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Wii U Thread - Now in HD!

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Man, the more and more I see of P-100 the more it's becoming a must have game for me. The PAX gameplay videos on YouTube are cool.

Moving up to the top of my list quickly.
And this time you are getting Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3, NSMB U, Warioware, Zombi U, P-100, Rayman Legends, Rabbids Land, Lego City and ports of four of the biggest winter 2012 multi platform games (AC3, BO 2, Fifa 13, Madden 13), along with older HD multi platform games people might have missed or not picked up yet like ME3, Batman AC, Darksiders 2.

Then there are the casual / shovelware games like Wii Fit U, Just Dance 4, Sing and even more ports of current multi platform games like Sonic Racing 2 ect.

An unreal launch with the most diverse and varied line up of games i have ever seen.

It seems some people will never be happy and are just greedy...

wow, some even try to sugarcoat outdated ports? I'm not greedy, but there has simply been almost nothing this year that we haven't already seen. Seen last year, the year that was supposed to be solely a teaser of the console. No one would have thought that this was actually already everything we would get one year later. I might have been able to to accept this any other year, but not if you're about to launch a brandnew system. I've only listed the 1st party offerings obviously. Rabbids also has been on the Wii launch as we all know, ZombiU equals Red Steel, Wario is now some cheap WiiPlay equivalent that should have been in Nintendoland and is hence not worth mentioning. P-100 is cool, but compared to the 1st party outlooks when Wii and 3DS started? Way too little, it's awkward to think that this thing comes from the same Nintendo.
ZombiU equals Red Steel, Wario is now some cheap WiiPlay equivalent that should have been in Nintendoland and is hence not worth mentioning. P-100 is cool, but compared to the 1st party outlooks when Wii and 3DS started?

This gets me sort of mad. How do you know ZombiU equals Red Steel? Have you played it? The scope of it is obviously much bigger. Again, we've seen a few screens of Made in Wario. How do you know it's as you say it is? P-100 is cool. What first party outlooks when the 3DS started? Those games we didn't get for another year?

I think when you're going to be this pedantic about it, you can break down the releases of just about everything on any console as something we've had before/something that's not worth having.


Nintendo renewed the trademark for Luigi's Mansion back in January 2010. Eternal Darkness go it's re-upped in February 2010 and Xenoblade as well back in June 2011.


wow, some even try to sugarcoat outdated ports? I'm not greedy, but there has simply been almost nothing this year that we haven't already seen. Seen last year, the year that was supposed to be solely a teaser of the console. No one would have thought that this was actually already everything we would get one year later. I might have been able to to accept this any other year, but not if you're about to launch a brandnew system. I've only listed the 1st party offerings obviously. Rabbids also has been on the Wii launch as we all know, ZombiU equals Red Steel, Wario is now some cheap WiiPlay equivalent that should have been in Nintendoland and is hence not worth mentioning. P-100 is cool, but compared to the 1st party outlooks when Wii and 3DS started? Way too little, it's awkward to think that this thing comes from the same Nintendo.

I disagree with this. Looks pretty interesting to me. Also not the same studio that did Red Steel.

And I've also never played B:AC so I'm going to getting that on the Wii U, and also Darksiders 2 which I've intentionally stopped playing on my PC (runs like crap) in order to get the Wii U version.

Overall, I'm very pleased with the Wii U launch line up. Lots of things to keep me occupied for a long time before the next big wave of games.


How's that a good thing? Guy has literally copied the same game over ten years 1:1 several times and was completely unable to make something out of the concepts potential. (Well, admittedly the games were slightly different each time, since content was actually removed every game...) Nintendoland looks equally lazy and yet it's supposed to satisfy fans that were looking for full-fledged Nintendo games on their new console. I hope it really isn't a pack-in, just so there's a chance that it doesn't meet sales expectations. Nintendo has apparently forgotten the lesson they've learned in their arrogant-mode Wii Music year and need to come back to reality.


