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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Why would a racist stop using the word? What incentive would there be? Like, I've never heard a single solid explanation why a racist would stop wielding the word like a cudgel. Because that's what it is for them, a weapon. That's why it's absurd and naïve opinion to hold.

If anything reclaiming the word is much more efficient.
Not saying it's perfect but it's certainly more efficient than acting like it's not an issue.


What an overly hostile response for what I was communicating in my post. And even if it was a post of "absurd nonsense you have ever read" I suggest you look deeper in this very thread. You will find someone trying to equate cracker with the N word. Perhaps you could reroute your hostility there.

But as I said I do wonder if it was stopped being used and evoked all the time if it would lose power over time. Not over night and you have your opinion. I freely admitted I didn't expect it to happen and even if it did yes there are ignorant people far into the future that would still use it but I am curious if it would be much less so. I think it would and you're entitled to your opinion. Is that ok?

It got the response it deserved. As far as LizardKing and his nonsense, it is painfully clear what they are and I posted examples in this thread about why everyone should ignore anything they have to say about racism.

In spite of what you think, black people bare zero responsibility when in comes to the racism we experience. So floating some silly ass idea that the use of nigger would plummet if us blacks would just stop saying nigga so much, suggests we do.

I disagree. Black people should be on board with completely wiping it from existence. It will take years (decades...), but it should be a goal. Along with other racist/religious insults.

Are you black? If not, it doesn't matter what you think we should be doing when it comes our use of the word.
If you're not black it really doesn't affect your life one way or another.
To the people who hope he'll "learn" this time, what exactly do these people hope he'll "learn"?

If you're a fucking racist, you're a fucking racist. You don't learn to not be racist.

Learn to hide his racism? There's nothing for him to learn.

Ploid 3.0

Oh, don't worry there's a far bigger power out there caled "chaos". If you look at what some of PDPs diehard followers are doing right now on the internet, you'll fully understand the saying "power is just the illusion of being in control".

That's another thing I noticed. These guys with tons of followers wield so much power at just a suggestion. I watched a clip of a twitch streamer, Sodapopping, in it he was mad at a player in a MMORPG I think. He wished to his viewers that something would happen to this person that pissed him off without knowing. It was something so minor and because it inconvenienced the streamer he unleashed his viewers on the person, in any way they saw fit, maybe their leader will notice them or thank them for trying.

That's why when people like the Pharma guy, and Trump suggest people do something, it needs to be taken seriously. Their words have power. Fox news as well as any other station suggesting people harm others too.
Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

you may wanna read some of the post mod's made in this thread earlier...


To the people who hope he'll "learn" this time, what exactly do these people hope he'll "learn"?

If you're a fucking racist, you're a fucking racist. You don't learn to not be racist.

Learn to hide his racism? There's nothing for him to learn.
He'll learn to hide it better and keep it private off camera


If you're jumping into the thread to in any way, shape, or form minimize the amount of heat that the aforementioned scumbag is receiving, you're tacitly supporting him. Every clown who's 'just asking questions' or 'both sides' stanning pulls the same shit time after time. No one's getting messed with that isn't jumping into here on purpose. And if they're doing the above, they deserve to be chewed out. But nah, let's give the people equating cracker to n*gga/er, the 'Move this to OT' crowd, the 'I'm tired of seeing PDP being talked about, if we don't talk about it he'll just disappear(lol)' concern trolls, and those trying to downplay his repeated shitty behavior as something that can be explained away the freedom to keep posting their horseshit, wouldn't want to mess with them for backing a bigot explicitly or otherwise.

Because let's be frank; the same people doing this shit are the same people who spent their teenage years (and maybe even beyond) shouting racial slurs into their mics and want to have the back of somebody they can relate to(a racist manchild), or don't want to have to look in a mirror because it makes them uncomfortable.

I'm not trying to minimize any form of heat. I even said that if you wanna blast PDP you would not be in the wrong to do so. He has a history. I came to this thread to give my opinion on the matter, and wanted to know why everyone else is so up in arms about it. Telling others to be quite just because they don't see eye to eye with you is rude, very rude. That kind of behavior doesn't promote discussion. I am not telling anyone else here to shut up or not give their opinion. I don't see why I'm being treated the same way.

