading, researching, talking about, and playing games, the PC makes a lot of sense as the base platform of choice. That was the point of the OP. Not to denigrate consoles or casual game players but to lay out the argument that if you are a true gaming enthusiasts, this is an extremely important platform that offers you a lot that you can't get elsewhere.
I wasn't speaking to people in general, but specifically talking about GAFers. If you care enough about games to seek membership here and post here, I assume you care about gaming. In that sense, I can be harsher in my judgement as the standards (of enthusiasm and thought put into gaming as a hobby) are naturally higher.

If you just want to play your Halo/CoD on Xbox, your FIFA on Playstation, your Farmville on facebook, your Angry Birds on ios... if you're the gaming equivalent of that casual weekend biker and are happy with that, chances are you're not posting on on GAF. Hence I'm not talking to or about these guys and girls. ^^


There just isn't stuff like Crusader Kings 2 on consoles. Whereas the other way around, even with exclusives, every genre is still accounted for on PC.

This is true, but I can honestly say that I've never wanted to play a certain type of game and then settled for a less-interesting game in the same genre. I'd never suggest that someone who is desperately thirsting to play Hard Corps Uprising boot up Oniken instead.


I never really understood the "Gaming PCs are so expensive" argument. It's not like if you didn't play PC games you wouldn't own a PC. I'm going to own one anyways, so the real cost of a gaming PC is the difference in price between what you'd buy were you not going to play games and your hypothetical gaming rig. Even from a basic computer, the step up to a solid gaming rig is no more than $500. This seems very in line with consoles to me, and comes with cheaper games and better performance.

For someone like me who doesn't own a TV and wants to consume HD content on my computer, the difference is even smaller.

Actually the exact same here. I don't own a TV since I use tablet/PC alternatives to watch my shows, and don't own a console.


If they make a solid, well-engineered Linux-based Steambox and support it, I'll jump in immediately. Otherwise, call me a stubborn absolutist but I refuse to have Windows running on anything in my home. I've even removed all my virtual Windows machines and dual boots and just feel... technologically cleaner now. :p


Don't worry, that is how it works on NeoGAF. There's especially this crusade against PC-elitists as some of us are branded, for liking the PC and arguing for it to a point where certain individuals follow you around in various threads just to call you out. I do very much agree with your points but it's just one big game of pros and cons which is perceived different for each individual. Also what is important to you as a gamer.

When I hear modding, I think of endless amounts of free content that can add hundreds of hours to a game I already own, make it look better, turn it into a better game.

For others they just think of a big hassle, downloading, installing, working out any problems and ultimately they don't feel it's worth their time.

When I hear 30FPS / 720p, I cringe and get these flashing images on my retina of low-resolution games with lots of jaggies that feels very sluggish.

For some they aren't sensitive to that stuff, they can perfectly play with and enjoy 30FPS and sit far enough away for 720p ( less / more ) to never bother them.

When I think about PC building, I get this warm feeling of being able to buy a lot of great hardware at the price point I want and can scale the performance with the price, plus I'm able to make my PC faster whenever I want.

For others it's about figuring out what to buy, having someone built it perhaps or go through building your first PC which can be scary. Plus it probably seems very expensive as that latest AMD Afterburner Thrustmaster X2000 is like $600!!

When I think PC exclusives, I just think simulators, lots of niche and indie titles and games that allow for a greater visual range and control scheme.

For others they are most likely just boring games and it's certainly no <Insert Y console exclusive>

And the list goes on, and on ...

What most people react on is when you call out a superiority to any of these opinions, like that's what the hardcore would choose or that's the 'best option' you will naturally fall into the same old comfy couch / PC abilities discussions.

Oh and some want the best of both worlds, get a console and a PC, gets to enjoy everything :p

I find it funny that Horse Armor (a PC gamer) has once again pitted Gaffer against Gaffer with his GDDR5!1!1 troll post. Then you get responses of "LOLOLOL UNCHARTED" in response from another PC gamer and then a shit show follows. Clever, but I still cringe when someone takes the bait.

Anyway, I used to be all consoles. PC has become my favorite box, pretty much for all the reasons listed. I'll still play consoles but I'll never be without a PC again.
Don't really understand those who thinks that convience trumphs everything, but with the state of PC gaming now, I don't really care either. If anything, the existence of the consoles and the continued sales of them is a good thing for the PC, since we get a lot of ports. So, thanks, I guess. :)

As I see it, consoles are for AAA gaming only more or less, and PC for the rest. Choose your poison :). It's going to be interesting what happens with the indies on PS4 though.