Man, someone needs a timeout.


wow, some even try to sugarcoat outdated ports? I'm not greedy, but there has simply been almost nothing this year that we haven't already seen. Seen last year, the year that was supposed to be solely a teaser of the console. No one would have thought that this was actually already everything we would get one year later. I might have been able to to accept this any other year, but not if you're about to launch a brandnew system. I've only listed the 1st party offerings obviously. Rabbids also has been on the Wii launch as we all know, ZombiU equals Red Steel, Wario is now some cheap WiiPlay equivalent that should have been in Nintendoland and is hence not worth mentioning. P-100 is cool, but compared to the 1st party outlooks when Wii and 3DS started? Way too little, it's awkward to think that this thing comes from the same Nintendo.

negative nancy, let us just go for many people like the launchup, you don´t? thats perfectly fine, but you are taking your own opinion way too serious, and doing this in an endless loop won´t help increasing the quality of this thread.
Nintendo renewed the trademark for Luigi's Mansion back in January 2010. Eternal Darkness go it's re-upped in February 2010 and Xenoblade as well back in June 2011.

And two of those came to fruition. Might just be Nintendo protecting its properties, but its interesting nonetheless.


Call me an optimist, but I highly doubt it will be 2014 before we see any of Nintendo's major franchises on the system. The rumor is that Retro has been making whatever they've been making since even before DKC-R's development was completed. While that could certainly be bullshit, I find it hard to believe that they didn't have something else on the back burner during that time. There's no way it would take all of Retro 2+ years to make DKC-R, when it took them less time than that to design Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, a pretty massive game that had to require a lot more resources and careful crafting than DKC-R.

Of course, this is all for not if Retro is working on a new IP, which I doubt. But would be more than happy if they were. But I'd still prefer a Metroid Prime-ish game from them, it being my favorite gaming franchise and all...

Well it's pretty much a given that there is at least one major title that has to be ready by Q3/Q4 2013 for the Holiday season. They have 2D Mario this year, next year they need something that can fill that role especially in a world that has possibly two other systems coming out (which I don't believe as said earlier). If there's no 2D Mario they need multiple games to step in. Metroid doesn't have much sales-pull these days but given enough attention that could be worked on, still there'd have to be more.

So it's a safe bet we'll see some more big stuff next year already.

This gets me sort of mad. How do you know ZombiU equals Red Steel? Have you played it? The scope of it is obviously much bigger. Again, we've seen a few screens of Made in Wario. How do you know it's as you say it is? P-100 is cool. What first party outlooks when the 3DS started? Those games we didn't get for another year?

I bang my head against the table every time I hear this "ZombiU is just another Red Steel" thing. It's so silly and makes zero sense.
This gets me sort of mad. How do you know ZombiU equals Red Steel? Have you played it? The scope of it is obviously much bigger. Again, we've seen a few screens of Made in Wario. How do you know it's as you say it is? P-100 is cool. What first party outlooks when the 3DS started? Those games we didn't get for another year?

I think when you're going to be this pedantic about it, you can break down the releases of just about everything on any console as something we've had before/something that's not worth having.

There are people out there who believe that things will become true if they repeat it over and over, even if it is obviously a lie.

I bang my head against the table every time I hear this "ZombiU is just another Red Steel" thing. It's so silly and makes zero sense.

It makes it easier if you just picture Travis Touchdown saying it.
I think Rayman will be the highest rated game of the launch.

I also expect more than a few places will ding it for the optional gamepad stuff.

I agree. Rayman Origins was pretty critically acclaimed across the board, so unless they mess up bad or the Gamepad stuff is really awful, I can't see them going wrong. ZombiU has more potential to go wrong, but to me it looks more interesting than Red Steel ever did.

There are people out there who believe that things will become true if they repeat it over and over, even if it is obviously a lie.

It just seems to me people are just saying "OMG a first person shooter title from Ubisoft for a Nintendo hardware launch! It must automatically suck!" aren't very good at hypothesising things. At all.


So you think Iwata was lying when he tweeted at E3 that Japanese 3rd party efforts would be unveiled along with launch details.

And you think that Japanese support, which remember was stronger for the Wii than Western support, is going to be measurably worse than Western support and measurably worse than Wii support?

