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He used Twitter sporadically for a period, but he seems to have deleted his account. I remember he also mentioned commenting on threads in /r/TheLastAirbender a few times, but I don't know his Reddit username.
Azula was apparently about to begin a transition to a woman and picked out the name Ellie, but I haven't heard anything from Azula since February when I believe it was time for the surgery.
Azula was apparently about to begin a transition to a woman and picked out the name Ellie, but I haven't heard anything from Azula since February when I believe it was time for the surgery.
Wait what? I never got that from what I've seen from his twitter posts granted I don't live on Twitter at all and pretty much left him alone after he announced getting married and suffering from seizures.
Wait what? I never got that from what I've seen from his twitter posts granted I don't live on Twitter at all and pretty much left him alone after he announced getting married and suffering from seizures.
Yeah, this was after the seizures, the marriage, and trip to Japan. Azula began transitioning I believe in February and then a few weeks later dropped off the face of the Earth. Azula was getting a lot of shit about it from family, except for the wife who was supporting.


Heh....I always noticed that he chose female names. I assumed he was a woman before he confirmed it he as a guy. Probably should have connected the dots, but I didn't want to assume.
Heh....I always noticed that he chose female names. I assumed he was a woman before he confirmed it he as a guy. Probably should have connected the dots, but I didn't want to assume.
That doesn't necessarily mean anything either. Have fun confirming my race and gender based solely on my avatars.
Yeah, this was after the seizures, the marriage, and trip to Japan. Azula began transitioning I believe in February and then a few weeks later dropped off the face of the Earth. Azula was getting a lot of shit about it from family, except for the wife who was supporting.
At least his wife is/was giving him the support he needed, Azula really did have a shit ass family so they would come down on him/her for pretty much anything that went against their narrow belief system.


That doesn't necessarily mean anything either. Have fun confirming my race and gender based solely on my avatars.

Avatars don't mean much, but he used Azula and then later Yukiko as his usernames. I know it'd be idiotic to assume anything just off that, but I probably should have atleast considered the idea.
Avatars don't mean much, but he used Azula and then later Yukiko as his usernames. I know it'd be idiotic to assume anything just off that, but I probably should have atleast considered the idea.
Azula always struck me as a person constantly battling some sort of identity or self worth crisis. Nice person though don't get me wrong, just a lot of turmoil in his personal life.
Which part?

Korra and Asami.

Wow, didn't expect that. I mean there was litterally nothing pointing to that, and all of a sudden...

Heh, you're far from the only person that was caught off guard by it. There were a few unsatisfying hints dropped in Books 3 and 4, but the dearth of actual bonding between Korra and Asami left many people feeling bitter toward the pairing. Arguments over whether or not Korrasami was written well are pretty much the legacy of Legend of Korra at this point. lol

What do you guys/girls prefer? The legend of Aang or the legend of Korra? I personally prefer the first by far.

ATLA. It's not even close. I'm glad Korra exists, though, even if it is mediocre in many respects. The music and the art and animation in Books 1 and 3 were an absolute joy to experience.


Wow, didn't expect that. I mean there was litterally nothing pointing to that, and all of a sudden...

Yeah, it's poorly developed, but it was totally cool for those of us who wanted it and never thought it was going to happen for real.



Yeah, it's poorly developed, but it was totally cool for those of us who wanted it and never thought it was going to happen for real.


I still say it didn't really happen, within the show itself anyway. It heavily implied it, but implication isn't confirmation. There are a lot of people who were confused by the turn of events and actually needed to go to creator interviews for confirmation. From there, people pretty much accepted it as having happened, but that''s people creating their own interpretations rather than the show framing it as THE interpretation.


The great Korrasami debate is not to be held again until the next harmonic convergence, so put all this on ice for the next ten thousand years.

Damn, it's almost been a year. I miss Avatar.


The great Korrasami debate is not to be held again until the next harmonic convergence, so put all this on ice for the next ten thousand years.

Damn, it's almost been a year. I miss Avatar.

Because there is such an abundance of other conversation to be had....


Alright, I was gonna do Tenzin next, but I'm gonna do asami instead. Partially because I want to get the main cast out of the way and partially because these things are getting too damn long.

