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Dark Souls II Network Test | YOU DEFEATED


Neo Member
Managed to kill the last boss(first try!) as well as all the dark spirits. The horse skeleton(cant remember the name) wasn't that hard once you knew how to make it stop running. I also found a good way of beating him. Got the ring which gave more defence, and using health gem to slowly heal. Then you could just pound him with Zweihander without even thinking about health. I was Temple Knight around level 50. Killed the "departer" with that bonfire, got his robe.
That's it! Had great time. Already was hyped for ds2.After this all fears that game may be easier are gone!
Also anyone knows is there gonna be jump? Running jump doesn't seem to work.
It was run and click left stick to jump.

Had a lot of fun there, got summoned at the start and had fun till I run off the bridge. Got invaded, slapped that fucker down. Killed boss and died a ton. Awesome.


That's it! Had great time. Already was hyped for ds2.After this all fears that game may be easier are gone!
Also anyone knows is there gonna be jump? Running jump doesn't seem to work.

It does, you probably had set it to Button 3, it defaults there. I switched mine to circle, as DS.


I sense I made a nuisance of myself tonight, too much fun randomly invading people around those big butcher enemies :D

Things generally worked pretty well. I had a few error codes pop up when trying to invade or summon, also didn't drop over when killed once. Game itself seems a touch sharper graphically than Dark Souls on the PS3. I liked the lighting effects too. The big things for me other than the game play is the art style and the lore, which in the beta segment were there to see. You might possibly get a slight insight in to the main story if you talk to the merchant at the start. I tried a few classes, my preferred character was the temple knight, very strong once you level up 7 or 8 times.

Overall, the important thing I take away from playing this evening is that Dark Souls 2 is the good stuff. Definite purchase and will likely enjoy it just as much as the last two. It seems really good.


Managed to kill the last boss(first try!) as well as all the dark spirits. The horse skeleton(cant remember the name) wasn't that hard once you knew how to make it stop running. I also found a good way of beating him. Got the ring which gave more defence, and using health gem to slowly heal. Then you could just pound him with Zweihander without even thinking about health. I was Temple Knight around level 50. Killed the "departer" with that bonfire, got his robe.

Dammnn level 50, I was only level 21 I think
Man I love how you can apply essentially nothing you learned in Dark Souls 1. Take it all and throw it out. If you apply those same tactics you won't get past the first tougher enemies.

Pretty amazing stuff for how long it is till the game comes out.


I had to go out part way through, so I only got about forty-five minutes out of the two hours. So I didn't get to check much out. One thing I noticed is that two-handing seemed to be nerfed a bit; in Dark Souls two-handed swings are either the same speed or faster in just about every case (special moves aside), whereas in DS 2 it seems to be much slower, at least with the dual-wielder's weapons. Maybe stats affect it now or something.

Also, was it supposed to be REALLY dark, like not standard Dark Soul's dark but "I can't see a god-damn thing without changing my monitor settings and setting game brightness to maximum" dark? I know there's some sort of torch mechanics but I couldn't find one in any of what I played.


Played this for the past 30 minutes.

Fuck this shit.

This is not fun. Died at the second encounter about 5 times now and I'm just not enjoying myself. I never understood why people enjoyed this series so much, it's just really fucking frustrating.

You've died only 5 times in a single part?



Neo Member
Frame-rate drops frequently unfortunately, doesn't look like it will perform better than DS1. I'll be playing ob PC though.

Yeah I'm glad I got to play it, definitely made up my mind and going for PC no matter how long the wait. Framerate was horrible when there were two or three players.

Maybe they'll announce it for PS4 after the launch so I can finally justify buying that sexy machine.


Network functionalities like creating summon signs didn't work which was sad

The game itself feels pretty much like a better Dark Souls to me; combat system is more flexible, but on the other hand enemies are stronger as well (turn into the player's direction when attack much more aggressive and faster). Backstabs look really good so far; I played as warrior (the dude from the trailers) and the way he slashes his opponent from behind looked fantastic to me

More so, the visuals or the presentation is fantastic; much better use of motion blur on enemies, heavy weapons have a much (!) harder impact on the environment with particles and stones flying around as if every hit would trigger a small explosion. Lighting seems to be the biggest improvement so far (especially visible in the boss fight), looked really natural and fitting. The game is much darker, probably to force gamers to use the torch more frequently, but I had no issues with it.