I just want to be clear- you think Wii U's Japanese launch window lineup (roughly December through March) consists of Ninja Gaiden, Tekken, Sonic Racing, and Tanks.
Iwata could be refering to present to japanese public the already known games showed to western public. I'm not saying that Japanese support will not be there (although we don't know how big it will be), just I don't see we'll gonna to get megaton like announcements this early, and I don't see 3rd paties going all out with Wii U neither

I think Wii U will get more support from Japan than anything, it's obvious, even Wii got some gems from Japan.
and we know they tried making eternal darkness. but well, we all know what happened to sk...

They did? Okay just looked up that rumour about them cancelling ED2 due to SK's ineptitude. Makes sense really, but there's no reason why another developer couldn't carry on the work started on the game.

Retro have to be working on something...
wow, some even try to sugarcoat outdated ports? I'm not greedy, but there has simply been almost nothing this year that we haven't already seen. Seen last year, the year that was supposed to be solely a teaser of the console. No one would have thought that this was actually already everything we would get one year later. I might have been able to to accept this any other year, but not if you're about to launch a brandnew system. I've only listed the 1st party offerings obviously. Rabbids also has been on the Wii launch as we all know, ZombiU equals Red Steel, Wario is now some cheap WiiPlay equivalent that should have been in Nintendoland and is hence not worth mentioning. P-100 is cool, but compared to the 1st party outlooks when Wii and 3DS started? Way too little, it's awkward to think that this thing comes from the same Nintendo.

Then don't buy one and stop crying in here and bringing the general vibe down...

I'm sure Nintendo will miss your single console sale lol.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Then don't buy one and stop crying in here and bringing the general vibe down...

I'm sure Nintendo will miss your single console sale lol.
Last time I discussed with him, he was afraid for Wii U chances, because even with Uncharted and Wipeout Vita is "dying". Now imagine what will happen to Wii U with mere NSMB, Nintendo Land and WiiFit...
What first party outlooks when the 3DS started? Those games we didn't get for another year?

Well, Nintendo held back finished games on the 3DS, which was a mistake made afterwards. But at least we knew for certain what's coming (as I've said before) and one year with the thing, it pretty much got most of the stuff that was promised. Looking at the WiiU however, there's barely anything from Nintendo ready at the beginning that has proper efforts and manpower behind it, while no one has the slightest idea what comes even in the second half of its first year. Which is pretty terrible, considering this is supposed to start the next gen. Might as well expect droughts now. The ,,certainty'' that our favorite studio will eventually release a game at an unknown date doesn't help at all. They could work on something crappy, or uninteresting to you, etc.
Overall, I really don't see how you could start a new console (and generation!) less exciting. If the backlash influences the price, then it might have actually been worthwile lol, but even as a Nintendo fan I couldn't possibly endorse such a half-assed attempt from them on almost every level, when they actually have done so much better in the past.


I don't like change. Go away interesting observations! Bring back the never ending debates on unresolvable matters of differing opinion!

there you go

Well, Nintendo held back finished games on the 3DS, which was a mistake made afterwards. But at least we knew for certain what's coming (as I've said before) and one year with the thing, it pretty much got most of the stuff that was promised. Looking at the WiiU however, there's barely anything from Nintendo ready at the beginning that has proper efforts and manpower behind it, while no one has the slightest idea what comes even in the second half of its first year. Which is pretty terrible, considering this is supposed to start the next gen. Might as well expect droughts now. The ,,certainty'' that our favorite studio will eventually release a game at an unknown date doesn't help at all. They could work on something crappy, or uninteresting to you, etc.
Overall, I really don't see how you could start a new console (and generation!) less exciting. If the backlash influences the price, then it might have actually been worthwile lol, but even as a Nintendo fan I couldn't possibly endorse such a half-assed attempt from them on almost every level, when they actually have done so much better in the past.
Well, Nintendo held back finished games on the 3DS, which was a mistake made afterwards. But at least we knew for certain what's coming (as I've said before) and one year with the thing, it pretty much got most of the stuff that was promised. Looking at the WiiU however, there's barely anything from Nintendo ready at the beginning that has proper efforts and manpower behind it, while no one has the slightest idea what comes even in the second half of its first year. Which is pretty terrible, considering this is supposed to start the next gen. Might as well expect droughts now. The ,,certainty'' that our favorite studio will eventually release a game at an unknown date doesn't help at all. They could work on something crappy, or uninteresting to you, etc.
Overall, I really don't see how you could start a new console (and generation!) less exciting. If the backlash influences the price, then it might have actually been worthwile lol, but even as a Nintendo fan I couldn't possibly endorse such a half-assed attempt from them on almost every level, when they actually have done so much better in the past.

