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GAF Plays...31 Nights of Horror...2



Thanks for sharing. Make sure you try for other endings after you complete. Cute cat, hopefully not to scaredy.

Still playing Alien here, and it's been a trip. Leaving the game for only nighttime play, and with volume high on headphones/speakers. Probably one of the most intense experiences is hiding under a medical table, looking one way, than back again and seeing the beast in your face.


I had posted this in the Steam thread -- now with a few shots(sorry for the aliasing).

Alien Isolation

I've been playing this one since release and have just reached Chapter 7. This is mostly due to leaving it to night-only play. It's the real dead in terms of horror and provides plentiful of scares. The anxiety and fear from being around a Xenormorph is really on a whole other level. There's no running away until you find a hiding spot Outlast-like, if you face the creature -- You're Dead. Hiding in a locker or under a medical table and not knowing if it decides to do a thorough check is a cause for deep breaths. There are a variety of items that you collect, and I'm trying to get as many ID tags as I can and I always read through logs. The environment also has some info sprayed here and there. There are items to collect which you use to build bombs and medkits. I haven't had too much use for the bombs, but I love to flashbang synthetics and hear/see their reactions. This game is a rec....and I can't wait to get back to it tonight.

The visual and audio quality are top notch. There is aliasing due to the shaders, but if you can look to the lighting and visual design instead you'll be impressed. The audio is uncompressed(?) or at least it sounds like it. There is an option for "Full Dynamic Range" which you should tick if you're using a decent set of speakers and/or headphones. It fill the whole room and the positioning is fantastic. Keyboard/Mouse control is pretty good, and setup was breeze because the game doesn't require that many functions.


Well I finished Dead Space earlier this week. I tried so hard to get immersed, but it really didn't do it for me in terms of survival horror. Loved the enemy design and there were a few times I panicked, but not really enough for me to get my horror game experience :/

I plan on tackling either Silent Hill or Dead Space 2 soon


What kind of game are you making?

Sorry for the late reply! I don't want to drag this thread off-topic, but I just shared some details on my team's game, Anomaly 1729, in the Indie Game Dev Thread:

I didn't think I'd have much time to play any horror games this month but I've picked up both Alien: Isolation & The Evil Within on PS4 and they're both great!!

I'm especially enjoying The Evil Within now that I've gotten a hang of the stealth-focused gameplay and stopped trying to shoot everything, haha.
I really haven't spent much time with A:I, but I'm going to try to put in some time with both games today & tomorrow.

Also, I'm really happy to hear lots of people trying out the Fatal Frame series for the first time! :)
It's still my all-time favorite Horror series and I'm THISCLOSE to importing a JP Wii U to play the new one, haha.


Plan on getting The Evil Within and Alien: Isolation and playing them by Halloween, I also hope to get around to playing PT.

Just played a creepy little flash game called "The uncle who works for Nintendo" after it was covered by the games media a bunch for some reason, I thought it was pretty good, some parts of the game I couldn't tell if they were broken or just part of it, but I enjoyed it.


Hmm, I already have ZombiU that's untouched and just begging to be played.

And I keep meaning to grab the Whistleblower DLC for Outlast. This thread may have inspired both to happen.


Sorry for the late reply! I don't want to drag this thread off-topic, but I just shared some details on my team's game, Anomaly 1729, in the Indie Game Dev Thread:

I didn't think I'd have much time to play any horror games this month but I've picked up both Alien: Isolation & The Evil Within on PS4 and they're both great!!

I'm especially enjoying The Evil Within now that I've gotten a hang of the stealth-focused gameplay and stopped trying to shoot everything, haha.
I really haven't spent much time with A:I, but I'm going to try to put in some time with both games today & tomorrow.

Also, I'm really happy to hear lots of people trying out the Fatal Frame series for the first time! :)
It's still my all-time favorite Horror series and I'm THISCLOSE to importing a JP Wii U to play the new one, haha.

Art style looks pretty cool, gives me a Rez'ish kinda vibe.