So...Asami. You see, the issue with her is that she actually isn't that bad. I still praise her as the only competently written person in Season 1. It's hard to know what to change with her, but she can't function the same as she did before. At the same time, I want to keep her integral involvement similar, but...more, I guess.

But before that, I want to paint a small picture of her life. If her mother had died when she was young, she'd be left without a mother figure, but also few memories. Her mothers absence in her life growing up would be more felt than her separation from her. So rather than six, I'm moving the age up to 14. Her mother isn't some stranger in photographs and vague memories. She knew her, and she had a large impact on her. Yasuko was race car driver. In fact, she was one of the first ever, as cars were a relatively new phenomenon. She actually didn't have much of an education and mostly tended to her family's resturant, but once she found out that she wanted to drive, she put all her effort into it. She learned mechanics through reading books Republic City Library and worked to save up enough movie to get her own car. It was kind of a piece of trash, but her studies paid off in allowing her to modify it into something more decent than anything it should have been. She was a rare middle class person to own one, as they were still very new, so when she actually brought it to race, she was a true surprise hit against cars that were sponsored by actual companies. And since she had the good sense to bet on herself in a competition where she was expected to place last, she made her fortune in a 18.5 seconds over a quarter mile.

You would think that this would be where she had met Hiroshi, but it would actually be on a lazy afternoon some years late, when his car would be break down in front of her shop. She would be working on her car in the garage, as he walked up. He'd ask for assistance, which of course she'd give. He noticed her she was stripping out the engine and was tinkering with this and meddling with that. "What are you doing?", he asked, incrediously. He told her she ought to use so and so, and she explained why he was wrong (I don't know mechanical engineering, so imagine some fancy terms), and she told him he had no idea what he was talking about. He introduced himself in a huff, head of Future Industies, which made her introduce herself, as a renowned racer. They finally made it into a bet, which they resolved fairly quickly in her favor, and he had to work as a cook in her resturant, where he reclaimed some dignity by being the best cook she ever had, and they became much more friendly and intrigued by each other since then. She never was officially a part of Future industries until they got married as she didn't see the point in working under him, but she had been his partner in all but name, having input on the Future Industry cars that would be a roaring success.

Asami loves her father dearly, but it's clear who she took after, and when Asami always imagined that when her prince charming shows up, it will be like that. Now, when you get a child obsessed with something or another, they learn it very fast, and if you nurture that, you get what is often called a genius. Asami will always love driving and her fondest memories are those driving with her mother, her teaching her how to take apart a car and understanding how to make it better, but she didn't breathe it as Yasuko did, so while she learned a lot, she didn't feel crazy about it. What she did leave her, however, was knowledge on how to obsess over something. She learned how to place herself so deeply into the study of a thing that she couldn't leave until she mastered it. So when decided to play an instrument or do theatre or design fashion, she did it with a fire that burned until she mastered the thing. And once it was done, she'd put it away, placing it on a metaphoric shelf, collecting skills like trophies.

So...she heard her mother killed by a firebender at 14. She was taking out trash from her family resturant, which she visited to help her parents a bit. She was with Hiroshi when she died. You can imagine what kind of impression it made. And what kind of fire it sparked within her then. She had already been training in martial arts. She learned non-bender forms a derivative of firebending and Chi-blocking. But now she had a mission. She would find her mothers killer. She knew he was part of the Triple Triad. From there...

Well, I'm gonna be honest and blatantly steal a concept idea from another fanfic because it is WAY too fucking awesome not to use. The Night Shade. It's a dead fic anyway, but it's got a word count of 50,000 if you're interested, and it's alternative title is Batsami begins. I haven't read it, so I can't vouch, but she's basically a masked superhero. And Asami works the same angle here, at first. At 14 though, even as skilled as she is, she fails. She doesn't know where to start and she isn't as skilled as she needs to be. But at the same time, the trail gets colder the longer she waits. So she goes out, in disguise, trying to find them. She manages to find one and tail him. She doesn't get far, she gets caught. She has to fight her way out. She gets beat up a lot, but she eventually wins. She demands that the guy tell her, but he doesn't know. So she beats him harder, and demands the secret. He still doesn't know. So harder. Still doesn't know. At the end, she's just crying as the guy is knocked out beside her, unable to do anything. A larger group of triads spots her, and she has no choice but to run, less because they might kill her and more because she can't handle this failure.

