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What would you like 'your' ideal PlayStation AllStarts 2 to be?


Either copy Smash completely or think of something original. Smash bros started out as an original take on the fighting game genre. It had no Nintendo characters in it and wasn't going to be a crossover. Make a game that has gameplay in mind first, then add the characters to it.
I still think the perfect way to counter Cloud being in Smash would be to have Tifa from FFVII, Squall from FFVIII and Auron from FFX as a guest trio for this game.

They would also need menus which aren't terrible, a different form of scoring points (I didn't mind the supers system, but clearly a lot of people were not keen on it) and generally more relevant third party guest characters.


Get a roster of Playstation All-Stars. Characters from unreleased multiplats have NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING of value to the roster. The roster would actually be better off without them, they're actively dragging the roster through the mud.


Directly copy Smash's combat system, that's all it needs. Maybe add a bit more soul to the game.

There's just something about Smash that makes it feel like it has more heart than other compilation games.
Here is my take at a new PSAB

- Health Bar System + Ringouts. DO NOT FULLY COPY SMASH: Smash is great for what it is. PSAB should be great for other things without going full retard (kills only with super moves for example)
- Better UI: Seriously. Spend half a million if needed, but dude, you cannot ship a game with an UI like this

- Keep multiple super moves: If something was great in the original PSAB, was the fact thay every character had multiple supers. It was refreshing.
- Get characters that people actually care: You cannot ship a game focused in the history of PlayStation without some names like Crash, Cloud, Lara, Vib Ribbon, Spyro, etc.
They don't need to pay me that much
I'll do it for 250K ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

JasonMCG said:
I hope Mario is in it.
Mario and the best Halo character Locke are coming in the sequel.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Imo it has to show what it's true identity is, a random mix of serious and cartoon characters doesn't(and didn't) work.

Sony could make not just one but two mascot games:
1)realistic/serious characters and a more serious/violent and complex gameplay(an usual fighting game for example)
2)cartoon characters with easier and less complex gameplay(like power stone for example)

In no case it should mix serious/complex and cartoon/easy.
I'd rather them give it to the Ape Escape guys and let them do something really f'ing weird with it, like make it an Animal Crossing styled game than another shitty fighting game.
No combining stages please. Really didn't like that at all. Especially how some didn't loop, and it'd muck up the OST too. Just please, don't do that again.


Was DmC released by the time PSASBR came around? Pretty sure it wasn't.

Reboot Dante's debut was technically PSASBR, which makes his inclusion into the game even more stupid considering his game wasn't even out yet and wasn't Playstation exclusive either. It should have been DMC1 or DMC3 Dante.


I don't think a straight up smash clone is a good idea. Hell I don't want to see that just for the sake of not having to see some nintendo fanboys going ape shit online like they did for All stars...that was with gameplay being unique enough to differentiate between the two.

I personally would love a Power Stone style or God of War MP type of game. With a big production budget and a good cast to boot.


Here is my take at a new PSAB

- Health Bar System + Ringouts. DO NOT FULLY COPY SMASH: Smash is great for what it is. PSAB should be great for other things without going full retard (kills only with super moves for example)
- Better UI: Seriously. Spend half a million if needed, but dude, you cannot ship a game with an UI like this

- Keep multiple super moves: If something was great in the original PSAB, was the fact thay every character had multiple supers. It was refreshing.
- Get characters that people actually care: You cannot ship a game focused in the history of PlayStation without some names like Crash, Cloud, Lara, Vib Ribbon, Spyro, etc.

My favourite out here.
There is not point in copying smash. You're never EVER gonna beat smash as long as smash exists. There isn't a target of "people who want to play smash-like games". There's only people who want to play smash bros. Hell, go maybe the Dissidia/Anarchy reign route instead so you'll have a more distinct identity and something that won't be immediately compared to superior peers

Especially since Cloud being in smash is a reality. And yeah, roster will need to be incredibly more iconic. Some third parties were..nice (Big Daddy) but some were just baffling. Isaac Clarke ? Even some stuff from first party, like the STARHAWK guy or zeus were just "Litteraly who".

If there's not gonna put the maximum effort in it, then might just be what first post guy says: non-existant. Because the last PSABR was just sad


I would prefer them to fully commit to being a Smash clone, but if they went for a Power Stone thing next time around I could get behind that. The most important thing for me, honestly, is the roster. PSASBR was so lacking in everything, stages, characters and especially items, god was it in need of some more interesting items to use.

Cut the stage "mash-up" thing, it never really worked and the styles never meshed. Maybe that was just suggestive of the larger problem of they need an artstyle everything works in.

Personally, I would suggest making PSASBR2 a f2p Smash Bros style game with a rotating roster of free characters, but the ability to purchase the full game and have access to all characters.

