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MindJack is now out in two regions - who's played it?


RoboPlato said:
You can't pause the game? That's amazingly bad. That's been a standard feature since the NES.

you can't pause online games,afaik this works like demon's souls where other players can invade your campaign
archnemesis said:

How come nobody on the cover is aiming at anyone else on the cover?

They're just shooting randomly apparently.


Kagari said:
MS moneyhatted it too apparently.
Really? That's got to be one of the more bizarre business decisions I've ever heard of. The game is not going to sell in any region. Something to pad out the 2011 exclusives reel?


Someone shoot off an email to SE PR.

Thinking about it, Gun Loco is probably the better game, they're both TPS but MGS bankrolled for one and not the other? Should be some comfort for anyone interested in it.


Played it for a few hours. Nothing really noteworthy, it screams rental. It's trying to be the sci-fi version of Demon's Souls but just lacks that polish that leaves it behind. Like DS people can enter your game to help or hinder you however the areas are very small and mostly consist of corridors and slightly larger open spaces that you can traverse in less than a minute from what I've played so far. Storywise, just typical square nonsense. Gameplay has nothing wrong with it and the mindjacking (you can exit your body in a fight and enter someone else's) does seem like a cool concept on paper, but it just doesn't draw you in like Demon's Souls.


Crystal Bearer
StuBurns said:
Someone shoot off an email to SE PR.

Thinking about it, Gun Loco is probably the better game, they're both TPS but MGS bankrolled for one and not the other? Should be some comfort for anyone interested in it.

I'll see about poking someone about it.


I just saw this today at my Gamestop. It was like almost hidden in the corner of PS3 games...

Dude!!! $60!!!! Who would buy this for $60!?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Kagari said:
MS moneyhatted it too apparently.

You know, I wouldn't approach Square Enix to make an FPS/Shooter game.

That's like approaching id Software to develop a JRPG.
Isn't Gun Loco based on a line of vinyl figurines or something? I guess that would make sense (in the loosest definition of the word) as a reason why MGS might be willing to moneyhat exclusivity for it. I guess there must be a sizable market for third-person shooters based on niche toys no one outside of Japan has ever heard of?

ULTROS! said:
That's like approaching id Software to develop a JRPG.
Spoken like a man who has never played Doom RPG. :|


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I AM JOHN! said:
Spoken like a man who has never played Doom RPG. :|



I played this a bit further for reviewing purposes, and it's so bad my whole body hurts.

Seriously, I was about to bite through my controller and poke myself in the eye.

The first few hours, it's ok. Well, like 'this game barely functions but it is still playable on the very minimum level of things'-ok. I already noticed that they managed to hire the worst voice actor I have ever heard, and I'm seriously not exaggerating. Furthermore, everything is basically bad of the game. I'm taking notes while playing and I already have a laundry list of bad things of this game.

Then, I entered a certain part that convinced me that this game was not just bad, but atrocious. First, my AI partner did NOT walk with me to a certain stage, the door closed, I died and could not 'mindjack' further. I had no option to quit the game and restart due to this bug. After I finally passed that, I came at another horrible section. Basic controls just DO NOT WORK. When you're close to cover and press X, sometimes he just dives instead of going to cover. When an enemy is near and you press O, sometimes he doesn't do anything. It is so incredibly frustrating. I kept dying in this one section where apparently, the enemy is just randomly throwing grenades from anywhere and there's not anything I can do. When I revive, I die immediately by some sort of grenade rain. The game was really easy up to this part but this just does not make any sense. It's all the worse because the controls are so horrible. And oh, when you restart you have to play through like 3 sections of 10 minutes again to come to the part that's difficult: horrible checkpoints.

Seriously, I have no idea if I really want to continue with this piece of garbage. I think some people at SE must be fired because of greenlighting this. It's just beyond bad.

EVEN THOUGH it has some good ideas, like the entering of other people. Bad thing is that the option to let people enter or not is sometimes suddenly switched, even though I always put it off. And then you can't change it ingame...
Here's Classic Game Room's review of it


It should be noted that he rarely dislikes games. With that said, I kind of want to rent this after watching that review. It's reminding me of some cheesy games like IllBleed and Blue Stinger. They had a weird charm to them even though they aren't good games.