It wasn't a night she liked to think on but she didn't give up. She met failure many times before. Jumping into a situation and trying to punch the answer out of a guy wasn't going to work (which would explain her frustration with a certain someone later on), so she fanned out. She began to develop connections with the underground from a higher place of social status. She learned what was going on. More than anything, she threw herself into training. She mastered chiblocking, and made sure to learn the nonbending variations of earth, water and fire bending as well. Those weren't nearly as effective offensively, but it did wonders for being able to defend against them. She brought her knowledge of engineering to her purpose and developed the electric glove without anyone knowing. And at 15, she took on the Blue Spirit mask, a known savior spirit that aided the avatar on many adventures (legends have kind of spun out of control of Aang's TLA journey and future adventures), ruining Triad operations wherever she could. At some point, she didn't know when, it wasn't enough that she find her mothers killer. He, she concluded, probably had reasons for doing what he did. She learned things about the triple triad as she spent time studying them, taking them apart. She had expected to hate them all, but she found cases where the benders clearly had no choice. For a long time, she struggled with guilt, thinking she should hate them all, just on principle. But it was the Triad, as a system, that made this and other horrors. One day, she didn't know when, she just realized the obvious truth: The Triad itself had to be destroyed.

Which she couldn't manage. She could disrupt individual operations, but there were always dozens going on at once, and the leaders were well protected. She can't really go to the police about it, as Lin wouldn't accept ill gotten information, so none of her interrogations were ever useful in that regard. For a long time, she thought Lin was corrupt just for how incorruptible she seemed, but later realized she was just that true regarding her oath. The two worked with each other in grudging tandem when circumstances allowed. But ultimately, they were always one step ahead, every single time. It was like hitting water. Any disturbance they caused would settle and reform.

Enter Korra. She knew Korra would make a difference she could never make on her own the moment she destroyed that Triad warehouse with Mako. She needed to meet her. She wasn't normally manipulative and was confident in her personal friendliness and charm, but she had to have Korra at her side. She would be invaluable. She had no idea how though. She'd need to think on it, so she'd go to her gym and come up with a plan. And she did that, practicing her fire-nonbending. Until she heard Korra's voice, someone incredulous at seeing a nonbender practice firebending, say behind her, "What you doing?"

Asami would have the most plot relevant involvement, as before. She'd discover her father to be after firebenders, and be emotionally torn over that. If you're wondering why her father seemingly doesn't notice his daughter going out at night to crusade, it's because he's in a dark place, plotting away his revenge with the Equalist movement. Yasuko's death has split them apart, something she realizes only later. But her goal is to remove the Triad. It's a complete perversion of what she believes that Republic City should stand for, and she wants justice for her mother. The mystery of who killed her still drives her, though at this point she knows it will almost be impossible to find out who did it. It's a crime 2 years old. The gang member himself might already be dead. But still, she can't not do this. It's her greatest goal.

As far as her romance goes, she'd actually be interested in Mako, but that'd be mostly lowkey and Korra would give precisely no shit about it. Mako's not good enough to be her bae, as he is. But to Asami, Mako would basically be the picture perfect guy who the Triad had crushed and lucky enough to escape. In a way, this attracts her more to him than Bolin, who remained largely safe from it because of his sacrificial efforts. In a way, Mako is representative of why she can't just hate the entire Triad group. They preyed on the weak and vulnerable, and their shared experience of death of parents creates a particular bond with them.

As far as Korra goes, I know she's coming off a bit manipulative here (or would be if she had the chance to make the introductions she wanted to), but by the time I got her backstory and current activities down, it was difficult to think of how else she could react to seeing the Goddamn avatar trash a triad warehouse besides "I NEED YOU ON MY TEAM" In a way, Asami views Korra most realistically, seeing her as the hero she is meant to be, and her activities allow her to empathize with her stuggles to an extent. Unlike the brothers, both girls come from priveledge, though they are two very different kinds. And while a romance will bloom in them eventually, Asami is currently in the part of her life were she thinks she likes just boys, so she doesn't really notice her romantically. Korra, in turn, just kind of sees her....not sexually, but thinks "Damn, she's attractive" without realizing that she is specifically attracted to her rather than just noticing an attractive specimen of her gender. Ah, the awkward mysteries of teenage years.

