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Your predictions for The Big Three at the end of The Next Generation.

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To be fair wasn't this before we found about the whole Drm fiasco? If anyone knew about this I'm pretty sure gaffers would be saying something else.
The Sony doom in here was really odd even for it being 2012. The PS3 was neck and neck with the 360 at this point in the US, or being outsold but not by a large margin, but winning in sales basically everywhere else besides the UK. Software had been much stronger, revenue rising from PS+ and whatnot.

So kind of odd to hear the doom and gloom lol. But always funny to go back to old prediction threads.

And just for fun, greatest gif of all time? El Torro



The PS4 will do worse than the VITA, they have lost to much brand recognition, exclusives and they have IPs noone gives a shit about besides nerds on the internet. Coupled with no backwards compatibility (due to the abandonment of the Cell), Sony is destined for last place again. Failing all that, the PS4 will be $499-$549 and we will get a repeat of the PS3 but this time it will be much worse.

Oh man, I can't believe how wrong this statement turned it be.
I was pretty obvious to me the ps4 was gonna win, the only reason 360 was so close was cause of launching a year early with a much better price, and kinect also gave it a huge boost. As for the wii they hit lighting in a bottle with motion controls, and i always felt it's successor would flop cause nobody cared about motion controls anymore.


The Sony doom in here was really odd even for it being 2012. The PS3 was neck and neck with the 360 at this point in the US, or being outsold but not by a large margin, but winning in sales basically everywhere else besides the UK. Software had been much stronger, revenue rising from PS+ and whatnot.

You must remember something wrong, the ps3 was never neck and neck with the 360 in the us.
The difference got bigger and bigger since the launch of the ps3 and is ~20 million today.


Haha, wow. I did not look at the dates, so I was a bit shocked at the projections of some posters. At least in 2012 it made a bit more sense.


I don't blame people who thought MS would win. Before the DRM stuff, it was a safe assumption that they would continue dominating (at least in NA)
To be fair wasn't this before we found about the whole Drm fiasco? If anyone knew about this I'm pretty sure gaffers would be saying something else.

There would be a lot of variables to skew someone's prediction if you want to be "fair".

This topic was made after the psn outage, so that could definitely influence some people's predictions into thinking that would do sony in

And for the DRM fiasco, this isn't a definitive statement by any measure, but I'm sure there were people who thought Sony would have also implemented DRM as Microsoft would have

or people who thought the wii's success would catapult Nintendo into an even better position

or that Microsoft funds would just wipe sony off the market

or that Sony's financials would inhibit them from delivering a "successful" platform


It is reasonable to believe that those or other reasons would lead to success for either nintendo or microsoft as many in this thread would have predicted

but anyway some people just predicted the wrong current outcome


Microsoft - Attacks the market with everything they have financially, taking advatange of the Wii U's lack of marketability in comparison to the Wii and lack of power compared to Xbox 8. Sells the system at a loss initially. Improved version of Kinect built into the system. Introduces a cell phone like service which allows people to buy the system on a cheap while paying extra for XBL monthly. Becomes the defacto "app box" for the living room and comes in 1st place.

This is actually pretty close to the original "vision" Microsoft had for the XB1.
Just goes to show how many Sony haters are on this board.

None of them are posting their predictions, it's all wishful thinking. The absolute best case scenario for their console of choice vs the worst possible scenario for the competition.

No one looked at this logically, and apparently forgot Sonys presence world wide.
Wow he called it.

Sony back on top baby!

The same thing will happen with the Wii U that happened with the Wii - open big, then dry up as third party support abandons ship, leaving hardcore gamers desperate for the drip feed of ancient IPs like Zelda and Metroid.

MS are clearly focused on media center stuff we don't care about, and the only huge games apart from Halo will be third party.

I'm calling it.

Absolutely spot on.
The funny thing is, if you posted in this thread back when it was created and predicted the sorry state that the Wii U is actually in now (something like "I think it'll struggle to reach Gamecube figures LTD"), you'd have been branded a "Nintendo hater" and probably banned for thread shitting, lol.
Now this is a necrobump I can get behind.

That's what's so great about this industry...it's impossible to predict.

Remember how everyone thought the Wii was gonna flop? And then it sold a fucking ton. And then people were like "Oh yeah, you can never underestimate Nintendo!" and then the WiiU came out, and no one bought it.

It's fascinating really.
I suspect the coming generation will resemble the latter portion of this gen in terms of sales:

1st - Sony
2nd - Microsoft
3rd - Nintendo

Sony will be first, but won't completely dominate. They will gain back some ground in the US but I believe Microsoft will slightly edge them out in that region with Sony holding a dominant position in all other regions. They won't make the same mistakes they made with the ps3 regarding price, launch date, and software. They will launch far stronger than they did this gen and Microsoft should be very concerned about that and not take them for granted.

