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World of Warcraft

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Oh, that happens sometimes, but I often find Shaman like to jump me, and drop that damn grounding + tremor combo in tight spots. Makes for a pretty grueling uphill fight.

I had the best Shaman fight earlier today. Some jackass HWL kept trying to jump my Warlock in AV when I was farming HKs for fun.

Does the typical Trinket + NS bullshit, I kill him and sit to eat, he self res's kills me, then spits on me, I pop my soulstone then kill him, spit on him back, and then loot his sorry ass for my 3 silver!


Alex said:
Oh, that happens sometimes, but I often find Shaman like to jump me, and drop that damn grounding + tremor combo in tight spots. Makes for a pretty grueling uphill fight.
:lol Yeah, we're dicks like that.

Honestly, I love fighting Warlocks. Always such a great challenge.
BTW, if you're still having problems with the blizzard downloader, download WoWtorrentEx (or something like that), extract the .torrent file and use it with your preferred BT client. (22 minutes left!)


- Weapon skill will no longer reduce the percentage damage lost due to
Weapon skill is broken now, resilience sounds nice, no significant dps gains, the rogue is officially passing down the crown of dps to some other class. Most likely the mage.

That is some serious bullshit right there. Why does classes like Warriors, Mages and Warlocks have a million tricks, pets, aoe, viable configurations and still be able to keep up with the only class specificly designed for dps? Rogues have stealth, yes, it's nice to get the jump, it's nice to hide and go places where others can't, but really it's simply useless for raiding. It's very simple, buff our white damage. It won't make a difference in pvp, but a huge one in pve.


Weapon skill still exists in BC and has showed up on a lot of new things, with that tidbit in mind, i have to wonder; why?

Maybe it does something else now, or it's aux components (bits to +hit and +crit) are more potent.


The mages got hit pretty hard as well, though.

Counterspell is now on the global cooldown, making fights against casters more difficult. Also, Dragon's Breath and Cone of Cold now share the same cooldown, and Presence of Mind and Combustion can not be used at the same time. And the previously mentioned CC changes.

These look to primarily be pvp nerfs... this doesn't change the usual role of a mage in a raid (spam frostbolt/fireball/scorch), but it still kinda stings.


I like the fact that all 3 trees seem viable and balanced for mages. I'll probably end up 38 Arc/23 Frost or 40/21.....downloading the PTR client right now, patch should be live on there tonight or tomorrow:)


yeah, I transfered last night, still hasnt gone through.

I made a level one in order to set up my graphics options and my UI, and well, at least I know BC has really pretty new loading screens!


Azwethinkweiz said:
The test realm is already up. Character transfers just don't work, so, you know...you can just run around with lvl 1 chars until tomorrow.

Yeah, right now I'm just downloading the client, had to track down a separate mirror because the WoW downloader still blows!


Haha, there's a lot of little changes, even as a level one gnome! New visuals on abilities, new animations, the interface window is loaded now, too. New stat window is greeattttttttt


Has problems recognising girls
Nice, downloading patch now. Excited due to the new Honor system and had no idea the Arenas were being put in so double excitement.


I'm a dufus, I just naturally thought Blizz's downloader was just broken. I finally clicked on that "Click here" for firewall troubles.....and opened the two ports:/
Whoo, my client is apparantly bugged, whenever I try to install the beta I get an error on one of the files. Reinstall ahoy, except I got rid of the cds ages ago! Guess I'll have to track down a friend's install discs or something. You don't need a unique cdkey to install right?


Son of Godzilla said:
Whoo, my client is apparantly bugged, whenever I try to install the beta I get an error on one of the files. Reinstall ahoy, except I got rid of the cds ages ago! Guess I'll have to track down a friend's install discs or something. You don't need a unique cdkey to install right?

Nope, cdkey is just used to establish account, that's all.


BTW, I need to get that pattern ASAP, lol. I know all my other mage cohorts would love that thing. A bit of intellect and 35 damage, good times!


I'm installing it, and whenever transfers go through, here's my characters (all on the test PvE realm):
Gromdoom (warlock)
Fexir (shaman)
Nordom (hunter)
Xifer (paladin)

So for any people on horde (since my paladin's level 27) who want to group and maybe try out arena combat or something, feel free to add me to your friends list on test.


wow... Apparently I got a beta invite sent to my old email address a long time ago (like back in early October) but I didn't know about it until just now when I checked it. of course, it's too busy right now to copy my characters, but hell, I'm going for it!


border said:
Wait time for character copies is 4 days, just for the Test Server. God damn....

