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50 books. 50 movies. 2015. (Follow Format in OP!)

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Ashes - 6/50 books | 12/50 films | 2/12 seasons

Must finish As I Lay Dying this weekend. Oh & watch that film I have been putting off.

edit: Have finished the novel. Finally.
Finished Imajica yesterday. What an epic journey that book was. Glad I took my time with it. Want to check out The Great and Secret Show & Cabal now.
Completed the movies portion! I knew from the get-go I'd have it done early, but it's exciting nonetheless. :)
I'm still ahead of schedule on books, though I will be in Spain for the next month so I don't know if I'll have much time for pleasure reading. Hopefully I can knock out a book or three on the flights.
Alright ya'll, up to 14 books read. Now that I'm not dying from work, it's time to finish up these novels. A couple of Bloom pieces which are pretty interesting (also rekindling my need to reread A Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, and Huck Finn). A critical book on Gaddis's The Recognitions that severely needed to be read.

I also am partway through 'Gnostic America', but I'm not sure it's worth finishing. It seems to be a anti-intellectual/anti-progressive book wrapped in the guise of an anti-anti-intellectual book. It might be worth finishing since the prose is so simple, and it does at least seem to give a decent overview of some of the Gnostic Tenets. I might just skip over some of the applications to modern society that seem egregiously unfounded.

Also halfway through the Cormac McCarthy Journal for 2014. It's 100 pages of thick criticism, but I don't think I'm going to count it. It looks too flimsy to count.

Partially also through Highet's 'The Art of Teaching', simply because it seems like something worth reading.

I want to read the Nag Hammadi Scriptures (lost Gnostic texts, essentially), as I feel like Gnosticism really is a key tenet of American society and culture. I'm lazy though, and will probably just finish up Gaddis's Bibleography instead.


As has been made aware to me, this is the official halfway point. Update in a new post with the right format and I'll add you to the official halfway list.
Most of you update in the right format anyway, so thank you for that.
June update.

Threads l 16/50 Books l 93/50 Films

81. My Life Without Me (2003) - Isabel Coixet - ★★★½
82. Coach (2010) - Will Frears - ★½
83. The Vow (2012) - Michael Sucsy - ★★½
84. The Witnesses (2007) - André Téchiné - ★★★
85. Tonight You're Mine (2011) - David Mackenzie - ★★
86. Peyote (2013) - Omar Flores Sarabia - ★★★
87. Candy (2006) - Neil Armfield - ★★★½
88. The Last Straight Man (2014) - Mark Bessenger - ½
89. Insidious: Chapter 3 (2015) - Leigh Whannell - ★★½
90. The Jane Austen Book Club (2007) - Robin Swicord - ★★★
91. Spy (2015) - Paul Feig - ★★★½
92. London (2005) - Hunter Richards - ★★★
93. Stalker (1979) - Andrei Tarkovsky - ★★★★½

No books at all this month, I'm really trying though.

Points to The Last Straight Man for probably being the worst film I'll see all year.
TestMonkey - 51/50 Books | 51/50 Movies​


  • No Time to Think: The Menace of Media Speed and the 24-Hour News Cycle by Howard Rosenberg and Charles S. Feldman
  • The Dog Who Knew Too Much by Spencer Quinn
  • Doomed by Chuck Palahniuk
  • Food: A Love Story by Jim Gaffigan
  • Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher
  • Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
  • Think Like a Freak by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
  • A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Pratchett
  • A Fistful of Collars by Spencer Quinn

  • Expelled from Paradise
  • Repo! The Genetic Opera
  • Spy
  • Inside Out (2015)
  • Curious George
  • Kink
  • Jen Kirkman: I'm Gonna Die Alone (And I Feel Fine)
  • Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special!
  • Killing Them Softly
  • Antarctica: A Year on Ice
  • Tai Chi Master
  • Nick Offerman: American Ham
  • Greg Fitzsimmons: Life of Stage
  • The Farm: Life Inside Angola
  • The Legend
  • The Legend 2
  • Restrepo
  • Korengal
Challenge complete. After focusing so much on reading, the movie side has gotten so much more brutal for me to keep up with. The last binge of Netflix hurt. Reading is so much easier since I can work on it whenever and whereever I have a moment. It's going to be trying to continue to stay balanced. Happy to be finished.
allegate - 36/50 Books, 45/50 Movies

33. Slice of Cherry - Dia Reeves, June 16th, 3/5
34. A Hologram for the King - Dave Eggers, June 22nd, 3/5
35. Galveston - Nic Pizzolatto, June 29th, 3.5/5
36. Codename Zero - Chris Rylander, June 30th, 2.5/5

36. The Ice Pirates, June 3rd, 1/5
37. Quest for Fire, June 5th, 3/5
38. Paddington, June 5th, 4/5
39. Unbroken, June 6th, 2.5/5
40. Tron, June 12th, 3.5/5
41. Tron: Legacy, June 13th, 3/5
42. Ride the Divide, June 14th, 3.5/5
43. Divergent, June 17th, 2.5/5
44. Reign of Fire, June 27th, 4/5
45. Soul Music, June 29th, 2.5/5

Updated original post.

