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GAF Votes FOTY 2014 Thread: Fail Of The Year

I did my best to not look at Gamergate (I followed everyones advice). Now that I finally have looked it up, it easily takes top spot. It's just disgusting and ironic.

Can you think of a better series of events that could have proved the points these women were trying to make?


Gamergate, Gamergate and Gamergate

Broken games are also shitty, but instead of winning an award let's all do our best to stop preordering games.


Congratulations Gamergate you amorphous blob of false Scotsmen you, your concentrated little ball of hate and MRA bullshit repackaged in a transparent wrapper of "Ethics in Games Journalism" has succeeded only in driving some voices out of the industry altogether and keeping who knows how much future talent from joining in the first place. Your relentless stream of bile has set back public perception of our hobby by at least five years possibly because you at best have so little reading comprehension I wouldn't be surprised if the directions on the back of airline peanut bags confuse you. If not that then your swimming so deep in the seas of denial and cognitive dissonance that I fear any attempt to change your minds to quickly will result in the bends. On top of everything else any talk of your rallying cry is now impossible, you have poisoned the very well of discussion on all talk of actual ethical problems in games reporting.


Gamergate is a travesty that impedes on human freedom. I think that goes beyond the scope of this thread. That is not a fail as much as it is a literal cancer that needs to be stopped.

A fail? Bungie's Destiny, 343's MCC, or Ubi's Unity.


Ubisoft's fall from grace was epic.

A year ago we were eagerly anticipating Watch Dogs and patting Ubi on the back for the awesome Rayman Legends and return to glory with Assassins Creed.

Now they can't do a single thing right.

Andrew J.

Gamergate. A movement dedicated to excluding the powerless and excusing the powerful. It is, quite frankly, treason against everything gaming should be, and that was before it allied with Jack Thompson.


Gamergate. I haven't participated in the discussion at all, but I've been keeping up with it. I agree with other posters saying "fail" isn't a harsh enough term to describe it, but it still deserves the FOTY title.
Calling Gamergate a failure makes it sound like it could have accomplished anything, it's too much power to give a useless movement.

The only social movement in which 99% of the participants had no idea what was going on.
I dunno, I saw a ton of people going on about Tony 2012 or even earlier with Project Chanology who came across as having no clue what they were even protesting beyond the bare basics.

Also pretty comfortable saying it's Gamergate; totally achieved the exact opposite of what it claimed to be campaigning for IMO. Even ignoring the harassment it gave Kotaku vastly more hits than usual despite the temporarily removed ads and propped up a lot of nutty e-celebrity types a few weeks before GG started were still blaming gaming on stuff like the Elliot Rodger shootings. After three and a half months, what did GG achieve beyond charity money?

Well both parties involved are fanatics.
I don't remotely buy GG's argument that feminism in gaming arguments I mostly kept out of anyway were somehow stopping stuff I enjoy but 'SJW's oppose such as Bayonetta 2 from even existing, let alone become a critical darling almost everywhere.


Gamergate is a travesty that impedes on human freedom. I think that goes beyond the scope of this thread. That is not a fail as much as it is a literal cancer that needs to be stopped.
It's kind of both though. If you tried to pass some of the stuff they've done off as comedy or satire a few years you'd be told it was too obvious and heavy-handed. Like the AbleGamers thing:

  • Create mascot to exemplify the type of girl they want to see in gaming
  • Recruit porn star to make porn of said mascot to raise money
  • Choose AbleGamers as the charity to donate proceeds to to show that GamerGate isn't bad and loves charity too
  • Refuse to tell AbleGamers it's GamerGate related
  • Start attacking AbleGamers when they find out and drop you for trying to drag them into something they want no part of

It's the sort of behaviour I expect from a violent mob on an episode of the Simpsons


It's kind of both though. If you tried to pass some of the stuff they've done off as comedy or satire a few years you'd be told it was too obvious and heavy-handed. Like the AbleGamers thing:

  • Create mascot to exemplify the type of girl they want to see in gaming
  • Recruit porn star to make porn of said mascot to raise money
  • Choose AbleGamers as the charity to donate proceeds to to show that GamerGate isn't bad and loves charity too
  • Refuse to tell AbleGamers it's GamerGate related
  • Start attacking AbleGamers when they find out and drop you for trying to drag them into something they want no part of

It's the sort of behaviour I expect from a violent mob on an episode of the Simpsons

Wait, are you talking about Vivian James? Holy shit, I had no idea that was the context behind that.

Holy fuck that's hilarious.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Wait, are you talking about Vivian James? Holy shit, I had no idea that was the context behind that.

Holy fuck that's hilarious.
Oh yeah, all of that really happened. The porn thing, the AbleGamers thing, the abuse hurled at AbleGamers when they said they didn't want to be associated with GamerGate


I'd be in the dick
It's kind of both though. If you tried to pass some of the stuff they've done off as comedy or satire a few years you'd be told it was too obvious and heavy-handed. Like the AbleGamers thing:

  • Create mascot to exemplify the type of girl they want to see in gaming
  • Recruit porn star to make porn of said mascot to raise money
  • Choose AbleGamers as the charity to donate proceeds to to show that GamerGate isn't bad and loves charity too
  • Refuse to tell AbleGamers it's GamerGate related
  • Start attacking AbleGamers when they find out and drop you for trying to drag them into something they want no part of

It's the sort of behaviour I expect from a violent mob on an episode of the Simpsons
Holy shit wow. I missed all that. Only saw the initial mascot they made which was just kind of sad since some of them seemed to believe drawing an anime girl that agrees with them is the same as having a woman agree with them.


