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GAF Plays...31 Nights of Horror...2


I will attempt to get past that first corridor in P.T. and finish it.

Honestly, I shut off the game before reaching the end of that corridor. Something is extremely unnerving with this game.

Its the first game where I actually kinda dread going down the hall when you can see something in the distance. It feels like those creepy pasta photos.


Just got RE4 off psn and the fucking controls are killing it for me. It seems like the l and r sticks are fighting for camera control with each other. :/

edit: ok, I was just doing it wrong, how silly ;)


Just got RE4 off psn and the fucking controls are killing it for me. It seems like the l and r sticks are fighting for camera control with each other. :/

edit: ok, I was just doing it wrong, how silly ;)

RE4 on Steam has such large deadzones that I get nauseous every time I play. Don't know if it's better on console.
Well the first game I was planning to beat was going to be F.E.A.R. Extraction point but it's not great, the combat isn't as good as the first game and it uses a lot of the same tricks as the first game to try and scare you. So I dropped that and I'm moving on to Call of Cthulhu which I've only played an hour so far but it seems really interesting
ive been playing remake for the first time on the wii and man its becoming one of my favorite games of all time, i already know im going to double dip when the hd version is released, i'll probably hold out for a physical copy to get released though


I bought Outlast last December and still haven't played more than like 30 minutes, so maybe I should try and actually get through it.


It's not long at all, and won't wear out it's welcome. I'm hoping for something similar with Whistleblower.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Whistleblower is the best DLC I've ever played. Better bad guys, better pacing, and the most horrifying (and as a horror fan, amazing) sequence I've ever seen in a video game.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Whistleblower is the best DLC I've ever played. Better bad guys, better pacing, and the most horrifying (and as a horror fan, amazing) sequence I've ever seen in a video game.

I'm going to get on that one after I'm done with Alien Isolation. So far, the best thing about AI is the sound -- my god is it fantastic. You just can't beat a great horror game for atmosphere and sound, just no possible way.


Night 2...

I only had an hour today, so instead of starting Fatal Frame 2, I decided to put some time in with a shorter, faster paced game: Super Castlevania IV


Paired with Castlevania IV is a Brown Pumpkin Ale from Fernie Brewing Co in Fernie, BC. It's an interested brown ale (think Newcastle), but with a nice pumpkin spice finish.


Despite getting this game when it was released as a kid, I never actually beat it! I got to one of the last levels, but could never get to Dracula, let alone beat him. This time around though, I kept wondering "When is this game going to get hard?" The answer would be right after I took this picture:

I took this picture because I love the music so much in this stage: the funky bassline and flute melody really remind me of some classic late 60s, early 70s Prog Rock, like something King Crimson would put out. (As an aside, I think a lot Japanese soundtracks at the time were heavily inspired by British/American rock music, see Tactics Ogre subtitles and everything Nobuo Uematsu has ever written)

Anyway, this stage killed me for the first (and second, and third) time with a classic Castlevania tactic: badguy knocks you backwards into a pit. I pressed on though, and made it to the castle: THIS is where the game starts to ramp up the difficulty! After clearing the first castle boss (Dancing Ghosts), I called it quits for tonight.

Also, I found myself doing something I started doing back when I was a kid: always making sure to jump up and "catch" the orb thing that appears after defeating a boss/stage. You just can't let it hit the ground!
Yes you can, it affects nothing.
I also do this in Mario 3 with the wands, though that one's trickier to time. Anyone else do this, or have odd gaming habits?


Wait till you get to the rotation rooms. And yes, everyone jumps to catch the orb as freeze frame just like jumping / sliding into Mega Man boss doors. Its an unwritten rule.


lol now i've got an issue. I was ready to jump back into Fatal Frame but ended up picking up Alien Isolation while I was out today. A good issue, but an issue still.


lol now i've got an issue. I was ready to jump back into Fatal Frame but ended up picking up Alien Isolation while I was out today. A good issue, but an issue still.