Summer and nice weather means I'm not on the bus very often so I don't get to do as much reading. I got through two of the Ron Perlman movies I wanted to watch after reading his book. Holy crap was Ice Pirates horrible. Like, wtf was anyone who worked on that thinking? Man.

Watching Tron and then Tron Legacy made it easy to see what was pulled forward for the movie. Legacy could have been 30 minutes shorter and maybe a bit more editing/writing cleanup. But then I saw the people who wrote that are responsible for Once Upon a Time and then the problems made more sense.

EDIT: finished one more last night. Took me...two, three hours tops. I read it because my son asked me to, he wanted to talk to me about what happened in it. It wasn't too bad, though the constant "life sucks, you're going to be stuck in the same life as your parents and their parents if you don't do something about it" was bleak at time. I wonder how much of that my son took out of it? I have to think a bit since we were talking about what good/bad actually

He hasn't quite gotten around to the books I read when I was his age but there's 20+ years of books there so he has some time to find them. (They're on the top shelf, look up there!)

  • William Gaddis - The Recognitions
  • Harold Bloom - The Daemon Knows: Literary Greatness and the American Sublime
  • Harold Bloom - Omens of the Millennium: The Gnosis of Angels, Dreams, and Resurrection
  • John Johnston - Carnival of Repetition: Gaddis's The Recognitions and Postmodern Theory
  • William Gaddis - Carpenter's Gothic
  • William Gaddis - Agape, Agape
  • Gilbert Highet - The Art of Teaching

  • Unfinished Business
  • Taken 3 (Wow, what a godawful movie)
  • Annie
  • Jurassic World
  • Inside Out
  • Do the Right Thing

Hopefully going to catch up on books this month, though probably will take until next month to catch up.


June Update
Saad - 19/50 books | 32/50 movies

  • 11/22/63 - Stephen King ★★★☆☆
  • The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson ★★★★★
  • Seconds - Bryan Lee O'Malley ★★☆☆☆
  • The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson ★★★★★
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) ★★★★☆
  • Tomorrowland (2015) ★★★☆☆
  • Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) ★★★☆☆

Reading 31 books in the next 6 months is a far fetched goal for me, but reaching 50 movies won't be an issue


Thomaser - 6/50 books | 0/50 movies


1 - Pratchett, Terry/Baxter, Stephen: The Long War
2 - Sacks, Oliver: Musicophilia
3 - friend's master's thesis
4 - Pynchon, Thomas: Inherent Vice
5 - Eliot, George: Middlemarch
6 - Carnegie, Dale: How to Win Friends and Influence People

I feel justified in reading so little this year, though, by having completed nine Coursera courses in the same period.


June update

  • Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell [audio book] - Susanna Clarke (B)
  • Software - Rudy Rucker (B)
  • Ender's Game [audio book] - Orson Scott Card (A)

  • Bigger, Stronger, Faster (C)
  • The Wedding Ringer (C)
  • Jurassic World (C)

After a slow start, I really fell in love with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Such a great departure from the usual fantasy tropes.

I have been making a big effort this year to read more sci-fi. Software comes up on many 'best-of' lists so I don't in and was not disappointed. Loved it because it was short, sharp and full of great characters.

Ender's Game always intrigued me because while it seems like part of the mandatory reading list in the US, in Australia it's not really a commonly read book (well not in my experience). I initially found it a little frustrating because Ender is such a Mary Sue character, but once Card really started delving into Ender's psyche, I forgot all about that and just enjoyed the ride. I just loved the way Ender kept becoming more and more complex as a character as the story progressed. Kind of like watching Ender grow up.

Movies this month were nothing special. Jurassic World was OK. Cool SFX film, but lacking in any substance.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.

Another month. This time a busy month, again. Moved. Become engaged. Bought kittens. Started renovating our new bedroom.

  • Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), George Orwell - ★★★½ - It was worse than I remembered it. Having read it only in Swedish some 20 years ago I felt it was time for a re-read. I remembered next to nothing about the book. There was certainly a whole lot lost in translation. As for the book. It's fun but the third act never really resonates with me. Room 101, for example, doesn't seem that awful as it is presented. When we look back today and remember some of the movies that have dealt with similar themes in the recent years there are far worse ways these days to control a population.
  • Sunnanäng (1959), Astrid Lindgren - ★★★★ - I only ever read Nils Karlsson Pyssling as a child, that I remember. I found this in my fiancées parents summer house. Since I'm a morning person I need something to do that doesn't wake the others up for an hour or so. This book managed really well. Portraying Sweden's poorer population and there plight. The book contains four shorter stories that all start with the same sentence. All of them are grim and more than one tale alludes to children being killed or dying. It's one of those books that seldom get written anymore.
  • In Search of Lost Time, Volume 3: The Guermantes Way (1920), Marcel Proust - ★★★★ - The ramblings of the French man continues. I'm surprised of how much I continue to enjoy these books. And I continue to learn. The Dreyfus affair is something I'd never heard of before. Antisemitism and the rise of things to come in Europe. Interesting stuff. Some really good reflections on the subject.


  • Turist (2014, dir. Ruben Östlund) - ★★★★ - I was surprised at how good it was. Great cineatography and scene composition. The subject matter about ideals and standards of being male. The deconstruction at play is amazing to watch.
  • Snowpiercer (2013, dir. Joon-ho Bong) - ★★★½ - People seem to either hate it or love it. I found it interesting. I found the art direction and set decoration to be top-notch.
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015, dir. Joss Whedon) - ★★★½ - Why? Basicly a story that had no reason to be told except to advance the plot of the MCU. Nothing happened and nothing was gained. The movie was good but pointless.
  • Nightcrawler (2014, dir. Dan Gilroy) - ★★★★ - Another deconstruction piece. Much like There Will Be Blood a person with no real connection to the world finds his angle and makes the most of it. One of Gyllenhaal's best.
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (2015, dir. George Miller) - ★★★★ - This was not what I was expecting. They basicly made a movie that is one big action scene. There's some odd cuts and some weird pacing that keeps it from being great but overall this is one of the best action movies in recent times.

★ = Bad, ★★ = Okay, ★★★ = Good, ★★★★ = Very good, ★★★★★ = Brilliant


Neo Member
June Update.

Jungleland - 21/50 Books | 23/50 Movies


  • On Tennis: Five Essays - David Foster Wallace - ★★★★
  • Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself - David Lipskey - ★★★
  • Mr. Mercedes - Stephen King - ★★★
  • Finders Keepers - Stephen King - ★★★½


  • Stardust- ★★★
  • Side by Side - ★★★½
  • Whiplash - ★★★★½
  • Taken 3 - ★
  • The Descendants- ★★★★
  • How to Train Your Dragon 2 - ★★★½
June Update:

New in June:
5 Books | 9 Movies

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - Jesse Andrews - 4/5
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - Agatha Christie - 4/5
Firefight - Brandon Sanderson - 5/5
Watchmen - Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons - 2/5
Hector and the Search for Happiness - François Lelord - 3/5

The Happiness of the Katakuris (Katakuri-ke no kôfuku) (2001) - 3/5
The Skeleton Twins (2014) - 4/5
Clueless (1995) - 4/5
Jurassic World (2015) - 4/5
In a World (2013) - 3/5
Inside Out (2015) - 5/5
Jupiter Ascending (2015) - 4/5
This is Where I Leave You (2014) - 4/5
Video Games: The Movie - 3/5

January Update
February Update
March Update
April Update
May Update

Firefight and Inside Out were the only real standouts this month, though Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl deserves a nod for honorable mention.
I'm glad I'm still doing well at the halfway point! :)

mu cephei


Since last month I have read/ finished

So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell
Chavs by Owen Jones
Young Miles by Lois McMaster Bujold
Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

and watched Birdman, The Duff, and Foxcatcher.

Lots of good books this month. Cryptonomicon was an audiobook, I've been listening to it on and off for over three years. I've read/ listened to three of his books (Anathem, Reamde, Cryptonomicon now) and they were all great but all had poor endings (Reamde ended the best imo). I know Stephenson is notorious for them, but still.

And I found The Goblin Emperor to be as wonderful as everyone has been saying it is.


Glaurungr - 50/50 books | 97/50 movies​

June update!


