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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Junior Member
No one who isn't black should say nigger or nigga and whether or not black people should be saying nigga is a discussion that black people and only black people get to be a part of.

This bears repeating. I hate that stupid ass argument (which I hear from white people who wanna say it) "its just a word" no the fuck its not. "By saying it you're just giving it power" oh yes tell me more. Because obviously you have a say in the matter.


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.

We're giving a third party's Twitter feed views.

Anyway, OT: Fuck PewDiePie. Nothing but an unapologetic racist. YouTube needs to get their shit together and start enforcing some form of punishment for this crap that is all over their site.
The problem is jumping into a discussion about a word that encapsulates centuries of pain, torture, and enslavement, and then calling special attention to a single instance of an incredibly weak term that tends to just roll off white people's backs. It makes you sound petty. It makes you sound like you don't actually grasp the gulf between the two words, even though you say you do.

If all you want to hear is that--at a high level of analysis--both words at least nominally express racial prejudice, you're correct, they do. And the world would be better without these words used in such a manner. But it's wise to ask yourself when to engage in that discussion. I don't think this is the right context.

I'm in agreement with everyone else that this guy is an ignorant racist ass. I could jump in with the same thing everyone else is saying, but people seemed to have that covered. I didn't mean to diminish the shitty use of that word by pewdiepie. I didn't, and still don't, see how saying hey let's not use any racist slurs at all, diminishes the shitty thing that pewdiepie has done repeatedly. I think people can handle not using any words meant to offend anyone no matter how grave or sleight, and pointing that out does not take away from the extremely negative connotation of the n word. A less offensive racist slur is still not ok. Less racism is still racism. I'm sure you can think of some other lesser ones for Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese etc. They all make me cringe no matter the degree. It's never acceptable to denigrate someone on any level because of their race or nationality. If that makes me sound petty then so be it.

And no, this isn't a veiled defense of whites. I literally and sincerely mean anyone.


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.

How else do we call out racism?


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.

Dude makes millions a year without the extra, what handful of views the threads give him? If people keep calling this shit out, the better the chance of something with a large audience, ie a news network, does a story on this and in turn notifies advertisers that the website's face is a racist asshole. As soon as that happens they'll do something about it. Until then turning a blind eye to all of this will only make it worse.


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.

He already lost a deal with Disney and a youtube red show IIRC from negative publicity. These things do have consequences when brought to light.


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.

Let him get views. More people will take notice of this scumbag. More developers too, hopefully.

He's not gonna fade away, so this is the best we can do.


Neo Member
Thought we were past this but no, he's still a cunt.

Needs to be made an example of and his defenders/proponents need to grow up.


What is even more upsetting about this situation beyond an individual popular among children being racist is the fact other people are trying to be middle of the road when discussing the matter because they don't want to "pick sides." I love Funhaus, but on their podcast on the matter Bruce says multiple times "I don't think Pewdiepie is a racist." Yes, yes he fucking is, Bruce. You don't say the N-word in the context Pewdiepie does and not be.


This bears repeating. I hate that stupid ass argument (which I hear from white people who wanna say it) "its just a word" no the fuck its not. "By saying it you're just giving it power" oh yes tell me more. Because obviously you have a say in the matter.

There really is no valid argument for people non-black people use the word. Being called a nigger or hearing a white person try to take ownership of such a derogatory term is one of the worst feelings. You can be successful and excel at what you do, or you can be just a normal human being minding your business, yet you're reduced to a nigger out of hate or amusement.
Something I noticed today, it seems like the people who say the n word is just a word and we should get over it also don't like being called racist or a nazi but those are just words too so why they always breaking their own rules?


If he really wanted to change and is Sorry, he should try to educate himself. Books or social movements, even YouTube And internet. Maybe create videos about this, discussing racism in games with Youtubers that talk about this, to stop the alt-right fans and to show he's sorry.

He's a racist that says he isn't a racist, maybe he believes in this, but If that thing "slips" usualy, he should notice thats something strange with him and try to change himself. Sometimes the racist And misogynist doesnt believe he's one.

But since he's doing nothing about it, he Will continue to be a racist that does not believe he's one, or a liar about this and he's a pure racist. Either way, fuck him.


Fat Joe is Puerto Rican and Cuban. There's a 174% chance he has African ancestry.

Gets cussed out for saying the word off some African Americans.

Here's his video on the subject. He understands context. I love this interview.


At the end of the day it is just a word. A word that has different meanings to different people and can be used in different contexts that can also offend people when used in a none racist context. I think there's times and places where it is acceptable and times and places it is not. Times where it is racist and times when it is not. If it's a thing you shout at a person for killing you on a game then I think it's stupid as hell, but not necessarily racist (unless you are a racist and I'm not sure if Pew is... I don't know him).

People act like it's all so black and white (no pun intended).

