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Pewdiepie just can't help himself with the N word...the 4th time

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Can we have these threads on the off topic section?

Video games are not a magic escapist realm where you get to ignore real life and the impact video games, and their participants, have on it.

PDP is a gaming icon, for better or worse, and it's specifically him being a racist shitlord while streaming a video game.

So Gaming is where it belongs.


I don't like the word myself, but I tend to explain the situation as a close family member saying something about your mother vs a total stranger saying something about your mother. Jokingly or not, you will give the family member slack because they are close or know her well, vs some outsider that just wants to ruin your day.

I tend to explain the situation as a word that was used during the systematic dehumanization of generations of enslaved people and continued to be used during hundreds of years of institutional and individual hatred and violence towards them. But your thing could work for some people, I guess.


Just start cutting his sponsors.


GTFO of here with this shit. You think this gives people a blank check to be racist towards whites? Cracka is a term meant to be derogatory and offensive towards a certain group of people. Racism. It's the same thing as using the N word.


Pro-tip: if I can tell that you're white just by your ill-informed view on the N-word, you're on the wrong side of the argument.


The last time it was a free for all, black people in this country were being strung up from trees for the enjoyment of white audiences, beat up, kicked out of public spaces, harassed relentlessly by law enforcement and just generally treated like they were less than human.

That's not an option.

Ah that's fair enough. Such a shitty situation and am sorry. Like I said I'm not from the US so cant grasp how bad it is. Forget my comment I was just curious as I saw the post and its something we had discussed. Wish the world was a better place.

Ploid 3.0


I have a feeling as time goes on Pewdiepie will be some kind of superpower in the world. As internet and online influence continue to become so important. These people look so scared to cross Pewdiepie, they do nothing but cross people in their vids, but Pewdiepie? That's power.

I tend to explain the situation as a word that was used during the systematic dehumanization of generations of enslaved people and continued to be used during hundreds of years of institutional and individual hatred and violence towards them. But your thing could work for some people, I guess.

As they say, "there are more ways than one to skin a cat."
I've been on Youtube (consuming) since the early days....there are a lot of things that baffle me, but the one that baffles me the most is the obsession with what this guy says or does. Every time people forget about him he crops up with something controversial that propels him to the top of everyone's radar again.


I mean he did stop himself. It's unfortunate that he's so used to saying that word especially with his young audience, but I think it's just a case of him being a dumb dumb with no filter. I don't think the guy genuinely hates any particular group of people IMO.

I don't really watch him, but does PDP actively try to target children with his videos? If so then definately it would be a bigger issue, but if kids just happen to flock to his channel then I don't think he has any particular obligation to censor himself IMO.

What I don't understand is why a vocal minority is quick to villainize others who aren't aggressively condemning him? If you hate the homie for his actions you are certainly not in the wrong at all, you do you, homie has a history of saying weird shit, I get it, but why you gotta mess with other peeps who don't feel that way?


I have a feeling as time goes on Pewdiepie will be some kind of superpower in the world. As internet and online influence continue to become so important. These people look so scared to cross Pewdiepie, they do nothing but cross people in their vids, but Pewdiepie? That's power.

It's because for "content creators", he's their champion. If he gets struck down, they fear being next.


Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with very upset people on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

Edit: edited for respect.


Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

Well, this can only go one way for you.


Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

Soon to be oblivion +1.

Try to convince me that a youtube gaming icon livestreaming a video game isn't gaming related. I dare you.
Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

This is the most absurd nonsense I have ever read. If all black people collectively stopped saying nigga, you really think racists would stop calling us niggers? Come the fuck on.
We were called nigger long before we used nigga and we'll be called nigger long after we stop.

Do you honestly think folks will stop calling us nigger if we stop say nigga? Are you that naive?

What an overly hostile response for what I was communicating in my post. And even if it was a post of "absurd nonsense you have ever read" I suggest you look deeper in this very thread. You will find someone trying to equate cracker with the N word. Perhaps you could reroute your hostility there.

But as I said I do wonder if it was stopped being used and evoked all the time if it would lose power over time. Not over night and you have your opinion. I freely admitted I didn't expect it to happen and even if it did yes there are ignorant people far into the future that would still use it but I am curious if it would be much less so. I think it would and you're entitled to your opinion. Is that ok?
Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

What about this is not a gaming issue. Please explain that.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean he did stop himself. It's unfortunate that he's so used to saying that word especially with his young audience, but I think it's just a case of him being a dumb dumb with no filter. I don't think the guy genuinely hates any particular group of people IMO.

