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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Shake Appeal said:
But if people enter the Arena, which is flagged as designed to foster ultra competitive yadda yadda, and then democratically vote for AR starts, surely that would suggest there is a subset of Halo players who enjoy both competitive matches and AR starts?

No, I don't think those people exist. My problem with AR starts being in the Arena is that it's a nonsensical decision. You have two entirely disparate types of Halo being offered in a tiny slice of the matchmaking experience. Why? Why would you create this supposedly ultra-competitive area and allow AR starts to be a possibility? It's bizarre.

Kapura said:
I dunno, Juices is hilariously boastful. kylej just hates.

Bring back juices!

I don't hate. I, and seemingly everyone in here have been subjected to 2 and a half years of horrendous matchmaking management. I'd rather call out the cracks along the wall before it eventually breaks. If you have any issues with that matchmaking layout you better speak your piece now because you damn well know nothing will be done once the full game launches.


Tashi0106 said:
I think this will sort itself out as you get matched with people of similar skill. I can't imagine Onyx players settling for gametypes with AR starts. I know I won't hahahaha
Yes, I think I will be in Onyx lol

I dunno, considering it took you 2 years to get your 50 in MLG :lol

I'll carry you there, don't worry about it.



Letters, we need a version with Shishka's head, STAT!


Sir Fragula said:
Thing is, it didn't really have any substance. It was just "guy gets needles pocked in him, looks at armour". Maybe the budget was reduced? Would be surprised if anyone from the ODST ads was involved.

The ODST ads came out 2 weeks before the game I think. The game is still 5 months away. I doubt this is the one and only live action tralier. Beta trailers being a very saturated mediu-- wait a sec..
kylej said:
No, I don't think those people exist. My problem with AR starts being in the Arena is that it's a nonsensical decision. You have two entirely disparate types of Halo being offered in a tiny slice of the matchmaking experience. Why? Why would you create this supposedly ultra-competitive area and allow AR starts to be a possibility? It's bizarre.

I don't hate. I, and seemingly everyone in here have been subjected to 2 and a half years of horrendous matchmaking management. I'd rather call out the cracks along the wall before it eventually breaks. If you have any issues with that matchmaking layout you better speak your piece now because you damn well know nothing will be done once the full game launches.



The commercial was ok, but I loved the music they used.

Any chance we'll be able to get it? Even if just that bit that was used?


Gui_PT said:
The commercial was ok, but I loved the music they used.

Any chance we'll be able to get it? Even if just that bit that was used?

What is that dude snorting in your avatar?


343i Lead Esports Producer
That's the first time I've put someone on ignore.

I'm curious to see how the playlists change from Beta to Launch.


Works for Bungie
Tashi0106 said:
That's the first time I've put someone on ignore.

I'm curious to see how the playlists change from Beta to Launch.

There's a lot of handy back end features that aren't being used because they either weren't ready for beta or just aren't part of our public beta test plan. At least one of these I know will make several of the hearts here sing for joy, but I don't get to talk about it until Urk says I get to talk about it.


Major Williams said:
Halo 2's was perfect for the time.

Halo 3's was absolutely perfect for the time. The Starry night ad was EPIC, and still is in my eyes.
Some of the Believe ads were... not awesome, but painted a GREAT picture (that the game ultimately never added up to).
Then Blomkamp's live action shorts I thought were an amazing part of the ad campaign that made you appreciate what amounted to 2 minutes in the intro of the game. Great concept IMO.
That's my main issue I have with them. These commercials are absolutely fantastic, but not in the same way Halo 2's commercial was. These commercials paint a beautiful picture that TBH have almost nothing to do with the game. You could swap the characters and it would work for say Gears of War.
ODST's live action ad took the cake for me, and was highly appropriate for the time. It out-did all other gaming ads and made you WANT a movie, and WANT the game.
Again the game really didn't live up to the ad. I loved the commercial, but can you honestly say you would show someone the commercial to understand what Halo 3: ODST was about?