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
1 is from a month ago, 2/3 happened in the same stream

Ah ok. Because yeah I saw the original one back when it happened.

I mean, in the newest video you could see him fight his natural urge to just say it. I guess that's technically some kind of improvement.

L Thammy

If he really wanted to change and is Sorry, he should try to educate himself. Books or social movements, even YouTube And internet. Maybe create videos about this, discussing racism in games with Youtubers that talk about this, to stop the alt-right fans and to show he's sorry.

He's a racist that says he isn't a racist, maybe he believes in this, but If that thing "slips" usualy, he should notice thats something strange with him and try to change himself. Sometimes the racist And misogynist doesnt believe he's one.

But since he's doing nothing about it, he Will continue to be a racist that does not believe he's one, or a liar about this and he's a pure racist. Either way, fuck him.

If he wanted to change, I think it would have happened five years ago. The rape jokes thing should have been the time where he reflected on what he says, the effect his words have, and his responsibility for his words. It seemed at the moment that he did.

If it seems like isn't learning now, he's never going to.


He wants to change, and by change he wants to stop going to those words when he's angry so people don't get upset at him. I doubt that he wants to change for actual moral reasons. I've said it before in these threads and i'll say it again. I know these exact people. Only they don't get caught by millions of people. If they did they would certainly try to censor themselves so people don't hate them, but really in their hearts they would still want to hide behnd free speech, the lolz etc.

Two Words

And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.
Ahh, the good old "If you ignore racism, it will go away" argument.


Why does he swear so weird? His index finger should be fully folded down but for some reason it's up to half-way across his middle finger. The fuck.
And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.
I don't watch him or JonTron so I'm definitely not giving them money


Why does he swear so weird? His index finger should be fully folded down but for some reason it's up to half-way across his middle finger. The fuck.

??? Lots of people do that. Not everyone's index finger can fold down all the way when the middle finger is up. Am I missing a joke?
Kinda depressing that a thread about this would even become an argument. A failure on our part to unanimously condemn this behavior is why he still has the platform he has. Far too many people willing to shrug off racism.


This bears repeating. I hate that stupid ass argument (which I hear from white people who wanna say it) "its just a word" no the fuck its not. "By saying it you're just giving it power" oh yes tell me more. Because obviously you have a say in the matter.

For clarification, I'm white. Not that I think that should matter.

I get the conversation around the word is controversial and deeply seeded into some absolutely horrifying history of slavery and racism.

But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

The color of your skin really, REALLY, shouldn't matter, since teh entire point is to eliminate racism on teh whole - and you can't do that if you'r still using someone's skin color to frame a conversation around a term. IMHO, it's simply not okay for anyone to say it. Period. Regardless of the reasoning it was adopted.

If it's not okay for a person of x skin color to say it, it's honestly not okay for anyone to say it all. Isn't this is the entire point of trying to get rid of racism? You can't fight racism by then segmenting people by the color of their skin when it comes to a conversation.

Dunno, just my two cents. I am sure I will get roasted for this. And then of course we're expected to have the youth understand because it they hear it all the time at school from some people who think it's okay to toss it around because of their skin color. I am expected to have my kids understand when I explain why it's wrong and yada yada, and then try to explain tot hem why it's okay for them without trying to make it look like some racist stuff.

Rock and a hard place. The term should be banished from everyone's vocabulary.

L Thammy

Kinda depressing that a thread about this would even become an argument. A failure on our part to unanimously condemn this behavior is why he still has the platform he has. Far too many people willing to shrug off racism.

Now consider how depressing this thread would be if the blatant racism apologists didn't get banned.


And you KEEP posting threads about it... What do you guys think will change? Serious question. This GIVES HIM VIEWS which in turn gives him money. I almost think that those of you that keep making these threads are actually encouraging him to do more because its a guilty pleasure for you. Stop giving him views.
This is bullshit.

Yeah, just ignore the racist with 58 million subscribers and he'll go away... Suuuuure.


What if all he listens to is rap and hip-hop and therefore feels he's black inside? You know, once you go black you never go back. He can't help it!


I'm in agreement with everyone else that this guy is an ignorant racist ass. I could jump in with the same thing everyone else is saying, but people seemed to have that covered. I didn't mean to diminish the shitty use of that word by pewdiepie. I didn't, and still don't, see how saying hey let's not use any racist slurs at all, diminishes the shitty thing that pewdiepie has done repeatedly. I think people can handle not using any words meant to offend anyone no matter how grave or sleight, and pointing that out does not take away from the extremely negative connotation of the n word. A less offensive racist slur is still not ok. Less racism is still racism. I'm sure you can think of some other lesser ones for Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese etc. They all make me cringe no matter the degree. It's never acceptable to denigrate someone on any level because of their race or nationality. If that makes me sound petty then so be it.