I agree with you here, and already replied to one poster saying that telling others to be be quite isn't conducive to a discussion. You might have missed that post of course since the thread is moving quickly so I will give you the benefit of the doubt there.
To the people who hope he'll "learn" this time, what exactly do these people hope he'll "learn"?

If you're a fucking racist, you're a fucking racist. You don't learn to not be racist.

Learn to hide his racism? There's nothing for him to learn.
So what's the solution? Revoke all his speaking abilities? Arrest? I don't think I fully get what peoples ideal scenario is for these sorts of things.

Is it possible to have the ability this day and age to fully silence a person?

L Thammy

I don't know what nev means

It doesn't mean anything; he was trying to pivot and change the word he was saying in the middle of saying it. He started with "my ni-".

So what's the solution? Revoke all his speaking abilities? Arrest? I don't think I fully get what peoples ideal scenario is for these sorts of things.

Is it possible to have the ability this day and age to fully silence a person?

YouTube can ban him. Corporations can stop giving him millions of dollars. This is not rocket surgery.


I disagree. Black people should be on board with completely wiping it from existence. It will take years (decades...), but it should be a goal. Along with other racist/religious insults.

If you not black, then don't worry about it, at least as far as nigga is concerned.

I'm not trying to minimize any form of heat. I even said that if you wanna blast PDP you would not be in the wrong. He has a history. I came to this thread to give my opinion on the matter, and wanted to know why everyone else is so up in arms about it. Telling others to be quite just because they don't see eye to eye with you is rude, very rude. That kind of behavior doesn't promote discussion. I am not telling anyone else here to shut up or not give their opinion. I don't see why I'm being treated the same way.

Because as you yourself said:

He has a history.


If anything reclaiming the word is much more efficient.
Not saying it's perfect but it's certainly more efficient than acting like it's not an issue.

Agreed. Ignoring the word ain't gonna do a damn thing. So I'm gonna keep saying it till my teeth turn white.


He's really lacking maturity among other things.

This is something a kid would do. Trying to say the 'bad word' with a guilty smile.


I don't know what nev means

I tried to google "nev as a slur" to see if I could find anything, curiously.

Instead I found this:

"Being Accused" makes him seem so fucking victimized.
So what's the solution? Revoke all his speaking abilities? Arrest? I don't think I fully get what peoples ideal scenario is for these sorts of things.

Is it possible to have the ability this day and age to fully silence a person?
Maybe have YouTube stop supporting him and giving him such a huge platform, especially one that's geared towards children. Most other companies, entertainment or otherwise, would have fired his ass a while ago for the shit he's pulled.
So what's the solution? Revoke all his speaking abilities? Arrest? I don't think I fully get what peoples ideal scenario is for these sorts of things.

Is it possible to have the ability this day and age to fully silence a person?

Trying to get people to stop cosigning racist behavior in others is the goal.

No need for hysterics man
So what's the solution? Revoke all his speaking abilities? Arrest? I don't think I fully get what peoples ideal scenario is for these sorts of things.

Is it possible to have the ability this day and age to fully silence a person?

No just fucking condemn him as a fucking racist. Leave out all that bullshit "I hope he learns".

It's annoyed the shit out of me because lots of gaming podcasts this week have also been parroting that "hopefully he learns" shit. I was very disappointed to see that despite every single video game podcast wanting to discuss this hot topic, not a single one just simply came out and said that is quite simply a piece of garbage, racist man.

They all want him to "learn" to hide it? So that all his young viewers think "oh ok so as long as I hide it I can be as racist as I want to be"? I'd rather he be as racist as he possibly can be so that the vast majority of people all condemn him and then hopefully that'll bring about his downfall.


I'm not trying to minimize any form of heat.

Your post:

I mean he did stop himself. It's unfortunate that he's so used to saying that word especially with his young audience, but I think it's just a case of him being a dumb dumb with no filter. I don't think the guy genuinely hates any particular group of people IMO.