Nintendo will fall off significantly from last gen. Wii U seems like a bigger mistake in design than the 3DS and won't have the casual appeal that made the wii a huge success. It will mostly sell to a slightly larger userbase than what the GameCube had, which was mostly dedicated Nintendo fans.

Microsoft will do well in the US on account of their Xbox live userbase, but I suspect if Sony offers a service that competes on features, but for free, this advantage will attenuate as the gen progresses. I dont see them making any headway in Japan or Europe.

This guy did better than most.
The funny thing is, if you posted in this thread back when it was created and predicted the sorry state that the Wii U is actually in now (something like "I think it'll struggle to reach Gamecube figures LTD"), you'd have been branded a "Nintendo hater" and probably banned for thread shitting, lol.

LOL this happened to me on another forum.

Honey Bunny

This was a really interesting period to make these predictions. The Wii U wasn't out so hadn't had a chance to bomb yet. The appeal of a tablet controller to the masses was still up in the air, and no one was sure of how much more powerful the other consoles would be. Although Nintendoland Fireworks E3-gate had happened so the massively optimistic Wii U predictions aren't completely excused.

The last thing Sony did was launch the Vita, which was apparent to everyone already was a disaster sales-wise, leading many to think PS4 would be Same Old Sony. Microsoft hadn't done much of note since Kinect but were still unassailable in America at this point, and there was no reason to believe they couldn't improve upon their performance in Europe if they made the right moves.

I believe this is also the time period that brought us the Any Reason Why Wii U Won't Dominate Japan? thread. What a time to be alive this was.


So much Sony doom for what was (is?) known as SonyGAF.
I wasn't here back then, I would've said Sony > Microsoft > Nintendo (never believed in the tablet's attractiveness for even a second) as well but there's no way I could've predicted this big gap between the first 2.

I suspect the coming generation will resemble the latter portion of this gen in terms of sales:

1st - Sony
2nd - Microsoft
3rd - Nintendo

Sony will be first, but won't completely dominate. They will gain back some ground in the US but I believe Microsoft will slightly edge them out in that region with Sony holding a dominant position in all other regions. They won't make the same mistakes they made with the ps3 regarding price, launch date, and software. They will launch far stronger than they did this gen and Microsoft should be very concerned about that and not take them for granted.

Nintendo will fall off significantly from last gen. Wii U seems like a bigger mistake in design than the 3DS and won't have the casual appeal that made the wii a huge success. It will mostly sell to a slightly larger userbase than what the GameCube had, which was mostly dedicated Nintendo fans.

Microsoft will do well in the US on account of their Xbox live userbase, but I suspect if Sony offers a service that competes on features, but for free, this advantage will attenuate as the gen progresses. I dont see them making any headway in Japan or Europe.

Lol, nailed it :D


Hmm, from the looks of it at this time, I see it the rankings of "winning the gen" as:
1. Sony
2/3. Microsoft/Nintendo

2/3 being debateable really as I'll explain soon.

I think Sony will "win" simply because they've started off very well, the sales are putting them in the lead, its the more powerful, offers the most value for the price and I think the features its putting out (Such as remote play, share play, PS Now, VR etc.) are pretty attractive to consumers, I think thats gonna make them be seen as..."innovators" in a way perhaps. Personally imo, I trust Sony more to put out more and more interesting exclusives than MS, though I think MS are showing a better line up of exclusives than I would have expected, so it might be a tight content between the two perhaps.
I suppose there is a chance MS can gain the lead if Sony get arrogant and don't invest in improving/ofering more for PS4, which will push people to move on. In particular I'm starting to have a fear about PSN servers, if it continues to become more sluggish as time goes on, people will most likely move on. I don't think Sony would ignore it if it got that bad, but its possible.

As for Microsoft... I think its fair to say they started off bad, but they've done very well to turn their image around quite quickly in just a year. However, I think Sony getting that early lead and better performance will mean Sony will be ahead for most, if not all, this gen. That and the value the PS4 has is just plainly better than what the X1 has, which will mean it all for most consumers. X1 could have a price cut, but I don't think Sony will be able to afford to keep the prices similar too.
I think MS will be able to keep up somewhat though if they can continue making exclusives that people will want X1s for and thats really the most they can do really.

As for Nintendo... At first I did think Wii U would just be an outcast for most of this gen, but I feel the mood is changing for me. With Bayonetta 2, SSB and MK8 all this year, I feel Nintendo can simply keep themselves afloat with their games and exclusives alone and of course, it offering a different experience than what its competitors can offer, with their gamepad. They are even catching up slowly in some ways to their competitors, but I sadly doubt they'll catch up fully this gen.

I think its debatable however where to put Nintendo/Microsoft. I feel Nintendo having great games and different experiences sorta earns them a 2nd place spot, however despite that, it still doesnt shake the feeling, (fact), that they're behind in many areas and X1 is sorta match for match with PS4 in the vast majority of areas, (though I feel the PS4 has more interesting and relevant features for gamers in particular), and it will no doubt be getting interesting games too, and X1 will actually get 3rd party support.
This guy did better than most.

