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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


Unconfirmed Member
Time will tell but I dont see all of the sudden PS4K games running 900P/720P <30FPS on PS4. Thats silly.

Unless Sony implements standards to prevent it, it's likely this will happen (unless PS4K flops). PS4 versions will basically be treated like "last gen" versions that are unoptimized or handled by B teams with little funding.


This is laughable.

Some of the reactions in here are just preposterous.

I swear, you guys have no idea how insular this community is sometimes, huh?

If this means they will lower the price of entry for the main system, it will mean easier access for those, and then those will continue to sell, and the new system would be considered the premium product for those that want to get the high end.

And sheesh, some of the assumptions and over reactions are incredible in how much you all have become oracles.

When the iPad air came out, everyone stopped buying the iPad 2.

(no they didn't)
In all seriousness this is .. i can't justify this.

When i play games like Bloodborne and Metal Gear and just see how good they look and play i don't need anymore power for the sake of it.

I know that the OG PS4 will be a part of the ecosystem but we have a system on the market which feels as though it has barely got started. Games are taking a longer and costing more to develop. Surely this will just exacerbate the issue?

I can see the appeal of doing this , and understand why, but when you have games specifically targeting the new system, with two system (X1 too) with a flaky library at best.. yeah, no thanks.


Does OP care about his job?

This is the only thing that surprises me about the leak.

Balls of steel I tell ya. Good job on ya OP, hope you did everything possible to protect yourself.

Too busy getting fired

Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

I just dont buy that GOW4 and Deep Down is coming this year.
They aren't.
"You have to pay $500 every three years to keep up with the Joneses on console. Meanwhile, I buy one $700 rig and it lasts me six years."
That $500 console would also last 6 years.

If you apply the 'keeping up with the Joneses' mentality to consoles, always needing the latest and greatest, then you'd be spending shed loads more cash keeping up with the latest on all your PC components.

Where are we at?

I'm at Testing
I'm calling bullshit on this news. Makes no sense on the business side, the available hardware till the end of the year (no HBM2, no 14nm) and the software side. It's not happening.


I'm most interested in learning about how this affects PSVR performance.

I know its speculation but honestly this whole thing makes absolutely no sense UNLESS it ties in with PS VR somehow. I really can't see how this won't improve PS VR or tie into it in some way shape or form.


good, finally we may have PC games that are not so limited by console specs. Now Xbox needs to upgrade so we can all havce better parity.
Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

They aren't.



Get a free PS4K when you buy a 4k TV!

That be about the only way I do this.

and I don't need a new TV until the one I have breaks.


If this is the case, then PC games and hardware would never advance ever... Developers love new toys, developers love more advanced hardware, developers are going to push the 4k even without Sony prodding them to do so.

of course they love new hardware.

but developers are in this business to make money--and most of that money will be made with software sales on the original ps4.


i'd imagine it would be in the developers' best interest to make sure their games run as good as possible on the system that most people will probably play it on: the ps4.

It'd be nice but they don't do it now so why would they do it when they have more beefy hardware to make games run shitty on?


Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

They aren't.

DerZuhälter;199662534 said:
I'm calling bullshit on this news. Makes no sense on the business side, the available hardware till the end of the year (no HBM2, no 14nm) and the software side. It's not happening.

We have plenty of rumors going around and OP is a Bish verified insider. So I'd consider this all but confirmed.


It will result in developers not putting resources into optimizing the version on less powerful hardware, no? Developers want to be lazy at some point i don't know what their philosophy on this is gonna be like

Certainly possible. It will vary per studio and regular PS4 games will presumably get progressively worse as time goes on the same way cross-generation games got worse as we got further into this generation.

I'm just trying to understand the lack of and slow to come first party games from Sony this gen even though PS3 was a pig and teams were much smaller.

Even allowing for bigger and more complicated games, something has been "off" this gen for WWS IMO.
Making games that actually befit the market this generation is very hard, and Sony had a lot of smaller teams that weren't well oiled machines ready to tackle this the way 500-1000 person teams at Ubisoft or EA or Activision were. Each studio has to work on upgrading their own engines and toolsets as well since they're not a shared stack, and they weren't making PC games where they could do a lot of the work early to boot.
Also btw this will be an easy transition for devs, it won't even be much extra work. Look at all the cross gen games we had like Far Cry 4, Titanfall, Destiny, Watch Dogs, Sports Games, Shadow of Mordor, etc. There was a MUCH bigger power gap there and teams still got it done. With the hardware being only a 2x power difference it won't be all that much work getting software running on both.


