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Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana |OT| Two Systems, Two Heroes, One BIG HOLE

I think this may be my favourite Ys since OiF. Just finished chapter 2 and it has been a blast.

I'm playing in nightmare with items, and it has been quite easy so far. Adol with the Red Cape equipped is broken lol

Joe Molotov

I just realized the Vita has Japanese audio as DLC, thank God. I looked at the DLC list the day that it came out, but I didn't see it up then.


I just realized the Vita has Japanese audio as DLC, thank God. I looked at the DLC list the day that it came out, but I didn't see it up then.

It's far more enjoyable with Japanese voice acting imo.

I would cringe a lot harder if I would hear some of these lines in English.
Chapter 5 hasn't taken the game back up to its lofty pre-mid-chapter 3 heights yet, which is a shame.

I often find the group dialogue scenes to be a bit wordy for what the game is trying to convey, there are some things which would be either better left to the imagination, or are explained in ways that feel unnecessary (especially when the player has already been reminded of certain facts), and it all makes proceedings feel as slow as molasses.

I'm fine with there being story scenes, but they can feel like they are there to tick a box sometimes.
Just beat chapter 4. That was good. Chapter's boss was way more fun than the one of the third chapter for me.

make Dana playable as part of the crew, please.
Okay, i have a question! I'm playing on nightmare...

Does it have an impact on your luck for getting materials? I have an item equipped for having more luck to get rare item, and an item to get more on the loot points....

but even with that, every fucking time, even on the more rare loot points in the last regions, i get the shitty material from the beginning almost everytime, this is really pissing me off! Same for killing monsters

Also yeah, NISA better fucking not touch sen no kiseki 3 (trails of cold steel 3)


Well, Kondo did say he was considering making a game of Adol's last adventure, his voyage to the North Pole at the age of ~63, which definitely was very surprising to me.
They can always get some other character to be the primary POV character. Maybe Adol (or Dogi) will have a kid afterall, or at least someone who wants to follow in his footsteps.


Yeah I don't mind playing another character later on if they want to wrap up adol's story at some point as long as it's connected someway and Origin already proved this works

There is no way adol's stories don't inspire someone to follow his footsteps


It's not like adventuring is just for youngsters.

Chapter 4-5 spoilers:

Old man Thanatos is a sneak peak at old Adol :p
Been playing for about 13 hours now and I love it way more then I thought I would.

Story is very interesting so far because I have NO idea where it is going, keeps me interested in what comes next.

The whole lost on an island with a small group of survivors is a great starting point for a game about exploration. I love that everyone you meet and bring back to the village has his/her own personality that you can explore. Makes it more alive. The mechanics that are build around this are neat too (defending the village and clearing rubble together so you can proceed).

PS4 version runs super smooth which makes the combat very addicting. Music is awesome. Big step up from Celceta and I loved that game too. I hope the next Ys game is build with the PS4 in mind though. Vita roots are clearly visible.

btw, in the artbook there are illustrations of the characters in swimsuits. Are these unlockable or something? They look cool.
The food recipe is pretty easy to find (chapter 2 spoilers)
left path in the jungle first area
, the other one is almost impossible to miss. Also, one advice, drop some hints to know what you are labeling as spoilers, it could be dangerous eitherwise.

Chapter 2 stuff:

Where is the pirate Booty though? I think I missed it. I found the boy and his pika at the beach.
Chapter 2 stuff:

Where is the pirate Booty though? I think I missed it. I found the boy and his pika at the beach.

Can't remember specifically where it was,
but I'm pretty sure it was either in the beach where you found the boy or the one where you find the pikkard. Probably the former than the later. The thing is, if I'm not wrong the exact spot should be marked in the map

Also, if the quest doesn't appear as expired in your journal, you should be able to still complete it.
People just won't stop talking. Way to slow down the pace to a crawl.

Yeah it is especially annoying, because its right when the game starts opening up and you really start getting a feel for the flow of the overall gameplay loop (at least for me). Don't worry the story really picks up after that imo.


The nameless sub plot was pretty random to be honest.

Yeah, his motivation was pretty shitty.
It was also not hidden well at all. As soon as I recruited the medical student, a student that studies medicine (lol) I knew it was Kiergaar.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah it is especially annoying, because its right when the game starts opening up and you really start getting a feel for the flow of the overall gameplay loop (at least for me). Don't worry the story really picks up after that imo.

It really doesn't.

If all you can do to tell a story is static images with a camera panningnover motionless people while you have to click one speech bubble after another, maybe you should try a different approach. I get budget constrains, but this approach doesn't work. It is in itself bad storytelling. It tequires phenomenal writing, translation and voice acting to work, and Ys VIII has neither of those.


Found a video of someone fishing up the fish in question


As you can see, it's considerably crazier than any other fish.

I did it on my second try yesterday (and beat the game, woo). I think it might be impossible without the +2 fishing accessory, but it's not hard with it. If you get the Circle Motions right off then it's pretty easy since those give a huge boost to the bar every time and you'll get a pretty safe buffer.


Yeah who cares if the localization is a mess? Who cares if the words coming out of the characters' mouths have no relation to what is happening in the scene? It's not game breaking. Give NISA a break. It's not like they are professionals charging money for a product. Right? Who cares about story or dialogue logic in a Falcom game? Let's all just jump into a BIG HOLE!