There are certainly great games that justify having at least one console, but like someone said before, I'm starting to think of them as expensive DRM for the few games i want to play.
In theory I agree completely, but there is a lot of bullshit that comes with building a gaming PC. The parts go out of date a lot faster than the lifecycle of a console for starters.

The constant cleaning and paranoia about overheating and research on upgrades and the parts to build it in the first place. I'm glad I had the experience of building one, but never again.

Just offering one experience, anyone who has the time and resources to keep up with PC gaming, I say enjoy your penthouse gaming experience, no doubt it's the best.


They're only exclusive until an emulator gets released :p

Just look at Dolphin, you've been able to play Wii games on your PC for a while now.

With input lag or screen tearing of course, pick your poison. It's pretty minor all things considered, but the choice between these two is universal when it comes to Windows-based emulation. And then you have other emulation-related concerns, but these are generally limited to newer platforms like Wii, PS2, Dreamcast.
They're only exclusive until an emulator gets released :p

Just look at Dolphin, you've been able to play Wii games on your PC for a while now.
Although i read the Dolphin thread with great interest (wii games looked like shit on a hd screen) and even thought about going that way, i also read a lot of the issues that came with it.
Emulating Ps3 and Ps4 games won't be a real option for a wile i think.


Some people just want to sit down, play games and not worry about bullshit. I love my PC, but unless you really care about visual fidelity or framerate, might as well stick with consoles. I completely understand anyone who doesn't bother with pc gaming, but I'm never going back haha. Because I think all the trouble is fucking worth it.


This hasn't been the case for most console games for a while now.

[quote="Dorfdepp, post: 59805105"][URL=http://www.directupload.net][IMG]http://s1.directupload.net/images/130528/4d5doktb.png[/MG][/URL][/QUOTE]

That's the audience they're targeting now, which explains the quality(or lack thereof) of Oblivion and Skyrim.


extra source of jiggaflops
Actually the exact same here. I don't own a TV since I use tablet/PC alternatives to watch my shows, and don't own a console.
And then you have the opposite people that don't own a PC because a tablet or laptop and TV is all they need.

Maybe they even use a Macbook or *gasp* a Thinkpad running Linux as their primacy platform with a Smartphone for mobile.

There are all kinds of permutations where owning a desktop PC running the latest Windows is not the default.
And based on market share shifts these things just become more and more common, not less.


PC has been my 'home base' since 1994. Yet my favorite game series are almost all on consoles/handhelds, probably because they're Japanese.

I tend to swing back and forth really. My GTX 580 regularly gets a workout but lately I've been focused on the Wii U. Sure I'd like everything to have no jaggies and run at 120 fps but if the game I want isn't on PC I can deal with it.


Word. Capcom and NetherRealm need to step up their PC game.

It's not just them, though.

I mean, the only way I would seriously think about investing in a gaming-ready PC is I could be sure that the likes of Namco, Sega, ASW, SNK, Tecmo and etc. were truly on board with backing the platform with their fighting game wares.

And by that, I of course mean that those games (and their updates) would come to the PC the same time they did the consoles, and not 1-3 years later.

But since the likelihood of that happening is slim to nil, it is what it is. The PC is just not an apt platform choice if you have any hopes of staying "up to date" with fighting games.


I don't get the rigging and customization argument. I've been building my own rigs for the last fifteen years (until recently, because no offence, who still sits behind a desktop, and you can't custom build your own tablet/netbook convertible), and I love it, but that's like literally one day in a three/four year cycle. Maybe you tinker with the overclocking settings for another half afternoon until you get the best setup (and find out you demolished your gpu within a year, fml). That's it. Literally. Unless you consider uninstalling and reinstalling drivers because the shit starting crapping out again as customization, it's not comparable to the car scene at all.

I play PC games for the indie scene (which give me all kinds of headaches on my tablet/netbook convertible, because they don't recognize a touch screen), but that's it. I just much prefer my consolea. Always have too.


This hasn't been the case for most console games for a while now.

I sat down yesterday, slapped in Socom Special Forces and wanted to play the game.

48 minutes later I was playing. 48 fucking minutes. I certainly didn't sit down to play :p


You know, I would love if my PC was the main hub in my entertainment suite. I have Steam and a few games. It's a good rig, and can handle any game circa 2010 in max settings (Such as Crysis 2 and Starcraft 2). I usually play in medium settings but these games still freeze on me, and quite frankly, it pisses me off.

And now that I've learned to love my macbook for everyday computing tasks, I essentially have a $2000 gaming computer that's slowly collecting dust.

So what do I do?
I totally agree with this. It is the most backwards-compatible platform currently available (outside of hopscotch) and it has the most varied physical/digital distribution systems (DRM/no DRM, etc).
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