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On to my 4th X360

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Wow, guess what broke today?
My 3rd 360... so tomorrow I'll be visiting Best Buy and exchanging it, again!

Then I'll be able to join the club of people who are on their 4th X360! :D
(1st one checkerboarded, 2nd one DRE'd too many times, 3rd one same thing/drive motor)


dskillzhtown said:
This guy puts his 360 on top of his subwoofer and is amazed that they keep breaking? :lol

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

He stated TWICE that it's not a subwoofer. He's got it on top of a wine cooler, and his subwoofer is built into his TV. Damn, I read that hours and hours ago and I can still remember it.


same happened to my cousin.

i bought him a core system (launch - waited in line to get one for him)... and it broke down like a week after.

he sent them back one after the other but each time he sent them back he got something from microsoft since it kept breaking down.

kameo and 2 extra wireless controllers.

hes on his forth one... and hopefully this system will last for more than a couple of months.


wtfh do you people do to your consoles.

I heard so much static about the ps2 being a pos on launch, ppl going through 2 ps2s in one month, etc.

I bought a launch unit and it was played a few hours every day in my apt in college for a year and it was working fine when I sold it a year later. Bought another one in 2003 and have been doing the swapdisc-yank-tray-out-by-hand-and-jam-little-slide-tool-under-the-tray for over 3 years now, works like a charm.

Bought an xbox, no problems

Bought my 360 in april, it gets a fair bit of use, and its never so much as once locked up on me or anything.

Ranger X

Enron said:
wtfh do you people do to your consoles.

I heard so much static about the ps2 being a pos on launch, ppl going through 2 ps2s in one month, etc.

I bought a launch unit and it was played a few hours every day in my apt in college for a year and it was working fine when I sold it a year later. Bought another one in 2003 and have been doing the swapdisc-yank-tray-out-by-hand-and-jam-little-slide-tool-under-the-tray for over 3 years now, works like a charm.

Bought an xbox, no problems

Bought my 360 in april, it gets a fair bit of use, and its never so much as once locked up on me or anything.

Wow, you realise that what happens in your life isn't what's happening in general maybe?


Ranger X said:
Wow, you realise that what happens in your life isn't what's happening in general maybe?

i bought 2 xbox 360s, after the first one broke in 2 weeks, i bought another new one and it broke too.

i had day 1 PS2 and it never broke down on me till i sold it like 2 years later. [ now using slim ps2 and its amazing ]

DC after 2 months of its release and its working till today .

PS1 working fine as well [ the old orginal design too ]

i care alot about my systems, specialy the xbox 360, hell i used to cover it with my shirt when i am not playing the console so no dust can go inside. and take extra care for it. i bought the nyko fan so it never heats. and yet. it broke down.

i swore i am not buying xbox 3sh!^^y again till they make a new model

Ranger X

llTll said:
i bought 2 xbox 360s, after the first one broke in 2 weeks, i bought another new one and it broke too.

i had day 1 PS2 and it never broke down on me till i sold it like 2 years later. [ now using slim ps2 and its amazing ]

DC after 2 months of its release and its working till today .

PS1 working fine as well [ the old orginal design too ]

i care alot about my systems, specialy the xbox 360, hell i used to cover it with my shirt when i am not playing the console so no dust can go inside. and take extra care for it. i bought the nyko fan so it never heats. and yet. it broke down.

i swore i am not buying xbox 3sh!^^y again till they make a new model

Seriously, the best thing is to wait a year or two before buying that X new console. You get maybe a price drop, the hardware problems will probably be solved and you'll have a real choice of games for the maximum bang for your buck.
The 360 seems to have a higher defect rate than usual so i guess it's even safer to wait for this one. I'm also a member of the "PS3-2008" organisation. You're welcome if you ever want to sign up.


llTll said:
PS1 working fine as well [ the old orginal design too ]
:lol mine is working fine too. i've got the old model and i have it since 98:D

but the new pstwo seems very robust and also: it's the greatest looking console of all time and it looks unbelievably cuto too.

i'm gonna hug it.


I got mine at launch and have only seen 3 problems.

