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Your "Gaming Regrets" ...

What are your gaming regrets?

It could have been a game franchise you wished you had played earlier.

A game console you never got to play

Or never beaten a game

I'm 29 now, but I wish I had gotten into Final Fantasy, Street Fighter and Metal Gear Solid much earlier. I've gotten all the lastest addition for each franchise (I know the majority had mixed feelings for them now) but I still feel like if I had played them when I was much younger I'd grasp the mechanics, terminology and lore alot more today.

Xaero Gravity

I was a real major asshole to people during my days of Counter Strike 1.5 and 1.6

Just a real mean prick. I kind of feel bad about those days sometimes. I regret not being nicer to people, cultivating connections within the budding pro gaming scene, and used them to propel myself to stardom.
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Tears of Nintendo
I think I regret buying Destiny 2 Shadowkeep after playing for 5 hours and 180+ before that in Forsaken.... ? Yeah, I think I do, but I think I still need to play more and finish the campaign at least, but I know for a fact that I won't be buying any more expansions for this game, especially each year and for full price.
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Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Buying the PS4 Pro. I had to, though, beause of The Last Guardian.


Pokemon XD.

I regret buying this game. I regret playing and I regret wasting my money on this. Its the only GC game I ever regret buying and the only game in my case that can indulce me to sleep while playing it.
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What are your gaming regrets?

It could have been a game franchise you wished you had played earlier.

A game console you never got to play

Or never beaten a game

I'm 29 now, but I wish I had gotten into Final Fantasy, Street Fighter and Metal Gear Solid much earlier. I've gotten all the lastest addition for each franchise (I know the majority had mixed feelings for them now) but I still feel like if I had played them when I was much younger I'd grasp the mechanics, terminology and lore alot more today.

Ok, this is a not so bad one, but still in my memory
When I was a kid, back in GC era, roaming around in shops, my father noticed 007 Nightfire and Quidditch World Cup, in two separate days, and asked me If I wanted one of them as a gift

I refused, stupidly pretending something better every f-ckin time, as a capricious stupid brat, and ending up finding nothing at all

As an adult, I then discovered they both were very good and funny games, and just the type of game I could have tons of fun with
In synthesis: lost potential hours of fun to be capricious

And is not the only example, I refused crazy cheap games only to pretend something better and more expensive ( and we couldn't afford full price games at all) my parents used to buy me cheap good games every now and then, and surprisingly nailing it every time ( soem of them are actually among my all time favorites, like Batman vengeance and perfect dark zero)

Oh and I discovered and developed a profound love for dino crisis thanks to my mother, when I was a kid ( ok ok, I couldn't have played horror titles officially but still, whatever lol)
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Also, a more recent one, who I had remedy to, fortunately:

PS4 bundle, It had tlou, destiny, Driveclub, and I separately bought Watchdogs 1

I tried and sold like a week after, both destiny and wd, thinking they were horrible
What I couldn't ever have imagined, was I rapidly regret selling them ( I only did with them in all my life, never sold a game other than them), rebought both, and ending up loving both

And once I started playing destiny properly, I never put it down since, I underestimated it thinking it was a fuckin generic mmo, and I hated them as Well as always online titles

It was 2014, and now in quasi - 2020 I have 1600 hours in the series, and is my favorite of the gen, and maybe my favorite ever hahaha
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Losing so many hours of my life playing stupid WoW instead of going out and getting laid.

Lucky me I scaped from that life but in my head those years are still "Years of life lost".

Well. . . . May I ask... how many hours/days/years?

Just for reference, not judgement.
My regret, I've bought games and peripherals that were barely used. Waste of money.

I'm no longer buying on day one unless it's really something I want. For example bl3. Just came out but I'm cool. I can wait for a sale.


Spent over 8.7k hours on WoW, that's one year 24/7.
All the money wasted on consoles, I have a big box just full of controllers and my Gamecube is basically mint in box.
Threw away my fancy CRT monitor two years ago.


Buying PlayStation move and all the crap it went along with. It was fun for a week then it gathered dust and took up space.


Gold Member
I've never beaten Ninja Gaiden on the NES. I was like 7 and just couldn't get to the Jacquio with the "S" slash. I have Ninja Gaiden Black and I should really unlock that game and finish it.



Maybe buying State of Emergency day 1 would be the only real one I can think of.


Well. . . . May I ask... how many hours/days/years?

Just for reference, not judgement.

Don't remember exactly. From beginning of Burning Crusade to half Cataclism. Raiding every day, leveling alters, doing dailies...when I wrote /played the amount of hours played was more than 3 months.


Likes moldy games
Selling my imported PC Engine in 1991. That machine still looks fantastic today imo over 30 years after release.


I owned:

Atari Jaguar
Xbox One

Worst consoles I've ever owned in terms of enjoyable games. I loved the 360, original Xbox, PS2, PS1 beforehand though


Not keeping my old console and games along with boxed PC games. Had some real classics like Full Throttle and day of the tentacle.