  • Antony Beevor - Kreta: Okkupasjon og motstand (Crete: The Battle and the Resistance) (1991)
  • Peter Tremayne - The Subtle Serpent (1996)
  • Voltaire - Candide, or Optimism (1759)

  • Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson - Towers of Midnight (2010)


  • Anastasia - Don Bluth and Gary Goldman (1997)
  • Jupiter Ascending - Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski (2015)
June Update:

orthodoxy1095 - 09/50 Books | 27/50 Movies

Pathetic on books this month (aka read nothing), but plowed through some movies. Love & Mercy (the Brian Wilson biopic) might have been my favorite movie all year. It was a really well done movie and everyone should see it to appreciate his music and story. Transformers 4 was indeed as bad as the reviews said. The Way was excellent and made me want to go do some long-term hiking and soul-searching, and Love Story, Jerry Maguire and even World War Z were surprisingly better than I expected. Not stupendous movies, but not crap like I feared they might be. Thank God for Amazon Prime!
June update


20. The Faerie Guardian - Rachel Morgan - ★★★½
21. Imajica - Clive Barker - ★★★★★
22. Bible Adventures - Gabe Durham - ★★★★
23. Courage Begins: A Ray Courage Mystery Novella - Scott Mackey - ★★★★★
24. Decode: Fractured Era Archives - Autumn Kalquist - ★★★★
25. Legacy Code - Autumn Kalquist - ★★★½​


10. Before I Go To Sleep (2014) - Dir. Rowan Joffe - ★★
11. Jurassic World (2015) - Dir. Colin Trevorrow - ★★★★½
12. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2014) - Dir. Tommy Wirkola - ★★★★
13. Nightcrawler (2014) - Dir. Dan Gilroy - ★★★★★
14. Inside Out (2015) - Dir. Pete Docter, Ronaldo Del Carmen - ★★★★★
15. A Deadly Adoption (2015) - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg - ★★★½
16. Gone Girl (2014) - Dir. david Fincher - ★★★★★
17. Thor: The Dark World (2013) - Dir. Alan Taylor - ★★★★​

Fun month for me! ^_^



Mumei - 47/50 Books | 27/50 Movies

  • The Boy Who Lost Fairyland (Fairyland #4), by Catherynne M. Valente
  • The Forbidden Worlds of Haruki Murakami, by Matthew Carl Strecher
  • Citizen: An American Lyric, by Claudia Rankine
  • We Have Always Lived in The Castle, by Shirley Jackson
  • Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon

  • Spy
  • Jurassic World
  • Inside Out

In my defense, I worked 70 - 80 hour weeks this month!



  1. Las corrientes del espacio [The currents of space] - Isaac Asimov (251) ★★★★☆
  2. Loop - Koji Suzuki (288) - ★★☆☆☆

  • Phoenix Wright★★★☆☆
  • Lupin III ★★★★☆

So, i'm nowhere near finishing this, and also i'm way behind last year.

But i'm still here
That should count for something, right?




The new movie played pretty heavily on the nostalgia card but didn't go overboard with it. Liked the turnaround that the
raptors became the "good" guys
and the ending was fun to watch (
the three "big" predators teamed up to defeat the new guy on the block
). Just a fun Summer movie!


Piecake - 55/50 Books | 04/50 Movies​

Some highlights since I last posted are:

The Tragedy of Liberation by Frank Dikotter ★★★★1/2
Excellent book. This is an in-depth look at the period between the founding of Communist China and 1958. This book was a bit of a revelation because it definitely changed my views/notions on the period. In my defense, the books that I have read that discuss this period only do it in a cursory manner. This, however, really goes into detail and shows you how awful the period truly was and how big of a shit-heal that Mao really was. Before I thought he was more of an deluded idealist that got worse over time. Nope, dude was a power hungry hypocritical fuck from the beginning.

The Vikings by Kenneth Harl ★★★★1/2
Another fantastic listen. I didnt know much about the Vikings before this, so this was another revelation. I honestly did not realize how big of an impact the VIkings had on European history.

The Early Middle Ages by Philip Daeleader ★★★★★
This was simply fantastic. Lots of good insight into the period and he was very entertaining. The most interesting insight was his argument that the Roman Civilization fell due to demographic and climate factors that began in the 2nd century. I made a new thread on that topic if anyone is interested, but I found it VERY convincing since it can explain so much. I am currently listening to his High Middle Ages course and he also discusses a great deal about demographics and climate, and again, it is VERY convincing. The 10th century was the beginning of Europe's turn-around because of an increase in demographics and nicer weather for crops.


Half way update should be up tomorrow. So if you're thinking of updating... update. I guess.