Heh, it's interesting reading that post of mine now years later.

I was pretty much 100% spot on with that prediction, with the exception of Microsoft. I thought they would be doing much stronger than they are. And with PS4 selling 2-3x what Xbox One is globally, they're most certainly dominating.

PS4 is even outselling Xbox in their biggest markets (US + UK). I did not predict that Microsoft would have messed up as much as they had with their launch of the Xbox One. They still have time to change course, but I think everything is pretty much decided from here on out. They won't be dominating marketshare in any region at this point, no matter how well they do with deals or content.


Disclaimer: these are just personal predictions that are very loosely based on some trends I anticipate and are also based on nothing and a bit of imagination. I could very well be wrong, but I think I can try to do a bit of guesswork.


I expect Nintendo to be in a very bad position with Wii U and 3DS. 3DS sales will continue to dwindle year on year. Wii U performance will remain flat or shrinking in terms of shipments.

I expect them to have launched their NX system, which will be a standardized platform on API/OS and UI level across their next home console system and handheld system. I expect the total sales of both NX home console and NX handheld combined to be worse (after their generation run of ~5 years) than Wii U and 3DS combined after the same period.

So I don't expect NX to leave a strong mark on the market. Little marketshare and not really a big commercially successful for Nintendo.

But, I expect Nintendo's mobile business to be one of their core businesses in several years. I expect Nintendo to also continue to do attempts to license their IP's in other media and merchandise than video games and to generate profit that way. I think their IP, games, mobile will be their revenue drivers and not their hardware-based systems.

Sony Computer Entertainment / PlayStation

I expect the PS4 to be in a very good position in the market in several years, with Project Morpheus turning out to be a great success and with Morpheus also being one of the key factors to have expanded the popularity and publicity of the PS4.

I expect the PS Vita to have ended up selling ~14M units and to not be considered a commercial success by SCE, but even after 7-8 years I expect PS Vita to still have a tiny cult following with the device still being praised by core players that like handhelds. I expect it to have a big legacy and appreciation, a bit like the Dreamcast.

I expect SCE to have launched some new franchises, some being quite popular.

I expect The Last Guardian to have launched in 2017 and that it will be one of the most acclaimed games of all time.

PS4 sales prediction in 2019: 90M

Microsoft / Xbox

I expect the Xbox One the be in a decent position in the console market, 2nd to PS4.

I expect Microsoft to have agressively invested in PC gaming and to have a very popular storefront for video games on Windows 10 with a unified, cross-platform network for online gameplay between Windows 10 and Xbox One players for games that are on both platforms.

I expect Microsoft Studios to be one of the prime publishers on PC again and to have revived some of its fan-favourite RTS games like Age of Empires, Rise of Nations and Age of Mythologies.

XB1 sales prediction by end of 2019: 55M
Just a quick guess:

Microsoft - Probably in last place per sales (unless something drastic changes), but they don't even care because their box is a "media machine" and not a "games console" a la a smartphone. Will probably actually offer a new Xbox every year with incremental upgrades and a contract. Expect to see an even worse contraction of first party output (goodbye Fable).

Sony - Likely beats Microsoft worldwide and possibly beats Nintendo, though I expect them to have lost a shit ton of money in the process. All reasonable expectations would have them dropping out of handhelds, so expect a Vita successor.

Nintendo - Pretty much all that's left of the Japanese market, in Japan and elsewhere. Expect most or all major Japanese third party games to be U/3DS-centric, and few or none of the major Western ones. May or may not finish first again (they are about a year late to the market with Wii U) but that's largely irrelevant due to profitibility actions taken by Nintendo. Expect Nintendo to largely be the same in five years as they are now.

Whoa, right on the money.
Even given the financial situation for Sony at the time...lol, this thread is one heck of cartoonish skit. Hindsight sure is a sight for sore eyes.
Sony or Microsoft first. Really hard to predict wich one. I'll say Sony if they have great launch with good price and launch near nextbox but whoever is 1st the second one won't be far behind. Microsoft can give Sony a hard ass time if they go for full moneyhat mode but I don't know if any of the 3 will go for that.

Wii U will be the third but still have great numbers. Nowhere near Wii numbers tho. I really don't see Wii U getting the same audience back that they had with Wii and I think that is the audience Nintendo will be going for. If they will really go after the HD twins audience they will need some sick exclusives outside of their 1st party stuff. Of course the 1st party games will reel a lot of people in too.

And for those that say Sony will be dropping out and stuff, no chance in hell. They being third place is certainly a possibility but even then I think they would be having some great numbers and I really can't see them doing as big mistakes as with PS3.

I'mma fine with the order but I didn't expect Nintendo numbers to be this dire or the gap between PS4 and XBO be this big but then again back then I had no idea what Mattrick and gang had up their sleeve.
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