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The Witcher 3: Gwent |OT| The original cardgame from Ancient Poland


Couple of questions.

What denotes the strength level of your deck for entry to the high stakes tourny?, mine is at 4/5, do I just need more high power cards?

There is a merchant
just passed the closed offer area on the way to the sewers, man, his monster deck is straight up OP!

I'm not sure what denotes it, but I think it might be hero cards. If you do the Gwent quests, you will naturally get high quality cards. I only played the mission card battles and was able to enter the tourney.

I finished all the Gwent quests yesterday. I didn't touch the card game for a long time, but it is easier to understand than I first thought. Decks only being around 25 cards is a godsend. I can't manage this 60 card stuff. Battles are also pretty quick so even if you lose it doesn't feel like you wasted a lot of time. The four sets are very diverse and allow for different types of decks in each style. I would like to see a standalone version for sure, but I think it would need some rules changes. You can basically stack your deck with hero cards. While there are some disadvantages to doing this (like no commander's horn), it generally is a fast track to victory. Of course there is strategy involved, but most victories seem to stem from solely having the best cards. Some cards are clearly better than others. Why have two of the Blue Stripes Commandos with 4 attack power and the buddy up ability when you could have two Crinfrid Reavers with 5 attack power and the same ability? Maybe if the game had a limit on how many hero cards you could put in, it would be a bit more balanced.

Also I don't like the fact that there are missable cards. It kind of punishes people who aren't completely devoted to this game right out the gate.
Every time I play the game I'm like "this time I'm actually going to make an effort to learn Gwent" but after a couple of minutes I always say fuck it and go back to the game proper. Maybe after I beat the story I'll be able to endure.


Ok, I tried collecting all gwent cards on my second playthrough, but now I've gone too far in the story and (midgame spoilers)
Olivier died, leaving me without his purchasable cards. I found his regular card, but I hadn't bought the ones he sold either
. Is there any way of obtaining those cards, or am I screwed?


Every time I play the game I'm like "this time I'm actually going to make an effort to learn Gwent" but after a couple of minutes I always say fuck it and go back to the game proper. Maybe after I beat the story I'll be able to endure.

Same here. I want to learn, but I'm having a terrible go at it. Rather just play the regular game. :p
Goddamn, the armorer in Larvik in Skellige is by far the hardest opponent I've faced yet. Sumbitch has three Spy cards, without fail, one of which is the Hero card with 0 attack power, and his Nilfgaardian Leader card cancels out your own Leader ability. I only beat him on my fourth try when I got just the right combination of my own Spies and Decoys to beat him at his own game, not to mention two Scorches and the Villentretenmerth pseudo-Scorch. I think I had fifteen cards in my deck in the last round :p

He gives you one of his Spy cards when you beat him, though, which is nice.
Every time I play the game I'm like "this time I'm actually going to make an effort to learn Gwent" but after a couple of minutes I always say fuck it and go back to the game proper. Maybe after I beat the story I'll be able to endure.

The problem is, if you start off too late every opponent's card collection is more powerful than yours. So trying to enter mid-game somewhere in Novigrad will undoubtedly end in a "fuck off" moment :)


Edit: Oh wow so this is the Gwent thread, didn't even realise there was a separate thread for one (both have Gwent in tittle so I imagined it was just another thread)


Same here. I want to learn, but I'm having a terrible go at it. Rather just play the regular game. :p

If you see my earlier posts, I was confounded by this game too. But whoever it was who said run with no weather cards and use the clear weather leader was a godsend. It gave me a chance at least to get a few cards. Now going back to earlier areas, I at least have a chance.

So if you really want to play and are feeling it's impossible, I understand - been there. Just takes perseverance and a few wins.
I always pack the frost weather cards. Very useful against Scoia'Tael and Monsters. On the contrary, the rain is great when playing with Scoia'Tael. Don't give two shits about fog in any situation.


I see. Might be too late now then. Maybe next time.

I didn't start Gwent until very late and had no problem. I didn't lose a single story battle outside of the tourney, which doesn't really matter. It might actually be easier if you start off late, because you can warp around and buy up cards. The most important card to start Gwent is the Foltest weather card you can buy from the merchant in White Orchard. Once you have that, you can just slowly build up powerful cards you win via the missions.

