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World of Warcraft

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If rogues can Shadowstep from like 50 friggin' yards away, I oughtta be able to Intercept from at least the same distance [/random whine]

Why doesn't any of the Tier 4 tank gear have +Resilience on it? Come to look at, none of the T4 stuff seems to. So they're introducing a new stat and not using it at all on the important gear?


Well, the Tier 4 is like Tier 0 now, the casual dungeon set. I think they're saving the resilience stuff for the Tier 5 and PvP stuff:p
"If rogues can Shadowstep from like 50 friggin' yards away, I oughtta be able to Intercept from at least the same distance [/random whine]"

The shadowstep range is 30 yards. The same on your intercept.
The problem with T4 is that it's Ilvl 105, which is 17 freakin levels higher than T3, but hardly any better at all. That's supposed to be a huge upgrade from Naxx regardless of where you obtain it from, but it just isn't. It'd make alot more sense for these sets to be blues, not epics.

In fact, I'm looking at the hunter set and it's just flat out worse than T3, and on level with T2. It seems that they are putting way too much value on socketables, and for all this talk of readjusting Sta, it's got less sta than T3 does. I hope that they really are putting in multiple sets for all classes, not just the classes that can do things that aren't DPS. This set screams marksmanship with the absurd Int numbers, low sta, and and sucky hit/crit rating.

And as for the rogue stuff, shadowstep is nothing compared to giving them all cloak of shadows. That was the coolest end talent in the game IMO and now they've all got it for free. That's just scary.


Teknopathetic said:
The shadowstep range is 30 yards. The same on your intercept.
I saw, but a couple times that it's done on the video it looks like he's way further away. Could just be my perception though.


Tamanon said:
No big whoop, Blizz seems to be taking away a lot of the whole "Who gets the jump on who first" concept from PvP. That's a good thing. They're adding a ton more stam to things and making it so nobody can die in 5 seconds unless they're a total tard. Good stuff there. My mage has no problem with that.

You do realize the new ranks of Garrote will silence the target, right? :)

Also, I'm glad that Cloak of Shadows is trainable by every rogue. It was cool as a 41 point talent, but since it doesn't break poly or fear the value of it wasn't as high as most of the rogue community expected it to be. Can you imagine if Death Coil was a 41 point talent? :p
Hero said:
You do realize the new ranks of Garrote will silence the target, right? :)

Also, I'm glad that Cloak of Shadows is trainable by every rogue. It was cool as a 41 point talent, but since it doesn't break poly or fear the value of it wasn't as high as most of the rogue community expected it to be. Can you imagine if Death Coil was a 41 point talent? :p

That's because most Rogues are morons. It's not a reaction ability, it's a pre-emptive one. And it's awesome. This game is sorely lacking in gameplay altering talents, which is why I was sad with the change to Endless Rage. Of course the CoS isn't quite the same since it's not getting removed, but I'm fairly certain it'll get nerfed a bit. Given an energy cost or something. As it stands its just a bit too crazy.


Teknopathetic said:
"I understand the new subtlety talent's purpose since that tree largely blows for dps, and it should also eliminate some of the problems with having to stealth behind guys in 5 man/raid encounters, but giving cloak of shadows to all rogues sounds like it will artificially draw out the length of fights against them, kind of similar to pally divine shield."

Eh? It's a 2 minute cooldown with a 5 second effect. I'm sure you can manage. :p
Oh, I don't think it will drastically change the outcome of a fight. That's why I compared it to divine shield - it'll be one of those things where a person up against a rogue will plan for outlasting the dps burst that will go in after cloak of shadows (I know this skill doesn't increase dps, but it would be the most logical time for a rogue to go all out to finish someone) similar to using divine shield's duration to heal up while the pally's healing. So it'll be one of those things that 90% of rogues won't ever use properly and most other players will learn to get around easily.

e: Unrelated, but I'm probably going to go for a pvp caster/melee set for my pally (can't decide which, I am really looking at 40 holy/21 retnoob as a level 70 build) and with my shaman if I get him to 70, I'll definitely collect the elemental version of the tier 4 set. But they'd better add in different sets for each spec, and give them all different bonuses. I do not want Blizz to make one warlock/mage/hunter/etc. set to appease all specs, especially for warlocks/hunters. And I think the reason the t4 set has so much int for hunters is Blizz wants to reduce their stamina and add more mana since they don't like them getting as much HP as they have now, and want them to use more special shots. Or it could just be the marksman version of that set, I don't know.