Sony just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about console culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like Gamefaqs where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over on console upgrades, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is GAF users, after reading this thread, are not going to want to to buy any of Sony's consoles again, nor will they anticipate any remasters. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Sony has alienated an entire culture with this move.

Sony, publicly apologize and cancel all plans for the PS4K or you can kiss your success goodbye.

I was waiting for this, excellent. Only took 40 pages to do it though.

For PS4K, everyone is worried for naught. You will have PS4 population around 50 million by the time this releases. Sony and Devs will not want to mess with this. It will be just as with the current PS4/PC situation.

You get your Fallout 4/Witcher 3 at 60+ FPS and high res on PC and 1080p/30fps (at best) on PS4. You will still get the same performance on PS4 when PS4K comes out. Devs do this today with PC/PS4/Xbox ports and will do same when new SKU is out.

PSVR is a bit different animal as PS4 is really underpowered for it so there YMMV but still everyone will want to sell to the large install base if they can.


I know its speculation but honestly this whole thing makes absolutely no sense UNLESS it ties in with PS VR somehow. I really can't see how this won't improve PS VR or tie into it in some way shape or form.

Yeah, but as a ps4.0 owner who has PSVR preordered, this has me hugely concerned.
Are we living in a universe where this doesn't already happen? Look at Fallout 4 on console vs. PC.

You realize this is backing up my point more, not less right?

In a world where developers aren't properly optimizing for the strongest console currently out, what makes you think they'll do so for a lesser variant of that?
In the world where the PS4K does not exist:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU.

In the world where the PS4K exists:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU, and also you also have a '4k version' for the PS4k that gets closer to that original spec / PC version.

...so what's the problem here? If you're just a PS4 owner nothing has really changed for you. You're getting the same games.

I'm inclined to agree, but let's keep in mind that Sony is trying to also push their PSVR this year. Why would anyone choose to buy the PSVR if they know that in order to get the best experience possible, they need to upgrade to the PS4K?

I have a headset on pre-order, but I pre-ordered with the assumption that this would give me a great VR experience on the PS4. I'd be inclined to cancel that pre-order, if this accessory was originally designed with for a PS4K, but isn't being publicly marketed that way in order to increase sales.

I'm not going to spend $500 on an VR Headset, or any peripheral if I cannot use it to it's full potential.


I was against this and disappointed at first but with a little more thought I'm like fuck it I'm down.

It's what happens with phones and tablets. People arent alien to buying new tech and upgrading every so often. A more iterative approach may work better. Tech isnt advancing as much as it used to, this may temper people's expectations.

As long as they dont entirely fuck up and neglect the original PS4 then it wont be so bad.


Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

They aren't.

Is Q1 fiscal or calendar?


I'd be in the dick
Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

They aren't.

I think a 2017 release will be much more palatable to people than a 2016 release.
Sony at E3:

Here is PS4K ! Coming next year.

And here is PS4 Slim, coming this holiday for $249!

I kinda feel like I'd bet a tag that when it's revealed...the PS4K IS the hardware revision over a slim. Seems kinda pointless that it'd offer no upgrade in performance for older games considering...getting a better gpu etc pretty much works that way on PC but I guess it's because it's literally coded and designed for one spe....which feels weird that they'd want to do something that'd skewer the development process like that and probably only increase dev costs further.


Yes I do care about my job and I generally do the firing =) . To clear up a few things though he did not make it sound like all games would be native 4k just that they would be scaled to 4k and we do have a tentative placeholder date for late Q1 next year.

Tried to keep my personal thoughts out of this thread but I really believe this move is all about the PSVR trying to look a bit better when compared to its direct competition.

They aren't.

Who's "he"?

You were in a meeting and you said that "they" told you about the possible PS4K specs.

Who is "he"?



In a world where the PS4K does not exist:

The general level of affordability for current hardware drops as the generation goes on, allowing a wider market to access the latest console games than could have otherwise.

In a world where the PS4K does exist:

The general level of affordability for current hardware remains stable or actually goes up as the generation goes on, meaning only the most hardcore enthusiasts will generally have access to the latest console hardware and the latest console games will be targeted more heavily to those tastes, limiting the degree to which the platform can serve the needs of a wider market.

current hardware is still ps4 which will almost certainly drop in price due to healthy used market. you can't afford the plus ed. you don't buy it, they could release them yearly like an iphone doesn't mean everyone has to blow all their food money on it.
games will always be targeted to the biggest populations. ps4 until further notice.
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