The androids benefit from the Michael Myers mask complexion. It just a horrifying visage when they get a hold of you, especially the first instance.

Yeah I backed right into that, not expecting something to grab me. I was already tense from thinking they were following me...and those stupid vacant stares with glowing eyes doesnt help.
so, i take it 2's not as good as 1? i wanna say Shidoshi told me as much, really dug 1 though

Gameplay wise? No. Story wise? Yes. But to get through that, you have to suffer through the point and click process. And right now, I'm suffering through the longest chapter in the game.


Monotonous is a great word to describe Corpse Party: Book of Shadows. The game is fun, and the plot is really good, but there's many, MANY sections the drag on far too long. I think it loses a lot with the move to strictly first person/node based gameplay.

The game is worth slogging through just for the final chapter though, which sets up Blood Drive really nicely, and is the most terrifying chapter in the game.

Also, yesterday I finished Fatal Frame 2. Here are some impression on the end:

The game seemed extremely rushed at the end: after unlocking the escape route from the village, it's almost as if the developers were running out of time and had to jam everything with the actual ceremony into one chapter. They tried to fix this with a really long underground passage leading to the final boss where you fight the same ghost over and over again, but it still was just padding.

Also, I was disappointed in the final reveal of the ceremony. After all the hype throughtout the whole game, the ceremony itself consisted of one twin strangling another then throwing the dead body down a pit. It seemed rather... Tame, considering the rest of the game. The fate of the Kusabi was much more in line with what I expected: tied up in an elaborate rope harbess thing and bled out for quite some time.

I know there's an extra chapter on the Xbox version, but I'd have to beat the game on the newly unlocked "Nightmare" difficulty, then again on "Fatal" difficulty to get to it, so I may just youtube what I'm missing.

I might seem very negative, but I'm just nitpicking because I did enjoy the game a lot. It certainly doesn't surpass Silent Hill 2 as my favourite horror game though.
Played a little Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday with the girlfriend.
Amazing how well the game looks and plays for it's age. I'm inclined to agree that higher resolution and frame rate is much more important than other graphical polish that may restrict either.

We played the custom map 'journey to splash Mountain" and it was incredibly well done.. Lots of fun all around.

Need to play some more Outlast tonight for sure.

I've also been watching my brother stream Evil Within. Looks like an awesome game.. Not sure about the low score review complaints.


Some horror pickups this week:

Just about to start Evil Within, now that I'm finished Fatal Frame 2. Never played the two N64 Castlevania games, but I got a great deal on Kijiji (Craigslist) for the two of them. I may not get to them this month as I don't actually own an N64 Controller Pak, so I can't save on either.


Some horror pickups this week:

Just about to start Evil Within, now that I'm finished Fatal Frame 2. Never played the two N64 Castlevania games, but I got a great deal on Kijiji (Craigslist) for the two of them. I may not get to them this month as I don't actually own an N64 Controller Pak, so I can't save on either.

You're gonna get a kick out of the hedge maze in Castlevania. I reached the castle when I played in '98, but there is a certain infamous section(watch Angry Videogame Nerd) that I just couldn't get past.

Shame that Fatal Frame 2 didn't give you what you were fully expecting. The "positive ending" in 2 is *read this at your own discretion*
not canon as you'd discover in part 3


Some horror pickups this week:

Just about to start Evil Within, now that I'm finished Fatal Frame 2. Never played the two N64 Castlevania games, but I got a great deal on Kijiji (Craigslist) for the two of them. I may not get to them this month as I don't actually own an N64 Controller Pak, so I can't save on either.

About Castlevania...you only really need one. Legacy has the original included (sorta) I believe.


Very new to horror games (played Resident Evil and Metro 2033 if that counts) and it's late in the month but I think I'm going to join in the halloween spirit and try more of the genre.

Played though Outlast a few days ago after having it sit on my PS3 since February. Not sure where to go from here. Thinking either Dead Space or Evil Within since it's new. Definitely don't want to play another hide-and-seek type of game right now.