So I'm levelling a druid right now ... and all I have to say, is that I missed STV on a PvP server. I'm killing, getting killed, it's great. Just snuck up on some warrior 2 levels higher than me, took him down, then burst into travel form and ran from his buddies. They found me later though, heh.


Has problems recognising girls
STV was fun as hell on my Shaman when I went there on BWL server, as it was my first PVP server and I needed to start treading water. If you ever needed a break from the gank or be ganked scenario, you could just go grind at Scarlet Monastry in constant groups or just hit Tanaris/Feralas and hope for the best.


A couple questions:

I'm a 31/20 Mortal Strike warrior with Mace Specialization (because anything on the level of The Unstoppable Force is unavailable to me as a non-raider). Am I better off using TUF for PVE grinding or duel wielding maces for maximum Mace Spec stuns? If duel-wield is better, can someone recommend some decent maces I can get on the AH or without a lot of aggravating farming? Mass of McGowan looks pretty nice for the main-hand, but finding blue offhand maces in the endgame looks pretty nasty.

Is Crusader still considered the best endgame enchant for warriors/melee?
Do you mean for TBC? If anything mace spec will be even better than it is now (I don't like it at all now, if I were to use TUF I'd probably go with 2h spec) in the expansion because it's being changed to a proc per minute kind of thing instead of %. And sader is still the best by far for warriors. It's not even worth considering other things.

IMO your best off just going with the TUF. Especially if you just mean grinding in the here and now.


border said:
A couple questions:

I'm a 31/20 Mortal Strike warrior with Mace Specialization (because anything on the level of The Unstoppable Force is unavailable to me as a non-raider). Am I better off using TUF for PVE grinding or duel wielding maces for maximum Mace Spec stuns? If duel-wield is better, can someone recommend some decent maces I can get on the AH or without a lot of aggravating farming? Mass of McGowan looks pretty nice for the main-hand, but finding blue offhand maces in the endgame looks pretty nasty.

Is Crusader still considered the best endgame enchant for warriors/melee?

crusader is ftw with 2h or dw

nothing better than dw sader going off and getting a +400ap for some serious burst

seriously accept no substitue

well if you want to duel wield, i dont know why you would have mace spec, seems like a huge waste of points

the arms tree is mostly a waste if you are going to duel wield, you might as well spec very heavily into the fury tree, especially come xpac

but as you mentioned being a mostly blue geared warrior, i honestly would just stick with 31/20 MS build, its more effective with poor gear imo

just my .02
Being guildess is a bit weird atm. Not much reason to play other than trying to get titanic legs. Just missing 2 flask of the titans, proving too be difficult, ugh there were definately some on the AH like 2 weeks ago for 45g each. Would have done

I also agree with yacobod, although saying that I've always been DW since euro launch. Back in the days where it was laughed at and my troll racial was uber.


That reminds me, I've thought up a weird dw/swords build that's probably NOT ideal, but it would be fun with some sick swords to dual wield.

I know, most warriors are probably thinking "why the hell would you go for this?" but it's basically built around an insane amount of attacks. You would obviously be dual wielding swords only (so it'd probably be pvp swords, at least until we find out if there are any good raid sword setups in the expansion) and it doesn't have what is IMO the best (yet most underrated) warrior talent, rampage, but I think this could build up a shitload of damage. It's probably more of a pve build, but with the right swords the only weakness this build might have is against other warriors. The arms part of it may be better distributed... and honestly, whenever the expansion goes live and then they give us a test realm with premade 70s, I'll give this thing a shot and see if it's any good (my warrior's just a lowly 41 or 42, I forget exactly).

And in other rumors, I'm hearing they're removing the +threat from rockbiter and earth shock, so enhance shamans should deal a lot more damage in the expansion. With all the positive shaman changes I'm really considering getting mine to 70 before I even consider leveling my pally.


yacobod said:
well if you want to duel wield, i dont know why you would have mace spec, seems like a huge waste of points
Because I might as well mace-spec if the weapon I use for PVP is a mace. Even at 31/20 dual-wield seems more consistent for PVE, when I've tried it.
Do you mean for TBC?
I really just want something that'll make these last couple months of rep/money grinding go better. Haven't given much consideration to spec'ing for the expansion.

For TBC I suspect I'll just change my spec as soon as I find a better 2H.


Paranoia doesnt really help much as is. If the target is stationary you can just walk up and get the cheapshot off before Paranoia will even detect you, with MoD (which all PvPing Rogues have).

It's funny, but I cannot stand PvPing on my Warlock, I wish I felt as overpowered as people told me I was. :p Shamans + WoTF can really make a headache for Alliance casters. At least it'll be evening up soon.

