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[LttP] Killzone: Shadow Fall. Forget it Lucas, it's Vekta Town.

FIRST OF ALL: This is a HARD CORE game. It does NOT hold your hand, and it's evident it does not want to.
This is not Halo and you are not Master Chief, when enemies swarm you, and flank you, and they will if you let them, you are done.
That's why Heroic is the recommended difficulty in Halo - one series often celebrated for its enemy AI.


This was my first Killzone game, and likely my last. I grabbed it digitally on sale a little while ago, and had kept putting it on the back burner as more enticing games came out.

That said, I really wanted to like it, and there were a few moments that were okay to good (and great visuals), but it really felt like an uninspired generic run of the mill scifi FPS.

I'm sure if I had played the earlier entries in the series I'd enjoy this more, but as it was the story didn't grab me at all.


That's why Heroic is the recommended difficulty in Halo - one series often celebrated for its enemy AI.

The thing is just that, 'Heroic'. Halo is easy on normal.

Playing this game on 'normal', you're walking into a slap face first. :p

And it hurts. (So good)


One of the most disappointing fps campaigns I've ever played and I'm not usually one for hyperbole.

Didn't like the a lot of the combat encounters, the action never felt like it got going until you had to defend a room or something of that nature and then there was just waves and waves of dudes. The forest level was a highlight but it becomes almost totally linear after that. Stealth system was terrible and the OWL never felt very useful.

They set you up to play as a Shadow Marshal but they don't give your f'ing main gun a goddamn silencer. And you cant ever ditch it. There is one section that makes you feel like Solid Snake but it is so tantalizingly short.

Story was worse than all of the other Killzones which is kind of laughably bad when you think about it.

Can't speak on the MP because I didn't try it but Shadow Fall, er, 'falls' to the end of Killzone enjoyment list.


This was my first Killzone game, and likely my last. I grabbed it digitally on sale a little while ago, and had kept putting it on the back burner as more enticing games came out.

That said, I really wanted to like it, and there were a few moments that were okay to good (and great visuals), but it really felt like an uninspired generic run of the mill scifi FPS.

I'm sure if I had played the earlier entries in the series I'd enjoy this more, but as it was the story didn't grab me at all.

That's too bad, but I guess everyone is different and we all like different things.

Shadowfall is also my first KZ, (although I had rented KZ3 one night from redbox and spent an hour with it, and was unimpressed) I love it. KZ Shadowfall is awesome to me ! :D


One of the most disappointing fps campaigns I've ever played and I'm not usually one for hyperbole.

Didn't like the a lot of the combat encounters, the action never felt like it got going until you had to defend a room or something of that nature and then there was just waves and waves of dudes. The forest level was a highlight but it becomes almost totally linear after that. Stealth system was terrible and the OWL never felt very useful.

They set you up to play as a Shadow Marshal but they don't give your f'ing main gun a goddamn silencer. And you cant ever ditch it. There is one section that makes you feel like Solid Snake but it is so tantalizingly short.

Story was worse than all of the other Killzones which is kind of laughably bad when you think about it.

Can't speak on the MP because I didn't try it but Shadow Fall, er, 'falls' to the end of Killzone enjoyment list.

Ah man, that's too bad when it came to using the Owl that you played that way.

I'm constantly giving my Owl orders and using it.
In action if I get swarmed, I have it throw up a shield I can hide behind, to cheaply cover and shoot.
When enemies approach and rush in from a distance, I send it to attack while I flank around to wipe them out.
I used it to hack enemy shields, enemy alarms, and zip line of course.

Really, the Owl is core to the gameplay.
If you ignore it and just try to play it like a CoD shooter straight up, I can see why you may have not liked it.


I really enjoyed mission 2 (the open one) but was disappointed with the rest, my typical feeling on all the KZ games.


The thing is just that, 'Heroic'. Halo is easy on normal.

Playing this game on 'normal', you're walking into a slap face first. :p

And it hurts. (So good)

Nothing in KZ is difficult when played on normal. All relative to skill.

I'm sure plenty of folks had difficulty with Halo on normal, just as you apparently did with KZ on normal.

