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Xbox Scorpio has system-wide supersampling for 1080p display users


Those of you with 1080p projectors (like myself) will see a tremendous jump in IQ.

Switching between Rise of the Tomb Raider's 1080p mode and supersampling mode on my Pro was a staggering difference. The supersampled mode looked vastly sharper, cleaner and just had a "Wow" factor that couldn't be replicated at native 1080p.


Funny thing is XB1 and even Sony's own PS4, among a ton of other consoles, already downsample if the rendered resolution is higher than the output resolution.

It's just the Sony dropped the ball massively with the PS4 Pro on this front, for some weird reason. I'd be more surprised if MS fucked this up.
Supersampling is nice but I don't think it should be mandated. Nioh's options for resolution or framerate are appreciated.
Devs can still create multiple modes for their games. But a game can no longer adjust itself depending on the output resolution, which has been the standard for consoles.


Supersampling is nice but I don't think it should be mandated. Nioh's options for resolution or framerate are appreciated.

If you have the specs to force it, I think it's a good decision.

Sony probably didn't so they could react to an event like TLOU:R, and that was kinda unfortunate.


Supersampling is nice but I don't think it should be mandated. Nioh's options for resolution or framerate are appreciated.

The options are there, it's in the OP:

With Scorpio, all game modes - resolution, performance or otherwise - must be available to all users regardless of the display the console is attached to.

What's great is that if you have a 1080p display, you are not locked out of supersampling. You have the option now.

I'll edit the OP to make this more visible.


Digital Foundry said this console has the same impressive approach and mastery that the 360 had back when it was unveiled, just seeing all the features they've developed and progressed it just seems really well thought out. So damn excited!


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Cool. Where are the games? Sega Saturn has powerful specs but it didn't do so well...
Well, that's more of my problem with the scorpio.

The machine seems awesome, but the PS4 unfortunately has all the games I want this gen.
Third party games will look better on Scorpio
It's the reason why a lot of people got a PS4, the games looked better on that compared to the Xbox one. Unless that logic no longer applies anymore. The rules tend to change often.


Sony just need to add a 720p/1080p (super sampled) option in their display setting, that way it will always take the game highest res and scale it to anything you want. Don't know why this isnt an option already. Also surprised that there is min 8XAF override in boost mode like nVidia control panel, with the additional bandwidth of the pro and delta color compression, it should have enough extra bandwidth to force atleast 8xaf on old game. One of those thing that shouldn't have a lot of compatibility issue neither. Both seems possible.


I'd still like a choice honestly. Don't forget there were PS4 games that enabled downsampling and it made the performance worse, and users had no way to turn it off.


I created this separate thread to discuss system-wide supersampling (downsampling) in Project Scorpio, since this is an amazing feature for 1080p users (and is also one of the PS4 Pro's biggest issues). I hope it's okay to have this thread, since in the current megathread it's hard to have a focused discussion about this specific feature only.

This is great news, especially after the puzzling omission of supersampling in some PS4 Pro titles. If you're a 1080p display owner, does this feature make you interested in the Scorpio? Do you think Sony will finally implement the same feature in the PS4 Pro?

I have to believe Sony has been stripping their games of and stopped encouraging third parties to implement downsampling because a system level update that will implement it is coming. Otherwise, they're just asshole idiots.
My PS4 Pro is only hooked up to the TV (Haven't made the jump to 4K yet) and Horizon looks fantastic with a downsampled image while MLB The Show doesn't have downsampling and the jaggies are pretty noticeable. Sony really missed a trick there.

Having this be a system-wide feature is fantastic, Forza is going to look SO good on the projector.
Ps4 exclusive machine, scorpio multi platform machine.


Unless of course those graphical differences don't matter anymore.

We've had years of people telling us how important that differences between ps4 and xbox one versions of games are.

Let's see what those people have to say now that every 3rd party game will look and run better on the scorpio. Something gives me a feeling that it won't really be important anymore. Or whatever other reasons people will give to sleep better at night.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Is there a point for Sony to force this on a firmware level now? It seems like every new game supports downsampling, and there are very few patched ones that don't (TLOU, TLG are the two I know of, and with TLG the framerate is worse in 4K mode)


that is pretty awesome - how devs respond will be the interesting part of this.

will they take advantage of the stronger hardware and implement the additional options required? or will they just let their game play better with the brute force?


Third party games will look better on Scorpio
It's the reason why a lot of people got a PS4, the games looked better on that compared to the Xbox one. Unless that logic no longer applies anymore. The rules tend to change often.

People got a PS4 because it was cheaper. The power thing was more overblown here and among fanboys. Price was always the driver. At this point people will play 3rd parties on whatever console they already play.

Pro and Scorpio aren't changing that. At least from a mass consumer sense.
Meanwhile, Sony is still patching supersampling individually due to 'stability and safety'. Some games are still missing the promised feature for 1080p users.

I'll never buy a Pro unless they can come up with this approach. Fantastic move from Microsoft.
Meanwhile, Sony is still patching supersampling individually due to 'stability and safety'.

I'll never buy a Pro unless they can come up with this approach. Fantastic move from Microsoft.
It's definitely doable, and hopefully they deliver on that. 4k tvs are on the rise, but the majority of gamers are still on 1080p and will be for a while.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I may get one in a year or two along with a 4k tv. Mostly for 4k bLuray but it seems like console only multiplat will run best on this system. My only concern is reliability due to heat like with 360.


Good, it's ridiculous on Sony's part letting devs set the res of the games. I didn't buy a damn pro to play games at 1080p if a higher res is available.
It's definitely doable, and hopefully they deliver on that. 4k tvs are on the rise, but the majority of gamers are still on 1080p and will be for a while.

They've been treating the Pro half-heartedly, it'll be too late. Even if they can somehow made it by next year, it'll be too close to PS5 in 2019-2020, and everyone will be using a 4K TV already. The PS5 is gonna be THE 4K console for most people.


Awesome, my main gaming TV is still 1080p (want to replace but it's 65" so can't really just swap it to another room thus deflecting wife aggro with my unnecessary purchases....)


Yep Sony needs to do this. The improvement in image quality is so good. Exhibit 4K mode in Rotr where all the jaggies and shimmering go bye bye
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