Lifegems are the newest addition to the item rooster; they dropped a lot and you can walk while you use them; but they don't heal you instantly! Your life bar fills up very slowly which makes it not the overpowered item I thought it to be. Very cool to have a healing opportunity without respawning every enemy.

Framerate was all over the place - some spots ran above 30 FPS, others below 30 FPS. Who cares, it's WIP and I'm thankful that they're doing anything

And yeah, the whole art design is still incredible - just what you expect from FromSoftware. I must say I was really pleased with the new interface design (you can even config that the HUD disappears when you not need it - seems like FromSoftware thought of the PC screenshot community :lol).

So yeah, thanks to FromSoftware for a cool beta! Hope that it helped them to optimize the network features


Neo Member
That was intense, having forgotten that feeling of constant dread. Dark Souls is back!

Picking the Swordsman from the get go probably wasn't the best way to proceed.
I think I spent around an hour and a half trying to make it to the Skeleton King, and only managing to fight him every so often. Too bad dying reduces your max health, made it very difficult to run through once my health got to a 50% cap.

Estus Flask animation is so much slower, I ended up relying on the Health Gems more often then not, seeing as I could at least move when using them, and they were dropped at an alarming rate.

Ended up switching to the Temple Knight in the last 20 minutes or so, and only died once in on my way to the Skeleton King, but that was a kamikaze mission in which I bee-lined it to the Bridge Switch. So much easier to play as that class then the Swordsman. Those to magic spells helped immensely. Skeleton King was cake once i reached it with the Temple Knight.

I did drop a lot of frames during the Skeleton King fight, when the minions appeared. Whilst it was still adequate play, it is a little concerning.

Overall, it was awesome and I can't wait to play more. Oh and screw that locked door, that Bonfire would have been convenient.
I had to go out part way through, so I only got about forty-five minutes out of the two hours. So I didn't get to check much out. One thing I noticed is that two-handing seemed to be nerfed a bit; in Dark Souls two-handed swings are either the same speed or faster in just about every case (special moves aside), whereas in DS 2 it seems to be much slower, at least with the dual-wielder's weapons. Maybe stats affect it now or something.

Also, was it supposed to be REALLY dark, like not standard Dark Soul's dark but "I can't see a god-damn thing without changing my monitor settings and setting game brightness to maximum" dark? I know there's some sort of torch mechanics but I couldn't find one in any of what I played.

Yeah it was, for starters you can go around with a torch to get an understanding of the layout, before going back to a double sword or shield or whatever, and there was a bit in the building where you could smash the wood off the windows to light up the room.

Nyoro SF

Played this for the past 30 minutes.

Fuck this shit.

This is not fun. Died at the second encounter about 5 times now and I'm just not enjoying myself. I never understood why people enjoyed this series so much, it's just really fucking frustrating.

This is all the motivation I need. I cannot preorder faster than I already am.


Where was I supposed to get a torch though? Did I miss something or does only a certain class have it? I checked the shop and inventory and nothing seemed to be there.
Network stuff worked kinda for me but summons signs just appeared and disappeared machine gun style, I guess From got their stress test lmao.

And to people who still question the difficulty: I got real butt mad at two or so points, so yea it's gonna be a challenge. Even has the "I don't know how I'll ever get past that" feeling again
Where was I supposed to get a torch though? Did I miss something or does only a certain class have it? I checked the shop and inventory and nothing seemed to be there.

When you are at a lit bonfire, you get two options: rest and light torch. To light torch, you need to press triangle to change the action, like in Dark Souls 1 with two options in one spot.

You can't use a shield if you have a torch lit. You must put out the torch to use a shield, so then you will need a bonfire to light it again.