My first KZ play through was on Hard, and it was suprisingly easy for me. My Halo playthroughs on Heroic we're much more difficult. I'm not even sure there's anything to debate in that respect.


Nothing in KZ is difficult when played on normal. All relative to skill.

I'm sure plenty of folks had difficulty with Halo on normal, just as you apparently did with KZ on normal.

My first KZ play through was on Hard, and it was suprisingly easy for me. My Halo playthroughs on Heroic we're much more difficult. I'm not even sure there's anything to debate in that respect.

Fair enough.

On a final note, in comparing the two, I feel KZ Shadowfall destroys every Halo outside of the first, and nukes Halo 4's forgetable campaign, and this is including on Legendary !
Wow, so I just finished this awesome game last night and immediately wanted to come to this thread and share my thoughts and impressions, which are all mostly very positive...

It is a divisive game. That's why I'm not surprised about the various and different opinions about the game.

I gave it a 7 out of 10 (which in my personal scale is good) I don't want the game to hold my hand or have an AI telling me "hey Einstein, go left!" but a better level design is all I asked.

Is a superb looking and sounding (sound wise, I stand with my opinion about the music) game that shows the capabilities of next gen. That's enough to kick off the gen, but I can't deny its flaws.

Oh, I will say this: multiplayer has been a lot more fun since I wrote this.


It is a divisive game. That's why I'm not surprised about the various and different opinions about the game.

I gave it a 7 out of 10 (which in my personal scale is good) I don't want the game to hold my hand or have an AI telling me "hey Einstein, go left!" but a better level design is all I asked.

Is a superb looking and sounding (sound wise, I stand with my opinion about the music) game that shows the capabilities of next gen. That's enough to kick off the gen, but I can't deny its flaws.

Oh, I will say this: multiplayer has been a lot more fun since I wrote this.

Curious, would you personally like to see GG continue it in a direct sequel to Shadowfall as thier next game? I haven't seen that dIscussed much. And if so, do you have any personal ideas on how and which direction the story and world should continue?
WIth Lucas dead, brIng In a new maIn, or cast Echo as the lead, etc.
*Enthusiastic praise*

Wow. Glad to hear you loved it. Shadowfall is definitely capable of some of the highest highs in the scifi shooter genre, but it's also capable of some real lows. Your point about no hand holding is not quite on the money - the game basically does a terrible job of teaching/training you with it's mechanics. The level design is also utterly shit (layout wise, the actual environment design is incredible) - open ended level design is much harder to get right and Guerilla missed the mark by a long shot.

That said, it has some sci fi moments that are just unparalleled.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I really, seriously liked the game (SP portion). In fact I can't remember enjoying an FPS this much since HL2:Ep2. Maybe I'm looking / hoping for different things in FPS than most people do. Also, music freaking kicks ass in this game, WTF OP. Characters are weak and story just serviceable, but the atmosphere is great and the Berlin wall throwback is cool. It's certainly a giant step up from KZ3 and even KZ2 in that department.

That said, the game had two terrible moments for me. The Ch8 freefall (before it was patched) and getting lost in that pipe chapter, where to me it made no sense where I'm supposed to go. Then again after patch Ch8 freefall is much easier and a fun diversion, so I can't complain about that anymore.

It is also IMO still the best looking game (on all platforms). I just love how it looks.


Ah man, that's too bad when it came to using the Owl that you played that way.

I'm constantly giving my Owl orders and using it.
In action if I get swarmed, I have it throw up a shield I can hide behind, to cheaply cover and shoot.
When enemies approach and rush in from a distance, I send it to attack while I flank around to wipe them out.
I used it to hack enemy shields, enemy alarms, and zip line of course.

Really, the Owl is core to the gameplay.
If you ignore it and just try to play it like a CoD shooter straight up, I can see why you may have not liked it.
I played it like I've played every other Killzone, making use of cover and such. I used the OWL to perform the actions you described but it still didn't do much for me and didn't change the core gameplay enough. The zip line didn't have much use in the later levels and seemed only to exist to get you from one battle zone to the next. Which is a shame, because I think the faster movement could have been pretty awesome if you could zip up to things.


