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Xbox One Hardware/UI Review Thread

Trying to. It's not working.

Good reviews! No wonder there is so much excitement around the system. Friday can not come soon enough!

No one is arguing that a PC which is A LOT of money (for a good one) and does A LOT of different things including games is crap...but somehow a dedicated media box at a quarter of the cost of a great rig is now somehow poo pooo...just because it does more then plays games or at least trying to.

Not once have I gone into a PS4 thread and crap on it...I let live and let live...but reading through this thread, the same nonsense that has been present for month continues to steam ahead at full speed. Now we just need CBOAT to come in here and really put the fear or god into people with some more half-baked scare mongering.


Thank you. Not everyone wants a utilitarian gaming-only box. And there's something oddly Luddite about dismissing features that aren't directly related to playing console games. The argument that "these are meant to be gaming devices" is silly because it IS a gaming box, it just happens to have other functionality as well.

Other functionality that doesn't even properly work for launch.

Chitown B

I'm honestly really baffled with how much emphasis most Xbox One reviews have put on the TV and Kinect features. I don't have cable and have no interest in using voice or motion controls, so what is there left for me? Seems to be a lot of "yeah, Titanfall is coming soon..."

I'm really starting to rethink purchasing either next-gen console right now.

what more do you want than to be able to play games, then? Because that's there too.


Should you buy an Xbox One?

Not just yet. The launch lineup isn't strong enough to justify picking one up just yet, and most of the games worth buying are available by other means. That said, the games paint a great picture of what the system can do. Despite being slightly less powerful than the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One is capable of greatness--we're seeing massive worlds in Dead Rising, incredibly detailed environments in Ryse, and stellar online play in everything that lets us use Xbox Live. The Kinect functionality is astonishing when it works, too, and we're hoping that future updates will eradicate the "when it works" caveat. If you want to get the system, and need an excuse, go ahead and pick it up at your earliest convenience and you'll find plenty to enjoy. But if you want to wait, you can do so guilt-free until some bigger exclusives drop.


The IQ quality is huge for those who care. I am playing ACIV on 1080p right now, and the difference is noticeable for those who want to see it.

And I have no idea where you are getting that the Xbone's launch line-up is "vastly more diverse". Since Friday, I have played, two shooters (Killzone and BF4), a driving game (NFS), a basketball game (NBA2k14), an arcade shooter (Resogun), a action-adventure game (ACIV), a soccer game (FIFA) and I am considering a platformer game (Knack). And that's not the whole launch lineup. How much more diverse do you want?

And for the entire year next year,that really is no contest, PS4 has many more games coming out than the Xbone. Unless of course the mighty (unproven) Titanfall powers over all! :)

If you haven't played Warframe yet, you're doing yourself, your country, and your ancestors a great disservice!!

(Also play with me on PSN - airhoppz)


Not sure if posted, but the Anandtech one has some good tech stuff



that's the PS4.


No one is arguing that a PC which is A LOT of money (for a good one) and does A LOT of different things including games is crap...but somehow a dedicated media box at a quarter of the cost of a great rig is now somehow poo pooo...just because it does more then plays games or at least trying to.

Not once have I gone into a PS4 thread...I let live and let live...but reading through this thread, the same nonsense that has been present for month continues to steam ahead at full speed. Now we just need CBOAT to come in here and really put the fear or god into people with some more half-baked scare mongering.

a quarter of the cost? A quarter? Who are you, Richie Rich?
love that polygon design. They really tried cramming not only the written portion but they really made it more dynamic and feature filled. those videos/snap shots look great. Both PS4 and XB1 look great.


How come IGN seems to be the only site showing live uncut demos of the Kinect Features? The reviews saying Kinect works fine, I would love to see a live, uncut example of that as well.

All of these IGN videos make the Kinect and Voice Control features look awful. Nothing seems to work as promised.

Here's Gizmodo's


They seem to have absolutely no issues which makes the IGN one a bit suspect to me, but they didn't do the multiple user face recog login.
Shacknews Xbox One review:


"Of course, these consoles don't exist in a bubble and many will ask "which system is better?" At launch, it's much too early to say. Personally, I can tell you that I've been enjoying my Xbox One more than my PS4. But, I have the luxury of not having paid for either of these consoles, nor having to pay for Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus. Is Xbox One $100 better than PS4? Is it worth paying an extra $60 a year for? Being able to scan QR codes is nice, being able to connect live TV into the system is novel, and using voice as a universal remote is fun--but how much is that worth to you?"


Again, just my point of view but that doesn't mean 6 month's to a year from now it won't be realized...or even 2 years...Look at the evolution of PS3 and 360? Where we started and where we finished is VERY different. I do live in the US and use TimeWarner as my cable provider. I'll be honest that if I were in the EU or one of the other launch places I would NOT get the XOne as it's all-in-one media functionality is significantly more limited outside of US. But that's not a concern for me...I just get a bit peeved with people saying that all that extra stuff is garbage...again, I say this knowing full well that right now it needs work.

