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Xbox 360 was just stolen


I would let the Xbox go. The potential for far worse is there. Seriously.
Why is everyone doomsdaying? "Bring a gun!" "This could get dangerous..." "This could get a whole lot worse OP."

That was kind of my original point about how sensationalist this whole thread is; basically some feckless wasters from some tinpot town stole someone's Xbox and he's trying to get it returned, he's not infiltrating the mob.


So, I usually stick to posting in my own little drama-free GAF bubble.. but I'd been reading this thread for a while now, and think I should probably say something, seeing the direction it's taken.

I'm one of Izuna's brothers (can verify with a mod if necessary), and everything posted regarding the 360 in this thread is true. It belonged to one of our brothers who just kinda vanished a while back.


When he posted about going to Stockport, and hoping his brother could go with him, it was me that he asked to go with him.


So, we good now?


Neo Member
“Gaming news website” oh, you mean my simple blog? Maybe you should start a blog highlighting some of your sad stories, then some of your fanboys on here can go cry over your lies over there. You can start off with some of the sad threads and comments you have about yourself right here on neogaf like how you told all of us that you were so poor and that you only had 4 pounds left in your account and that you needed to sell your phone, then when a user told you that you need help managing your money, you told them that you’re financially in a great state. Then you told us how you are so shit at cooking and your girlfriend left you… I could go on and on about the crazy things you make up for attention. The others should really take a look at how desperate you are. Many of us have already called you out on this.

How do you even think about all these fake stories, dude? We all knew you would create some kind of twist about Stockport today, When are you going to come out and say that all of this was a late April Fool’s joke?

So now, you were so happy you were going to get the save files back for 3 to 4 days, THEN SUDDENLY, ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING, you realize the girl didn’t tell you where to meet! OMG please end this story already. At which part will you say that your brother was abducted by aliens? Or at which part of this story will find out you were a ghost all along?


So if I give the mods the crime number and proof, you're alright with sacrificing you account? I'll take a ban bet that I can prove every part of this.

But the only person asking for attention is yourself.

My friend, you are clearly a pathological liar who has had 4 weeks to fabricate this story and others over the last few years. You don’t need to prove anything to me, I was not the first one to poke holes in your story, I was also not the first one to think this story of yours is dodgy and shady. I’ve said my bit already. People can either believe you or not, I am just one of the many that sees this as suspicious and decided to voice an opinion. My earlier posts stated simple truths about the holes in your story that you simply could not refute, from a domestic abuse all the way to a dirty cop who threatened a teenage girl. Take your fanfiction to the Off-topic thread next time.

PS. I hope you get the much needed help you so very much need.

“Gaming news website” oh, you mean my simple blog? Maybe you should start a blog highlighting some of your sad stories, then some of your fanboys on here can go cry over your lies over there. You can start off with some of the sad threads and comments you have about yourself right here on neogaf like how you told all of us that you were so poor and that you only had 4 pounds left in your account and that you needed to sell your phone, then when a user told you that you need help managing your money, you told them that you’re financially in a great state. Then you told us how you are so shit at cooking and your girlfriend left you… I could go on and on about the crazy things you make up for attention. The others should really take a look at how desperate you are. Many of us have already called you out on this.

How do you even think about all these fake stories, dude? We all knew you would create some kind of twist about Stockport today, When are you going to come out and say that all of this was a late April Fool’s joke?

So now, you were so happy you were going to get the save files back for 3 to 4 days, THEN SUDDENLY, ON THE DAY OF THE MEETING, you realize the girl didn’t tell you where to meet! OMG please end this story already. At which part will you say that your brother was abducted by aliens? Or at which part of this story will find out you were a ghost all along?


Ummm, chill the fuck out?


I say go ahead and send that stuff to a mod Izuna. You have nothing to prove, but at the least it'll shut some idiots up. It'd suck if this thread got locked and there's still some skepticism.
You're so right. My past sucks, but it hasn't failed like your gaming news website has.

Got Damn!

So, I usually stick to posting in my own little drama-free GAF bubble.. but I'd been reading this thread for a while now, and think I should probably say something, seeing the direction it's taken.

I'm one of Izuna's brothers (can verify with a mod if necessary), and everything posted regarding the 360 in this thread is true. It belonged to one of our brothers you just kinda vanished a while back.


When he posted about going to Stockport, and hoping his brother could go with him, it was me that he asked to go with him.


So, we good now?



I say go ahead and send that stuff to a mod Izuna. You have nothing to prove, but at the least it'll shut some idiots up. It'd suck if this thread got locked and there's still some skepticism.

Skepticism doesn't matter, I don't need to prove it all for people's head-canon but harrassment is garbage.

But yes, the story has to end. I'll let whatever PD is closer to Stockport and forward it all but since I removed the Netflix I can't imagine they'd refuse to sell the Xbox. I can't verify it's still being used anymore.

It seems that the police have outdated addresses for them so, I can't win with that route.

I've exhausted it all so I should give up. Sorry for the drama.


I got sent weird af email but I am on Mobile so I can't post it. It has an address in it so my colleague will go with me.

I hope this is some good news.

It claimed that other email wasn't her (which is the only thing she said that makes sense) but I guess I have to follow this up.


So I think this is legit.


The first email I got with the address is hard to edit on Mobile but she was asking to send it in a taxi (which is crazy expensive).
The case of the missing Xbox is more intriguing than the last three seasons in Game of Thrones.

Hope you find it with accounts still intact!


So I think this is legit.


The first email I got with the address is hard to edit on Mobile but she was asking to send it in a taxi (which is crazy expensive).
I thought this girl was a jobless waster?

What meeting is she in? Job Centre? On a Sunday?

Sounds fishy OP...


I thought this girl was a jobless waster?

What meeting is she in? Job Centre? On a Sunday?

Sounds fishy OP...

It's a home address.

It would be batshit if it were fake

The whole "my brother did it" angle is bs because I gave her the offline account with the Netflix, but.... I just want this back
I don't think its necessary to send the mods any proof Izuna, that asshole isn't here for long anyway

Also holy crap your name is actually Izuna :O

EDIT if Izuna is Izuna, does that mean Synth is Synth irl??

Story does seem fake to me in my opinion. This was a lot of effort my dude, why? Think of all the time you could of spent doing something else.
Weird thing to post considering how you got your name changed..,


So... It's comic con. Was wondering why there were Overwatch heroes on the train.

So hopefully I got good news I'm about an hour :D
My only advice is don't trust anyone that isn't family. Even friends will fuck you over, and these people don't sound like friends. You seem like you have a big heart and want to help people, but do yourself a favor: help yourself. These people sound like they wouldn't do for you what you did for them. And they took your shit. Learn from this, don't be naïve in the future, and look out for your own best interests. Good look, OP.


GamingTechWatch hasn't acknowledged someone verifying this then? You suck dude.

I was half expecting them to accuse me of being a dummy account that's been meticulously kept active for the last 12 years, just so it could corroborate this story.

After all, he's had weeks to fabricate everything.


They're just worried that Izuna is going to "prosicute" them lol.

I did lol at the meeting thing. What type of meeting are they in?

I actually read it that she's worried that he'll burst into her business meeting while carrying prosciutto.

I'm confused. Be careful, Izuna!
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