I really enjoy playing on my friends Rogue mostly. =/ I usually just log onto that now, haha. Christ, it hits SO hard, and it's so much fun.

I walked up to BS in AB earlier today and instagibbed a WL or a HWL Mage with it earlier.

~2200 ambush
~1600 Backstab
~170 offhand hit
~500 mainhand crit
~150 instant poison

All within like... two seconds. He died while blinking, lag for the win!

I dunno, maybe I just need a new build for my Warlock, I'm kinda getting sick of heavy Destro. I miss SM/Ruin, but the gear I have feels like it suits Destro more, hum.
So I was quitting...Some guy hacks my account, and transfers my main to his account. I ask Blizzard to investigate, they say that I gave him my info, and it's my fault, and they're not going to reverse it. Thanks Blizzard. Glad I'm quitting.


Has problems recognising girls
I thought you could only transfer characters onto another account as long as your real names were the same?


ToyMachine228 said:
So I was quitting...Some guy hacks my account, and transfers my main to his account. I ask Blizzard to investigate, they say that I gave him my info, and it's my fault, and they're not going to reverse it. Thanks Blizzard. Glad I'm quitting.
That ... doesn't sound right. I could be wrong, but I'd ask to speak to someone else.


was it some former guildie or something? did you share your account info with other guild members? that's a large reason why I never ever got in on that, while most of my guild seems to have everyone else's info.
speedpop said:
I thought you could only transfer characters onto another account as long as your real names were the same?

Apparently this guy has my personal information too. Which isn't surprising because if he got my account info he can use it to log into the World of WarCraft site, and go to the edit information tab and look at the name, address, etc. I don't know how elaborate this guy is, but he seems to have it down to a science because he's getting away with it.


yacobod said:

You're such a tool.

Apparently this guy has my personal information too. Which isn't surprising because if he got my account info he can use it to log into the World of WarCraft site, and go to the edit information tab and look at the name, address, etc. I don't know how elaborate this guy is, but he seems to have it down to a science because he's getting away with it.

Well, he cant have your secret question; and they do run IP logs, they were banning shard guild banks prior. I'd give them a call and raise some hell if you cared enough to.


MrPing1000 said:
So got into a new raiding guild today. Finally got to see the insides of MC heh. No doubt I'll be sick of it eventually.

Yeah, MC is... terribly uninteresting. even as your first raid. BWL is a lot nicer, and they've done a good job of updating content and making some *REALLY* kick ass encounters in upper AQ and Naxx. though. Gonna be a lot of what they learned in Naxx going into BC, which will be fun times. :)
MrPing1000 said:
So got into a new raiding guild today. Finally got to see the insides of MC heh. No doubt I'll be sick of it eventually.

lol, that's me, (granted, our guild beat Hakkar before stepping foot in MC for most members, so we had seen great boss fights done right previously).

ZG, AQ20, BWL, Skeram...I love tangling with new bosses; trying to do stuff with too much of one class, not enough of a better one for the role, etc. The guild's pretty good about it too as long as morale is up.

In other news, mucho new gear like Tranny shoulders and Jin'dos Evil Eye; my Heal-Fu grows stronger...


Alex said:
You're such a tool.

wow + teh intraweb is serious :p

as for ToyMachine it's unfortunate that something like that happened to you, i mean that guy essentially stole $800+ from you, i think you could have fetched quite a bit for ur toon on ebay

i guess moral of the story is

don't give out your account info to anyone


ToyMachine228 said:
Apparently this guy has my personal information too. Which isn't surprising because if he got my account info he can use it to log into the World of WarCraft site, and go to the edit information tab and look at the name, address, etc. I don't know how elaborate this guy is, but he seems to have it down to a science because he's getting away with it.

It's not possible to change the original registered name so any account that is in your name can be gotten back. And you cannot transfer characters to accounts with different names on it. Which means you could very well end up with two accounts back not just one if he did in fact transfer your character to another account with your name on it. Email wowaccountadmin@blizzard.com and explain everything. They will ask for a notarized I.D. You give them that, they should give you a code and access to any accounts in your name. From then on only people with that code will be able to change your email or telephone number. So even if the guy knows your secret question you can still keep the account.
so about 28 hours ago, I'd never killed anything in mc.

Now I've every mc boss including rag (first guild kill, their 2nd proper attempt lol) and then we went and kill onyxia.

Now I just need to get some loots!


venison crêpe
We have a date!