With this week's PAL sales thread, the obvious is confirmed: this game failed to chart, at least in the UK top 40, combined or platform specific. Another of SE's forays into western oriented game design goes down in flames, as well as another attempt to, in their words, establish new IP. Likely one of the biggest bombs on a HD platform next to Majin, what repercussions does this have for SE's diversification strategy? As well as that, what impact will this have on feelplus and AQ, who don't have strong revenue streams to cover the total failure of what must, for them, have been an expensive game to develop.

In the last investor briefing SE listed Nier, Mindjack and Gun Loco as their attempts at creating new franchises. Pending the performance of the latter (which will be better than this I imagine) it is looking like Nier will be the strongest performer (another SE-AQ product). Given that game was hardly a breakout success, this speaks to SE total reliance on relatively ancient IP to prop up the company's fortunes. Not exactly a circumstance conducive to long term success. Is Eidos their hope for continued relevance?

Perhaps I've strayed a little too far from the topic, but nobody cares about the actual game beyond that it is terrible. Its failure I believe however may have an impact in more relevant areas.
I think it's a real shame for all involved. It's a great concept, just the team didn't really have something either cohesive or dynamic built around a solid notion.

It's not only a Japanese dev failing to really hit one out of the park with something strong as ammunition...I cried bitter tears when Double Helix's Front Mission Evolved turned out to miss even the mature geopolitical storytelling of the strategy titles.

Ah well.
All I could think while watching the Giantbomb quicklook was how amazing the game that takes Mindjack and does is better is going to be

This game will have a "killswitch - gears of war" relationship with some game in the future

That part in the quicklook where Ryan couldn't get down the hallway because two NPC were standing next to eachother... in 2011 really? He had to run away so one of the NPCs would follow him and give him enough room to pass


I played this over the weekend. The shooting was tremendously boring and I cannot emphasize enough how bad the graphics look in motion. Some truly horrific aliasing and I'm fairly certain that every single frame displayed over my 10 hours of playtime was torn. Having said that, the sci-fi setting was pretty cool, if you're into that sort of thing (which I am), and there was something almost endearing about the utterly abysmal voice acting. As others have said, it's a real pity that the game was so unpolished, especially since the SP/MP hybrid thing they've got going on was actually pretty interesting. Definitely worth a rent in any case.
Budr said:
I played this over the weekend. The shooting was tremendously boring and I cannot emphasize enough how bad the graphics look in motion. Some truly horrific aliasing and I'm fairly certain that every single frame displayed over my 10 hours of playtime was torn. Having said that, the sci-fi setting was pretty cool, if you're into that sort of thing (which I am), and there was something almost endearing about the utterly abysmal voice acting. As others have said, it's a real pity that the game was so unpolished, especially since the SP/MP hybrid thing they've got going on was actually pretty interesting. Definitely worth a rent in any case.

screen tearing on 360 or ps3?


listen to the mad man
This game sucks.

It's hard to highlight how much the game sucks. It's ugly. There's motion blur up the wazoo to cover how ugly it is. The script and voice acting are terrible. Almost everything they say are quips, but most of them are wooden and robotic and like an amateur translation from Japan to the US.

The story doesn't really make any sense--the core villain is an evil corporation. Half-way through the game you find out they've developed an EVIL TECHNOLOGY called Mindhack, and you want to stop them before they can use it. Okay, makes sense. Except that's basically what you've been doing for the last few hours. It's the main mechanic of the game!

It's monotonous. There's literally nothing to do except shoot enemies (no puzzles, no collectibles). There are about a half-dozen enemy types including bosses. The encounter design, which is all the game has, is poor. Many encounters involve spawning waves of enemies. If you clear an encounter unusually quickly, you'll be waiting 30+ seconds for another enemy to spawn just so you can kill him so you can move on. Invisible walls everywhere. Once I thought that there was an encounter that I could finish without killing all the enemies, but it turns out that when the voice acting said "You can't hope the destroy the robot, use the back entrance" it meant "Keep shooting the robot until it is destroyed, use the front entrance". Enemies are bullet sponges; headshots with the pistol kills most enemy types about ten times as fast as using any other weapon. You have regenerating health and take far fewer shots than the enemies. One highly armored enemy type takes literally hundreds of shots but has a weak point on his back. This is very annoying.