Don't do it . Not until Fatal Frame is out of the way. Alien is the big-budget horror title that we've all been waiting for a long time, and it will totally distract you from FF.
lol now i've got an issue. I was ready to jump back into Fatal Frame but ended up picking up Alien Isolation while I was out today. A good issue, but an issue still.

Don't do it . Not until Fatal Frame is out of the way. Alien is the big-budget horror title that we've all been waiting for a long time, and it will totally distract you from FF.
To be the guy on the other shoulder: Do it. Alien is absolutely fantastic. Fatal Frame will still be there when you're done.


Don't do it . Not until Fatal Frame is out of the way. Alien is the big-budget horror title that we've all been waiting for a long time, and it will totally distract you from FF.

To be the guy on the other shoulder: Do it. Alien is absolutely fantastic. Fatal Frame will still be there when you're done.


lol but seriously, I could just mix both together. I mean I still need to start Sweet Home, wrap up Splatterhouse 2, and vanquish the night in Rondo.


lol but seriously, I could just mix both together. I mean I still need to start Sweet Home, wrap up Splatterhouse 2, and vanquish the night in Rondo.

If you can do that than more power to you. I'm still playing through Alien, but I have Whistleblower staring at me on my GoG list. Plenty of time, though, as it's only the 10th and no non-horror games to playthrough.


My Halloween gaming:

  • Save scumming my way through Dracula X
  • Alien Isolation (best sense of place in a game since...a long time)
  • Finish P.T., maybe
Think I'll just watch Dansgaming do his annual Horror Month on twitch.

I've been doing the same since I don't have too many horror/spooky games. If I can't play, I might as well watch!

It's too bad he cancelled horror month tonight :( Enola, 7th Guest and Alien: Isolation really broke him this year. I hope he can take some time off and take a vacation.
I've been doing the same since I don't have too many horror/spooky games. If I can't play, I might as well watch!

It's too bad he cancelled horror month tonight :( Enola, 7th Guest and Alien: Isolation really broke him this year. I hope he can take some time off and take a vacation.

add ObsCure 2 too.. I feel like if TEW was this week instead of next he would have been refreshed. Dude could use a break though.


So last night I had 30 min to play a bit more Super Castlevania IV. Is it just me, or all the bosses extremely easy? There's little use for alternate weapons in this game when your whip just destroys the bosses. I don't think I've even learned a pattern to dodge attacks, just simply had to spam the Y button.

Also, everytime I collect the item that kills all enemies on screen, my Frameister losses signal for a second, like when it's switching resolutions. Is this normal?


So I pressed on as Simon Belmont, and finally in the last level: THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL SPIKED! Finally! I was pretty excited... Until I died over and over at the vertical climb section (Timed, hard jumps, falling platforms, insta-death spikes).

So I finally got up to the top of the tower, and to the boss. With one life left. Then this happened:

Yup. One more hit would've killed him. Thankfully the game took pity on me and let me continue straight from this point. Once I beat this boss (One of the two hardest in the game), I whipped (literally, hehe) the next boss right away, only to come across the hardest boss in the game: Death. I love the fact that the Grim Reaper is always hard-as-balls in Castlevania games, though at least this time you don't have to get through a HARD level to get to fight Death (Castlevania 1, I'm looking at you!)

Having killed Death (John Donne would be proud), I made quick work of Dracula himself, and put Super Castlevania IV into the win column:

All in all it was a great game. Loved the use of the music from Castlevania 1 and 3 in the final stage, and the variety was great throughout all the levels. Looks like the game unlocks a hard mode, I'll have to give a shot next Halloween. For now though, a new challenger awaits...



Figured it was time to do an update post since I hadn't posted any updates since beating Fatal Frame, then again there isn't really much to update as I've been a bit busy lately and didn't really get a chance to play a whole lot this week. What I did get to play was a little bit of the vampire themed Infamous: Festival of Blood on the PS3 (about 2 hrs spread out over 3 days) and Wii U VC game Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. So far I'm liking what I've played of both games, though CotM's controls feel a bit stiff to me. If all goes according to plan I should be close to having both games wrapped up by the time The Evil Within comes out.