Oblivion: Froze once during load screen
Full Auto: Froze at the same level every time.
Graw:All textures turned black. happened 2x.

I didn't get the extended warranty, so I feel on razors edge here. I wonder if MS will still let me pruchase one.

Anyways, has anoyone confirmed the thermal paste, or lack thereof, to be the problem?


Ranger X said:
Seriously, the best thing is to wait a year or two before buying that X new console. You get maybe a price drop, the hardware problems will probably be solved and you'll have a real choice of games for the maximum bang for your buck.
The 360 seems to have a higher defect rate than usual so i guess it's even safer to wait for this one. I'm also a member of the "PS3-2008" organisation. You're welcome if you ever want to sign up.

specialy the xbox 360. i mean its not the most wanted system to make us risk it and buy it. if that was PS3, then maybe we would be diffrent tune. but xbox 360? c`mon. i am waiting.

hell even if the PS3 problems are that big like xbox 360 problems, then i might pass for couple of months too


Mojovonio said:
I got mine at launch and have only seen 3 problems.

Oblivion: Froze once during load screen
Full Auto: Froze at the same level every time.
Graw:All textures turned black. happened 2x.

I didn't get the extended warranty, so I feel on razors edge here. I wonder if MS will still let me pruchase one.

Anyways, has anoyone confirmed the thermal paste, or lack thereof, to be the problem?

you got oblivion and full auto froze on you, i think thats normal as it could be a bug in the game [ and if its on live, then yes its very normal ]
however, texture turning black.. i duno about that.

and i think its big mistake you didnt get extended warrenty. because sooner or later, the system will die on you. if i were your place [ loving the 360 so much ] i would sell it on ebay or EB or anyone for good price, buy new one and buy the warrenty for 2 years at least. [ if you are in US or Canada, i am not so i cant buy warrenty like that ]

you maybe lose around 120$ doing so. but this way you will proof your console for 2 years ahead without having to worry about it dying.

you have to keep in mind that if your xbox 360 is dead, MS will charge you 130$ for it [ and the funny part is " no warrenty "

at least, by selling your 360 and getting newer model with warrenty, you are safe. and its for the same price.

its just a matter of doing thing in advance to save more money

Ranger X

llTll said:
specialy the xbox 360. i mean its not the most wanted system to make us risk it and buy it. if that was PS3, then maybe we would be diffrent tune. but xbox 360? c`mon. i am waiting.

hell even if the PS3 problems are that big like xbox 360 problems, then i might pass for couple of months too

Oh even my most wanted console i could wait. Sometimes it's simply more wise to wait and that's all. I'm not an early adopter, some other things are more important to me than to be the first guinea pig to buy/do something.


i'm sure if I push hard enough, I could get them to allow me to purchase an extended warranty, even if its past its 90 days.


Ranger X said:
Oh even my most wanted console i could wait. Sometimes it's simply more wise to wait and that's all. I'm not an early adopter, some other things are more important to me than to be the first guinea pig to buy/do something.

i love to be early adopter. it makes you feel good that you have the new thing. it feels diffrent than buying the console later.

but you are right. i cant do this mistake again i did with xbox 360. if i am going to buy ps3, i will have to get 2 years warrenty. otherwise i will wait. i dont want to get @#@#ed

Mojovonio said:
i'm sure if I push hard enough, I could get them to allow me to purchase an extended warranty, even if its past its 90 days.

if you can, then its first thing you should do today.


no, i do know what you mean.

But i am defenitley waiting on the PS3. I just KNOW its going to have defetcs in its first batch.


Mojovonio said:
no, i do know what you mean.

