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Xbox One UI vid w/Snap


I like the fact that Windows 8, and now Xbox One OS introduces the concept of having multiple application visible on the screen at the same time. Sick of Windows 7 (and earlier) where I can only have 1 single application visible at the time. This is progress guys, this is computer science at the maximum level. Multiple applications visible... W.O.W.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
ill only use it for playing cod with my friend and skyping at the same time


I can't foresee a use for that, but who knows. I do not need to surf the web on my TV while playing a game. Hopefully this has nothing to do with why some games are native 720p on Xbox One.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Mute the game. Hide the controller while you're playing. (Heck, if you use a blanket, she might think there's some sexy things going on underneath.) She'll be none the wiser.

Just don't yell "Fuck you!" when you die in Killzone. (I tend to say that a lot when I play games.)

Sorry man, but Killzone ain't on the XBO.


MS should just keep quiet on this stuff next time. 360 had 10% gpu time reserved and no snapping. PS4 has a similar reserve and also 2 CPU cores.

PS4 has a similar reserve? You're going to have to back that up dude, because I certainly haven't heard it any where. Not with respect to the GPU anyway. Simply put, the PS4 doesn't need such a GPU reserve, but I'd be happy for you to prove me wrong with a link/confirmation.


Seems pointless. When I game, and wanna check a walkthrough, I'll just pull out my smartphone. Same for watching TV. Also I don't mind having multiple apps open and switching between them like a smartphone. The only use for Snap is for Skype. Personally I think it's a waste of system resources.


Seems pointless. When I game, and wanna check a walkthrough, I'll just pull out my smartphone. Same for watching TV. Also I don't mind having multiple apps open and switching between them like a smartphone. The only use for Snap is for Skype. Personally I think it's a waste of system resources.

No surprises in that post.


Looks cool if you have decent apps. I guess something like twitter or some sort of chat room on the side?

Having a web browser and a game running side to side looks terrible but I guess it may work for those achievement hunters.

What I dont like is the Windows 8 "metro" look being forced into gamers. This snap function works on a PC but looks really unnecessary for a console but as long as they fix the bugs and get it running properly, I give MS props for trying new things on the console space.


In 2013, nearly 2014, something like this is pointless for anyone with a smart phone. It would be like trying to browse the internet using an older number pad phone while taking up a large portion of your tv. If there's something that I want to devote my attention to, I'll do it instead of playing the game. Or I'll pause the game and look it up twice as quick on my iPhone, and then start back to my game immediately. This is an extremely misguided idea of how people play games.

I said some people might like it, which is true. You might not like it, and find it "misguided", but it doesn't really change my point.


I like the fact that Windows 8, and now Xbox One OS introduces the concept of having multiple application visible on the screen at the same time. Sick of Windows 7 (and earlier) where I can only have 1 single application visible at the time. This is progress guys, this is computer science at the maximum level. Multiple applications visible... W.O.W.
Either that's way overdone sarcasm or you just broke my head.


Looks disorganized and "cludgey." It's hard to imagine a casual user enjoying this confusion on a regular basis.


I wonder how close you have to sit to view stuff on that snap window.

With some people saying "if you sit farther away you wont notice the resolution difference", Will this cause problems?


No surprises in that post.

But it is a waste. That extra power could have went towards making COD at most 900p.

Why squash half your screen just to browse the internet when you're trying to game? Srs


Looks nice and smooth, keeping in mind that it's obviously pre release firmware.

I like the fact that Windows 8, and now Xbox One OS introduces the concept of having multiple application visible on the screen at the same time. Sick of Windows 7 (and earlier) where I can only have 1 single application visible at the time. This is progress guys, this is computer science at the maximum level. Multiple applications visible... W.O.W.

This should be an obvious joke, but with you, I don't know, lol.


But in what situation would this be better than an in game overlay. This use case seems more style than substance. You shrink the whole gaming area to allocate a chunk of the screen to something that could be done more elegantly in game.
I meant it more as an ingame snap feature, an overlay as you say it. It isn't crazy to have a stats bar in the right portion of the screen that is controlled in a similar as the official snap feature.


All of this stuff is much better done with current tech like tablets, laptops and mobile phones. Why do I want my screen real estate taken up by something I can just have playing or loaded on my phone (radio, Skype, voice call etc). It's not like it's easy to play a video game whilst watching TV at the same time anyway lol. I see snap as being a novelty people use a few times and then disregard.

I do it right now, so I don't think it's much of a novelty. Playing the Vita while watching the WS. I used to play StarCraft on my laptop while watching TV/Sports in the background. If they integrate it into the UI, and allow me to watch TV or streams while I play games, I think that's a great feature. Not to mention being able to look things up quickly using voice commands, as well as the other planned stuff.

Plus if you are able to full control it easily and accurately via voice commands, you don't have to take your hands away from the game to a tablet or phone. If you could do it with one device rather than two, then why not? If it is accurate and correct. Shaving a little screen real estate is fine with me.
Seems pointless. When I game, and wanna check a walkthrough, I'll just pull out my smartphone. Same for watching TV. Also I don't mind having multiple apps open and switching between them like a smartphone. The only use for Snap is for Skype. Personally I think it's a waste of system resources.

I think Microsoft wants to combine the second-screen experience into the main screen. I think it's a neat idea, but it has limited uses.

Honestly, I think the second-screen experience is personal. I don't think anyone in the room is going to want to see my Twitter feed while we're watching sports.


