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Crysis 2 |OT| This is what happens Larry...


Tryckser said:
Cheaper, not harder. CoD has no AI whatsoever.... its more like a game of memory
This so much. CoD on veteran wasn't really a shooter anymore, more like a puzzle game. A crappy one.

"Go there, don't go there"

Crysis 2 with the HUD off is an awesome, immersive shooter hide-and-go-seek.


DennisK4 said:
This so much. CoD on veteran wasn't really a shooter anymore, more like a puzzle game. A crappy one.
We agree on that! CoD is a practice in memorization. It is little more than a trial and error shooting gallery.
Dilly said:
It's not totally scripted like in CoD or something.

No one was arguing this.

The AI is there; it's just a normal AI. Nothing amazing, functional, and more than once outright stupid.

And technically flawed and prone to bugs.

It's not scripted, but it never tries and surprise the player.

Aliens are better, thanks to their athletic abilities, which make them unpredictable. But they're stupid too, more often than not. Most of the time they just run at you, or just run around in circles.

They don't really cooperate, it's like every one of them is the only alien enemy in the game. But maybe it's a choice.
Tryckser said:
Cheaper, not harder. CoD has no AI whatsoever.... its more like a game of memory

CoD is bullshit we know, but that doesn't mean it's not hard. You will die, a lot. You will die because there are a zillion enemies spawning from monster closets and you die in a few bullets, but so what? Difficult is difficult. We weren't saying it was "better" and in fact quite the opposite.

Aliens are better, thanks to their athletic abilities, which make them unpredictable. But they're stupid too, more often than not. Most of the time they just run at you, or just run around in circles.

Yes, there were several times when I noticed alien soldiers running in circles, confused by my cloak. The funniest was when they would jump down off something, run around, jump up the other side....


metareferential said:
No one was arguing this.

The AI is there; it's just a normal AI. Nothing amazing, functional, and more than once outright stupid.

And technically flawed and prone to bugs.

It's not scripted, but it never tries and surprise the player.

Aliens are better, thanks to their athletic abilities, which make them unpredictable. But they're stupid too, more often than not. Most of the time they just run at you, or just run around in circles.

Wasn't denying they were dumb, I was saying that it could be possible to have different experiences with them.
Tryckser said:
I think we have different definitions of difficulty then.

1. Needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand.
2. Characterized by or causing hardships or problems.

Call of Duty on Veteran is difficult.


Unlimited Capacity
Tryckser said:
I think we have different definitions of difficulty then.

I died more times in 1 level of Modern Warfare 2 then all of Crysis 2 on Post Human. I actually only died when I was trying to style in C2.

Cheap, trial and error, hard, whatever you want to call it, Call of Duty is more of it.


I have a weird bug. Everytime I open the weapon modification menu on the SCAR and try to change the scope, the game freezes. Works perfectly on any other weapon, so it must be related to the gun itself.
Ysiadmihi said:
Any Crysis game would be much more difficult if cloak wasn't such an easy solution to every situation.

I liked in C1 how the Koreans would spray the area you were just in for a few seconds. Made it tense sometimes. I didn't notice that in C2. I also noticed some crap trigger points, like when I dropped down stealthily into the sewers with nobody noticing me even approaching, and then I hear "PROPHET IS IN THE SEWERS!" and later "HE'S IN THE COMMAND POST!" even though nobody was close by. The AI didn't even react, the game played that audio file but the guards didn't even respond to it. It's stuff like this that really lets you see the puppet master and brings out out of the experience.
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Yes, there were several times when I noticed alien soldiers running in circles, confused by my cloak. The funniest was when they would jump down off something, run around, jump up the other side....

Yeah, they to this all time xD

Dilly said:
I was saying that it could be possible to have different experiences with them.


Which is what makes the game so good in the end.
Just beat the campaign on veteran overall I was disappointed:
  • Poor AI - way to easy to exploit
  • Lack of enemy variety -
    really strange that the stealthed enemies only pop up for one engagement
  • Limited vehicle implementation - would have helped vary the combat
  • Poop story

Really have to make your own fun with this game as the enemy are so easy to exploit that you have to actively force yourself not to take the easy way out and engage them fairly. The game gives you plenty of ammo for whatever gun you're carrying and they're all plenty viable against the limited enemy palette so you need to force yourself to try different guns not because the game rewards it but because engagements become boring if you do the tried and true.