I mean those things definitely need work but the links I was referring to are just audio bugs where the same voice line plays twice.

I don't think those specific instances are worthy of a game not being worth the money I paid. And I don't think its worth getting as upset as the guy in the video seems to be over it haha.

Me personally I have enjoyed the hell out of my roughly 20 hours of the game so far. If it comes down to better localisation and fewer games or more games with weaker localisation.....I'm not ashamed to say I'll take more games over better writing.


Chapter 3 question:
I found out I'm missing the third memo entry for Carlan, did I fuck my platinum play through ? His approval was maxed though


I mean those things definitely need work but the links I was referring to are just audio bugs where the same voice line plays twice.

I don't think those specific instances are worthy of a game not being worth the money I paid. And I don't think its worth getting as upset as the guy in the video seems to be over it haha.

Me personally I have enjoyed the hell out of my roughly 20 hours of the game so far. If it comes down to better localisation and fewer games or more games with better localisation.....I'm not ashamed to say I'll take more games over better writing.
Your argument doesn't even make sense this game was getting released here regardless and yes I'll argue that I expect them to put some actual effort into the translation and quality control if they are gonna jack it from a localization team that has been doing so and were the guys that helped put the series on the radar in the west.

Like I don't understand how you even fuck up stuff that already has an English title on something. Japanese dub popping up in some scenes, typos and grammar issues out the ass, bad directing for the va in multiple cases.

Like this is supposed the big breakout Ys game, and they basically treated it as a quick cash grab

Chapter 3 question:
I found out I'm missing the third memo entry for Carlan, did I fuck my platinum play through ? His approval was maxed though
I'm missing it to and I'm pretty sure I talked to him whenever I could and did his quest it's probably something that comes into play later


Fuck. I was wondering why
was hard to beat and why the fight took forever. It's because the rest of the party were in their evasion mode...

This is the second big fight where I made the same mistake.

edit: lmao at Sahad and Laxia
screaming and crying over the captain's death
. Their performance is so bad.
Ys-games have been too wordy for their own good for a while now. I think the balance in this one is a bit better, but then I'm only halfway into chapter 3. I'm noticing the story is starting to kick into gear more, with more cutscenes. At least I'm invested in it this time, but as usual it kills the pacing. Just let me explore!

Put the game on Hard and it's kicking my ass. But I refuse to go back to normal because on this difficulty I actually have to learn the attack patterns of bosses. Normal is just button mashing to victory. For me anyway.
that's why i prefere previous YS, you go right into the action, not too much talk! The stories are never great, so spending so much time on it in VIII is bad IMO

i still love it sure, but this new gameplay trilogy will never beat the perfection of Oath and Origin, hope they'll come back to it some day!

For those who misses these YS, you should play Nayuta no Kiseki!


I like the story in 8, especially the later parts but the nameless section was a bit random and overall it needs a bit of editing.

Saying that Origins wasn't wordy is a bit of a joke though. It's just that it's story aspects were cut into clearly defined exact spots.
If people can't stand the focus on story by the end of chapter 2 already, I don't want to see them in chapter 4.

well, story doesn't prevent me from liking the game, but it's still annoying! At least if you really don't want anything to do with it, you can skip it, that's what i did when i played it in japanese on my vita 1 year ago

here i read everything since it's translated, but like i excepted, there's nothing really interesting going on, most of the plot i guessed it right when i was playing the japanese version

currently on chapter 5


So you guys putting your team on Evasion or Active (or whatever it's called) mode? I think I personally prefer Evasion since it provides a purer form of combat.
Still playing, chapter 3. Finally have the timing down to do evasion and guard at the right time for most enemies and the 5th character is a blast to play. Great as always, though I sometimes wish it'd have a little less conversation, a little more action at times. I like the village stuff but I highly prefer the running, slicing, dungeon crawling stuff.

.. playing it on PSVita. It's amazing what they did on the system, you can really see Falcoms progress from Celceta to Cold Steel 1, 2, Tokyo Xanadu and now this. I've almost purchased the PS4 version today for a potential replay but didn't since I am sure I want to finish it on Vita first and then take a break playing sth else. Still, I would like to doubledip for new content and 60FPS... when it isn't full new price anymore.

So two questions:
- Think this is gonna be rare on PS4 or could I be able to buy the PS4 version in a couple of months for less than now? It's always so difficult to tell if you're able to buy it for 20 a few months later or if you've gotta pay double the price on ebay with niche releases....
- What are the chances ... not gonna port beg, but still curious ... of this also getting a Switch version at some point? I am kinda used to Ys series being portable and that would be the perfect fit for my tastes (last Ys game on a Nintendo device was the Ys 1/2 collection on Nintendo DS, published by Atlus and ... the weakest modern version of those games. And that strategy game, never tried that though).


Finished the post-game dungeon tonight and filled out the item list and got most of the trophies. Right around 55 hours played now.

Just missing the "Explore as X character" trophies for 4 people, which I guess I can just leave the game running idle for until the the timer ticks over on it, and the Beat the game on Nightmare trophy.

Not sure if I'm up to doing Nightmare atm, but it looks like what carries over in NG+ is pretty generous so it might not be too bad.
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