I hear you. That extra stuff isn't garbage, just a lot of people don't care, myself included. What irked me was polygon's willingness to wait for the Bone to prove it's worth while still giving it a higher score than the PS4, for which they basically said "yeah it's a good system but it's not proving it's worth right now". But I'm trying not to get too worked up about polygon being polygon.
Today I've learned that IQ is no longer a metric when reviewing gaming hardware. There's something to be said about "playing the game, not the graphics", but it's amazing how few of these reviews even broach the subject.
Shacknews Xbox One review:


"Of course, these consoles don't exist in a bubble and many will ask "which system is better?" At launch, it's much too early to say. Personally, I can tell you that I've been enjoying my Xbox One more than my PS4. But, I have the luxury of not having paid for either of these consoles, nor having to pay for Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus. Is Xbox One $100 better than PS4? Is it worth paying an extra $60 a year for? Being able to scan QR codes is nice, being able to connect live TV into the system is novel, and using voice as a universal remote is fun--but how much is that worth to you?"

All those have almost nothing to do with gaming so the question is , do you think the price is worth the extra media features ?
I can understand that point of view, strikes me as weird for a gamer to not appreciate their approach though, I want more better games. The Xbone's focus on TV stuff is superfluous if you ask me, but hey, I'm not that audience. I didn't realize so many games journos were bored to tears with the current gaming situation and were waiting for the arrival of TV in the console to save them :/

This. Polygon (like so many tech sites) are gimmick obsessed, not quality obsessed. What irritated me about their PS4 review is that it (seemingly) docked points because the console JUST played games well (and according to them the games aren't good).

Yet, with the XBone, the games are better (in their opinion), its an okay game console, and it might be a really good media hub. Although, god forbid it should be compared to stuff like Apple TV and Roku which costs 1/5 of the price.

The fundamental problem with "game-centric" sites focusing on hardware reviews is that they tend to either ignore the technological context (like the 720p vs. 1080p debate, geographical content/feature restrictions, the competition outside of the competing console).

Anyways, whatever, let the games begin. We'll see who follows up on all this "potential"


Check out today's GB podcast for some impressions on the Xbox one UI. Voice control, etc. It is all pretty positive stuff.
All those have almost nothing to do with gaming so the question is , do you think the price is worth the extra media features ?

Are you asking me personally or just in general to anyone? lol

The answer for me is no - absolutely not. I do not want an Xbox One no matter what. I just wanted to post the review to add and contribute to the thread. That is all.


Shacknews Xbox One review:


"Of course, these consoles don't exist in a bubble and many will ask "which system is better?" At launch, it's much too early to say. Personally, I can tell you that I've been enjoying my Xbox One more than my PS4. But, I have the luxury of not having paid for either of these consoles, nor having to pay for Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus. Is Xbox One $100 better than PS4? Is it worth paying an extra $60 a year for? Being able to scan QR codes is nice, being able to connect live TV into the system is novel, and using voice as a universal remote is fun--but how much is that worth to you?"

I'm impressed someone actually mentioned this. The media loves to live in a bubble where they get everything for free and it makes them forget about things like this and how important it is to people. They need to be reviewing this system with this always at the front of their mind. Is an extra $100 worth this? Is it worth putting up with feature X that doesn't work? Those are the questions they should all be asking, because no one who reads them has the luxury of getting everything for free.


This was probably already posted but:


If a site actually had the nads to publish that + and was reliant on game ads for survival, they'd be number 2 on my gaming site bookmarks.

[not saying its all true cuz I don't know, but any editor with those kinds of balls would be awesome]


Gold Member
However, the tone of Polygon's review is another matter. It reads like that Mega 64 Todd and Aaron bit from three years ago:

"Xbox One has a ton of future potential , especially when all these features will be fully realized. 8/10"


"PS4 has a ton of future potential, however, these features have yet to be fully realized. 7.5/10"

Meh, I personally have way more faith in MS' ability to upgrade their OS and features than I do Sony.
I'm sorry it's true...over a time you get a feel for certain posters...many of them are here doing their thing. I mean no disrespect...

No it's not. Stop acting like the world is crashing down.

People are discussing the pros and cons of the One, in a surprisingly cordial matter for such a big event. If there's any silliness, it's about Polygon and maybe the Kinect stuff.

I own a PS4, but I'd love to get a One. Just not in the cards yet. And this handwaving of "great reviews!" and "people are jus haters!" really means to me that the people saying that aren't reading the damn reviews.

It's just like the PS4. Good potential, not realized yet. Your call on whether you want in.


Meh, I personally have way more faith in MS' ability to upgrade their OS and features than I do Sony.

I have less faith after they couldn't even get Twitch streaming ready for launch. I guess their E3 demo of it was totally fake.

Polygon did address that in a reasonable way in their review, so kudos to them for that.

Also missing at launch is Twitch livestreaming support. While Sony revealed its console — and its streaming ability — first, Microsoft was first to specifically announce Twitch streaming support. Twitch, unlike other streaming video platforms, is gaming-specific and its inclusion in the PlayStation 4 already makes the feature feel mandatory. Twitch streaming is coming to the Xbox One "during the first part of 2014," but its initial absence is pronounced.
If a site actually had the nads to publish that + and was reliant on game ads for survival, they'd be number 2 on my gaming site bookmarks.