Beautiful fucking game though the lighting and environment designs make it easily the most impressive game visually. Can't wait for the editor to come out along with mods.

Anyways, is the config in the OP the most up to date or have people been tweaking and finding better ones?
Lake Minnetonka said:
[*]Lack of enemy variety -
really strange that the stealthed enemies only pop up for one engagement

Especially considering how useless the lack of stealthed enemies makes the proximity alarm and cloak tracker, the latter of which is the most expensive upgrade in the game.


eXistor said:
So far this game is not delivering for me. I loved Crysis 1 and Warhead though. Graphically I think it's goddamn amazing, even if a lot of textures do koind of suck. It's just the environments are boring as hell. Every part (so far anyway. I don't really have the drive to play a lot) is the same crap over and over again. I'm playing on normal, so that might be it, but the game is way too easy so far. AI really isn't that great, but I don't mind too much, shooting dudes feels very nice. Might actaully be some of the nicest gunplay I've seen so far in a game. It's just that the game to me is not interesting to play...so why play at all?

Then don't? If you like the gunplay but don't seem to enjoy the game, then you're right why play at all?


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Tryckser said:
For me:
Difficulty = fun
Cheap = no fun

CoD on Veteran = cheap -> no fun
Um I haven't played much if the crysis campaign but why is COD cheap and crysis not? In fact what games dint have cheap enemies on hard?

This whole backlash against COD does my head in and is completely inconsistent and unjustified in most cases. It's just a bandwagon people jump on and the myth self perpetuates.

Yes it's heavily scripted and has many corridors, but that is at least more realistic than an enemy standing still until I prompt him to react in some way. He's just cannon fodder waiting to die, versus COD where he's an 'actor' playing his part in a scripted battle.

In crysis the bad guys can seemingly spot you from miles away as soon as you pop your head out. If they dont see you they just stand there doing nothing.

In Halo the bad guys magically know when your cross hairs are on them and start ducking and diving in a ridiculous fashion. They can also hit you from miles away and see you the instant you pop your head out as well.

I suppose gears of war had decent enemies, I never felt like they were overly cheap, scripted or stupid.

COD was only super hard when you were swamped with inadequate cover. Which is probably quite realistic.

But you guys make it sound like the norm is to have good AI and games like COD are the best examples of getting it wrong. What games are you referring to when you talk about this awesome AI that isn't cheap or awesome gunplay that isn't overly scripted?


Licorice-flavoured booze?
So that metal clanking noise is the proximity alarm?

You know it's a shame about bugs in this game otherwise I think this really could've been a contender for GOTY but as it stands I don't beleive it deserves it, I've observed looping audio effects, broken AI, wrong ammo counts, unable to select a weapons, nanocatalysts that reset.

Is there any word on a console patch to address any of these problems?
kaizoku said:
Um I haven't played much if the crysis campaign but why is COD cheap and crysis not? In fact what games dint have cheap enemies on hard?

This whole backlash against COD does my head in and is completely inconsistent and unjustified in most cases. It's just a bandwagon people jump on and the myth self perpetuates.

Yes it's heavily scripted and has many corridors, but that is at least more realistic than an enemy standing still until I prompt him to react in some way. He's just cannon fodder waiting to die, versus COD where he's an 'actor' playing his part in a scripted battle.

In crysis the bad guys can seemingly spot you from miles away as soon as you pop your head out. If they dont see you they just stand there doing nothing.

In Halo the bad guys magically know when your cross hairs are on them and start ducking and diving in a ridiculous fashion. They can also hit you from miles away and see you the instant you pop your head out as well.

I suppose gears of war had decent enemies, I never felt like they were overly cheap, scripted or stupid.

COD was only super hard when you were swamped with inadequate cover. Which is probably quite realistic.