Capcom deserves acknowledgement if Ono is to be believed and they were not planning on funding SFV until 2018. Yea its not a mega bread winner but SF is a backbone of Capcom right now and one of the few franchies they can rely on (and fans still love and support).


Holy shit wow. I missed all that. Only saw the initial mascot they made which was just kind of sad since some of them seemed to believe drawing an anime girl that agrees with them is the same as having a woman agree with them.

What's sadder is that GG turned around and tried to blame an SJW email campaign for "pressuring" AbleGamers into turning down the donations. Which is ludicrous, AbleGamers made a rational decision on their own to walk away from continued transactions after we clearly informed them what the consequences would be if they accepted the donation- that they'd be associated with sexism, bigotry, and misogyny in the eyes of the general public. In the end, the wisely realized that denying GG an ego boost was more important.
It'd solely be a laughable travesty worthy of forever being mocked and ridiculed, if it wasn't for the part where it's largely sad, horrible, repugnant, frustrating, soul crushing, tragic and depressing.

Runner up


Not sure if broken games are being grouped or not. If they are, broken games. If not, Halo MCC.
Things like Gamergate and horrible PR didn't cost me anything. This shit did.

Not just the biggest gaming fail of 2014, the biggest gaming fail ever since the days of Pong (which I am old enough to remember playing, I might add!)

Games broken at launch are a travesty but they're also nothing new.

If I had to vote for just a game though it would be Destiny, for making Peter Dinklage boring and tedious, among other grave sins.
GamerGate was trash but it did bring more attention to sexism in video games, even if it did not want that effect, so at least something good came out of it...I guess.

Destiny was bad but it was still enjoyable and it's already really been punished enough sales-wise and metacritic-wise.

Ubisoft still hasn't been punished enough. Watch Dogs sold well despite being really mediocre and a bait and switch, Unity charted on NPD even though it really didn't deserve it and was full of microtransactions, and they still continue to do the copypasta AAA strategy of sharing code between all of their big titles, and having them all revolve around an open world that is filled with meaningless, boring activities.

So I vote Ubisoft.


GamerGate was trash but it did bring more attention to sexism in video games, even if it did not want that effect, so at least something good came out of it...I guess.

Destiny was bad but it was still enjoyable and it's already really been punished enough sales-wise and metacritic-wise.

Ubisoft still hasn't been punished enough. Watch Dogs sold well despite being really mediocre and a bait and switch, Unity charted on NPD even though it really didn't deserve it and was full of microtransactions, and they still continue to do the copypasta AAA strategy of sharing code between all of their big titles, and having them all revolve around an open world that is filled with meaningless, boring activities.

So I vote Ubisoft.

What do you think about the Master Chief Collection? From what I know, Ubisoft at least apologized and 343i hasn't.
GamerGate. It's essentially an internet-wide temper tantrum mainly by young, white straight males who want you to believe they're not sexist while spouting sexually derogatory words towards anyone who doesn't agree with them. But it's okay because they're fighting for ethics in games journalism so it's okay to slut shame, sexually harass, send rape/death threats and reveal personal information.

More embarassingly, it's the gamers who are raising a big stink about this. Meanwhile, the rest of the game industry either doesn't care about their issues or agrees with their arch-nemesis(see Anita Sarkeesian).
Gerbly Gibbly Garmer Gamer Gate.

There was no other answer here, and that's saying a lot considering how many big fuck ups there have been in 2014.

GG has just been that bad. A gross, gross "movement" and a complete and total embarrassment to the industry.


Ubisoft gets my vote.

GamerGate was the effort of internet trolls. Talking about them, even if by rightfully destroying them, gives them exactly what they want: attention.

Does anyone know another person in real life who genuinely supported their cause? Serious question. And the fact that I am using "their" implies "they" are an organized movement with purpose, whereas I truly believe "they" are simply a random collection of trolls spamming hashtags and intentionally offensive statements. They don't deserve another kilobyte of data on the internet (which I have of course broken by writing this post).


Battlefield 4. BF3's latency issues should have compelled DICE to make a game with smaller environments with less physics interactions and a lower player count. Instead, they doubled down on network complexity (including some stupid shit like including a map with wave simulation) and have a fundamentally unfixable game. I end up going back to BF4 sometimes to play it with friends and I've been frustrated every time.


GamerGate was the effort of internet trolls. Talking about them, even if by rightfully destroying them, gives them exactly what they want: attention.

Does anyone know another person in real life who genuinely supported their cause? Serious question. And the fact that I am using "their" implies "they" are an organized movement with purpose, whereas I truly believe "they" are simply a random collection of trolls spamming hashtags and intentionally offensive statements.
Dude, they sent threats of a school shooting to Utah State University. They've been at this shit for over three months. They are still trying to convince people.

They are not trolls any more than other groups of bigoted conspiracy nuts are.


Dude, they sent threats of a school shooting to Utah State University. They've been at this shit for over three months. They are still trying to convince people.

They are not trolls any more than other groups of bigoted conspiracy nuts are.

So...reading over the threat email that was sent, the shooter didn't seem to mention GG anywhere, it only talked about anti-feminism. Has GG claimed credit for it since then? I missed the story when it originally ran. If so, then I'll immediately change my vote to GamerGate
I'm seriously judging everyone that acknowledges GamerGate, especially if they know what it is, but decided to go with some stupid video game glitch or microtransaction instead.


So...reading over the threat email that was sent, the shooter didn't seem to mention GG anywhere, it only talked about anti-feminism. Has GG claimed credit for it since then? I missed the story when it originally ran. If so, then I'll immediately change my vote to GamerGate

they never claim it. that's how it works for them.
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