It'll probably be much shorter than that. The copy service is currently down, so nobody's copying:p Hopefully should be up soon, I wanna copy my mage and 'lock!


When the copy service was up, the site was getting hammered so hard that I couldn't get much of anything through in the first place. Pages would just spend a minute trying to load, and then timeout.

I get the feeling it may actually be days before characters are moved over..


I finally got the site to stop timing-out and giving me busy messages......it said the transfer to Public Test Realms was successful. Where do I go to check the status of the character copy?


border said:
I finally got the site to stop timing-out and giving me busy messages......it said the transfer was successful. Where do I go to check the status of the transfer?

The tab on that same screen that says status :p Yeah I finally got mine through also. Mine is pending now, it's a start!


Tamanon said:
Just go to Accounts ----> Public Test Realm ----> Character Copy Status
"The service you're trying to access is too busy right now, please check back another time."


It's never been this bad with any of the other PTRs I've messed around with. Maybe they shouldn't have disabled premades.
Finally got transferred over. Holy crap the server is unstable. Either way I'm liking the hunter changes and everything seems to do more damage now. Making aimed shot only useful as an opener now wouldn't be quite so gay if they didn't wait until level 64 to give hunters steady shot. So pretty much in raids now it's gonna be a healthy dose of arcane shot and multi-shot spam.


Since they've instituted this confusing new Combat Ratings system, I've heard that you can access a character information page that will translate everything into more obvious terms (eg: % chance to crit/hit/dodge/etc). How/where do I see this?


yeah, it's just the right half of the stats part of your char sheet. instead of the current thing where it's weapon skill, attack power, and DPS for melee and ranged, it defaults to either the melee category (hit, crit, weapon skill, dps and so on) or ranged or spell or defense. just pick one from the drop down menu...
and my character copies are pending transfer to beta, too. but when they're over I'll have a 51 hunter, 60 warlock and 60 shaman to try out - and I'll see how I'll like the different builds I'm going for on my warlock/shaman turn out (heavy destruction warlock, and I'm going elemental on my shaman).
So, were any of you guys or your friends banned today? Blizzard put the smackdown on bots today and apparently banned some innocent people in the process. My friend who I got into WOW a few months ago got banned for "Use of Third Party Automation Software". I'm sure he hasn't used a bot. He's level 49 and only plays that character. I was on his PC playing WOW just last night and saw all of his characters. He doesn't use a bot. He would tell me and joke about it if he did 'cause we're cool like that. Yeah, I'm pretty steamed about this and it's not even my account.
I heard they banned linux users who were using WineX/CEDEGA to play WoW, as well.

It's pretty wonky.

(And my rogue's in the process of being transfered)


I went on, and spec'd for Felguard and man my damage has skyrocketed :lol 450 damage per tick Drain Soul is cracking me up.

Man I am so so much stronger with this stuff >_> I cannot believe the shit I can do now.


6000 soulfire crit in a duel. :lol The new soul fire scaling is bullshit awesome, they should just change it's name to "end fight".


Character transferred, apparently "Nonsha" violates some naming convention or something(error probably) so I had to switch it to Nonshapass. Got my talents, went 2 Arcane/49 Frost.

Cast my first Water Elemental and the server crashed:)

BTW, the Cenarion Hold trade goods guy got a 275 Jewelcrafting recipe in for a 30 damage, 14 spell hit rating headpiece. Gotta look elsewhere for new stuff.


Man that Blizz D/L is brutally slow...I've had it open for like 30 mins. and nothing has been d/l , yet it says no problems detected. :lol


Tamanon said:
Character transferred, apparently "Nonsha" violates some naming convention or something(error probably) so I had to switch it to Nonshapass.
You get that message whenever you transfer your character to a server, and someone else already has your name.


Actually, you just get forced to rename period when you transfer to these servers (considering I'm 100% positive nobody else used the name of any of my characters I transferred).