But it is a waste. That extra power could have went towards making COD at most 900p.

Why squash half your screen just to browse the internet when you're trying to game? Srs

Meh, Id rather have this power saved and one console try something new. We already have nice, superpowered console. Im happy my ps4 can play games nice. But if this evolves into something better/cool, I appreciate the bone doing something differently.


Meh, Id rather have this power saved and one console try something new. We already have nice, superpowered console. Im happy my ps4 can play games nice. But if this evolves into something better/cool, I appreciate the bone doing something differently.

Voice commands through the headset on Ps4, no extra hardware needed. Dat Kinect value
Neat. I will never use it.

Pretty much how I feel. I guess there could be some near usages with FAQs or walk throughs for a game like, say, Skyrim....but I wouldn't want that taking up a quarter of my screen. I do that now currently with a phone or tablet or even my laptop and don't fine it cumbersome at all. A solution for a problem that doesn't exist.

Am I reading right though that people want to have netflix up, taking up a chunk of the screen, WHILE they play a game? What in the actual fuck? I've heard of short attention spans but goddamn.


Jut seems rather pointless. Not worth 10% of the GPU being reserved nor an extra core or two of the cpu. I really can't see many people actually doing this.

Perhaps you missed the many people in this thread alone who already found reasons to use it.


Not bad actually, but could use some polish. I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I'd definitely use the Snap feature to have GameFAQs on the side when I need help.


Pretty much how I feel. I guess there could be some near usages with FAQs or walk throughs for a game like, say, Skyrim....but I wouldn't want that taking up a quarter of my screen. I do that now currently with a phone or tablet or even my laptop and don't fine it cumbersome at all. A solution for a problem that doesn't exist.

Am I reading right though that people want to have netflix up, taking up a chunk of the screen, WHILE they play a game? What in the actual fuck? I've heard of short attention spans but goddamn.

Yeah, I could never get down w/ those uses. For me, the stuff that I mighhtt be into are:


Seems pointless. When I game, and wanna check a walkthrough, I'll just pull out my smartphone. Same for watching TV. Also I don't mind having multiple apps open and switching between them like a smartphone. The only use for Snap is for Skype. Personally I think it's a waste of system resources.

No surprises in that post.

But seriously, it's a cool feature no doubt. Saves some time pulling out your phone or tablet to look up things. I would probably use it for walkthroughs. So I could see what I have to do as I go along instead going back and forth between different devices.
People are saying that they use smartphones and tablets for their second-screen experience. There are some people without those things who play games. Perhaps Snap was designed with them in mind.


But it is a waste. That extra power could have went towards making COD at most 900p.

Think of the bigger picture, that bar will be used for everything from looking at friends lists, lobbies and parties to viewing your active downloads.
Just as you do at the moment with the guide button, but instead of it blocking your game screen, it conviently appears to one side. I wish the 360 had have been like that.
Presumably a friend is going to be able to send me a funny video clip of what just happened to him in his game , while I confine to play my game.
I love that kid of shit!

It's interesting that people find Windows 8's metro interface hard to use because they have gone from being easily able to switch between multiple applications on the desktop to only having 1 or 2 visible. But for a console gamer, the concept of multitasking is literally disgusting.
Well well, would you look at that. It actually works. And the thing didn't blow up. :)

People telling us what can be done with current tech are missing the point. We kinda don't care? We like that the console can do some different things, and gives us these kinds of options. It doesn't matter to us what we can already do on our cell phone, or our computers. People are largely missing the point. A lot of devices that get released nowadays are capable of doing things that you're just as capable, if not more capable, of doing elsewhere. That doesn't somehow make these kinds of features a useless thing for people interested in giving them a try.
I've come to find that I enjoy gaming a lot more when I turn off Skype, don't look on my phone, don't browse on steam's browser and just focus on the game. I really don't care for this experience MS is trying to sell.


Voice commands through the headset on Ps4, no extra hardware needed. Dat Kinect value

Nothing I enjoy more than rooting around my living room trying to find the headset when I want to issue a voice command. Huzzah!

People are saying that they use smartphones and tablets for their second-screen experience. There are some people without those things who play games. Perhaps Snap was designed with them in mind.

And there are those of us that have tablets/phones that will never use them while playing a game. Why would I if I can snap in an app that already does what I want? Or at the very least multi-task fullscreen, which both consoles should be able to handle. "Just use a tablet" isn't a next gen experience I'm looking for.


I wonder how close you have to sit to view stuff on that snap window.

With some people saying "if you sit farther away you wont notice the resolution difference", Will this cause problems?

I know what you're referencing but isn't this type of post similar to "hive mind" talk? People are referencing this in multiple threads, and it only originated from a select few users. Please give it a rest.


Not bad, but it doesn't look intuitive to me. But it definitely has promise. I don't see any benefit to using that feature over an iPad.


Dare I say you use the Kinect for voice commands? Seems like a no brainer to replace KM in this case.

... I'm assuming this isn't sarcasm. Voice control is about as close to replacing a keyboard and mouse as [too tired to think of good analogy].

This seems mostly appropriate for something you can oh on and jus leave there without having to do anything. Lengthy videos, Skype maybe...


I've come to find that I enjoy gaming a lot more when I turn off Skype, don't look on my phone, don't browse on steam's browser and just focus on the game. I really don't care for this experience MS is trying to sell.

Good thing you aren't forced to snap then right?
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