Update: Shortly after writing this post I started up Infamous: Festival of Blood and well I just finished it, all in all it wasn't too bad though it was a pain having to kill some time before the last couple of story missions would pop up.


Congrats on completing SCIV, man. That game was just a marvel at the time of release, and a technical showcase for the SNES as well. Coming from Castlevania III, yes, it was way to easy in comparison. They should have allowed NG+ difficulty from the start.

First time playing? If so, I am envious my friend. It's tremendously disturbing game, and the best of the original trilogy, by far

I've been going through Alien:Isolation at a snail's pace just admiring the fantastic work that went into it. My god, the guys at Creative Assembly nailed their first Horror title. To think that they're primarily RTS devs.


First time playing? If so, I am envious my friend. It's tremendously disturbing game, and the best of the original trilogy, by far

I've been going through Alien:Isolation at a snail's pace just admiring the fantastic work that went into it. My god, the guys at Creative Assembly nailed their first Horror title. To think that they're primarily RTS devs.

Yup, first time. Bought the first two for Xbox years and years ago, and still have only played the first. Gotta zoom through it this weekend in prep for Evil Within, which I picked over Alien Isolation. Comments about how great Alien is like yours and others around GAF are making me almost second guess that choice though.


Yup, first time. Bought the first two for Xbox years and years ago, and still have only played the first. Gotta zoom through it this weekend in prep for Evil Within, which I picked over Alien Isolation. Comments about how great Alien is like yours and others around GAF are making me almost second guess that choice though.

The XBOX version is the definitive one and it is great that you have that one. My playthrough was of the one on PS2 which I am ok with. On the matter of Alien and TEW, I believe there is no wrong choice here. Besides, there will always be another time to get Alien if you so wish. Hope you have a terrifying experience with FFII(in a good way)!
Holy shit, Outlast is scary.

And hard. The game feels impossible already, and I'm just at the generator portion in the beginning of the game.


Holy shit, Outlast is scary.

And hard. The game feels impossible already, and I'm just at the generator portion in the beginning of the game.

Yes it is. The visual quality is also outstanding, and it's an indie title. I have to start Whistleblower after Alien. This has been an intense month so far.


Hope you have a terrifying experience with FFII(in a good way)!

Nothing can be more terrifying than watching both of my hockey teams (Flames and Leafs) get decimated tonight, haha.

Congrats BTails on beating Super Castlevania IV! and good luck with Fatal Frame 2

Thanks! I've played a little bit, and will post some more impressions later.

Holy shit, Outlast is scary.

And hard. The game feels impossible already, and I'm just at the generator portion in the beginning of the game.

I thought the same thing when I first started, took me about a week to pick it back up again after dying a couple of times at the generator part. Trust me, it gets easier. Not any less scary, mind you, but you start to learn the mechanics of the game, and have an easier time "outlasting" the monsters (oooooh, that was a bad pun).

I have to start Whistleblower after Alien. This has been an intense month so far.

I can't wait for your impressions! Whistleblower was amazing, and even better than the main game, in my opinion. So many great
terrifying, grotesque, nightmare-inducing


On the 2nd Night in Fatal Frame. I spent a good deal of running around in circles for awhile lol, but made it past the first actual boss. Really oppressing stuff,


On the 2nd Night in Fatal Frame. I spent a good deal of running around in circles for awhile lol, but made it past the first actual boss. Really oppressing stuff,

Tekno, are you playing the first Fatal Frame? Because I just played a couple hours of FF2, and am enjoying it, despite how slow the main character runs.

Also, I just got to Chapter 3, and came across my first real boss,
who was immune to the Camera Obscura, and killed me with one, insta-death hit... And the last save point 20 minutes earlier, grrrr.