[not saying its all true cuz I don't know, but any editor with those kinds of balls would be awesome]

I find that .jpg highly disrespectful...just don the tin-foil hat and have at it...

Static Jak

A lot of the consoles potential seems to be built off of the whole TV/media side of it.

Which, even if I did have an interest in that side of it, is useless to me since I'm not in the US. Unless they can strike a deal with Sky, I don't see many ever being able to use that side of it.

And I generally don't watch live TV anyway. I use Netflix and others like it. Basically, online is where I get my content these days and I can get that from nearly any device these days.

So that leaves it strictly as a game console. And in comparison to the PS4, I prefer the PS4. Multiplatform is going to be the majority of games we all play over the years, nothing new there. And as it is, the PS4 seems to give me the better version in terms of performance.

I might pick up an Xbox One in a few years if it builds up a nice selection of exclusives over that time. Like how I picked up the PS3 a few years later.



Shacknews says:

Of course, you don't have to use Xbox One's HDMI-In for cable TV. You can use it for any HDMI-enabled device. And here's a surprise I couldn't mention in my PS4 review: it was running through Xbox One the entire time. There's absolutely no lag introduced by first going through Xbox One.

Eurogamer says:


Xbox One's HDMI input is a curious, platform-exclusive element of the package and it should work with virtually any source. We hooked up a PS3, a PS4 and Xbox 360 with no problem whatsoever, in the process confirming that Xbox One accepts any HDMI format we could throw at it - 480p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p - at both 50 and 60Hz to boot. The machine then adjusts the image to match the Xbox One's chosen settings, upscaling as appropriate. While you can feed in other consoles, it's not the best idea to do so as there's a clear additional level of latency added to the display chain. It's not severe at all - you're unlikely to notice it skipping through channels using your remote - but it is definitely noticeable during gameplay.

One of them is wrong... I'm going to go with Shacknews since Yoon is a lot less technically inclined than Leadbetter.
A lot of the consoles potential seems to be built off of the whole TV/media side of it.

Which, even if I did have an interest in that side of it, is useless to me since I'm not in the US. Unless they can strike a deal with Sky, I don't see many ever being able to use that side of it.

And I generally don't watch live TV anyway. I use Netflix and others like it. Basically, online is where I get my content these days and I can get that from nearly any device these days.

So that leaves it strictly as a game console. And in comparison to the PS4, I prefer the PS4. Multiplatform is going to be the majority of games we all play over the years, nothing new there. And as it is, the PS4 seems to give me the better version in terms of performance.

I might pick up an Xbox One in a few years if it builds up a nice selection of exclusives over that time. Like how I picked up the PS3 a few years later.

This is a fair post...again, if I were outside of the US I'm not sure I'd be getting XOne...the media stuff to me is a big deal. Without that all you have is a less powerful gaming box.


See, I find this to be true...in MY OPINION...(for what it's worth)...PS4 did nothing innovative...they refreshed hardware and put in much better memory and GPU etc. They didn't push the envelope in ANY way shape or form. And that's fine, clearly Sony is positioning the box as pretty much 90% games and 10% everything else.

XOne is going after input one...has that vision been realized out of the gate, NO! Resounding NO! But again, in my opinion they are pushing the envelope much harder with multiple ways to interact with the device, be an all in one entertainment hub. I understand that on a gaming site like this that may not be a priority for all but to me it makes a world of difference. I want all of that all-in- one functionality even if others here profess not to want it...doesn't mean none of us want it.

Just but whatever meets your needs...you don't see me going into the PS4 review thread and shitting it up with things like lolygon and claims of bias. I understand different folks want different things...just get what makes you happy.

MS are pushing live TV heavily, yet have no live TV guide support outside of the US, and no information on when it can be expected. Sounds a little fucked up to me.

And Sony are also looking to be the centre of the living room - both companies are, just that Sony chose to start the discussion with gamers as a focus, as they're the ones buying the machine for the first 12 months. Sony will push the TV angle through IPTV and streaming, rather than relying on video passthrough and 3rd party set top boxes.

Both are nowhere near where they need to be to justify 'owning' the living room. Possibly neither will ever be - people will carry on just watching TV with the boxes they have now. But just because MS is shouting loudest, doesn't mean they're the only ones that think it is important.
Clearly it's not done cooking. Looks like my decision to wait was the right one.

The whole "Redbox by Verizon" thing is ridiculous. I feel dirty just typing it out

It's Redbox Instant by Verizon, so take a little longer and say it correctly... or the Xbone won't understand you.

Seriously, that alone warrants scrapping this whole voice command thing. Just kill it with fire.


I've let Andrew Yoon from Shacknews know he might be compromising his PS4 gameplay in the Weekend Confirmed thread where he sometimes posts.


Read the .jpg...calls XOne owners, lazy, stupid and those that enjoy being watched by advertisers...

How anyone can't see the condescending remark as anything less then offensive is beyond me. Unless of course you like being called lazy and dumb...

Aside from the fact that it is a humour piece, it is actually saying who the box might appeal to, not that everyone owing it is that way. But whatevs, its really not worth parsing.
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