WoW Europe Homepage said:
PARIS, France. – 9 November, 2006 – Blizzard Entertainment® announced today that World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade™, the highly anticipated expansion to the world’s leading subscription-based massively multiplayer online role-playing game, World of Warcraft, will be in stores on January 16th in North America and Europe. The expansion will be available in a similar time frame in Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore as well, and availability for mainland China and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau will be announced in the near future.
MrPing1000 said:
so about 28 hours ago, I'd never killed anything in mc.

Now I've every mc boss including rag (first guild kill, their 2nd proper attempt lol) and then we went and kill onyxia.

Now I just need to get some loots!

Grats, are you sick of it yet? Farming instances has got to be *the* most boring part of the game. I actually like learning new encounters for the most part.

They should have gone with this "hard mode" concept from day one, even with the raid instances.
Son of Godzilla said:
Grats, are you sick of it yet? Farming instances has got to be *the* most boring part of the game. I actually like learning new encounters for the most part.

They should have gone with this "hard mode" concept from day one, even with the raid instances.

Farming them clean is better than training new folks in self-judgement fights like Vael and Ossirian that usually are two-shotted...or not having enough to do them at all...


Woot, downed Ossirian for the first time. We'd been on him for a couple weeks now. Felt damn good to finally down him. Loot was pretty nice, unfortunately the Shackles dropped and a 'lock was ahead of me:p Cleared all but Ayamiss in 2 hours 15 minutes, was a damn fast run for us. We're not bothering with Ayamiss because the rewards leave MUCH to be desired for him.

Also killed Moam for the second week in a row before he could summon his adds.:)


Random WOW etiquette question: I see a member of my own faction fighting a mob near a herb I want to pick up. Do I whisper him and ask if it's ok for me to pick up the herb, or do I just grab it? Someone complained to me about this when I didn't ask, but hey, as far as I know you're just grinding XP/rep.....why should I have to get your permission to pick up a resource?


border said:
Random WOW etiquette question: I see a member of my own faction fighting a mob near a herb I want to pick up. Do I whisper him and ask if it's ok for me to pick up the herb, or do I just grab it? Someone complained to me about this when I didn't ask, but hey, as far as I know you're just grinding XP/rep.....why should I have to get your permission to pick up a resource?

I usually wait until he's done fighting and then see what he does. You never really know if he was going for the herb and a mob attacked. When I was mining iron, I used to get angry (never to the point that I chewed out someone though) when I was mining, a mob attacks me forcing me to kill it, and discover someone on the mine I was just on


meh i would just pick the herb or mine the ore

i've had many a china farmers and so many other ppl steal nodes and the such from me while playing, so no sympathy from me

i remember one time i deferred a rich thorium vein to a guildy, and he got 3 arcane crystals in a row, i was pretty pissed lol


border said:
Random WOW etiquette question: I see a member of my own faction fighting a mob near a herb I want to pick up. Do I whisper him and ask if it's ok for me to pick up the herb, or do I just grab it? Someone complained to me about this when I didn't ask, but hey, as far as I know you're just grinding XP/rep.....why should I have to get your permission to pick up a resource?

Think of it this way, would you run up an steal a chest while someone was fighting a mob that was guarding it?:p

Never hurts to ask.


Tamanon said:
Think of it this way, would you run up an steal a chest while someone was fighting a mob that was guarding it?:p

Never hurts to ask.
This is correct.

I was in the Syndicate castle area in Hillsbrad, can't remember the name, killing mobs that are mostly 2-3 levels below me trying to improve my lockpicking and pickpocketing some syndicate badges. I'm in one of the little houses with a lockbox in it, have a bad pull and get 3 of them on me. I'm pretty close to death when another rogue, about 10 levels above me, comes in and looks at me fighting for dear life, and promptly goes to pick the lockbox. I barely make it through.
Me: thanks a lot, asshole
Him: sorry
Me: **** you
*put on ignore list*

This was the second time he had stolen a lockbox from, and I had told him so the previous time and shrugged it off, so he knew I was going for it.

Don't be a dick. Asking is just polite.


daaamn. well, I knew I was keeping alchemy on my shaman, but now I'm definitely going to work on maxing that profession out ASAP. and it looks like with my lock I'll be going after the outlands faction that teaches the +damage leg tailoring item.
So since joining my guild 2 days ago, I've killed everything in MC (guilds first rag kill) onyxia and then everything in AQ20 (guilds first ossi kill, had only killed kurri, rajaxx n buru myself)

Andddddd I got brutality bracer boin +9str thank u very much :D

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