Returning Characters:

- PaRappa
- Nathan Drake
- Fat Princess
- Jak & Daxter
- Kat
- Kratos
- Nariko
- Ratchet & Clank
- Sackboy
- Sir Daniel
- Sly Cooper
- Spike
- Sweet Tooth
- Toro

New Characters:

- Vibri (Vib-Ribbon)
- Pomeranian (Tokyo Jungle)
- Kutaro (Pupeteer)
- Atoi (Tearaway)
- Aloy (Horizon)
- Sir Gallahad (The Order 1886)
- Knack (Knack)
- The Uberhero (Patapon)
- Fetch (Infamous)
- Buzz (Buzz!)

3rd Party:

- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
- The Prince of Planets (Katamari Damacy)
- Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
- Spyro (Spyro the Dragon)

28 characters, and you could add new characters in as time goes on, to promote upcoming titles for instance. The stages should be slightly more dynamic to make up for the lack of mash-up-ed-ness, the likes of a Wipeout stage are a must. What about maybe a Singstar stage where the platforms are the lyric bars that are constantly changing?

Also make sure the menus aren't awful this time. It's such a shame, I love games like Smash Bros, and really wish there were more mascot fighters around, it's just Nintendo got it so right everyone else seems nervous to have a go.


I still don't think I have ever seen a worse UI in a game than PSAS. Outside of like low budget indie stuff.
Like i'm pretty sure who ever did it, probably doesn't put it on their resume.


Jak and Daxter
Nathan Drake
Horizon chick
Killzone dude
Delsin Rowe
Darth Vader
Ratchet and Clank
Bloodborne generic character
Kingdom hearts dude


Make it like powerstone. I think Studio Dimps and Japan Studio should be behind development of it.

The game should have this MKX/injustice mechanic where each character has their special interaction with an environment object. For example, let's say there was Georgia Street stage, (first level of Syphon Filter) there's an interactive police car. Drake can take cover behind it. Gabe or Sly could hide under it. Ratchet could use his wrench tether and yank or manipulate some of the car parts. Cole could just throw it away and sweet tooth could just blow it up

Health Bars!!! Add them please.


I actually just learned that Naughty Dog were originally going to make PSASBR

Yeah, that game went through some pre-prod ropes. I think there was a rumored overhaul of the game less than a year before release, hence the truncated production values on the GUI and cut scenes.


Super Smash Bros. Melee 2.0. I really want a sequel to that game. It needs to be exactly like it, just with more/other characters.
-keep the core combat and combo oriented gameplay.
-overhaul the stupid win condition, at least make it just one of the many game modes
-much better character list
-story mode. I want to see these characters interact even if the story ends up stupid/forced
-tons of unlockables and fanservicey stuff.


I hope that if a sequel is being developed that the developers take some time and compare PSABR to Smash WiiU, and I'm not just talking about comparing the gameplay/rosters of the two games. I'll just leave those comparisons aside for now.

The main issue here is the menus. The very first thing that struck me when I started up All-Stars was how horrible and cheap the menus looked. And time has not been kind to them either. After playing the new Smash Bros, they look even worse in comparison. Even though there were some baffling choices made for where to place everything in the menus in the new smash bros, they were visually striking and had a cohesive theme. The menus in PSABR are just so... bland. They seem like placeholders that the dev team forgot to replace. I suppose you can say they also have a cohesive theme, but being uniformly boring is not a good thing.

The menu music is another area which needs improvement. It just did nothing for me. I would hesitate to call it terrible, but again when comparing it to the new Smash Bros it just gets blown out of the water. The menu music in Smash gets you pumped and ready, while menu music in PSABR was just sort of there just to be there. In Smash you can even change the menu music if you don't like it, and use the music from previous games instead. Of course you can't do the same with PSABR, as it is the first game in the series, this isn't an issue. But if a sequel is made, would anyone actually want go back and use the menu music from the first game?

The menus in PSABR just made the game look cheap. They took a fairly fun game and really just made it look like a shoddy bargain bin knockoff of Smash. If you are going to spend millions and millions to make a game like this, please allocate some resources to making decent menus. Bad menus just leave a horrible first impression, and you are reminded of this feeling every time you turn the game back on.


Gold Member
My favourite out here.
There is not point in copying smash. You're never EVER gonna beat smash as long as smash exists. There isn't a target of "people who want to play smash-like games". There's only people who want to play smash bros. Hell, go maybe the Dissidia/Anarchy reign route instead so you'll have a more distinct identity and something that won't be immediately compared to superior peers

Is this true? SNK and lots of other companies made a fair amount of money by making 2-player fighting games that were basically identical to Street Fighter 2.

The idea that good ideas aren't copied because people will just play the original... I see no evidence of this. Ever.

Back on topic, I don't think this will ever happen but if you can't get a good roster in the game (and the OP's is fine, albeit with too many deep cuts like Delsin, nobody I mean NOBODY cares about that guy) don't bother.
Make it a 3D party fighter? most of Sony's characters started off in a 3D space to begin with so it's a more natural fit for them you could say.
Also it'd make it stand out a bit more, sure you could just copy smash more directly but ehhh I've already got Smash for that.