There are ten weapon types (burst fire rifle, assault rifle, pistol, pistol 2, shotgun, grenade, smoke grenade, rocket launcher, totally useless sniper rifle, and in one encounter 2/3rds of the way through the game, super rocket launcher). Grenades are useless, they rarely kill and often the enemies don't even flinch. Melee is possible but useless and more likely to get you killed (the enemies are excellent at using it, though). You can take meat shields but I didn't even once.

The AI is terrible. Enemies are completely prescient and just relentlessly fire at you. Your partner AI is even worse. The game's main mechanic involves either enslaving near-death enemies to fight on your side or to jump into the body of civilians littered around the battlefield (the civilians, who are apparently armed with assault rifles, just sit around the battlefield cowering. They don't run. They don't move. They don't do anything except wait for you to jump into them). This is all well and good, but if you're in a civilian's body, your AI partners generally forget to heal each other, resulting in a scenario where you just end up dead.

The game is 12 chapters. Each chapter is 2 stages. Each stage is maybe 3-5 enemy encounters in a row, broken up by short cutscenes. If you die in an encounter, you start at the beginning of the stage. Every stage, your weapons/ammo are reset, so there is absolutely no ammo conservation strategy in any way and you never appreciate building up a better arsenal. Enemies leave ammo/weapon pickups behind when you kill them, but normally each encounter has ammo/weapons lying at its battleground, so there's no reason to scavenge from enemies.

You level up. Leveling up unlocks "Arts". You have two slots. Arts include +10% HP and other very minor perks. You can't edit your Arts while playing the game, so basically you end up having to quit to the main menu every level or two to see what you've unlocked and actually use it. Leveling up also unlocks "Rules". The game plays off Rules like they're a big deal. The rules are: Easy Mode, Hard Mode, Super Hard Mode (difficulty just impacts your health regeneration time as best as I can tell), automatically switch teams with other players, automatically rebalance team sizes. I think that's it, I might be forgetting one.

Okay, so, it's pretty clear that I didn't like this game. I will say a few good things about it. The dominant colour of the game is blue, which is super unusual and I don't think I've ever seen another game with the same colour tone. There's one boss encounter 2/3rds of the way through the game that is genuinely neat. I kept playing until the end, so obviously the pacing was good enough to get me into it.

Finally, the game, like Demon's Souls, allows other people to enter your game and play as the bad guys. This system works well and is genuinely interesting. While the population isn't huge, I'd say about a third of my game was invaded by others. It also allows people to enter your game and play on your team. This also worked well. I haven't tried entering anyone else's game yet. I highly recommend playing with this option on. If someone joins your team, it'll help minimize the bad partner AI. If someone joins the enemy team, it'll make the encounter design more interesting.

The game lasted me 5 hours 52 minutes. Not sure if that includes death -> replay cycles. If it didn't tack on another hour? I was level 35 when I finished. The highest level I saw playing online was 58, the last Art is unlocked at 44 or 46, and the last achievement is for 50. 250/1000 Xbox achievement points, because most of the points are for replaying certain stages or entering other peoples games. Paid $13 shipped. Do not recommend.


I can't bring myself to write such a long post about this game. It doesn't deserve it.

I beat it a while ago and posted some really brief impressions in the cheap-ass gaffer thread when it was on sale.


I finished it a few days ago and was actually going to write a LTTP but fuck it I'll just vent here:

Don't touch it even if somebody offers it to you for free. It'll drive you up the wall with its shitty design even if you're used to playing cheaper games. Imagine running through the same 20-minute sequence over and over again because there aren't any checkpoints during it, enemies shoot you right through the cover and the frame rate bogs down to single digits. It was the first console game to make me so angry I actually broke something. I grabbed the Mindjack case and smashed it into the ground. I did finish it though. Trophies and all that.


Needless to say, one of the worst games this console generation has had to offer. And I frequently buy C-list crap and bomba games.


Hah, echos what other people have said about it. I grabbed it for £5 earlier in the year before I heard peoples complaints, will probably play it eventually for laughs. I'm not really angry at the loss of that £5 anyway.
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