I just don't know what you're looking for in the launch. Nintendo have the casual bases covered, trying to appeal to Nintendo fans with Mario & Pikmin (and Nintendoland), and then trying to attract 360PS3 gamers with ZombiU and the like.

It's clear we disagree, but I won't get into a heated debate with you as I've been banned for less :) I think Nintendo have done pretty well, it's certainly better than the Wii launch.

Nintendo of America

Cons – No layoffs means no change. Many of the management are there for 20+ year, and proud of it. Many of them joined Nintendo fresh out of college, or in some cases, high school. They do not know how the world outside Nintendo works. They do not know managers in the other successful companies are highly educated and competitive.

This makes a hell of a lot of sense when you think about it.


There was a document on how to have a meeting (purportedly to simplify the process) that looked like the flow chart for programming the software to run a nuclear reactor.

it probably was something like that. only perfectly disguised^^

* Paranoia reigns. Not just in the office politics sense and the "project is controlled 5,000 miles away" sense but there are security cameras everywhere (hallways, break rooms, etc.) and multiple security doors to pass through everywhere. To go from my desk to the bathroom and back, I had to go through four security doors, using my keycard to unlock each; to go the the break room and back, it was six security doors. Insane.

and still, they are known as ubileaks


I think that Wave Race will come back, I think most of their IPs will come back.

They just didn't do 1080/WR/etc. because the graphical leap wasn't there to showcase the tech. But now that they can do HD shit, they will want to wow people with these games.

At least I hope.

I'd be on WR/1080 day one.


I think Rayman will be the highest rated game of the launch.

I also expect more than a few places will ding it for the optional gamepad stuff.

"The colours on the screen are OK, but not being retina makes it look like a game from 1989"
"While enjoyable enough, multitouch could have brought a richer, deeper experience"
"I tried playing the multiplayer portion by myself and I had to keep switching my head from pad to TV. Nintendo is really struggling to make good on its promises of new ways to play"




My Member!

Sounds about right:

Cons – Extremely hierarchical. Decisions are made in Japan and NOA employees are expected to execute. Initiative is not encouraged.

Cons – Parent headquarters micro-manages most marketing tactics. Spend most of your time explaining and justifying actions, instead of being innovative and agressive [sic] in the competitive video game industry. No work/life balance. Headquarters want to be cooperative but has difficulty trusting and allowing US subsidiary to be proactive.

Advice to Senior Management – Let the US subsidiary do their work and market in the style appropriate to our consumers. Move beyond finger pointing and finding scapegoats to making the best video games possible.

NOA is nothing more than a distribution figurehead, as I've always thought.


Sounds about right:

Cons – Extremely hierarchical. Decisions are made in Japan and NOA employees are expected to execute. Initiative is not encouraged.

Cons – Parent headquarters micro-manages most marketing tactics. Spend most of your time explaining and justifying actions, instead of being innovative and agressive [sic] in the competitive video game industry. No work/life balance. Headquarters want to be cooperative but has difficulty trusting and allowing US subsidiary to be proactive.

Advice to Senior Management – Let the US subsidiary do their work and market in the style appropriate to our consumers. Move beyond finger pointing and finding scapegoats to making the best video games possible.

NOA is nothing more than a distribution figurehead, as I've always thought.

same thing applies to noe


Valve is like the Pixar of the gaming industry. 5.0 is nice. I wonder if Valve HQ has jacuzzis and stuff :)

Fixed. :p

Also, you should check put Valve's leaked employee handbook*. It's like the greatest place on earth to work

*WARNING: May cause you to despise your current job.
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