I don't really watch him, but does PDP actively try to target children with his videos? If so then definately it would be a bigger issue, but if kids just happen to flock to his channel then I don't think he has any particular obligation to censor himself IMO.

A dumb dumb with no filter? Nigger should not ever be the first thing that comes to your mind when you're reaching for a word to describe how much you hate someone. He's literally using a word, whose only use is to demean and belittle a group of people, as an outlet for his hate.

Only a bigger issue if he's actually targeting kids? As if the age of his viewing audience has any barring on how much he should or could be saying nigger? (Which, by the way, is still "none").

Whether or not you realize it, you are actively trying to find ways to minimize how much of a fuck up this is.


What an overly hostile response for what I was communicating in my post.

If you found that response unpleasant, imagine people calling you "nigger" all your life, and then having someone ask you whether it would be to your betterment if people used that word more often.

You have the entirety of human knowledge at your fingertips on the internet. Take your curiosity and invest it in really learning about some social justice issues. Then see if you still have the same questions.


That's another thing I noticed. These guys with tons of followers wield so much power at just a suggestion. I watched a clip of a twitch streamer, Sodapopping, in it he was mad at a player in a MMORPG I think. He wished to his viewers that something would happen to this person that pissed him off without knowing. It was something so minor and because it inconvenienced the streamer he unleashed his viewers on the person, in any way they saw fit, maybe their leader will notice them or thank them for trying.

Yeah, but for every 100 hundred fans you'll get at least one stan. That's what I was talking about. Power means shit. PDP isn't even in control of his goddam tongue. Does anyone really think this dumb little boy has power?

The thing is, those internet controversies can get out of control in no time. Do I have to remind us all that ---rewind 15 years---y'all would've called me crazy if I told you that people of the future are going to make millions just playing videogames with a cam in front of their face.


If you not black, then don't worry about it, at least as far as nigga is concerned.

Because as you yourself said:

I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Your post:

A dumb dumb with no filter? Nigger should not ever be the first thing that comes to your mind when you're reaching for a word to describe how much you hate someone. He's literally using a word, whose only use is to demean and belittle a group of people.

Only a bigger issue if he's actually targeting kids? As if the age of his viewing audience has any barring on how much he should or could be saying nigger? (Which, by the way, is still "none").

Whether or not you realize it, you are actively trying to find ways to minimize how much of a fuck up this is.

You misunderstand me. I don't personally approve of his usage of the word at all. I know all to well first hand how damaging words can be. I've been called all sorts of things from "dune ooon", "sand nigger", "al-qaeda", "osama", and just plain old "terrorist". I've dealt with my fair share of abuse here. I'm not telling anyone not to feel a particular way. I just am curious as to why some feel it is okay to attack those who don't feel as strongly about his choice of words. Why attack me just because I view PDP as an idiot with no filter rather than someone who genuinely hates groups of people?

And yes, if PDP actively targets kids and talks like this would that not be something that Youtube should take action over? If he's not then simply don't fund the guy with ads. Again I'm not the most articulate person, so maybe thats where the misunderstanding came from. I hope that clears things up a bit.
Pif then - Yall fucking triggered hahaa stay out of my games!!

Pif now- SHIT I MIGHT GET BANNED, edited out of respect!

I don't get why people do that stuff. You have offensive views, you know you're in the wrong....

Either don't be a dick to begin with, or stand up for your shitty views and face the music


Junior Member
I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Because most of the defense he gets comes from angry mobs who will demolish everything that counter their beliefs. Because most of the defense is really uneducated or want to downplay the affected.

I get your point, but I do not share it and is not the place either the time to share that piece.
I mean he did stop himself. It's unfortunate that he's so used to saying that word especially with his young audience, but I think it's just a case of him being a dumb dumb with no filter. I don't think the guy genuinely hates any particular group of people IMO.

I don't really watch him, but does PDP actively try to target children with his videos? If so then definately it would be a bigger issue, but if kids just happen to flock to his channel then I don't think he has any particular obligation to censor himself IMO.

What I don't understand is why a vocal minority is quick to villainize others who aren't aggressively condemning him? If you hate the homie for his actions you are certainly not in the wrong at all, you do you, homie has a history of saying weird shit, I get it, but why you gotta mess with other peeps who don't feel that way?

