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WikiLeaks releases video of US Apache helicopter (now with added RPGs)

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Short: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0
Full: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is9sxRfU-ik

WikiLeaks said:
WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

The military did not reveal how the Reuters staff were killed, and stated that they did not know how the children were injured.

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with the law of armed conflict and its own "Rules of Engagement".

Consequently, WikiLeaks has released the classified Rules of Engagement for 2006, 2007 and 2008, revealing these rules before, during, and after the killings.

WikiLeaks has released both the original 38 minutes video and a shorter version with an initial analysis. Subtitles have been added to both versions from the radio transmissions.

WikiLeaks obtained this video as well as supporting documents from a number of military whistleblowers. WikiLeaks goes to great lengths to verify the authenticity of the information it receives. We have analyzed the information about this incident from a variety of source material. We have spoken to witnesses and journalists directly involved in the incident.

WikiLeaks wants to ensure that all the leaked information it receives gets the attention it deserves. In this particular case, some of the people killed were journalists that were simply doing their jobs: putting their lives at risk in order to report on war. Iraq is a very dangerous place for journalists: from 2003- 2009, 139 journalists were killed while doing their work.

guardian.co.uk said:
Wikileaks says it will shortly release a second secret US military video showing the deaths of civilians in an attack in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has been seeking ways to prevent classified material appearing on Wikileaks, including through "criminal sanctions". Wikileaks has made public classified US army reports on weapons, military units and battle strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan.


They couldn't tell the difference between cameras and AK-47s or RPGs? Either they're blind or this was just following some sort of recent confrontation in the area and they were edgy. Massive fuck-up one way or another.
you know, shooting the bus loading up the bodies/wounded etc. would have been wrong even if they were actual enemy soldiers, imo.

the radio talk/comments kinda remind me of the ones in online military shooters, creepy.

But I'm glad we can make shit like this public/available for everyone.


That video was disgusting. I had to shut it off after they went after the guy trying to flee for his life (Saeed).


Eteric Rice

SolidusDave said:
you know, shooting the bus loading up the bodies/wounded etc. would have been wrong even if they were actual enemy soldiers, imo.

the radio talk/comments kinda remind me of playing online military shooters, creepy.

But I'm glad we can make shit like shit like this public/available for everyone.

It's stuff like this that shows us why we need to keep the internet open like it is. If the internet didn't exist, this shit would have probably never gotten out.

It's sad. The soldiers seem very disconnected from any kind of remourse... Which I guess is common... But fuck, they act like it's a video game.


Sickening... Between this and the recent news of the special forces cover-up in Afghanistan, not a good few days for the troops.


What in the flying fuck, this is fucking horrible to watch. I've seen so much nasty shit on the internet but these guys have actually managed to offend me. Disgusting acts for America.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
equap said:
how sure this video is real?

wikileaks.org is a well known leftie propaganda site that invents shit like this all the time.... oh wait. they're credible.

This is fucking horrible. I kind of hate every single guy talking on that video.

What terrifies me is the amount of time between the noise of the guns and the impact of the bullets. America is fucking scary powerful and can just kill people from miles away with no consequence.


Black Canada Mafia
I am not watching any of it, but I really don't want to see this get swept under the table - someone needs to take responsibility.


Taxes?! Isn't this the line for Metallica?
There's no way I'm watching that. I have a low tolerance for graphic vids.

But the description of the video sounds really appalling.


This is what happens when you have soldiers that are too much on edge. They've put in too many hours, they've seen too many surprise attacks, and they've been told to do what they need to do to survive. It sucks, because someone carrying around a camera looks a lot like someone carrying around a weapon when you're paranoid. I don't think they were relishing the slaughter, but they were definitely making poor judgments based on jumpy nerves.

It's unfortunate for both the victims and the shooters, because if the shooters ever realized that they made a mistake, they'll have to live with that for the rest of their lives.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Eteric Rice said:
It's sad. The soldiers seem very disconnected from any kind of remourse... Which I guess is common... But fuck, they act like it's a video game.

Dude, the entire point of military training is to dehumanise and disconnect a soldier from the actual killing they're doing. Easier to control and less likely to second guess murder.


Akia said:
That video was disgusting. I had to shut it off after they went after the guy trying to flee for his life (Saeed).

Same here.

I think it was more incompetence than some evil soldiers, but it is scary to think of what else happened that we will never know about because an employee of Reuters wasn't involved. I am guessing it was one of the soldiers that released this.

Also, fuck the entire Bush administration and everyone in the military and Washington involved with that cover up. Hope some of those bastards go to jail over this bullshit.


Could someone please describe what happens in the video for those of us who want to avoid watching for now?


This is some fucked up shit.

This is one reason the Internet cannot be censored!!! We need things like this to come out in the open!


EatChildren said:
Dude, the entire point of military training is to dehumanise and disconnect a soldier from the actual killing they're doing. Easier to control and less likely to second guess murder.

Duke Togo

Wow, I shouldn't have watched that. I can't really speak to the situation on the ground, but killing people who were trying to clean up the bodies...why?


Thats very distrubing, and Wikileaks are some crazy bastards to be putting out stuff like this. But I'm glad someone is.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Holy fuck, after about 3min, there is still one guy crawling, clearly wounded, some dudes come in a van, looks like they are trying to help the crawling dude and they shoot at them too. Im turning this shit off. Fuck that.


ckohler said:
Could someone please describe what happens in the video for those of us who want to avoid watching for now?
its like through the plane guns viewfinder, so its black and white and distant that you dont see blood or anything. just dust and stuff fly up as the gunner shoots.

they just keep saying how the guy has an rpg and then they fire. fucked up.
What are the rules of engagement in this case? If the soldiers were in a similar situation but the victims were all carrying weapons, but still in the same relaxed fashion, what would be the right thing to do? Can you shoot them or do you have to go down and demand they give up their weapons first?

Jay Sosa

At first I thought well they thought they were armed and had an RPG (I mean they're at war and US soldiers getting killed left and right by people who initially look harmless too), of course they should fucking know the difference between that and a camera but still..but shooting up an SUV that picks up bodies. Thats inexcusable..

Battersea Power Station said:
What are the rules of engagement in this case? If the soldiers were in a similar situation but the victims were all carrying weapons, but still in the same relaxed fashion, what would be the right thing to do? Can you shoot them or do you have to go down and demand they give up their weapons first?

Of course you can shoot them, I think you have to, it's war. If you have to make sure everytime it already can be to late.
I mean, when the guy was like "Look at those dead bastards", I shut it off. This is some sick shit. I know killing people is your job, but you don't have to fucking enjoy it.
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