I don't really watch him, but does PDP actively try to target children with his videos? If so then definately it would be a bigger issue, but if kids just happen to flock to his channel then I don't think he has any particular obligation to censor himself IMO.

What I don't understand is why a vocal minority is quick to villainize others who aren't aggressively condemning him? If you hate the homie for his actions you are certainly not in the wrong at all, you do you, homie has a history of saying weird shit, I get it, but why you gotta mess with other peeps who don't feel that way?

"Just askin' questions" I'm sure.


I have a feeling as time goes on Pewdiepie will be some kind of superpower in the world. As internet and online influence continue to become so important. These people look so scared to cross Pewdiepie, they do nothing but cross people in their vids, but Pewdiepie? That's power.

Oh, don't worry there's a far bigger power out there called "chaos". If you look at what some of PDPs diehard followers are doing right now on the internet, you'll fully understand the saying "power is just the illusion of being in control".


No one who isn't black should say nigger or nigga and whether or not black people should be saying nigga is a discussion that black people and only black people get to be a part of.

As a non-American this concept is really weird to me, but if you guys tell me that this is the correct way then I believe you.

It's after all a really simple rule to follow, "Never use the n-word."


Junior Member
Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

Is gaming related, so what's the complain, you dont have to click on the thread, you dont need to write, you dont need to tell people what to do.

So whats the matter


Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.

While I understand where you are coming from I think it's important to talk to others with respect if you want others to respect what you have to say as well.

I also think many are overreacting, but as many pointed out you can simply not click on the thread. Otherwise you're free to express your distaste with the reactions in the thread politely. That's what I like to think I did anyway. The likelihood of you changing anyone's mind is very low so respect is important in that sense.


Can we have these threads on the off topic section?

These people act like they're going to have a conniption because a thread like this is in gaming.

Makes me think they just avoid OT in general and are scared by seeing a thread like this in gaming they know they'll say something that will get them banned.

Edit: and I see he already said something that will get him banned.

Ploid 3.0

It's because for "content creators", he's their champion. If he gets struck down, they fear being next.

Ad-pocalypse, a word I learned about the day this guy said the word in the PUBG game. It seemed like the most worrisome part about the situation for youtube content creators. They don't want an ad-pocalypse 2.0 or 1.5.


Junior Member
so this is like our generations britney spears meltdown that the older gafers talk about.

I still have to see a post from you that contributes to the conversation at all.

Why is someone counting how many times he says a certain word? Get a life!


until we no long see

it's a gaming issue


Buddy I posted this and I got the post deleted, so maybe lets stick to the subject?
Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.



What about this is not a gaming issue. Please explain that.
We are discussing racism. It is not only bound to videogames. It is a much broader issue, which is best delt with, imo, if we just don't give so much attention to it as long as it is a verbal offense. Yes pdp is a disgrace, if you are wondering what side I'm on.

It's just enough I guess.

Instead I'll get banned for sugesting moving it to the off topic, as someone up there posted.



"Just askin' questions" I'm sure.

There is nothing wrong with asking questions. This is a forum to have discussions on, and part of having discussions involves asking questions. If you do not have an answer then simply ignore my post. No need to be rude because you feel a viewpoint is being jeopardized/attacked.

It's a valid question coming from someone(myself) who has a very different viewpoint on these types of issues, and I would like to come to understand the opposing viewpoint rather than shit on it. I'm not asking anyone to change their opinion on the matter. I am merely seeking to understand the thought process of someone who thinks differently than I. Is that not a commendable pursuit?


What I don't understand is why a vocal minority is quick to villainize others who aren't aggressively condemning him? If you hate the homie for his actions you are certainly not in the wrong at all, you do you, homie has a history of saying weird shit, I get it, but why you gotta mess with other peeps who don't feel that way?

If you're jumping into the thread to in any way, shape, or form minimize the amount of heat that the aforementioned scumbag is receiving, you're tacitly supporting him. Every clown who's 'just asking questions' or 'both sides' stanning pulls the same shit time after time. No one's getting messed with that isn't jumping into here on purpose. And if they're doing the above, they deserve to be chewed out. But nah, let's give the people equating cracker to n*gga/er, the 'Move this to OT' crowd, the 'I'm tired of seeing PDP being talked about, if we don't talk about it he'll just disappear(lol)' concern trolls, and those trying to downplay his repeated shitty behavior as something that can be explained away the freedom to keep posting their horseshit, wouldn't want to mess with them for backing a bigot explicitly or otherwise.

Because let's be frank; the same people doing this shit are the same people who spent their teenage years (and maybe even beyond) shouting racial slurs into their mics and want to have the back of somebody they can relate to(a racist manchild), or don't want to have to look in a mirror because it makes them uncomfortable.