My point being it seems these ad campaigns by Microsoft are moving away from advertising what the game is and instead advertising what they think people would want the game to be. Halo 2's commercial was fucking awesome and best of all it was all about the game. It wasn't setting up some sort of commercial showing the terror of the citizens of Earth lamenting the day the Covenant arrive or some drama involved with the defense. It was purely the game.
Shishka said:
There's a lot of handy back end features that aren't being used because they either weren't ready for beta or we aren't part of our public beta test plan. At least one of these I know will make several of the hearts here sing for joy, but I don't get to talk about it until Urk says I get to talk about it.

Take a leaf out of Mancannons book. He would be happy to tell us. :lol


Church RvB said:
He probably started with H2. (major assumption of course) H2 was my biggest disappointment. I had super huge expectations for it after playing Halo:CE for so long.
Nope. Started out on Halo: CE about a year after launch. Didn't play much of the multiplayer until Halo PC. Everything just seemed like it came together, sans lag of course, in Halo 2. Going back to it a couple weeks ago showed me it hadn't aged very well, especially the netcode. But damn if Headlong isn't the greatest map ever made. So many fond memories of One Flag CTF on that map.
urk said:
I will take a leaf out of your face!

Spoil sport. Thats the second time ive wanted to avatar quote you today :(

Gui_PT said:
The commercial was ok, but I loved the music they used.

Any chance we'll be able to get it? Even if just that bit that was used?

Yeah it was hard to hear it from the crappy off cam version, but watching the full quality version with that music made it so much better. Theres no way they recorded it specifically for that trailer though? Im interested in knowing what its called aswell.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Shishka said:
There's a lot of handy back end features that aren't being used because they either weren't ready for beta or we aren't part of our public beta test plan. At least one of these I know will make several of the hearts here sing for joy, but I don't get to talk about it until Urk says I get to talk about it.

Do I have one of those hearts??? lol

That's good to hear though. I would hope that playlists and maybe more importantly loadouts can be changed on the fly at any time depending on data received from the game.


Dax01 said:
That's going to be fun.

Oh yeah. Totally.

BladedExpert said:
There are those that said this day would never come. What are they to say now?

That it's surprising that matchmaking discussion and DMR/BR vs AR fights are preferable to something? :p (if that's what you were getting at :lol )


Tashi0106 said:
That's the first time I've put someone on ignore.

I'm curious to see how the playlists change from Beta to Launch.
Which "K" name was it? I hear both are quite popular in the Ignore Zone.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
KevinRo said:
Not even the people in this thread knew that. What does that say about your marketing campaign?

The award-winning Halo marketing team is planning on consulting you as soon as Luke and Lars capture your matchmaking design advice.


bobs99 ... said:
Yeah it was hard to hear it from the crappy off cam version, but watching the full quality version with that music made it so much better. Theres no way they recorded it specifically for that trailer though? Im interested in knowing what its called aswell.

Yeah, you're right. Probably wasn't made just for the commercial

But I'm a sucker for that kind of music. We can has source?
Trasher said:
Which "K" name was it? I hear both are quite popular in the Ignore Zone.
There are many "K" posters on this page alona. Now I'll never know!!

What else is in store for us this week before the Beta drops?
I can't honestly believe it is almost time...


BladedExpert said:
There are those that said this day would never come. What are they to say now?
They say: Wait till Thursday. :lol It's going to be a mess, mixed with some goodies here and there from those who are in.
oh, list wars?


1. Halo CE
2. Halo 3
3. Halo ODST
4. Halo 2
5. Halo Wars


1. Halo CE
2. Halo 3
3. Halo 2
4. Halo ODST (Firefight needs serious re-tooling)
5. Halo Wars

Regardless though, I 've adored every Halo game that's been put out so far.
ZayneH said:
That it's surprising that matchmaking discussion and DMR/BR vs AR fights are preferable to something? :p (if that's what you were getting at :lol )

Kibbles said:
They say: Wait till Thursday. :lol It's going to be a mess, mixed with some goodies here and there from those who are in.
But also this.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Oh and good games today Bladed. Sorry if my buddy came off a little pushy. He gets whiny sometimes hahaha.


This has probably already been answered but this thread moves fast. What time will the beta be available in the Euro regions namely the UK as it's bank holiday over here on monday and a full day with the beta would be a fine thing indeed.
Tashi0106 said:
Oh and good games today Bladed. Sorry if my buddy came off a little pushy. He gets whiny sometimes hahaha.

