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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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Backlog season ahoy!

Hataraki Man 1

Watching this made me understand why so few Japanese shows want to set themselves in the modern day outside of school. Because while I can't object to how anything is handled specifically in this episode, it seems a pretty depressing existence.


Our heroine first appears telling someone she doesn't have time for their bullshit. Her no-nonsense attitude makes her easy to root for, even when she's not completely in the right (as she is in her initial desire to
defend (and expose) her source following her initial expose.

The protagonist, our Hataraki Man, is a woman. Matsukata Hiroko is a reporter/editor for a weekly magazine. She's damn good at her job, she has a work ethic that would make Hayao Miyazaki proud, and it's completely destructive to any life she could have outside of the office. She has a boyfriend, but they're both so busy with work that they never can spend time together. When she comes home (if she isn't pulling all-nighters finishing work in the office), she can barely get in the door before collapsing into bed.

So why is she called Hataraki Man? The show's explanation should tell you all you need to know!


Her metaphorical transformation to Hataraki Man is indicated by her thinking "Work Mode: On! Man Switch: Engage!"


WITNESS: The 45 year old Chief Editor's casual harassment of his female employees!
MARVEL AT: The way the other female editors joke about our protagonist's mannish demeanor!
BEHOLD: The rookie male editor who does inferior work to our protagonist and keeps sane hours, who everyone secretly resents without confronting him!
DID YOU KNOW: Sambomaster's "Sekai wa Sore wo Ai to Yobundaze!" (featured in Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 2 and Densha Otoko) plays in the background when the characters go out drinking after work.

Despite the occasional dramatic flourish, this episode's portrayal of Japanese office life rings remarkably true, which makes it both interesting and weirdly uncomfortable. I'm interested to see how they develop the themes of work-life balance raised here. Matsukata is fulfilled when she does her job well, but she's miserable outside the office. Is that a problem to be addressed, or an unrealistic luxury?

It's definitely an interesting start to the "season", and I'm curious to see what other people think.


I don't know man. It contains everyday experiences like going to school, library, or your afterschool club. They even have culture festivals, a pool episode, and traditional housing in which people (the main cast) sits down to eat snacks at and talk about said clubs and said culture festival.

lol :p

No need to answer anything anymore... :)


That spoiler is blasphemy.

The British holiday TV schedule will make me hate everything, eventually.

OT4 isn't going to happen. This level of activity just isn't sustainable. Animegaf will run out of porn, eventually.

You've just thrown down the (filthy) gauntlet. May God have mercy on our souls.

In a show full of cute things, that kid is the cutest goddamn thing in YuruYuri

She has the eyes of the Devil!

I don't know guys, what about this life mantra?

I prefer this one.



KyoAni will be forever providing excellent gifs for internet use.

Doujin artists won't even have to make up random old people to stick in their doujin, because Tamako Market has those too!

... Ugh. I need to go to sleep before my mental image of Tamako Market is defiled any further.

Oh don't worry, this show will be defiled quite satisfyingly.

Gonna post some Heartcatch gifs I found while looking for screens of today's Smile in order to cleanse the bad taste of Toei being Toei away:

I even got something for SDBurton!

Ah, that feels much better. Why didn't Smile have something similar to Snackies anyway? Those sandbags had some funny skits!

Gonna have to see what all the fuss is about with this show.


I felt the urge to randomly post this gif.

Smile Precure - 45

Why don't I ever learn, knowing Toei it's most likely not out of context, but no matter how hyped I am at the end of an episode does not justify taking a peek at the next episode preview.

Episode on a whole was fairly standard stuff I expect from the genre, the end though, bring on next week.

Thanks to these things called timezones, this is a first thing in the morning for me. T_T

Damn thats so adorable.

Is :kayos really a thing? Can't tell if this is good or bad...

oh you.

The show has always been a comedy that relishes in how normal it is at its core. Even its exaggerated elements are rooted in traditional and normal events (a completely surreal stance being more rare than impressions I've seen lead to believe). The tone of the series and the character interactions are still aspects that are to be enjoyed in the show. The "random" in Nichijou is at many times simply the feeling, emotions and confrontations of daily situations taken a notch up. (Aside from some pieces/characters, such as Mai. She's consistently a mysterious one... and Nano who is a robot created by a child named "Professor"
though that label of the character is overshadowed by a personality trait much more...common for her age
) Its label of being crazy or random is only rivaled by how normal and rooted its focus is.