But i am defenitley waiting on the PS3. I just KNOW its going to have defetcs in its first batch.

chances of the ps3 being defects all over is very high. specialy if one of the SPUs on the Cell dies, then you are totally %@$@$ed
or Blue Ray lens problems.

but i have a good feeling that Sony will not do the same mistake with early ps2 because they got lots of shit from that period.

we will see


Ranger X said:
You sound like you care too much about others.

well.. i like to be one of the first people. i can imagine my self Nov or Dec 2006 with PS3 at my home, playing Warhawk and other games, and reading the forums about upcoming PS3 games, or even xbox 360 vs PS3 [ its going to happen ].

i cant imagine the people i know here talking about their ps3 and how amazing the games are etc and i am looking at my cute slim ps2.

besides, honestly. i am really tired of this current gen. i want something new. i had the xbox 360 for sometime and i got nice vibe from it. going back to PS2 was really hard for me. and i really cant stand the wait for PS3 to be out day one. so ofcourse i am not going to resist for another 5 months or so. thats like waiting almost a year from today. which is too much for me to handle with my ps2


llTll said:
chances of the ps3 being defects all over is very high. specialy if one of the SPUs on the Cell dies, then you are totally %@$@$ed
or Blue Ray lens problems.

but i have a good feeling that Sony will not do the same mistake with early ps2 because they got lots of shit from that period.

we will see

With the way Sony has been running their show, I don't have high confidence in them. My PS2 never had ANY problems, and it had not been for their arrogance, I would have no problem getting a lucnh PS3 (if it had games I wanted).

I've never had problems with MS customer Service, even in renewing my XP valadation, so I'm not too worried about it, but I still simply await to give my 360 its last rites.


I'm on my 3rd, but it looks like I might have to move on to a 4th. This one works fine, but it turns on by itself all of the time. Sometimes I have to leave it unplugged so I don't come home and find it on.


Jeff-DSA said:
I'm on my 3rd, but it looks like I might have to move on to a 4th. This one works fine, but it turns on by itself all of the time. Sometimes I have to leave it unplugged so I don't come home and find it on.

:lol @ turning on by it self. what kind of sh%%y problem is this :lol


EGM92 said:
Out of all my consoles I've never had that error. My last console wouldn't boot anything though. I would put in a disk it would attempt to read it and it would fail and just stay at the dashboard.

Get that shit exchanged ASAP, I've been reading that MS ends the extended return period at the end of August.

I enjoy the fact that you're a more valid resource than Microsoft themselves on 360 error codes.
I sent back my first DS because it had a stuck pixel, and they sent me a new one three days later. The best part is that I didn't even pay for the first one -- it was a review unit from NoA.

I'll probably get a 360 eventually, considering the PS3 price, but it's going to be a while partly because I'm waiting for the manufacturing flaws to be smoothed out. These horror stories are way too common.


It's threads like this that stop me from buying a 360. That and the fact that there are no games I want to play on it except Oblivion and GRAW... Oblivion and GRAW... maybe I should get a 360!


Chili Con Carnage!
I think you've all got the wrong idea when caring for your 360s, they appriciate tough love, i treat mine like shit, i spill coffee on it, i drop it moving it between rooms, i accidentally put in discs that it cant read. I once stacked a PS2 on top of it and made it watch while i played MGS3....in standard definition.

And its still going strong after 6 months.

Treat it mean, keep it green.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
For the fellow that has his X360 on top of a wine cooler: Small surges generated by the condensor turning on in the wine cooler can damage electronic equipment, especially if the outlet you are using is loaded with other equipment. From the pic, I'd say you are likely doing this. You have a surge protector plugged into an extension cord which is definitely a bad idea (a fire hazard by the way) and is straining the system significantly. This problem is quite prevalent in college dorms where students often overload outlets and use mini refrigerators in their rooms. Plus, air moving over the condensor can sometimes create static charges that we all know is bad for electronics.


Ranger X said:
Yep. I was telling this to him because he seems to understand only one side.

Well, from all the complaining I see on the net, I would figure that this was the norm, and not the exception. Something tells me that console deaths are most definitely the exception.


DenogginizerOS said:
For the fellow that has his X360 on top of a wine cooler: Small surges generated by the condensor turning on in the wine cooler can damage electronic equipment, especially if the outlet you are using is loaded with other equipment. From the pic, I'd say you are likely doing this. You have a surge protector plugged into an extension cord which is definitely a bad idea (a fire hazard by the way) and is straining the system significantly. This problem is quite prevalent in college dorms where students often overload outlets and use mini refrigerators in their rooms. Plus, air moving over the condensor can sometimes create static charges that we all know is bad for electronics.