A dumb dumb? He just can't help himself to saying stuff like that because he's so used to it and has no filter? Dude is a grown ass man spouting racist shit. He doesn't get a free pass. You can't be serious with your apologist ass post right? You can't be that dense as to why people in here are dunking on replies like yours right? C'mon dude.
I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Do you find it concerning that people are defending or are ok with him being a racist?
It doesn't mean anything; he was trying to pivot and change the word he was saying in the middle of saying it. He started with "my ni-".

YouTube can ban him. Corporations can stop giving him millions of dollars. This is not rocket surgery.

I tried to google "nev as a slur" to see if I could find anything, curiously.

Instead I found this:

"Being Accused" makes him seem so fucking victimized.
Hm, okay thanks. I'll have to listen to it, but yeah, whatever, he's probably being a self-righteous dick about the whole thing again


I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

They are telling people not to feel angry because they don't think it deserves that level because they don't feel it themselves

why y'all mad?

Keep that to yourself

L Thammy

Pif then - Yall fucking triggered hahaa stay out of my games!!

Pif now- SHIT I MIGHT GET BANNED, edited out of respect!


...It didn't even occur to me that that's what trigglypuffs was supposed to mean.

Man, I'm suddenly feeling bad for besada having to clean up yet another awful thread, though. Maybe we should just be done with Pif now that he's no longer committed to this complaint and leave him to whatever he gets.
I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

He's using a racist slur as a means of outrage and anger. If you can't understand why that furthers the use of it in a terrible way, you become part of the problem, enabling the use to continue.

Saying that this isn't a big issue is excusing racist behavior. Full stop.


I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Because having a repeated history of saying nigger isn't just a "really disappointing dumb thing".

Because the large majority of these people trying to excuse his actions aren't in a position to determine whether or not what he's doing is actually OK.

Where's that picture about the

*White Person Says Nigger*

White People: We forgive you.

Black People: ???????


I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Because it isn't just 'dumb'. It's racist. Dismissing it as stupidity is a soft defense, even if you don't realise it. It's diminishing the severity of his actions.

Because having a repeated history of saying nigger isn't just a "really disappointing dumb thing".

Because the large majority of these people trying to excuse his actions aren't in a position to determine whether or not what he's doing is actually OK.

Where's that picture about the

*White Person Says Nigger*

White People: We forgive you.

Black People: ???????

This is the tweet:

I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Can you please explain this to me? Because I really cannot understand it at all.

You say in the same breath that he does what he does because he's "dumb" and not because he hates people of a certain race.

Countless people have told him that saying those words is literally showing hate to people of that race or at least people of that race construe it to be hate speech.

So are you saying that he's too dumb to even understand something so direct and simple told to him by literally thousands of people by now?

Or is it most likely that he doesn't give two shits that what he says hurts a certain group a people and by that disdain shows his hatred toward said people?


I'm not the most articulate person :p so let me clarify my question.

I understand why many are upset at PDP. It is very understandable as to why. What is concerning is how the justified anger/hate at PDP is also being thrown at those who don't view his actions to be as severe.

Where does the need to lambast others who don't view PDP's actions as abhorrent (rather than just a really dissappointing dumb thing he said) come from?

Wait, you don't understand why some are critical of other users condoning racism?


Junior Member
...It didn't even occur to me that that's what trigglypuffs was supposed to mean.

Man, I'm suddenly feeling bad for besada having to clean up yet another awful thread, though. Maybe we should just be done with Pif now that he's no longer committed to this complaint and leave him to whatever he gets.


This shit is awful for mods and users, but is necessary, I dont want to be part of the problem that mods have to deal with, love you all, keep it up


Ad-pocalypse, a word I learned about the day this guy said the word in the PUBG game. It seemed like the most worrisome part about the situation for youtube content creators. They don't want an ad-pocalypse 2.0 or 1.5.

That's the bit I don't get. Propping up a guy as toxic as this, who is a beacon of scum for all the little scumlettes to imitate... nothing is going to drive advertisers away faster. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't be able to distance myself fast enough.
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