Skits that are long-in-the-tooth occur, but they are few. They certainly didn't affect my overall enjoyment of the work. "Hit-and-miss" is another phrase that runs across me as odd. If I understand it correctly at face value, then I'd assume there's a comedy existing that's hits all its notes with everyone? I believe people say it with Nichijou is because of its segmented structure. It's aware to isolate its jokes past the general low-tempo tone of the everyday. The humor doesn't roll throughout constantly in an episode or half (like Gintama or Jinrui
sans a particular event
, which both do their job very effectively at their peaks).

Anyhow, I hope you find a good time with it in your erm...random watch overall, Tomat. It's excellent.

If you guysl ike this sort of random comedy, I wonder if you would enjoy Galaxy angel? they did after all make about 6 seasons of it as well as a ton of videogames and music CDs so it was fairly successful.

Looks like this month's Newtype is confirming that the anime for the second Monogatari season set of novels will be starting in July and will be 2 cours, as expected.

OH SHIT. Long haired Senjou? Please be true.

Yet they can't even finish a Kizumonogatari movie. Shaaaaaaaft!!!

Whats the deal with that movie? Is the director working on other things? Why is this particular show having hangups while other monoagatari adaptations get made and released?

I never really clicked with the YuruYuri cast really, but it's still an okay show to kind of half-watch while you do something else

The fuck? What is it, then, a story arc? Half a story arc that's still self-contained?

think of a cour as just a season run. It doesn't have a set amount of episodes, just whatever airs in one season.

Sounds like something a bitter Shaft fan would say after being beaten season after season but still going back home for more! Lol.

I, for one, love being beaten by my SHAFT studio overlords.

It's been years since i've last watched Lucky Star. Maybe a rewatch is in order.

I watched it for Tsukasa's cellphone.


I wish this were true...

I wake up at 4 am to go fishing in the spring. Its super easy. Usually by 7 AM Im eating breakfast just before putting the boat in.

But I work for 10~11 hours a day to support my "hobbies".

I know that feeling. This stuff is so expensive to support.

I'm sorry, you can have this instead.

STOP SEXUALIZING PRECURES. Yayoi is pure. don't defile her!

As long as there is cute moe, there is life.


Anyway, enough of this doujin talk.
Awwww, no... I refuse!

One day you will ascend to my level.
Like... QUZILAX level of filth?

Now THAT is depressing! Some here probably know what work I'm talking about, I don't even want to mention it!

I'm not really sure if the plane I'm would be considered ascension or descension from my humble beginnings.... I choose to consider myself enlightened instead! /XX/ knows what I mean! We've transcended shock and surprise, and traded them instead for "T___T those amputated limps are nice and all, but could you maybe draw a little better next time?"
I can attest that... in fact I shall be your prophet on this Earth, My Lord, to spread your teachings!

Remember the first three episodes of Gurren Lagann and how it looked totally amazing? Remember episode four with the derpfaces and the awful animation and the dumb script that 7th defends to death because he sucks on Osamu Kobayashi's dick? This is what Smile Precure 45 feels like, except with Kobayashi replaced by a disease called Toeirunningoutofmoneyitis.
Bad choice of words. I should have said it has barely any animation!
You cut me deep with this now, pal. One Seiya Numata cut has more character than many whole episodes of other series can possibly achieve (http://aninomiyako.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/gurren-lagann-4.jpg)!

Actually I don't wanna come off too hard on Kobayashi. I thought his Panty and Stocking episode was great!
Now that's better...

So I hear that the Newtype scan is fake? Makes sense since Hitagi has long hair, makes sense since it has
... lol.
Fake or not, the 2 'cours' part was already officially confirmed, some time ago.

EDIT: Also Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei effin when!? I want my LN anime fix.
For a low-profile publisher and light novel, this kind of works go past unnoticed by the general public, reaching only for a specific target market, as it happens with countless 'mili-ota' destined publications and more products... isn't the type of fetishism for the JSDF in display on this work frowned upon in general on that country? I don't see a production company trying to push for this specific property on bigger audiences, but I don't know enough to be sure! Some kind of OVAs would be cool...


Every single episode has a plot. A problem is presented that needs to be solved, and the characters actively work towards this goal. The notion that the term "slice of life" can be applied to any story that takes place within the confines of the world as we know it is absurd.