Doing midnight launch for gears 3 got home at 2am and was too tired to play it.

Buying an XB1 on day 1 with Kinect

Buying Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. Bungie have added nothing new since Destiny.


If you mean choices I did with my own money or pocket money, none really.

Only regret is that I did not strive to be as good in arcades back then but it would have been difficult and lead to conflicts with family and school due to time and money. So all this competitive aspect of gaming is foreign to me


Buying Mass Effect Andromeda......man what a waste of time and money. I kept hoping for it to get better but it didn't. There were a handful of good quests but the majority of the game was horrible and a borefest where nothing matters.

Destiny 2 - thinking that anything had really changed. Sure the game has some fun moments and the raids are generally good but the core of the game is just bad. They keep saying things have changed but all they have really done is made you go backwards in a level and changed the color of a few enemies.


Buying The Crew 2 with season pass not knowing that Ubisoft don't let dlc/season pass carry out to other accounts in the PS4 like most games.

Luckily I have bought it was heavily discounted. This is a reminder so I never buy any Ubisoft games.


When I was young & foolish, I decided to trade in my SNES for Sega CD because I believed that CD-ROM was the future. While I take some solace from the eventual rise of optical media vs carts, that transaction was a major regret & a reason I avoid living on the bleeding edge with technology.


This ... thing.


I was a big fan of 40K and Panzer General back in the day and this mix is probably the worst turn-based strategy game i've ever played.

And not having been more active in MAG. I only played a few matches when Sony announced the EOL of the game.

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As far as un-fixable regrets go, not getting into Tribes: Ascend when it was hot.

The others I'm working on, like playing through FF8 or mastering the character action genre.


Although I got REALLY close, I never beat MGS2. I also never really put in enough time into MGS3. Don't really remember why either, I think there was just a LOT out at the time.
-I regret having sold Silent Hill 2 for Xbox and Fatal Frame Crimson Butterfly at the time, to get money for a gift Birthday of a girlfriend that later broke my heart.

- Not having been able to buy the PS1 and PS2 console, I was never given the opportunity to have it.

-Not having attended the Gravity rush premiere event in Mexico, for a stupid knowledge test in my medical internship. <--- The worst traumatic regret ever.

- Not having played a title of the Pokemon franchise, due to bad influence of the school ... that was for "Nerds".


Spending money on an Atari Jaguar and trying to convince myself Trevor McFur was good. Fucking idiotic younger me.


The Xbox 360, I had lots of games and enjoyed it a lot in 2007 and 2008 but seriously that piece of shit broke on me 2 times, with his rrod. I had to sell every game separately.
Looking at the following thread here:
Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3 on Switch! Wait. WTF are these abominations?

What did I just see?

Oh, I recall as a 10 years old kid having the choice between Mario Bros 2 or Metal Gear on the NES for Christmas... I picked Metal Gear did not get anything of what was going on in this weird game, and I had to go to some friend's home to play Super Mario Bros. 2 (which is still my fav. Super Mario game).


Getting rid of my Dreamcast and original Xbox
Giving up too early on Phantasy Star Online and Manhunt
Picking Warhawk over Ridge Racer 7 when I bought my PS3 at launch


Gold Member
I regret not buying a VirtualBoy for $20 from the thrift shop 20yrs ago. They had an AMIGA 2000 used with box for $99, too. I think it was Walmart that did a clearance on the GameBoy Micro and it was $49 and I regret not grabbing that. Same deal with the NeoGeo Pocket Color, Toy "R" Us was almost giving those away. Around the same time they were dumping Pickachu 64's and Dreamcast Sports Edition for like half off as well. Maybe someday I'll buy all that stuff just to make myself feel better.


always chasing the next thrill
Buying the wii u day 1 because i wanted to be sure to get the newest zelda when it came out.

If i could tell my younger self.
He would have told me to stop talking shit and nintendo would never do this to him.

Allrighty then 🤣


I don't think I have any? Maybe not getting a PS3? I could've modded it and played some games I missed out on, such as Demon's Souls, RDR 1, Saints Row 1, The Darkness 1, Ninja Gaiden Black...


Also, a more recent one, who I had remedy to, fortunately:

PS4 bundle, It had tlou, destiny, Driveclub, and I separately bought Watchdogs 1

I tried and sold like a week after, both destiny and wd, thinking they were horrible
What I couldn't ever have imagined, was I rapidly regret selling them ( I only did with them in all my life, never sold a game other than them), rebought both, and ending up loving both

And once I started playing destiny properly, I never put it down since, I underestimated it thinking it was a fuckin generic mmo, and I hated them as Well as always online titles

It was 2014, and now in quasi - 2020 I have 1600 hours in the series, and is my favorite of the gen, and maybe my favorite ever hahaha

Right there with you with Destiny, in fact I remembered I reviewed it as a 6/10 before fully understanding what Light Levels were and the endgame stuff

Now it's my favourite series ever and well over 2000 hours in, I dread my steam time played number by the end of the year...
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