I finished Outlast and thought it was great.

Did any of you get the
achievement? I looked at the description and it sounds completely nuts. I don't even want to attempt that.


Tekno, are you playing the first Fatal Frame? Because I just played a couple hours of FF2, and am enjoying it, despite how slow the main character runs.

Also, I just got to Chapter 3, and came across my first real boss,
who was immune to the Camera Obscura, and killed me with one, insta-death hit... And the last save point 20 minutes earlier, grrrr.

Yeah first fatal frame. The sounds the ghosts make are more unnerving than your everyday bioweapons. The slow run speed doesn't seem that bad until you've got a fast ghost after you.
I thought the same thing when I first started, took me about a week to pick it back up again after dying a couple of times at the generator part. Trust me, it gets easier. Not any less scary, mind you, but you start to learn the mechanics of the game, and have an easier time "outlasting" the monsters (oooooh, that was a bad pun).

Any starter tips?

I feel like this generator guy sees me instantly, and I can't see him until he finds me basically.

Batteries are dying awful quick too.

I'm playing on Hard, because it's only the second difficulty of 4.


Any starter tips?

I feel like this generator guy sees me instantly, and I can't see him until he finds me basically.

Batteries are dying awful quick too.

I'm playing on Hard, because it's only the second difficulty of 4.

I played on Hard as well. Here's some tips:

Only use nightvision when you have to: if you're in a straight hallway or hiding, turn it off. If you're lost, turn it on to get your bearings, then turn it off again. Unless you're in an area with an enemy, despite any noises or scary jumps, chances are you won't be attacked.

Learn where you can hide: most rooms have either a bed or locker you can use to hide in. And don't be afraid to run: unless there's an enemy nearby, the speed vs noise tradeoff is worth it. Also, most enemies run at the same speed as you.

Number one MOST IMPORTANT tip: close doors behind you. It'll give you extra warning if an enemy is coming, and will muffle noise, etc. Also, if you're being chased by an enemy, it allows you time to hide.

Good luck, and have fun!


Well the first game I was planning to beat was going to be F.E.A.R. Extraction point but it's not great, the combat isn't as good as the first game and it uses a lot of the same tricks as the first game to try and scare you. So I dropped that and I'm moving on to Call of Cthulhu which I've only played an hour so far but it seems really interesting

Extraction Point is still better than Project Origin. Yeah, I went there.
I played on Hard as well. Here's some tips:

Only use nightvision when you have to: if you're in a straight hallway or hiding, turn it off. If you're lost, turn it on to get your bearings, then turn it off again. Unless you're in an area with an enemy, despite any noises or scary jumps, chances are you won't be attacked.

Learn where you can hide: most rooms have either a bed or locker you can use to hide in. And don't be afraid to run: unless there's an enemy nearby, the speed vs noise tradeoff is worth it. Also, most enemies run at the same speed as you.

Number one MOST IMPORTANT tip: close doors behind you. It'll give you extra warning if an enemy is coming, and will muffle noise, etc. Also, if you're being chased by an enemy, it allows you time to hide.

Good luck, and have fun!

Thanks for the tips.

I managed to beat that last segment, yesterday. Still felt like the game beat me though. The guy found me after I pulled the Breaker lever, so I bolted back to the main panel and hit the button, which auto saved it for me, even thought he guy immediately killed me. So when spawning, the whole event was already complete and he was gone.

Hope I can keep it together for the rest of the game!


I decided to play abit of Alien Isolation. The first appearance of the Xeno is legit tense. Its a combination of the sound design and how damn tall the thing looks when you're looking at it through a character's eyes... Its funny how you know everything about the monster from movies, but when put into a different situation, it makes it that much more scary.

Also the souless eyes of the Working Joes are creepy.


To those who have played both, which is more scary: Outlast or Alien Isolation?