Lastly, with Tenzin. I stopped at the meeting with Korra, but she joins Korra as an apprentice to airbending, her practicing a nonbending variant on it. They would also develop a mentor relationship, with Tenzin being her emotional mentor compared to Korra's spiritual one.

That's all I got written for Asami so far, but I have more in my head, and with this, we're starting to touch the edges of the main plot.


You know Asami has been run into the ground when a Veelk on her gets no responses. Even Bolin got responses.
So your idea to fix her was to turn her into Bruce Wayne? She's not on that level of obessed, but she's sort of there...or would she be Talia Al Ghul?


So your idea to fix her was to turn her into Bruce Wayne? She's not on that level of obessed, but she's sort of there...or would she be Talia Al Ghul?
Asami doesn't need fixing like Korra, Mako, Tenzin and Bolin do. This is more of a reinterpretation, so I'm not completely retreading the same ground the show did. I mean, I kinda have to because korra isn't interested in mako, so the romance with him doesn't have the same place in this story as it did in the shows.

Keep in mind this is just where she starts out. I have her doing other stuff in the main story. But look me in the face and tell me that there is a series that wouldn't be improved by having Batman included.
Even Batman could be improved by Bruce unbatmanning himself, I think even Nightwing called him out on that. I mean Asami being like that would totally fit with the whole 20's noir feel of the whole thing and her teaming up with Lin would make for some interesting viewing. Besides yeah her losing her mom at the age she did barely had that much of an influence on her to be honest. In all honesty show Asami should've been much more of a distant tomboy in my opinion since she grew up with her father. Hiroshi loved her a lot but I don't think he really knew much about how to teach Asami to tap into her feminine side. Her learning Martial Arts as well gives her more agency into her development. It being "my dad thought I should learn how to defend herself" was quick and did add much outside of her dad not wanting his last family member to die and it only allowed her enough skill to take out what 6 random grunts throughout the whole show. I would assume the Asami you wrote up would be Tai Lee tier at fighting ability with or without the glove.


Asami's initial training was in chi blocking, but got bending training later on. This was unique as benders generally don't think to learn others bending, let alone train the muggles, so they had to adapt variants of the style for the non bender. This leaves her a unique but unrefined style, not unlike ty Lee's style, but not exactly either. She doesn't have her flexibility. But Asami is nothing if not relentless, so...

But she also does augment her fighting with tech as well.

Edit: and Bruce Wayne might be happier if he unbatmanned, but it wouldn't improve Batman as a story, so my point stands. Batman isn't there to make Bruce happy.
Which is why every Bat kid seems to just wish he'd get past it already. Dick isn't that much different from Bruce in some ways, but the way he handles everything is vastly different to say the least. I'm not that comic book savvy, but from what I've read they're similar, but two very very very different people.

It would actually be pretty interesting to see bending training through the eyes of a non bender. Asami really could've used more gadgets and seeing her make them Tony Stark style would've actually been pretty nice. She only had the glove, which was something that her dad made. I really don't think she invented much. She seemed to have been more of an improver on proven tech.


I'm the opposite and want Bruce to continue to suffer. Batman story quality generally depends on how many of his tears I drink.

Well, in my version, Asami built it privately. Hiroshi is helping the equality with other stuff, though he does give them weapons too.
For the most part I'm fine when Bats is just Bats, but I do love it when somebody calls him out on it and drags him kicking and screaming to reality.

Regarding her making her own shit I'm perfectly fine with that. She's supposed to be a technical genius after all so the medium should have no problem with her showing it. She should honestly have a chest full of weapons that she'd pull out and to an almost OCD like level have conversations with herself trying to figure out what weapons she's going to carry around for that night. Then she just comes back from a mission and she starts making blue prints on how that weapon can be further approved.
Oh jeez, another Veelk? Let me clear my evening schedule.

So not that much? Agreed.
Korra is a fun show but so many characters got done dirty. I don't even hate the show, but it's very easy to poke fun of when you think about certain things. I will admit that I'm do for a rewatch cause there are things that I really do like about the show. Regarding that Veelk yeah you might want to brew a pot of coffee for that one.
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