Wow. Glad to hear you loved it. Shadowfall is definitely capable of some of the highest highs in the scifi shooter genre, but it's also capable of some real lows. Your point about no hand holding is not quite on the money - the game basically does a terrible job of teaching/training you with it's mechanics. The level design is also utterly shit (layout wise, the actual environment design is incredible) - open ended level design is much harder to get right and Guerilla missed the mark by a long shot.

That said, it has some sci fi moments that are just unparalleled.

Thank you.

However, one final thing I'd like to add regarding the game not babying the player:
Take COD Ghosts, I got it, I score it an 8, and also love it for what it is (more on that in a second), but it's a game that holds your hand the entire way through.
You never have to look for where to go, not even for a moment, the game does it the whole time for you.
Every second you have your brother Hesh guiding you, "Come on Logan, this way!", "This way Logan, follow me!", "This way Logan, hurry up!", "Come on Logan and get Riley, and don't forget Riley!".
Even the mission you play as your dad in the flash back you have Rourke guiding you all the way through. You never have to stop and think, the only thing you do is go down a straight line and point and shoot. The entire time!
The game is wack a mole!
Enemy pops up, you put him down by shooting, next enemy pops up, rinse and repeat.

Killzone Shadowfall drops you off in the playground and lets you figure it all out. Like here, you have a brain, you have a gun for protectIon, and if you really need you have way point markers. Now go and explore and figure it out yourself.

Like I said earlier, it's special in that it treats you like an adult.

I really respect and appreciate this game for that. And I loved every minute of it.
Its certainly a very stark difference from the rest of the shooter pack.
I don't need every shooter to be the same.
And this one, this one is dfferent. And it's good.


It's one of the weirdest games i've ever felt about.

Amazing looking, great gameplay but at the end of the day it was boring as fuck. If it had a better story with well designed missions it really could have been an awesome game.


I gave up, deleted it a few hours ago. Got to the part where you go into the Helghast zone with the refugees, what a boring game.


It's one of the weirdest games i've ever felt about.

Amazing looking, great gameplay but at the end of the day it was boring as fuck. If it had a better story with well designed missions it really could have been an awesome game.

It can be slow on the first playthrough, but it's twice as fun on the second playthrough, since there is no stress on not knowing where to go, and you can turn off the HUD and aiming rectile for full emmersion, you're skilled by then anyway.


It can be slow on the first playthrough, but it's twice as fun on the second playthrough, since there is no stess on not knowing where to go, and you can turn off the HUD and aiming rectile for full emmersion, so you're skilled then anyway.
Good to know, I think I'll give this a try. Not knowing where to go and what exactly to do at times was pretty annoying. Thanks.


Good to know, I think I'll give this a try. Not knowing where to go and what exactly to do at times was pretty annoying. Thanks.

Indeed. You have to go into it knowing and understanding that. Then just appreciate it and it's very different shooter type just for what it is. :D


I'd say it's worth playing but it's probably the worst KZ outside of the first game.

I never touched the originals outside of a rental on 3, but from what I have seen, this game seems very different from those, yes.

The OGs seem more like an all out Warzone. Starring grunts and soldiers. And more akin to traditional shooters.

This, is more tactical espionage. WIth spIes and double crosses and alien politics. Starring a Shadow Marshal. It's unique to the genera.

Anyway, I guess I've said everything I needed and wanted to on the subject.
As far as the flack it gets, it may not have been thr shooter everyone wanted, but it was the one the genera and dare I say the series, needed.

Bravo, GG, Bravo. And thank you.


I'd give it a 7 out of 10 too. I enjoyed it. I liked the slower pace where I'm not just getting yelled at by someone over the radio to go from set piece to set piece like I'm some ADD junkie.

And oh boy did I love the OWL. I felt like a pet class in some MMO. If you don't know how to use it, it makes the game a lot harder IMO. I had a blast with the MP but then I decided to move on to other games. I just don't have the time any more to stick with MP in a game while I have so much else to play.


Really did not like the game. Pretty graphics and great music but the gameplay was too slow for me and the gunplay felt unsatisfying. Felt like I was walking through pretty sights and shooting a guy or two every few mins. The level layouts were also confusing some times. The POV was really annoying, made me feel too short. Really liked Killzone 2 even with its flaws, but Shadow Fall was such a chore.
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