It's hard to say. Both are very unnerving, but Alien is much less generous with the saving system. The location is also important, are you more creeped out by a dark insane asylum with disfigured psychotic patients on the loose or a derelict space station with a beast and various mannequin-level robots. For me, I'd lean towards Alien.

Amnesia would beat both easily if it didn't save all the damn time. Justine was scarier than the main game due to this imo.


Teknoman made this thread, no wonder the redirection in other threads, lol.

Not playing any horror games atm, tried SH3 to see if it holds up or not. It was all about running away from enemies as combat felt almost useless.


Teknoman made this thread, no wonder the redirection in other threads, lol.

Not playing any horror games atm, tried SH3 to see if it holds up or not. It was all about running away from enemies as combat felt almost useless.

I figured i'd drop a few in select threads since it might help horror/creepy recommendations :p


I figured i'd drop a few in select threads since it might help horror/creepy recommendations :p
That's cool man. It's nice to know about new horror games after all.

Forgot to mention that SH3 actually does hold up, even today. Played it on a PS2 and a CRTTV and was amazed how good the graphics look.


Speaking of which, Alien Isolation is the real deal. It does have a somewhat slow start, but once the star of the show makes it's appearance, its on. Not so much jumpy as its got the tense atmosphere of the more psychological horror games.


ugh, so broke but trying to find GS credit about - is there a consensus yet on Evil Within vs Alien Isolation, or is it too early?


So I got stuck at work late, and couldn't get to the Best Buy downtown to pick up The Evil Within today, and the BB near my house is sold out, so no Mikami for me today.

I did, however, buy a copy of Shadowgate for NES today, though shipping to Canada can be long sometimes, so it may not arrive in October.


ugh, so broke but trying to find GS credit about - is there a consensus yet on Evil Within vs Alien Isolation, or is it too early?

Both seem pretty good choices so far. If widescreen borders bother you, Evil may lose some points. Alien is actually longer than I thought it would be, and manages to keep the tenseness. Havent messed with Evil Within too much aside from the intro on PC (and might not be able to go too much further if my specs dont hold up) but it looks like what people expected RE5 to be, and definitely wanted 6 to be.


I am such a fraidy cat. It's going to take me months to finish Alien: Isolation. Walk to check out a room, walk back to a room I left and now a table's been knocked over. Say "nope" to myself and take a little break. :(


At least shortly after that
I got paired with this bald guy so I know there's no Alien scares coming directly at me until he gets killed or whatever.

Dracula X status: Fuck You, Bat.

P.T. status: Fuck You, Hallway.


So, having been stuck at work late the past couple days, I haven't gotten around to buying The Evil Within. Which means I've had plenty of time to play some Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly:

I've really been enjoying the game so far: the feeling of isolation along with the constant menace of the ghosts really makes for a great atmosphere. The one problem I've had so far is that the Normal difficulty is extremely easy: I've had over 25 small medicines the entire game as I find it's really hard to take damage from the ghosts (In their defense, they ARE ghosts). Most of the enemies are pretty set in their attack patterns, and thus lose their scare value rather quickly.

And that's the other problem I had with the game: I just wasn't finding it scary. Sure, there were a few jumps, but I find myself getting wrapped up in the mystery, looking forward to finding my next journal or diary to uncover more of what happened in this village years ago. Pretty soon though the game started turning up the terror, with some great descriptions like the one below:

This is from Chapter 6, where I am right now, and this whole chapter has been pretty terrifying.
I'm currently exploring the house of a Dollmaker, who had offered his twin daughters to the ritualistic sacrifice of the village, which requires one twin to kill the other. After the sacrifice, the dollmaker decided to create a life-sized doll of the now dead twin... Unfortunately the doll became possessed by her departed likeness.
This story is really well through diary entries
including a diary written by the possessed doll, which reminded me of Resident Evil's infamous "itchy. tasty."
, along with the constant menace of the ghosts is question, who constantly moan about not wanting to kill anymore.

So all in all, a great game so far. I'm just glad that during the recent scary bits, I've had some company.

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