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World of Warcraft is down to 6.8 million subs; Blizzard on the verge of sleet

Well they were cleaver with the Diablo 3 deal, everyone subscribed for 1 year

They should of atleast given access to Heroes of the storm by preordering Warlords of Draenor
It appears that this "joke" could be NeoGAF throwing their credibility out the window as part of a "joke contest" among some members here. Blizzard decision to announce sub numbers is always based on the credibility of sites like v*chartz and the information contained within it. In the past NeoGAF has proven to be a reliable site, too. And having broken a number of stories through apt reporting. It appears that may no longer be the case.




I was never an end gamer, I just like to explore and level and am a total Altitis casual player, but I still put in something like the 10s of thousands of hours and I really really loved the game

I've never raided in 10 years and I rarely sub these days, but I miss it quite a bit just for the social aspects of being like "let's go level some alts at 2 in the morning while drunk".


Thats what happens when you sit on a year of the same content. They will get most of em back when WoD hits but still, they need to plan better.


Grandma's Chippy
I have been so close to re-subbing lately (quit last year... I think) but have resisted all urges.

I used to enjoy my WoW down time.

Still... if my old guild started playing again the temptation would be god damned high!


No one cares about that. To investors, WoW isn't compared to other MMO's, it's compared to its past success.
Investors surely must know the success cannot continue forever. At some point they have to expect cash flows to decrease. It's why Blizzard is developing a new MMO despite the cannibalization it will suffer.


They're still making over $100 million every single month from subscriptions alone. Jesus lawd.

No they're not. We've been through this before.

Investors surely must know the success cannot continue forever. At some point they have to expect cash flows to decrease. It's why Blizzard is developing a new MMO despite the cannibalization it will suffer.

Titan is a long way off. MOP lost WoW 3m subscribers (despite being the most casual/solo friendly expansion they've made), they have to stop haemorrhaging subscribers now and that likely means pursuing a different business model (F2P). Investors won't be happy if Blizzard let WoW fade into obscurity without trying something new to stop players leaving and ideally bring lapsed ones back. There's a lot of money still to be made in server transfers, expansion sales, level 90 boosts and mounts/pets.


Way too long between content, of course subs are gonna slide...MoP has been a great ride and I'll miss it, but ToT was too early and the lack of content between SoO and now has been pretty awful.

Used the gap time to go fill in gaps in stuff I never completed, ready for WoD any day now


im currently re-downloading wow and am gonna try out that 10-day MoP trial after a 4-year hiatus thanks to those giant bomb videos.


Surprisingly I'm more interested in Warlords than I have been in WoW for a long time.

I've kept an eye on the mechanical changes they're making and a lot of them are appealing to me.

Moreover, despite the terminally stupid and incomprehensible storyline, Warlords looks to be a return to some very classic feeling content, not least because it's BC redux.

Cataclysm was miserable, and I didn't check out MoP until it'd already been out a year. To my surprise, they'd made a lot of nice QoL changes, but it did and does still blow my mind that they made an entire expansion around a joke concept.

Whether Warlords will have any impact on WoWs downward subscriber trend, I couldn't say. My friends and I have never subbed for more than a few months after each launch, so we're not really part of their long term numbers in any case :D

(sub fees keep me away from wow and sadly keep me away from ff14 which I'm more interested in at this point)


Surprisingly I'm more interested in Warlords than I have been in WoW for a long time.

I've kept an eye on the mechanical changes they're making and a lot of them are appealing to me.

Moreover, despite the terminally stupid and incomprehensible storyline, Warlords looks to be a return to some very classic feeling content, not least because it's BC redux.

Cataclysm was miserable, and I didn't check out MoP until it'd already been out a year. To my surprise, they'd made a lot of nice QoL changes, but it did and does still blow my mind that they made an entire expansion around a joke concept.

Whether Warlords will have any impact on WoWs downward subscriber trend, I couldn't say. My friends and I have never subbed for more than a few months after each launch, so we're not really part of their long term numbers in any case :D

(sub fees keep me away from wow and sadly keep me away from ff14 which I'm more interested in at this point)

MoP is infinitely better compared to Cataclysm. Many people just wrote it off because lol kung fu panda. It was a great departure from the typical big bad end of the world storylines from previous expansions and brought forth a lot of interesting new ideas.