Yeah, good games for the most part. He was right in most instances to be fair. But its lovetub, I know what he's like ;)


Shishka said:
Maximum party size in Invasion is six. Maximum party size in the 4v4 standard hoppers, however, is 8. There are reasons for this that are test related, and this does not necessarily reflect on what the shipping playlist will be like.
Swanky. So if I have it right, the playlists with party sizes are:

Current Playlists | See the Guide for more details on each playlist and gametype. Once a playlist goes live it stays up through the end of the Beta.
Grab Bag | Players: 4v4 | Max Party Size: 6 | Launch Date: May 3 | Gametypes: 1 Flag CTF, Stockpile, Oddball, Team Crazy King, 3 Plots, Team Slayer, Team SWAT, Covy Team Slayer

FFA | Players: 8 | Max Party Size: 8 | Launch Date: May 3 | Gametypes: Slayer, Slayer Pro Round, Classic Slayer, Oddball, Crazy King, Juggernaut, Headhunter

Arena | Players: 4v4 | Max Party Size: 4 | Launch Date: May 3 | Team Slayer, Team Slayer Pro, Slayer Classic

Invasion | Players: 6v6 | Max Part Size: 6 | Launch Date: May 7 | Gametypes: Invasion, Invasion Slayer

Network Test 1 | Players: 3v3 | Max Party Size: 3 | Launch Date: May 14 | Gametypes: Generator Defense​
Filling up a party with eight GAFers will be great for experimentation.

And thanks Urk, for adding Invasion Slayer to the Guide.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
GhaleonEB said:
Arena | Players: 4v4 | Max Party Size: 8 | Launch Date: May 3 | Team Slayer, Team Slayer Pro, Slayer Classic

Filling up a party with eight GAFers will be great for experimentation.

Interesting that it allows people to go into the Arena with 8 people in a party...that fills the whole match.
Tashi0106 said:
Oh and good games today Bladed. Sorry if my buddy came off a little pushy. He gets whiny sometimes hahaha.
In all fairness, he was the only one of ye talking for the most part :p

LTTP, but yes Nokyard, we should be battle bros :p

big ander

Had a busy two days of school today and yesterday, but now I've got three days off (well pretty much). So I kicked it off by watching a couple 1up videos and the live action spot. Good stuff. :D Can't wait to get my hands on the beta.
Not a Jellyfish said:
Interesting that it allows people to go into the Arena with 8 people in a party...that fills the whole match.

Ooooh, now I understand the other stuff Shiska was talking about. They clearly want to see how well theyre boosting detection algorithms work, and the ban hammer :lol
OuterWorldVoice said:
The award-winning Halo marketing team is planning on consulting you as soon as Luke and Lars capture your matchmaking design advice.

Hey, do you remember your Haters Gonna Hate Troll image?

If so, do you still have it? These noobs on a another board are being dumb, and I need it to shut them up! :lol

big ander

Gui_PT said:
It's just some idiot trying to eat a spoon full of cinnamon

It's me =(
:lol :lol seriously?
Awesome avatar, then.

I think I saw it mentioned a bit earlier, and I can't see many wanting to discuss it, but whatever: Red vs Blue was awesome this week. I'm glad Wash isn't dead, Doc is still alive, and Alpha Church is finally remembering Tex. The season looks like it's getting great.


I want this now. God damnit, these videos and previews are killing me.

Just gimme dat Deemer and Needle Rifle. Oh, and my roll dodge. That's all I'll need. Killin' fools all day.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
bobs99 ... said:
Ooooh, now I understand the other stuff Shiska was talking about. They clearly want to see how well theyre boosting detection algorithms work, and the ban hammer :lol

:lol Would love to see little kids whining when they get banned from the Beta.


Works for Bungie
GhaleonEB said:
Swanky. So if I have it right, the playlists with party sizes are:

Arena | Players: 4v4 | Max Party Size: 8 | Launch Date: May 3 | Team Slayer, Team Slayer Pro, Slayer Classic

Arena max party size is 4, not 8. Other than that, I think you've got it right. It's also worth noting that you can only rematch with your team in Arena.
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