Speaking of Gwent, during the Dangerous Game mission, because I had no money and didn't care about Gwent at the time, I chose the coin. Turns out those are missable cards if you don't get them. Too bad... OR IS IT. I did the Great Escape quest, and somehow, when you loot an item for the story, you get some Gwent cards, including one I missed from the Dangerous Game mission. There were several, but I specifically remember that the John Natalis card was part of the Dangerous Game mission, yet I was able to loot it in Great Escape. There must be some failsafes to ensure some cards aren't missable. I hope this is the case for all of them.
If you see my earlier posts, I was confounded by this game too. But whoever it was who said run with no weather cards and use the clear weather leader was a godsend. It gave me a chance at least to get a few cards. Now going back to earlier areas, I at least have a chance.

So if you really want to play and are feeling it's impossible, I understand - been there. Just takes perseverance and a few wins.
I'm glad it helped, it's a tactic that I used all the way through to victory in the High Stakes tournament, so hopefully it serves you just as well :)


Still loving Gwent, still one of my main draws in playing the game, hope that there is more Gwent content (not just card reskins), in future DLC, would be a waste to let such a great diversion go un-fleshed out.


Where can I buy good gwent cards or which merchants should I start against? I'm near the end of the game and want to complete these quests before I do. Having a hard time.
Where can I buy good gwent cards or which merchants should I start against? I'm near the end of the game and want to complete these quests before I do. Having a hard time.

Start in Velen.

I there a way to track who you have played against and which player you miss?

No. But of course when you're talking to someone you can see if the text color is different, so that's something at least.


I have done the high stakes tournament but missed playing Thaler for the Geralt card. I found Thaler in an inn but it doesn't give me an option to play him, anyone know how I can play him?

So I have played and won against the three merchants in Larvik, yet none of them gave me a card. No reward whatsoever.

Does that mean I have already collected all possible cards from playing merchants, or is there some kind of bug ?


Every time I play the game I'm like "this time I'm actually going to make an effort to learn Gwent" but after a couple of minutes I always say fuck it and go back to the game proper. Maybe after I beat the story I'll be able to endure.

sounds familiar:) Is it a hard game overall?


i havent taken gwent super seriously or anything, but i think i have a decent deck

any tips on beating sasha (second round of high stakes tournament)?

she seems tough
any tips on beating sasha (second round of high stakes tournament)?

she seems tough

That one's basically about who has more spies (and decoys as well as medics to recycle spies). Use a Northern or Nilfgaard deck loaded with spies, medics and decoys, the rest is just luck.


i havent taken gwent super seriously or anything, but i think i have a decent deck

any tips on beating sasha (second round of high stakes tournament)?

she seems tough

Make sure you have all the spies possible and have decoys. I played her without decoys and managed to win but it is very tough.
I have done the high stakes tournament but missed playing Thaler for the Geralt card. I found Thaler in an inn but it doesn't give me an option to play him, anyone know how I can play him?

Have you started the Gwent: Old Pals quest? You probably can't play Thaler unless you've started that quest.


Also, this has been my basic strategy: spy, spy, spy, character, character, decoy, decoy and then pass the round. Then just blast the shit out of them for the next two rounds.


sasha and her spy/decoy spy blitz is the worst.

on my fourth match I managed to take her down to 1 card left when I played my last with a comfortable 30 point lead. (at one point in this match she had 17 cards in her hand!!!).

she played... a spy card, drew two heroes, played Ciri and Geralt, won the tie
Also, this has been my basic strategy: spy, spy, spy, character, character, decoy, decoy and then pass the round. Then just blast the shit out of them for the next two rounds.

Most of your spies are probably close quarter. If you lay down three spies like you claim, you can use frost bite and surprise your enemy, and take the round. Also, using your decoys to make your enemy waste cards is a legitimate strategy, however if you have medics or other strong cards with special abilities, you're better off using it on them.


I have every card but Sweers and Puttkammer, because of the Claywich Village Merchant bug. God I hope they patch this.
Most of your spies are probably close quarter. If you lay down three spies like you claim, you can use frost bite and surprise your enemy, and take the round. Also, using your decoys to make your enemy waste cards is a legitimate strategy, however if you have medics or other strong cards with special abilities, you're better off using it on them.
So much if it is down to the luck of which 10 cards you draw though. With a complete Northern deck I'll generally throw down every spy I have in the first round (including any I draw from placing spies), and use decoys if I have them on any spies my opponent puts down, and then play those spies I've captured straight back against them. Once all of my spies are down I'll pass the round. With a card advantage you should be able to win the other two rounds. I might play one or two normal cards against a monster deck to try and draw their muster cards out in the first round, and then pass the round once they've done that.

Decoys work well to play medic cards and Villentrenteneth (sp?) multiple times (the later can be great against monster decks if you don't have frost, since the second application of Villentrenteneth will nuke most of their close range cards).