It was pretty bad (as you can tell from my ranking/stats in the pic below), but I just beat my fourth horror game of the month.....Resident Evil: Code Veronica X! Which is one of the two mainline RE games I had played, but never beaten before.

P.S. a little over half of my retries stemmed from the first
boss fight cause all I had going into the fight was 9 handgun bullets & a combat knife......which made the fight a f*(king nightmare since I needed to get close enough to knife
Alexia without being in reach of her one hit kill grab move
in order to win the boss fight.


It was pretty bad (as you can tell from my ranking/stats in the pic below), but I just beat my fourth horror game of the month.....Resident Evil: Code Veronica X! Which is one of the two mainline RE games I had played, but never beaten before.

Congrats Tav, I've only beat Code Veronica X once as it becomes a bit of a slog near the end. Also, it's nice to see Chris Redfield before he entered BEAST mode in RE5.


Also, I forgot to take a picture of the end, but I beat your E rating on Fatal Frame 2....... With a D rating. PROGRESS!


Congrats Tav, I've only beat Code Veronica X once as it becomes a bit of a slog near the end. Also, it's nice to see Chris Redfield before he entered BEAST mode in RE5.


Also, I forgot to take a picture of the end, but I beat your E rating on Fatal Frame 2....... With a D rating. PROGRESS!

Thanks, yeah the end of the game was a rough (I managed to zip through the first half pretty quickly despite not having played the game in 12 years, but started to hit the wall right after the
Nosferatu boss fight
) and yeah Chris in RE 5 looked ridiculous.

P.S. Congrats on getting beating my Fatal Frame 2 rating


Finally beat Splatterhouse 2! That damn final boss pattern...the game really makes you learn strict patterns even more so than most hard action games.


Honestly, I think I like Splatterhouse 1 more than 2. If only for the simple fact that they give you more weapons to mess around with. Its not a bad game by any means, but still could have been much better.

Moving on the vanquish the night in Rondo of Blood.


Wow... Rondo has so man extra passages, I dunno what's death and what is a new area. Taking notes on where I've been.

EDIT: Going to get started with Sweet Home tonight. Dat item management.


Finally beat Splatterhouse 2! That damn final boss pattern...the game really makes you learn strict patterns even more so than most hard action games.

Congrats Tekno! I still need to play more of the Splatterhouse games, it's a shame they're so expensive. I could emulate, but damn if the collector in my wants the carts (And the Hu-Card!).

I received a package today! With my wife fully monopolizing the TV, I decided to do a bit more retro gaming...

That's right, SHADOWGATE. It's got a bit of a Halloween vibe, so I think it fits within this thread. It's the only ICOM game I haven't beat (Uninvited on my old Apple IIgs years ago, Deja Vu 1 & 2 on the GBC), so I'm jumping in relatively blind. Like the other "MacVenture" games, you die. A lot. Good thing the death music is so catchy.

I played for about an hour before getting stuck. In true adventure game fashion, I'll stew on the puzzles for a day, and go back tomorrow to try to get further. Also, the game is pretty violent for NES standards. Nintendo was really strict back then, and I couldn't believe that you could force your character to commit suicide (Use SWORD on SELF). It's a pretty good way to reset if you've wasted a lot of time in one room and your torch has almost run out.

The game cart wasn't in the BEST condition, but some Goo Gone and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has cleaned everything but the the label-wear up.


I've always liked when games that let you use items in unexpected ways.

Do you have a Turbo Graphx 16 or a PC engine?

I don't. PC Engine kinda scares me, there's so many releases, that I don't know where to start. Plus, my wife would kill me if I bought ANOTHER game system right away... I might need to let that one simmer for a while.

...Which is a shame, because after I finish Shadowgate, I'm going to want to play Beyond Shadowgate and Shadowgate 64! I've heard VERY mixed reviews about both, so I'm curious to see how they hold up.

Speaking of which, weren't you looking to offload a copy of Beyond Shadowgate, Tekno? Not that I have the cash for it now, but nice to know that some of us own rare games, haha.


I don't. PC Engine kinda scares me, there's so many releases, that I don't know where to start. Plus, my wife would kill me if I bought ANOTHER game system right away... I might need to let that one simmer for a while.

