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Why were Nintendo and Square bickering during the 90s?


ccbfan said:
I think it all started when square wanted to release ff2 and ff3 to foreign markets and nintendo basically said no.
Nintendo of America translated and published the first FF on the NES. AFAIK, Square just expected them to do the next two as well. NOA said "Nah, it's just the same thing two more times over. We don't want to do it," and passed on them.

This was brought up by Square's management as a complaint after the Nintendo/Square split, and fanboys interpreted it as Square wanting to release FF2&3 by themselves, and NOA actively blocking them from doing it, saying it was because they were the same thing as FF1.

Another factoid that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is that Square didn't dump the N64 immediately after the carts were unveiled. Square actually became a "design partner" on the 64DD, and supposedly contributed an idea to have a full set of standard fonts built into the unit, to reduce the space requirements for anyone wanting to write large amounts of text in their games.
ruby_onix said:
Nintendo of America translated and published the first FF on the NES. AFAIK, Square just expected them to do the next two as well. NOA said "Nah, it's just the same thing two more times over. We don't want to do it," and passed on them.

This was brought up by Square's management as a complaint after the Nintendo/Square split, and fanboys interpreted it as Square wanting to release FF2&3 by themselves, and NOA actively blocking them from doing it, saying it was because they were the same thing as FF1.

Another factoid that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is that Square didn't dump the N64 immediately after the carts were unveiled. Square actually became a "design partner" on the 64DD, and supposedly contributed an idea to have a full set of standard fonts built into the unit, to reduce the space requirements for anyone wanting to write large amounts of text in their games.

Speaking of the 64DD... is it possible to find one nowadays and are they region free?
I really want one.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
cvxfreak said:
Super Mario 64 DS is still the best selling handheld Nintendo port because it's that damn good. Its sales rival Galaxy's.

Anyway, I'd argue that Square never truly returned to Nintendo home consoles. Their goal was always the GBA and then the DS. Their GC and Wii stuff has been nothing but fluff.

Except doesnt Galaxy have like 2.5 million on 64 DS?


During the height of this era I remember this slap in the face to Nintendo. :lol



Teetris said:
Japanese culture, basically. I'm no expert though

During the Ishin Revolution Masafumi Miyamoto's family supported the Bakufu while Hiroshi Yamauchi's supported the Satsuma-Choshu Alliance. After the Battle of Hakodate, Musashi's great-great grandfather Masaichi was forced to commit suicide in front of the Meiji Emperor by Yamauchi's great-great grandfater Hiroichi. Since that time, the Miyamoto family looked to get even with the Yamauchi family.


-WindYoshi- said:
Speaking of the 64DD... is it possible to find one nowadays and are they region free?
I really want one.

You can find them on eBay but it'll cost you well over $100. I'm pretty sure they're not region free.
Bentendo said:
You can find them on eBay but it'll cost you well over $100. I'm pretty sure they're not region free.
Is your username out of some ecchi anime from the early 90's? Some short sequence where one of the characters is playing their Super Nintendo, but the controller's face has only 3 buttons instead of 4 and the logo says "Super Bentendo"?

EDIT: Could have been "Rei Rei - Missionary of Love".


Nintendo used to be run by Japanese Hitler. So when Ken Kutaragi stood up and told all those third parties: "Hey, guys. Want to crush Yamauchi's balls like he crushed yours? I got the Yen's/$/Yurop toy money and a plan of vengeance."

Square fought the battle as mean and lean as Sony did. Too bad Sakaguchi went totally insane and took the blame for the Square Movie Studios debacle hence sending the company in a spiral of chaos that led to the appointment of Yoichi Wada as CEO of the new Square-Enix.

Hell, it took Namco 16 years(1989 - Nintendo pulled Namco Famicom software from the shelves in order to stop them from developing for the Mega Drive) to finally get their sweet revenge at Nintendo by destroying whatever was left of the reputation of Star Fox forever. Nintendo was dragged to court multiple times because they tried to monopolize the market everwhere they went. Howard Lincoln would pretty much pull a gun on you if you dared to stock SEGA products.


1up said:
During the height of this era I remember this slap in the face to Nintendo. :lol


Whoa, ads were so much more awesome back then. :lol That's pretty direct.


Wiki says
Yamauchi admitted at the 2001 Nintendo Space World event that he had intentionally ordered the Nintendo 64 be difficult to program games for. The idea was to repel untalented third-party developers from the console, and hence tighten the quality of third-party games.



Unconfirmed Member
Boogie9IGN said:
Wiki says


While I don't know about tha. I had once heard that Nintendo used keep some console tech information very close to the vest. This was so that third party games wouldn't be as good as first party. Dunno how true that is though.


Boogie9IGN said:
Wiki says

Nintendo just forbid third parties outside the Dream Team to run their own 3D code. So they had to use slow ass SGi code for their games which suffered to Nintendo's and Tim Stamper's own superior custom code.
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