Frost can be great against Monster decks but TBH I never took it and had no trouble winning all matches in the game. The only risk is not drawing any (or enough) spies, since if you get out-spied in the higher matches you'll be pushing shit uphill to win, no matter how cleverly you play your cards.
So I have played and won against the three merchants in Larvik, yet none of them gave me a card. No reward whatsoever.

Does that mean I have already collected all possible cards from playing merchants, or is there some kind of bug ?

Asking again if someone has an idea. Did you guys get rewards from the Larvik merchants ?
There are more card players than there are cards in the random card player pool. If you beat a new card player for the first time and don't get a card, then you've already collected all of the cards that you can get that way.


So much if it is down to the luck of which 10 cards you draw though. With a complete Northern deck I'll generally throw down every spy I have in the first round (including any I draw from placing spies), and use decoys if I have them on any spies my opponent puts down, and then play those spies I've captured straight back against them. Once all of my spies are down I'll pass the round. With a card advantage you should be able to win the other two rounds. I might play one or two normal cards against a monster deck to try and draw their muster cards out in the first round, and then pass the round once they've done that.

Decoys work well to play medic cards and Villentrenteneth (sp?) multiple times (the later can be great against monster decks if you don't have frost, since the second application of Villentrenteneth will nuke most of their close range cards).

Frost can be great against Monster decks but TBH I never took it and had no trouble winning all matches in the game. The only risk is not drawing any (or enough) spies, since if you get out-spied in the higher matches you'll be pushing shit uphill to win, no matter how cleverly you play your cards.

I did much like you did, but setup the Northern deck with about 25 cards, and only had special cards with perks. So the only basic cards I had were the ones that would stack when you played multiples of the same card to double their values. I don't use any weather cards, scorch or horns, and have all of the decoys. This way I'm usually guaranteed to pull at least one spy, and unless I'm incredibly unlucky, I've usually pulled all of them by the end of the first round through drawing two and replaying any spies the other player throws my way with the decoys.

By the time you're done stacking up the other player with a bunch of spies, they have either passed already, or are stupidly playing all their cards leaving them with nothing for the last two rounds. I don't think I've lost since doing this, even against monster decks. You can use your decoys to keep playing that 7 card that destroys the highest level card(s) if the front row is over 10. To be fair though, most of the AI in the game is awful at gwent except the players in the tournament.
There are more card players than there are cards in the random card player pool. If you beat a new card player for the first time and don't get a card, then you've already collected all of the cards that you can get that way.

Your first statement is correct, but your latter is not. A few random card players do not give you a card when you beat them, even if its the first time and even if there are cards left. This has happened to me twice.
Your first statement is correct, but your latter is not. A few random card players do not give you a card when you beat them, even if its the first time and even if there are cards left. This has happened to me twice.
Really? The first time I played someone and didn't get a card was when I had all of the random cards. After that I immediately played the High Stakes tournament and got the Card Collector trophy.
There are more card players than there are cards in the random card player pool. If you beat a new card player for the first time and don't get a card, then you've already collected all of the cards that you can get that way.

Missed you reply earlier, so thanks.

So I'm just missing Thaler and Gremist. They're both pains in the ass.
Thaler is at the Seven Cats Inn but I can't play cards with him.
And I have to do Gremist's quest to get toplay him, which is annoying.
Missed you reply earlier, so thanks.

So I'm just missing Thaler and Gremist. They're both pains in the ass.
Thaler is at the Seven Cats Inn but I can't play cards with him.
And I have to do Gremist's quest to get toplay him, which is annoying.
Gremist is the textbook definition of pain in the arse. Thaler should be available to play cards immediately though, provided you've started the Gwent with old pals quest. I didn't play him at the Inn though, I played him on the roadside immediately after meeting him.
I'm close to having every card in the game now, I believe. The Northern Realms deck might be the best, but damn, playing with a full-powered Monsters deck is really fun. Powerful mass-summons, and any enemy frost bite is easily disposed of with the default leader ability. The Nilfgaardians are also more of a straight powerhouse than I first thought. Still can't care much for Scoia'tael though.


Was generally avoiding it, but about halfway through the main game, I decided to try it again and have fallen in love with it. It's pretty addicting.


Seems kinda pointless if the decks are predetermined...
Yea they said in the comments they're going to add deck building in a future update though.

It's a start at least which is what counts, will definitely be keeping up to date with it and see how far they progress.




How do I find out wich guys I need to play? Is there any trick/tip?
And where is the first merchant you meet? The one that introduces you to gwent
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