...Which is a shame, because after I finish Shadowgate, I'm going to want to play Beyond Shadowgate and Shadowgate 64! I've heard VERY mixed reviews about both, so I'm curious to see how they hold up.

Speaking of which, weren't you looking to offload a copy of Beyond Shadowgate, Tekno? Not that I have the cash for it now, but nice to know that some of us own rare games, haha.

Oh, thought you meant you had a TG16 and Splatterhouse 1 was too expensive. Was going to recommend just going with a JP copy. Its cheaper...or at least it was. Havent checked lately.

Also I wish. Only legit pricey rare game I can think of that I own is Bubble Bobble 2, I guess you could say Earthbound.


So, I've reached Chapter 14 in Alien Isolation and am still enjoying it very much so.
The Alien has been gone for a bit, it's be contained in another sector, so I've been dealing with the creepy Androids -- Typical stuff, setting them on fire, stunning them, beating them to death. My favorite is setting Pipe bombs for them to walk over.

As a lover of Alien and Aliens it's such a nice callback to that era, especially the former. If CA can make a game this great in a completely new genre for them, then let them tackle a more action-heavy Aliens tribute. After Alien, I'm going to be giving Outlast Whitleblower a go and I expect good things from loving the original, followed by TEW.

Since I have access to Epsxe, I've been playing Overblood on it with texture filtering off and wow does it look clean compared to playing it on my PS2.

Edit: The weather outside is dreary and the ground full of leaves. This has been the best October Horror month in a LONG time. Enjoy your scares, guys!


Well I just finished my fifth horror related game of the month (Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow) which was one of the three GBA Castlevania games I hadn't played before. All in all I enjoyed it more so than Circle of the Moon (the controls imo felt a bit stiff, didn't feel fluid) which I started playing right around the time I got this game.

Playtime - 4 hrs 55 mins
Ending - Good
Map Completion Percentage - 98.7%
Circle of the Moon is the only Castlevania I've played, and I didn't care for it much. It's not that I hated it, but I didn't bother going for total game completion.
Just finished the REmake again. Every time I play it I'm just shocked at how good it still looks. Can't wait for the HD remaster.

Finished The Evil Within earlier this week too. Pretty much what I wanted RE6 to be like. Don't know if I want to start a Nightmare run.

Might start up Five Nights at Freddy's or The Forgotten Ones. Have a ton of horror games on steam that I have yet to play.

Circle of the Moon is the only Castlevania I've played, and I didn't care for it much. It's not that I hated it, but I didn't bother going for total game completion.

You should try Symphony of the Night, or maybe one of the older ones like Super Castlevania IV.


Circle of the Moon is the only Castlevania I've played, and I didn't care for it much. It's not that I hated it, but I didn't bother going for total game completion.

Give some of the better classic platformers a shot like Super Castlevania IV.

EDIT: Thats what I get for leaving a post window open lol.


Give some of the better classic platformers a shot like Super Castlevania IV.

EDIT: Thats what I get for leaving a post window open lol.

I always lean towards Castlevania III(Japanese version) as my definitive Halloween Castlevania game. Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the darker imagery and the chiptunes.

Anyway, I'm on the last chapter of Alien Iso and it's been a great experience and am sad to see it end. 9/10 horror game, easily.

No spoiler, just a nice lense flare.

Edit: Just finished up the main game and am sorry to see it end. Possibly my GOTY vote, but I still need to play through TEW and SoM. Definite rec for all you horror lovers out there! Next up, Whistleblower.


Circle of the Moon is the only Castlevania I've played, and I didn't care for it much. It's not that I hated it, but I didn't bother going for total game completion.

There are much better Castlevania games out there that are definitely worth checking out like Symphony of the Night, Bloodlines, Super Castlevania IV, and/or Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse.