Did some grinding in beta on my lock and holy shit, I kill stuff in like 5 seconds. 3 demon/48 destruction, and everything dies easily and the only downtime I ever get is if I'm careless about mana and need to lifetap. Backlash rules, it procs so damn much it's almost like old school nightfall. And Incinerate... well, ok, so I'm not even 61 yet, but looking at the lock trainer, Incinerate EASILY matches up equally to Shadowbolt. It basically does a little more base damage if Immolate's on the target, which makes up for the decrease it will get from spell damage. I also made about 30 gold in 90 minutes just questing (well, ok, I also vendored some stuff I KNOW I won't use in beta, like a lot of my NR gear) and got about 110k xp without even killing a mob my level or higher. However, my rested state carried over so that's probably got a lot to do with it. Anyway... yeah, the expansion beta seems really cool so far. Now I'm going to try grinding a bit with my elemental shaman. It shouldn't be too hard - from talents alone, I have 40 mp/5, 9% spell hit and 3% spell crit, and my only epics are Therazane's Link (long story on how I got that one) and an Aurastone Hammer.
"And Incinerate... well, ok, so I'm not even 61 yet, but looking at the lock trainer, Incinerate EASILY matches up equally to Shadowbolt."

Good news. I like busting out the Soul Fire in PvP, but when it's down, I hate having to rely on a spell I suck at (Shadowbolt).

And the good news about Backlash proccing a lot is good to hear too.


BTW, apparently in this patch some recipes will be trainable instead of drops. I know I found Ghostweave Pants, Wizardweave Turban and Runecloth Cloak on the Master Tailor.....of course I knew most recipes already so there are probably more to learn from him.


and I haven't found any Grand Master Engineer yet, so I haven't seen the Master Engineer stuff, but all the other Grand Master trainers won't even show anything for me (for professions, not secondary stuff). So I can't really comment on a lot of trainable recipes. But Thrallmar (the horde area in Hellfire Peninsula) has some awesome buyable LW recipes if you rep up with them. It's pure dps stuff, but it's basically a 3 piece set of socketed blue mail that's pure +agi, with the set bonus giving a hit rating bonus. They also have a badass epic caster dagger and some other good epics. It looks like Thrallmar's a world pvp-type faction to be honest, but I don't really know since I barely scratched the surface of Hellfire Peninsula questing. As far as quests go, I'm really impressed so far with the rewards. They aren't named yet, but there's been like 4-5 options so far for every quest with an item reward that I've done, fitting a lot of different specs - DPS/caster mail, DPS/caster leather, DPS/caster plate, and caster cloth. None of the cloth stuff was upgrades for me, but I think if you don't have tier 2 or the blue pvp set, it most likely will be (I know for a fact a lot of the caster mail will be massive upgrades for my shaman).
And it seems that TBW got nerfed from 30% to 10% increased hunter damage. Not that I even care, the skill never seemed all that great to me and it's obvious the strength of it is the CC immunity, not the damage. Would of much rather of had goddamn Stampede, but hey. Also helps that I've committed myself to playing Survival just for how awesome Readiness is.


I <3 AQ20. Picked up the Enchant Cloak - Stealth enchant, Shackles of the Unscarred from Ossi and Talon of Furious Concentration from Moam last night. Also finally hit Revered:)

Now to just get the ring to drop dammit, get the Leggings of the Black Blizzard and Exalted and I'm set there, hah.



Sounds about right.


Oh my gosh, Affliction is making me downright giddy.

I figured I'd hate it, but no way, full Affliction is the reigning champ for PvP for me at the moment.

Demonology also rocks face, and while Destro always has, and always will be good, Shadowfury is a massive waste at the moment.

If the mechanics worked ala Blast Wave, with a stun, I'd be for it.

But no, Affliction is sick, my Curse of Agony alone dropped a Hunter to 50% earlier, and that was just a run by cast, he had regen time in there too!. Three DoT's is a DEATH sentence now, no matter what. The new drains are sick as well, 36 yard range is yummy. 230 DPS/Healing + procs Shadowbolts like mad!

And oh my , the instant cast Fear...

I found some big mega elite HWL Shadow Priest on Test and man... He got worked. Unstable Affliction, Siphon, Curse of Agony, Corrption, Insta Fear + Death Coil + Spell Lock.... He didnt even get to attack, really, well outside of his SW:p which my Felpup devoured, I didnt even have to drain.

So much good stuff, if I was 70, and had Shadowburn and Bane in addition.... haha. Im finding myself not relying so much on Deathcoil now, which is saying a lot as an Allied lock.

Im having so much fun, my Warlock doesnt even feel like shes the same class anymore.
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