But you guys make it sound like the norm is to have good AI and games like COD are the best examples of getting it wrong. What games are you referring to when you talk about this awesome AI that isn't cheap or awesome gunplay that isn't overly scripted?

I'm more deluded than I make myself out to be
(Today, 10:12 PM)


kaizoku said:
Um I haven't played much if the crysis campaign but why is COD cheap and crysis not? In fact what games dint have cheap enemies on hard?
I've only finished CoD, CoD2, and CoD4, but in each of them, the hardest difficulty does nothing except push for a mad dash toward the next checkpoint to stop the constant hordes of respawning opponents, all of which are little more than targets at a duck shoot.
Edit: I agree with Dennis about Post-human being a better experience. The AI isn't really any better, but the fact they kill you so quickly forces you to play more like a predator which for me personally was more rewarding. Overall the AI could stand to be improved in several areas though.

Crunched said:
I've only finished CoD, CoD2, and CoD4, but in each of them, the hardest difficulty does nothing except push for a mad dash toward the next checkpoint to stop the constant hordes of respawning opponents, all of which are little more than targets at a duck shoot.

And the enemies seem to have an unlimited supply of grenades. All the time.
AI pros & cons:

+ they flank you
+ they move from cover to cover (mainly the aliens)
+ they will start running away if they're going to die and try to take cover while you're chasing them (aliens, 1 on 1 battles mostly)
+ will make use of the vertical aspects of the environment (aliens again)
+ if you alert them and then you wait till it goes back to white, they will eventually start moving around and look for you around the environment
+ blind fire is cool

- soldier AI is the weakest
- tends to be too lenient with the threat level resetting to white a bit too easily
- bit too lenient after one of their guys dies and they examine the body, the threat level should never go back to white in this case
- occasionally run into walls
- aliens run in circles once in a while
- soldiers commit seppuku with grenades

Honestly, if they just fix the last three points of this cons list I'll be happy with it. They don't sound like bugs that would be super difficult to patch, but what do I know.


Lake Minnetonka said:
[*]Lack of enemy variety -
really strange that the stealthed enemies only pop up for one engagement


I have a feeling that there were more of those

When you go in that churchbasement, there is a scripted encounter with a cloaked alien but when you end that level, the next level just starts back on the streets. I have a feeling it got cut or something
Heavy said:
AI pros & cons:

+ they flank you
+ they move from cover to cover (mainly the aliens)
+ they will start running away if they're going to die and try to take cover while you're chasing them (aliens, 1 on 1 battles mostly)
+ will make use of the vertical aspects of the environment (aliens again)
+ if you alert them and then you wait till it goes back to white, they will eventually start moving around and look for you around the environment
+ blind fire is cool
Yeah. When the AI works, it's great. But for me, that wasn't very often. (At least in regard to the Ceph, as the human enemy AI is terrible all the time.) This game really shines when it becomes Hunter vs. Hunters. Situations like the nighttime Pinger fight (Infinite respawns in this situation are forgivable since your pursuers ratchet the tension up.) and the Ceph encounters in Semper Fi or Die while you're going solo are outstanding. I wish the game was loaded with situations like that, as they don't allow for a grounded place to hide. It kind of reminds me of the idea that MGS4 was supposed to be based on: "NO PLACE TO HIDE!"


Heavy said:
AI pros & cons:

+ they flank you
+ they move from cover to cover (mainly the aliens)
+ they will start running away if they're going to die and try to take cover while you're chasing them (aliens, 1 on 1 battles mostly)
+ will make use of the vertical aspects of the environment (aliens again)
+ if you alert them and then you wait till it goes back to white, they will eventually start moving around and look for you around the environment
+ blind fire is cool

- soldier AI is the weakest
- tends to be too lenient with the threat level resetting to white a bit too easily
- bit too lenient after one of their guys dies and they examine the body, the threat level should never go back to white in this case
- occasionally run into walls
- aliens run in circles once in a while
- soldiers commit seppuku with grenades

Honestly, if they just fix the last three points of this cons list I'll be happy with it. They don't sound like bugs that would be super difficult to patch, but what do I know.