As the month winds down, I've bit off more than I can chew... Here's a recap of what I've been working on:

The Evil Within - PS4: Being on PS4, I don't get to play this one as much as I'd like; it's hooked up to the big, main TV with the surround sound, and my wife's been trying to catch up on the TV shows she watches, so I've only just made it to Chapter 7 (about 6-7 hours in). There's been a lot of talk on GAF about this one, so I won't say too much except that I'm not finding it scary, though I'm really enjoying it immensely, despite some control/graphics issues. Anyone who loves Resident Evil 4 should feel right at home.

Shadowgate - NES: Alright, I'm totally stuck in this one. I've gotten past a number of puzzles, but now I'm horribly stuck. Still enjoying it, as Adventure Games will always be my number 1 genre, but after picking it up 3 nights in a row and not getting anywhere, I'm *THIS* close to reading GameFAQs to continue...... Not yet though, I can do it....

Castlevania - Nintendo 64: Having just picked up an N64 Controller Pak today, and the fact that I'm hopelessly stuck in Shadowgate, I decided to start another game this evening. So far, I'm really enjoying it, though I'm only to the second stage. The graphics are typical N64,which I've made my peace with, so I can sit back and enjoy them. The controls and camera aren't nearly as janky as I've been led to believe, so that hasn't been a problem either. Maybe I've just played more than my fair share of really early 3D platformers.

Also, skeletons riding motorcycles! Coolest enemy ever.


As the month winds down, I've bit off more than I can chew... Here's a recap of what I've been working on:

Shadowgate - NES: Alright, I'm totally stuck in this one. I've gotten past a number of puzzles, but now I'm horribly stuck. Still enjoying it, as Adventure Games will always be my number 1 genre, but after picking it up 3 nights in a row and not getting anywhere, I'm *THIS* close to reading GameFAQs to continue...... Not yet though, I can do it....

Let me guess, the fiery room with the dragon?


Let me guess, the fiery room with the dragon?

Grab the shield first. It protects you long enough to grab the other items.

Wait a minute...

I haven't tried using the spear from that room on the dragon after grabbing it... Usually I just grab the spear, helmet, and hammer, then haul ass...
Damn, if I wasn't in bed with a sleeping wife and cat beside me, I'd so be in the basement trying that right now! It's something to ponder all day at work tomorrow, I guess.


Grab the shield first. It protects you long enough to grab the other items.

Wait a minute...

I haven't tried using the spear from that room on the dragon after grabbing it... Usually I just grab the spear, helmet, and hammer, then haul ass...
Damn, if I wasn't in bed with a sleeping wife and cat beside me, I'd so be in the basement trying that right now! It's something to ponder all day at work tomorrow, I guess.

How are you progressing in Shadowgate? I know that after the earlier stuff it gets much easier and you'll just get in a groove 'till it's over.
Finished my play of Silent Hill 2 I started over a month ago. I also started Clock Tower(aka CT2). Oh that Scissorman is creepy. I thought for sure he'd use those shears to open the elevator door.

I also got Corpse Party and Dracula X Chronicles from PSN. I haven't started the former, but I unlocked Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night in The latter. Symphony is pretty fun; it's about time I played it.


Yeah I dunno why people rag on CV64 so much. Its actually a decently done 3D vania. Even more so than Lament of Innocence.


How are you progressing in Shadowgate? I know that after the earlier stuff it gets much easier and you'll just get in a groove 'till it's over.

Still stuck. About 3 hours of banging my head on the wall for the past few nights. I've come across two locked doors I can't get through, and I assume one of them is being held by the skeleton in the lake, but I haven't been able to get at it yet.

Yeah I dunno why people rag on CV64 so much. Its actually a decently done 3D vania. Even more so than Lament of Innocence.

I haven't picked it up since finishing the first level, but I can't wait to get back into it. I'm guessing a lot of people only know of it through AVGN.

I did get a little bit more time to play The Evil Within. Had my first glimpse of
the Keeper, aka Safe-Head. Only saw him from a far, haven't had a run in yet.


Just finished my sixth game of the month, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon which I gotta say was a bit of a slog and is (for the moment at least) my least favorite of the "Metroidvania" games.

Playtime - est 6 hrs
Map Percentage - 89 %
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