Because it is the gaming discussion here.

Necro bumping old threads, even if funny, is bad and brings out outraged people "thanks for the useless bump", "get lost". Never got the outrage about it. Who cares.

But these countless threads about a non gaming issue with trigglypuffs on both sides and a ban count beyond oblivion is sitting right at the front page of gaf.



We are discussing racism. It is not only bound to videogames. It is a much broader issue, which is best delt with, imo, if we just don't give so much attention to it as long as it is a verbal offense..

I can't read this any other way than "It's not a big deal if white people say nigger".

Also the suggestion to move to OffTopic is the least offensive thing about your post. Complaining about "trigglypuffs" is the more likely thing that'll do you in.


As a non-American this concept is really weird to me, but if you guys tell me that this is the correct way then I believe you.

It's after all a really simple rule to follow, "Never use the n-word."

It's kinda like "never drop kick someone on a wheelchair"
I mean some people never come in contact with people are wheelchair bound but it's not a complicated concept to just not do that.
Is asking for a shred of decency too much?


What an overly hostile response for what I was communicating in my post. And even if it was a post of "absurd nonsense you have ever read" I suggest you look deeper in this very thread. You will find someone trying to equate cracker with the N word. Perhaps you could reroute your hostility there.

But as I said I do wonder if it was stopped being used and evoked all the time if it would lose power over time. Not over night and you have your opinion. I freely admitted I didn't expect it to happen and even if it did yes there are ignorant people far into the future that would still use it but I am curious if it would be much less so. I think it would and you're entitled to your opinion. Is that ok?

Why would a racist stop using the word? What incentive would there be? Like, I've never heard a single solid explanation why a racist would stop wielding the word like a cudgel. Because that's what it is for them, a weapon. That's why it's absurd and naïve opinion to hold.


We are discussing racism. It is not only bound to videogames. It is a much broader issue, which is best delt with, imo, if we just don't give so much attention to it as long as it is a verbal offense. Yes pdp is a disgrace, if you are wondering what side I'm on.

It's just enough I guess.

Instead I'll get banned for sugesting moving it to the off topic, as someone up there posted.


Welp indeed.

If you're jumping into the thread to in any way, shape, or form minimize the amount of heat that the aforementioned scumbag is receiving, you're tacitly supporting him. Every clown who's 'just asking questions' or 'both sides' stanning pulls the same shit time after time. No one's getting messed with that isn't jumping into here on purpose. And if they're doing the above, they deserve to be chewed out. But nah, let's give the people equating cracker to n*gga/er, the 'Move this to OT' crowd, the 'I'm tired of seeing PDP being talked about, if we don't talk about it he'll just disappear(lol)' concern trolls, and those trying to downplay his repeated shitty behavior as something that can be explained away the freedom to keep posting their horseshit, wouldn't want to mess with them for backing a bigot explicitly or otherwise.

Because let's be frank; the same people doing this shit are the same people who spent their teenage years (and maybe even beyond) shouting racial slurs into their mics and want to have the back of somebody they can relate to(a racist manchild), or don't want to have to look in a mirror because it makes them uncomfortable.



No one who isn't black should say nigger or nigga and whether or not black people should be saying nigga is a discussion that black people and only black people get to be a part of.

I disagree. Black people should be on board with completely wiping it from existence. It will take years (decades...), but it should be a goal. Along with other racist/religious insults.


We are discussing racism. It is not only bound to videogames. It is a much broader issue, which is best delt with, imo, if we just don't give so much attention to it as long as it is a verbal offense. Yes pdp is a disgrace, if you are wondering what side I'm on.

It's just enough I guess.

Instead I'll get banned for sugesting moving it to the off topic, as someone up there posted.


Racism(the thing we are discussing) is best dealt with (in your opinion) by ignoring it and moving it to OT. And as long as it's only verbal racism, well, you know, it's just something we can overlook. Gotcha. Because that's solved so many problems involving race in the past. Yep.


This what happens when you treat "nigger" or the Holocaust or rape like memes. You stay fucking up.

We are discussing racism. It is not only bound to videogames. It is a much broader issue, which is best delt with, imo, if we just don't give so much attention to it as long as it is a verbal offense. Yes pdp is a disgrace, if you are wondering what side I'm on.

It's just enough I guess.

Instead I'll get banned for sugesting moving it to the off topic, as someone up there posted.

or you could ask a mod about it in a pm
or you could see how the specific topic relates to gaming

or you could... ignore it
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