And...finally finished with Brawler's Guild.

I now have way too many shirts. But I have an Epic one at least.

WTB Shirt Closet.


The game is 10 years old, has had no new content for the past 12 months, is still subscription based and has almost 7 million subs? Wow. Say what you will, that's some serious staying power.

I'll be interested to see where they are in a year after WoD is out.
And...finally finished with Brawler's Guild.

I now have way too many shirts. But I have an Epic one at least.

WTB Shirt Closet.

Brawler's Guild was the final thing I completed before my sub ran out in October of last year. Great feeling.

Logged back in for the free week they had last month just to fly around a bit and visit a few old friends. Sad that even after a year away, my gear ilevel from all the heroic mode raids still qualified me for the best oqueue pickup groups. WTB new content ffs. :)

Logged out with my main Orc standing in the starting zone in Durotar, felt like a nice ending point. I think I've broken the addiction.


I unsubscribed last month but will be reupping once the expac comes out this fall. 6.8 million is still a ridiculous number though.
I remember when ff-11 came out and they had something like 750k subs which was huge,(I played ff-11 for 2 years) but then wow came out and well, we all know what happened. I played WoW 24/7 for 6 years and I finally broke my addiction after cata came out and haven't looked back.

Ahhhhhhhh feels so good to be wow free. I also deleted my Facebook account. Talk about freeing the tendrils of the internet.

I have lots of great wow memories but I will never speak of them in public. People are right when they say that game is worse than crack ....

Edit: I've gone outside, found a career and a girlfriend!
I put a lot of time into WoW, and I'm ashamed to admit how much. It's a great game, don't get me wrong. Walking into IF on my first toon, a dwarf hunter, blew my mind and my computer was horrible.

Taking the tram to SW really blew my mind. Some guy gave me an obscure amount of gold for the time (early BC) and I was hooked. Seeing the insane amount of players in SW made me even more eager to level and see what it was all about.

Leveling and walking into the dark portal, flying, etc., it was all cool. But it eventually became stale. I'll probably buy the next expansion out of curiosity, but I doubt I'll sub for more than a few months. I haven't even played MoP in a few months, and even that was on and off.

WoW, like all things, shall pass.


WoW is turning ten soon isn't it?

I'm pretty if you told Blizzard or anyone else a decade ago that in 2014 their about-to-release MMO would be "Down to" 6.8 million subscribers, they would be fucking thrilled.

WoW in it's decline has more subscriptions than any other subscription MMO, and more than several put together.

For me personally, my playtime peaked in Wrath and Cataclysm. Once I started law school, I just couldn't do it anymore, as much fun as tanking raids was. With Pandaria I bought it, played about a month to see all the new (non-raid) content, and then was done. I'll probably do the same for Warlords of Draenor.

Fantastic game and world, long live WoW.


Poor Blizzard. They're failing to captivate a new audience. The bleeding continues.

Lol wut? Their ten year old game is still pulling in $15 a month from millions of people. By any standard, WoW is nothing less than a monumental success. I expect it to keep dropping until it gets down to maybe 2-3 million subs, and I think it will stay around there for as long as they want to keep it going for.

2-3 million steady subs being a huge success for any other MMO out there....
I remember when ff-11 came out and they had something like 750k subs which was huge,(I played ff-11 for 2 years) but then wow came out and well, we all know what happened. I played WoW 24/7 for 6 years and I finally broke my addiction after cata came out and haven't looked back.

Ahhhhhhhh feels so good to be wow free. I also deleted my Facebook account. Talk about freeing the tendrils of the internet.

I have lots of great wow memories but I will never speak of them in public. People are right when they say that game is worse than crack ....

Edit: I've gone outside, found a career and a girlfriend!

Assuming you mean Final Fantasy XI, it never broke 600k subs. SE was rather overjoyed to announce that the relaunch of XIV "broke through" 600k subs and pushed past Final Fantasy XI. Also depending on the region you want to count as it's launch (a year prior in Japan) it had a 2-3 jump on WoW and is still using a subscription model today as well. It's hard to find stats for the game outside of when then did their Vana'diel Census since it seemed almost completely ignored over here. I'm honestly surprised it's still alive, although I think they've fallen below 200k subs.
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