That picture was taken when I was living in my basement as my ground level was getting the floor replaced. The Xbox has been put on its little pedestal (and now encased in a metal case where it won't aggravate me anymore). It's still getting the same error as it was when it was on the basement. As for my power connections etc, I'm a videophile, I know how to treat my equipment and hook it all up, when that picture was taken I was configuring my surround sound with my VCR/DVD/TV/PS2/Xbox/Xbox 360, so yea it was pretty packed. On the norm, it only has 2 plugs in there, the fridge and the TV and whenever needed. I'll connect the DVD or whatever else I'd be using. You don't buy 3 HDTV's (CRT/DLP/Plasma) without learning those things.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
EGM92 said:
That picture was taken when I was living in my basement as my ground level was getting the floor replaced. The Xbox has been put on its little pedestal (and now encased in a metal case where it won't aggravate me anymore). It's still getting the same error as it was when it was on the basement. As for my power connections etc, I'm a videophile, I know how to treat my equipment and hook it all up, when that picture was taken I was configuring my surround sound with my VCR/DVD/TV/PS2/Xbox/Xbox 360, so yea it was pretty packed. On the norm, it only has 2 plugs in there, the fridge and the TV and whenever needed. I'll connect the DVD or whatever else I'd be using. You don't buy 3 HDTV's (CRT/DLP/Plasma) without learning those things.

If you plug anything electronic into a surge protector that is plugged into an extension cord, you are asking for trouble especially if a fridge is plugged into that surge protector. You don't run research labs with very expensive electronic equipment without knowing these things. Seeing that you provided that pic without the above disclaimer, I was just trying to help and was unaware of all the bits and pieces of your videophille life. But you seem to take great pride in telling people about your X360 troubles, so I'll take your responses with a grain of salt.


My replaced one has been getting DRE's like crazy and seems to be scratching my games... so I'm probably gonna call up MS and see about getting another replacement. :(

Ranger X

Enron said:
Well, from all the complaining I see on the net, I would figure that this was the norm, and not the exception. Something tells me that console deaths are most definitely the exception.

Hard to tell if the death rings is the most common defect. Me, per example, i know 3 people that are using a 360 -- they all broke. All 4 of us had PS2 and everything was pristine. Same with Xbox (well, i don't really count in this one since i bought it last spring).
Still, from everywhere i see, read, + the medias the 360 seems to be the console with the highest defect rate ever (so far).
Now the next does not go through all this so he thinks 360 are fine. You know what mean, we can't be sure, we can only talk from general experience after all.

One thing i noticed is that before the 360, i wasn't hearing about or witnessing "console death". So this have to tell something about the reliability of the 360.
Wine cooler? It says "RCA" on it. It also looks a lot like this:


as does the receiver and speaker that are visible on the television.

I'm just saying.


bune duggy said:
Wine cooler? It says "RCA" on it. It also looks a lot like this:


as does the receiver and speaker that are visible on the television.

I'm just saying.

dude I'm telling you it's a cooler I bought from FactoryDirect here in Canada. It's a Thompson brand, as soon as I get my camera back from Fujifilm I'll take a picture.


even if that is a wine cooler, thats not the best place for your 360 to sit. The motor is most likely unshielded so it throws off a good amount of magnetic rays not to mention vibration. It would also be kicking out warm air that the 360 is sucking in.


no one else finds it weird that a wine cooler that looks excatly like an RCA subwoofer is seated right next to a tv, in contrast to say, a kitchen?

Is your Washing machine in your bedroom?

Dave Long

Boom. Another 360 bites the dust.

I'm convinced that every one of the launch units will die within a year or two. Mine was just fine and then today I get three red quadrants flashing and some ugly sound coming out of the TV when you turn it on.

This has to be shoddiest piece of shit launch console ever made. At least with PlayStation you could make it work by flipping it over. These just die.


antoniogaud said:
You guys are either making this up or you have the absolute worst luck ever. About 7 of my friends have a 360 and NONE of them have broken even once.

Wow, did you say seven people? That totally accounts for all 350,000 xbox360s sold. Obviously all these other people in the thread must not own one. I mean, c'mon, the guy said seven of the ****ers haven't broken so statistically the other 349,997 can't have.
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