I'm only going to go back to my previous update post this time round. So if you haven't updated, It'll be presumed you're still where we left you back in June!
I'm watching Departures right now, and it got me looking for more modern Japanese movies. Do any of you have any favorites? I'm not looking for anime, I can handle that. I'm trying to find some good modern non-animated Japanese film.

Any favorites?


First time posting in this thread but I'm up to 27 books and 45 movies for this year.

I'm watching Departures right now, and it got me looking for more modern Japanese movies. Do any of you have any favorites? I'm not looking for anime, I can handle that. I'm trying to find some good modern non-animated Japanese film.

Any favorites?

Departures is great, one of my favorite Japanese movies. Some other good ones (though a bit on the heavy side) are "Still Walking", "Like Father, Like Son", "Tokyo Sonata, "I Wish", and I've heard good things about "Nobody Knows" but I haven't seen it yet.

And here is my list:


  1. Gone Girl
  2. A House of Blades
  3. Daily Rituals
  4. Fountains of Heaven
  5. The Art of Thinking Clearly
  6. The City of Stairs
  7. 11/22/63
  8. The Sixth Extinction
  9. Stoner
  10. Small Gods
  11. Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances
  12. King Rat
  13. On Writing
  14. The Peripheral
  15. The Mote In God's Eye
  16. Ubik
  17. Casino Royale
  18. Live and Let Die
  19. The Witcher: The Last Wish
  20. The Witcher: Sword of Destiny
  21. The Witcher: Blood of Elves
  22. The Witcher: Time of Contempt
  23. The Witcher: Baptism of Fire
  24. The Witcher: The Swallow's Tower
  25. The Witcher: The Lady of the Lake vol 1
  26. The Witcher: The Lady of the Lake vol 2
  27. Galveston
  28. Blindsight
  29. The Long Ships
  30. Swords and Deviltry
  31. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
  32. Dilvish, the Damned
  33. Echopraxia
  34. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning
  35. Akira
  36. First to Kill
  37. The Goblin Emperor
  38. The Hero With a Thousand Faces
  39. Dracula
  40. Dark Harvest
  41. The Halloween Tree
  42. Ship of Fools
  43. The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart
  44. Ancillary Justice
  45. Armor
  46. Starfish
  47. The Big Sleep
  48. Diary of a Madman: The Geto Boys, Life, Death, and the Roots of Southern Rap
  49. Old Man's War
  50. The Man in the High Castle
  51. The First Law


  1. Inside Out
  2. Four Lions
  3. Let me In
  4. Birdman
  5. Crimson Tide
  6. Relatos salvajes
  7. Cargo
  8. Kingsman: The Secret Service
  9. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
  10. Avengers: Age of Ultron
  11. The Imitation Game
  12. The Admiral: Roaring Currents
  13. Stonehearst Asylum
  14. Citizenfour
  15. Ex Machina
  16. Spy
  17. Whiplash
  18. The Judge
  19. When Marnie Was There
  20. McFarland, USA
  21. La Cara Oculta
  22. '71
  23. The Taking of Deborah Logan
  24. Kill the Messenger
  25. Jupiter Ascending
  26. A Most Violent Year
  27. Sin Nombre
  28. The Thin Blue Line
  29. No Tears for the Dead
  30. Killer Elite
  31. Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
  32. Ant-Man
  33. The Theory of Everything
  34. Rumble in the Bronx
  35. As Above, So Below
  36. Suspiria
  37. What We Do In the Shadows
  38. Lone Star
  39. Sunset Blvd.
  40. Nightcrawler
  41. Mr Holmes
  42. Sicario
  43. Selma
  44. The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
  45. Song of the Sea
  46. Black or White
  47. Big Hero 6
  48. Run All Night
  49. Terminator Genisys
  50. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation
  51. The Mechanic (2011)
  52. Rush
  53. Pieta
  54. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies
  55. Hercules
  56. Gone Girl
  57. Danny Collins
  58. Rampage
  59. The Haunting
  60. American Sniper
  61. Infernal Affairs
  62. I Origins
  63. A Bridge Too Far
  64. Furious 7
  65. The Docks of New York
  66. A Walk Among the Tombstones
  67. Mad Max: Fury Road
  68. Street Angel
  69. The Long Good Friday
  70. The Rainmaker
  71. Unbroken
  72. Beasts of No Nation
  73. A Company Man
  74. Safe
  75. The November Man
  76. Champs
  77. Jurassic World
  78. It Follows
  79. The Road to Eternity
  80. Southpaw
  81. Fright Night
  82. Midnight Run
  83. The Little Prince
  84. Spectre
  85. Life is Beautiful
  86. Everest
  87. The Martian
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