Gold Member
Network stuff worked kinda for me but summons signs just appeared and disappeared machine gun style, I guess From got their stress test lmao.

And to people who still question the difficulty: I got real butt mad at two or so points, so yea it's gonna be a challenge. Even has the "I don't know how I'll ever get past that" feeling again

Nice! God, I can't wait for this game!


Guys, I don't know...

Killed the Skeleton Lord boss, almost got to the other one (I turned around at the last red phantom behind the brigde) ... but man, I desperately want it to be good but it didn't feel quite right to me yet. The biggest reason for that is probably the performance, which is odd because certain areas in past games were terrible in that regard but still felt "snappy" when it comes to animations and everything. But here, movement and actions had a really "chewy" feel... it's hard to describe but it didn't feel as direct as it should; it's as if there should be a higher frame-skip value or something. The hit sound effects were pretty weak on top of that and probably contributed to my feeling (too much "whoof", not enough "tchk").

I'm not saying it's going to be bad but I really hope there will be improvements until release. I'll probably also wait for the non-announced-but-surely-coming next gen (PS4) version since it's obvious they're pushing the PS3 a little too far too often with this game. It's never nearly as bad as blighttown but the framerate felt more consistently low. Again: I hope there will be improvements.

edit: My reference ... finished DeS last week for the first time and put 400 hours into DaS on console and PC before that.

Network stuff didn't really work unfortunately ... tried about a dozen times to summon someone, no luck. Got summoned once but when the host enterered the boss fog gate, I got disconnected.
I found a chest below the first dark area and it poisoned me when i accidentaly hit it(probably a trap) , it took almost all the estus flasks to avoid death.
Health bar shrinking caught me off guard, didn't know about that.
The first guy with the scythes just after the bridge stopped spawning for me after I reached the black phantoms for the first time.
Too many lifegems.
Only managed to get summoned once. Signs were completely broken after 30 minutes or so.
Back-stabbing animations kick ass, finished off the black phantom guarding the boss door with it and it felt so good.
was fun, i didn't really gel with the caster this time but dual was ok and temple knight with the small axe was the killer. and halberd backstab is very nice.

game looks beautiful, frame rate is not amazing though. could not get summoned, network errors abound. almost once, near the end of the test, i got the "you are being summoned" message, but after a few minutes of nothing happening it threw an error again. couldn't put my sign down again after that.

but yeah, looks good overall
I only ever found the
Skeleton Lord
lol. It was when you went left, where the dudes ambush you and then drop down and go further.

Inside the building? I did go in there but it was so dark that I couldn't really see much.

Executioner's Chariot was all the way through the forest past like 5 red phantoms, I had to run past them because there was no way I'd be able to take them all out.

Anyway, day -1 purchase.


Had a friend over to play the beta tonight. We beat two bosses. I have to say. I'm so glad that we're getting a PC version of the bat, because man, the framerate.

Other than that and some weird janky animations, and odd sound mixing and other little things you'd expect from a beta it felt like Dark Souls alright.
Inside the building? I did go in there but it was so dark that I couldn't really see much.

Executioner's Chariot was all the way through the forest past like 5 red phantoms, I had to run past them because there was no way I'd be able to take them all out.

Anyway, day -1 purchase.

Up in the forest, over the bridge, to the left, over another bridge and then there's a bit where the paths split. Go left for the way to the Skeleton Dudes.


FromSoftware. I must say I was really pleased with the new interface design (you can even config that the HUD disappears when you not need it - seems like FromSoftware thought of the PC screenshot community :lol).

If they cared about the PC screenshot community they could just let you bind a key to hide the UI completely, like in DSfix.


out of curiosity: did any of you give up putting down your sign? I saw ghosts running around, but signs just disappeared and I'm wondering if people collectively gave up on trying to play online.


out of curiosity: did any of you give up putting down your sign? I saw ghosts running around, but signs just disappeared and I'm wondering if people collectively gave up on trying to play online.
I laid down a sign here and there (even got summoned before the Skeleton Lord... for about 10 seconds, and it worked only once) but definitely not as many times as I tried in the starting area.
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