And no, this isn't a veiled defense of whites. I literally and sincerely mean anyone.

First, I think I could have been more complete in the post you're responding to. I cut things off before getting into more detail, and I didn't touch on things I should have. I want to emphasize that I think the only thing I disagree with you on is context and approach. We're in full agreement about the fact that racism is bad, even lesser forms.

So let me try to be more complete. Here's a quote from you from earlier in the thread, I think the one that really got things rolling:

GTFO of here with this shit. You think this gives people a blank check to be racist towards whites? Cracka is a term meant to be derogatory and offensive towards a certain group of people. Racism. It's the same thing as using the N word.

I suspect that because you 1) took the strongest possible negative implication from the person you were responding to ("a blank check to be racist towards whites") and 2) refused to initially make any distinction between the two terms, you immediately set people off. Then you found that your attempts to further explain yourself were frustrated.

But above, you've explained to me, in detail, what you mean. I suspect a statement more in that spirit would have done better. I believe you when you say you were not trying to make a veiled defense of white people. But understand that many people have tried to do exactly that in these types of threads. This has rightly raised people's suspicions, and it creates an extra burden for detail and context.

L Thammy

For clarification, I'm white. Not that I think that should matter.

I get the conversation around the word is controversial and deeply seeded into some absolutely horrifying history of slavery and racism.

But isn't the fact an entire "race" of people is completely discluded from the discussion of if it's okay to say the word in fact just... and I hate saying this - exactly what racism is? Excluding people from the conversation because of the color of their skin. The word is either okay to say, or it's not okay to say it.

The color of your skin really, REALLY, shouldn't matter, since teh entire point is to eliminate racism on teh whole - and you can't do that if you'r still using someone's skin color to frame a conversation around a term. IMHO, it's simply not okay for anyone to say it. Period. Regardless of the reasoning it was adopted.

If it's not okay for a person of x skin color to say it, it's honestly not okay for anyone to say it all. Isn't this is the entire point of trying to get rid of racism? You can't fight racism by then segmenting people by the color of their skin when it comes to a conversation.

Dunno, just my two cents. I am sure I will get roasted for this. And then of course we're expected to have the youth understand because it they hear it all the time at school from some people who think it's okay to toss it around because of their skin color. I am expected to have my kids understand when I explain why it's wrong and yada yada, and then try to explain tot hem why it's okay for them without trying to make it look like some racist stuff.

Rock and a hard place. The term should be banished from everyone's vocabulary.

I tend to look at it this way. It's not that non-black people can't say the word - it's that there is almost no context where it's responsible. Like, you might be able to say "your ass looks nice" to your significant other. That phrase isn't really banned. But you probably couldn't say it to your boss, and you probably couldn't say it to your grandparents. There's a limited set of contexts where that phrase is appropriate.

If you're specifically discussing the word or its racist effects, or if you're trying to accurately capture a historical image of something like the American south and highlighting the racism of those places and times, you may be able to get away with it. People have noted in these threads that black people don't have free license to use the word either. There are still appropriate and inappropriate contexts, but because the word is describing them, they have far more appropriate contexts. They can't just shout it at random people they don't know on the street.

But because white people like you and other non-black people like me don't have many contexts to use the word, it's also not really all that valuable to us. Almost any time I could want to use the word, there are far more appropriate and respectful words I have available. It's not really an issue not using that one word in regular life. If we were to feel limited by being "unable" to use that word, it would almost always mean that we're using it in inappropriate contexts.


Yeah. At this point I'm surprised YouTube hasn't stepped in and said "you're done".

Really? This guy is a money maker, they're not going to send him off in the same way Valve lets their ecosystem be infested.

You're looking at these companies in the wrong light if this surprises you, sadly.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Gets cussed out for saying the word off some African Americans.

Here's his video on the subject. He understands context. I love this interview.


At the end of the day it is just a word. A word that has different meanings to different people and can be used in different contexts that can also offend people when used in a none racist context. I think there's times and places where it is acceptable and times and places it is not. Times where it is racist and times when it is not. If it's a thing you shout at a person for killing you on a game then I think it's stupid as hell, but not necessarily racist (unless you are a racist and I'm not sure if Pew is... I don't know him).

People act like it's all so black and white (no pun intended).
Joe's opinion on white people saying nigga was stupid as fuck.

Joe doesn't understand that Latinos say nigga, but they will never be called nigger. The word has less gravity to him, so he's flippant with its use.


Yeah. At this point I'm surprised YouTube hasn't stepped in and said "you're done".

YouTube would do that if they cared, but they don't. You'll be surprised by just how many people don't care, and or champion the behavior. Humans are monsters.


Same happened to Bieber with his trash tier behavior, and I'm surely forgetting a lot of others in the process. There's that whole weird place of confidence when you know you can get away with it.

I guess a large hit in his wallet would calm him down
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