At the same time, Hyouka is also labelled as a "Mystery", which while that's true it's as prominent as Music is in K-ON!

Backlog season ahoy!

Hataraki Man 1

You sir, are unnecessarily adding stuff to my backlog.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
That little extra squeeze...

It was nice and tender.

Didn't you see the VA list? Daisuke Ono.

I think I skipped over that post, damn it.

Yuru Yuri Season 1

Lovable cast, same sex awkward moments, main character getting shit on and Toshino Kyoko. This show has it all. Definitely a good show to watch if you just want some good laughs and feels. Chitose's family must come from outer space or something. Points for relatively laid back fanservice. It is innocent stuff compared to the monogatari series or some of the stuff gaffers have been talking about lol.


Can't wait to watch season 2!

YES! Glad to see you enjoyed it. You're going to love season 2.

Are we talking literally or figuratively?

After everything that has transpired in here lately, I feel like this is a pertinent question.

Oh my god. :lol

If only you guys heard kayos on mumble.

I have.

It's only natural for people to have different favorites. I just wish there wasn't so much Chinatsu hate.

Chinatsu is one of my favorites, for obvious reasons.

At this point, the Christmas Cakes are probably sitting in the corners of houses everywhere, not being eaten.

It is our duty to teach kayos90 the deliciousness that is the Christmas Cake. This wrongness shall be righted!

Oh yeah, I still didn't see the latest one, be right back...

Oh man, I can't wait to see your response.
Cardfight!! Vanguard 27 - 28 (engDub)

Dinosaur themed decks are always one of my favorites (mages, dragons, dino's and sometimes "droids" or in yugioh terms, vehiroids). Good fight for Aichi, ultimate, A for effort. Hope we see if Kai is capable of playing at nationals level.


It's true in my case. I've tried...waking up before 6 AM is basically impossible. Unless I'm still up from the night before.

man. I can bolt upright at 4 am the moment the alarm goes off, jump out of bed, rush to the bathroom, get ready to go and be out the door by 4:30 am. I guess I have extra energy reserves or something.


Maturity, bitches.
Chuunibyou's op is strangely enticing.

It's like I'm attracted to epileptic seizures.

Shame they butchered it. In some ways I find the "fixed" version more of an eyesore since I'm focusing on two bits of animation playing alternatively in the same area.
Chinatsu is the best. Especially in her magical witch cosplay.

This, I will certainly grant you. Though I don't know of any figures of her in that outfit :(.

Yeah, that one was the one I was kinda hinting to in a few posts back. It's really nice.

Guess it's ebay/Mandarake time...

Chuunibyou's op is strangely enticing.

It's like I'm attracted to epileptic seizures.

Especially if you are watching the first version of it. Most visually distracting OP I can think of. Reminded me for some reason of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail opening credits (the end part).


Maturity, bitches.
man. I can bolt upright at 4 am the moment the alarm goes off, jump out of bed, rush to the bathroom, get ready to go and be out the door by 4:30 am. I guess I have extra energy reserves or something.

Damn. It takes me half an hour just to wake up. I like sleep.


This, I will certainly grant you. Though I don't know of any figures of her in that outfit :(.

Guess it's ebay/Mandarake time...

Especially if you are watching the first version of it. Most visually distracting OP I can think of. Reminded me for some reason of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail opening credits (the end part).

Actually, there is a figure of her. I nearly bought it too.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya IV (ep4)

The first half felt like I was watching a different anime or something, it never gave any impression that it would go all crazy with the effects and deliver a spectacular sequence of
epic action and such of galactic data proportions.
.Almost felt like Kyon and thought it was just some really vivid hallucination. Really good.


This, I will certainly grant you. Though I don't know of any figures of her in that outfit :(.

Guess it's ebay/Mandarake time...

Especially if you are watching the first version of it. Most visually distracting OP I can think of. Reminded me for some reason of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail opening credits (the end part).

The Ui which you seek.

Oh Japanese figures, why must you cost so much of my monies?

ey, at least its not Ultimate Madoka money.
That cost me 50 bucks just for shipping on top of the 120 for the figure.
So worth it though. Posted a pic of it several pages back.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to


I don't see the appeal of figures because I'm in denial and would spend millions on them.

It's better this way. ~fap fap fap~

I already fell down that rabbit hole.
Actually, I havent taken pictures of my Curio since I got a few new figures in. Im gonna borrow my mother's camera today and take some new ones if yall wanna see.
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