I'd be pretty chuffed with the following newcomers
- Dr Nefarious
- Gaius the third colossus Wander
- Gehrman (Joins the hunt)
- Kutaro
- Atoi/Iota
Was DmC released by the time PSASBR came around? Pretty sure it wasn't.

In case of Bioshock Infinite it was a stage but that game also was released after PSASBR.

As I recall, PSASBR came out at the end of the year (2012?) and both Metal Gear Rising and DmC released a few months later.


I feel like this thread is posted like..every month. :p

In any case, a more varied cast of characters and more gameplay options would be fine.

Sony knows there's interest, afterall they admitted that the game sod well in the long run (over 1 million), just that it took quite some time and a few discounts to make it.

So, they're probably thinking on a way to bring it back. Maybe as a free to play game ala Killer Instinct, on which you pay for characters and stages; who knows.
- 3D Battle Arena
- No 3rd party characters (at first). Sony has a huge list of IPs so they should have no problem with a starting 1st party roster. The game should be enjoyable with their own characters first so that 3rd party companies *want* to be added in instead of just being paid to be in.
- get a real UI designer
More than anything I'd want it to be a high-profile competitive-focused Smash Bros.-style game. There is a niche there that desperately needs to be grabbed - and smaller endeavors like Project M and Rivals of Aether only go so far.

From there they can do whatever. Oh, but rep Shadow of the Colossus and Journey plz.


I was pretty bummed out that Dart didn't make it in as DLC/got cancelled. Smaller franchises would be cool to be represented (though it is called PS All-Stars).

Gameplay-wise, I honestly think a brawler that incorporated gameplay aspects would be super cool. Imagine running around as Jak and Daxter with their moveset in a 3D arena, only to switch over to Delsin with his moveset. The only problem is that this would be pretty much impossible to balance.
Is this true? SNK and lots of other companies made a fair amount of money by making 2-player fighting games that were basically identical to Street Fighter 2.

The idea that good ideas aren't copied because people will just play the original... I see no evidence of this. Ever.

Back on topic, I don't think this will ever happen but if you can't get a good roster in the game (and the OP's is fine, albeit with too many deep cuts like Delsin, nobody I mean NOBODY cares about that guy) don't bother.

I guess Delsin is not liked much? I like him for several reasons. I found him a lot more interesting than Cole that was boring as hell. Cole was in a more interesting world with better villains, supporting cast and story however. Cole by himself was boring as hell. He has several different powers, his main being smoke which is vastly different from everyone else. It will feel vastly different to play as him compared to the rest of the roster. That's the only reason I didn't include a Resident Evil or Laura Drake. We have Drake and Ellie, I don't see them being that different in terms of style. I also like the copycat idea of him either using his moveset of copying your opponents and fighting like your opponent.


Keep the core mechanics the same. Include more modes including a Smash mode for those people. More characters and certainly more PlayStation associated characters. Increase the post-launch support in terms of patches and DLC characters and you've got a great game.

Either copy Smash completely or think of something original. Smash bros started out as an original take on the fighting game genre. It had no Nintendo characters in it and wasn't going to be a crossover. Make a game that has gameplay in mind first, then add the characters to it.

THe PlayStation All-Star battle system was original though and people still called it a Smash clone.


I think you've got the first list of characters for a sequel I actually like LegendofDragoonLives. A big problem for me is the gender imbalance and character type imbalance between characters of the first game. The full roster is:

Big Daddy
Cole MacGrath
Evil Cole MacGrath
Colonel Radec
Fat Princess
Heihachi Mishima
Jak and Daxter
Nathan Drake
PaRappa the Rapper
Ratchet and Clank
Sir Daniel Fortesque
Sly Cooper
Sweet Tooth
Toro Inoue
Emmett Graves [DLC]
Isaac Clarke [DLC]
Kat [DLC]
Zeus [DLC]

From this list:
Just two are female from the base game (excluding Sackgirl as she's only available via limited preorder). Considering this is supposed to be a wide appealing game to just have two female characters is poor. At least they could have swapped Heihachi Mishima for one of the female fights and have Lightning in the game.

Now in PSAS they limit the amount of solely guns characters. What I mean by this is that Big Daddy uses guns but he's got his drill to counteract this. In most lists I see for a possible reboot I see lots of characters who only use guns, something which will significantly decrease the differences between characters.

Finally the original character roster is poor. It's got characters no one cares about and characters that have no association with playstation. They should have just cut the cast down to this and had done with it:

Cole MacGrath
Heihachi Mishima
Jak and Daxter
Nathan Drake
Ratchet and Clank
Sackboy (with alt. Sackgirl costume)
Sly Cooper
Toro Inoue

I cut out the third parties no one wanted, included Kat in the base game and got rid of the PS1 characters. The PS1 characters ultimately aren't getting a reboot anytime soon or a mainline entry so their long term future is pretty dire. They didn't need mountains of content in the base game just enough to get some fans and act as a solid starting point for a series.


Get away from the smash setup and instead go with a VS setup (or second choice a power stone setup). A vs game would be a much better way to go.
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