Also a lot of times the AI will just stand there while you blast them in the face from 5 feet away. I killed plenty of enemies in the campaign at very close range without them so much as turning to face me, let alone shooting at me. It's like shooting someone in multiplayer who went to get a snack, I almost feel bad.


Gold Member
WTF even on the second play-through you can't skip the bullshit story and tutorials
I just want to try my upgraded suit you fuckers.
I'm sure you were able to skip the cutscenes in Crysis 1 (and Warhead).

The whole game feels like it was done by another studio...

Man the best thing about this game is the Hans Zimmer soundtrack... :/
When is the nano catalyst fix coming? I don't want to play the game (again) any further, knowing that the counter will remain at 0 for the latter part of the game.


I'm currently on my 2nd playthrough on super soldier difficulty. It really shows how broken cloak is. Most of the enemy encounters can be avoided just by running past them. When I have to resort to weapons I finally realized what the armor is for. Without it enemies kill me in no time whereas on Veteran difficulty there isn't a single time I had to use it.

Btw. How's the final boss on super soldier vs. veteran?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hargreave instantly makes C2 worse than anything. Except another game that game out last year that has the same fricking
plot point I won't spoil. But I lol'd at that.

Has Shawn Elliot posted his review yet?


eXistor said:
So far this game is not delivering for me. I loved Crysis 1 and Warhead though. Graphically I think it's goddamn amazing, even if a lot of textures do koind of suck. It's just the environments are boring as hell. Every part (so far anyway. I don't really have the drive to play a lot) is the same crap over and over again. I'm playing on normal, so that might be it, but the game is way too easy so far. AI really isn't that great, but I don't mind too much, shooting dudes feels very nice. Might actaully be some of the nicest gunplay I've seen so far in a game. It's just that the game to me is not interesting to play...so why play at all?

Uh, you spent money on it? Unless you Gameflyed it.
Y2Kev said:
Hargreave instantly makes C2 worse than anything. Except another game that game out last year that has the same fricking
plot point I won't spoil. But I lol'd at that.

Has Shawn Elliot posted his review yet?

Not fair man. It's going to annoy the hell out of me until I remember what the other game is. What if I didn't even play it?! It'll annoy me forever.

Also I need to look up that Shawn Elliot review. It's not the first time I've seen that mentioned and I want to know what's special about it.

Edit: Read the review. It's very well written and describes the game precisely without being a checklist. If reviews were consistently as good I'd likely still read them today.
universalmind said:
The thing is the enemy in CoD knows what grenades are.

Yeah they do. Veteran is basically like playing "dodge the grenade" as 40 of them fly at you every time you crouch behind something, then when you have to move you're gunned down instantly.

I'll agree the CODs are hard as hell, whether it's cheap or not. They took the infinte spawning out of MW2 though, and that game was a breeze on veteran in comparison to all the others.


Is there a way to bind one action to more than one key on the PC?
I have my crouch key set to CTRL but that kind of sucks for sliding.


Just played it a bit on my new IPS monitor and wow it looks incredible and the gameplay seems fun as well.

What does the .cfg file do in the start post, I recall that you guys were trying to get rid of the excessive blur and other stuff are those the best settings around or have upgrades been made already?

Also the theme song is awesome, I usually dig the 'cinematic' games and Crysis 2 certainly doesn't dissapoint in presentation.


So I've put about ten hours into the multiplayer on PS3 so far.

I don't think I've ever played a match where everyone has a green connection bar. So far it's mostly been a pretty laggy mess. I can't be the only one to feel this way. A lot of the time, the kill cam doesn't even make sense. It's hard to tell whether the framerate drops or lag is causing it to be so slow.

I wish it ran like it does in the videos showing the suit module upgrades. Haha.


I'd be in the dick
Crunched said:
Is this seriously what I have to expect later on? Jeez this thread way oversells the game :/
Don't let that video fool you, that encounter is one of the best I've ever played in a game. There are tons of options, lots of space, and it looks gorgeous.
RoboPlato said:
Don't let that video fool you, that encounter is one of the best I've ever played in a game. There are tons of options, lots of space, and it looks gorgeous.
... and lots of stupid, infinitely respawning enemies.

But yeah, it's a pretty good game.
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