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Polygon PS4 12 hour discussion stream

For Sony's sake I hope PS4 doesn't turn out as bad as TLOS.


Neo Member
Is there any evidence the Microsoft bribed the writers at Polygon or that Vox has issued a directive to the Polygon team ordering them to favour Microsoft?

Accusing them of this sort of corruption is serious. I'd like to see the evidence. And no, your perception of their bias or this score versus that score isn't evidence. Nor is the fact the MS sponsored their launch. Many journalistic enterprises are ad based and they tend to have firewalls between marketing and content. I want to see direct evidence that money was exchanged for favours. If this evidence doesn't exist, I wish you would all stop accusing them. I know it's HAHA funny for some of you but for people who take their work and integrity seriously this sort of accusation is deeply offensive.
"[PC] is a technologically superior platform, and an open platform... but I just don't prefer my games that way"

Hahahahahaha oh wow

At least he acknowledges that his preferences are completely irrational and without merit
Because the sort of journalism The Verge does (they're mostly annoying too) is based on personality. It is very hard to get anyone that is both funny and cognitive in the games industry it seems.
See I used to think that game journalists put on their reading glasses, cracked their knuckles, and put on a serious face before taking their time playing through a game and analyzing it's strengths and weaknesses

But now I know they're just a bunch of 13 year olds sipping dew and screaming. Do they do this in movie theaters too? Some sites can write very eloquent reviews of games with tons of big words and making it seen like they put a lot of thought into it, but I'm not sure I believe that anymore.
Is there any evidence the Microsoft bribed the writers at Polygon or that Vox has issued a directive to the Polygon team ordering them to favour Microsoft?

Accusing them of this sort of corruption is serious. I'd like to see the evidence. And no, your perception of their bias or this score versus that score isn't evidence. Nor is the fact the MS sponsored their launch. Many journalistic enterprises are ad based and they tend to have firewalls between marketing and content. I want to see direct evidence that money was exchanged for favours. If this evidence doesn't exist, I wish you would all stop accusing them. I know it's HAHA funny for some of you but for people who take their work and integrity seriously this sort of accusation is deeply offensive.

Didn't polygon get like $750000 from MS for some documentary?


Is there any evidence the Microsoft bribed the writers at Polygon or that Vox has issued a directive to the Polygon team ordering them to favour Microsoft?

Accusing them of this sort of corruption is serious. I'd like to see the evidence. And no, your perception of their bias or this score versus that score isn't evidence. Nor is the fact the MS sponsored their launch. Many journalistic enterprises are ad based and they tend to have firewalls between marketing and content. I want to see direct evidence that money was exchanged for favours. If this evidence doesn't exist, I wish you would all stop accusing them. I know it's HAHA funny for some of you but for people who take their work and integrity seriously this sort of accusation is deeply offensive.

Polygon thru Gies just claimed that the Xbone version of Ghosts has additional lighting effects and implied Infinity Ward were lying about them.

Now that's deeply offensive.


aka IMurRIVAL69
Is there any evidence the Microsoft bribed the writers at Polygon or that Vox has issued a directive to the Polygon team ordering them to favour Microsoft?

Accusing them of this sort of corruption is serious. I'd like to see the evidence. And no, your perception of their bias or this score versus that score isn't evidence. Nor is the fact the MS sponsored their launch. Many journalistic enterprises are ad based and they tend to have firewalls between marketing and content. I want to see direct evidence that money was exchanged for favours. If this evidence doesn't exist, I wish you would all stop accusing them. I know it's HAHA funny for some of you but for people who take their work and integrity seriously this sort of accusation is deeply offensive.

microsoft gave vox media 750k as a sort of angel investor for polygon, well documented

that said, i don't think they're a biased website, they just employ a bunch of shitty hacks (and phil kollar)


I know it's HAHA funny for some of you but for people who take their work and integrity seriously this sort of accusation is deeply offensive.

After listening to a couple minutes of their stream, I can promise you that these people do neither.

You are horribad at battlefield but since the point is to show off the graphics I guess it doesn't matter

"Was that a woman I just killed? Am I a ladykiller?"

"No there are no female combatants [enemies] in the game. There is one on your side. She is there to point out the sexism of your teamates."

"Someone writes in: I thought Polygon was not supposed to accept free Playstation 4s?"

"These Playstation 4s are review units, not personal units, they are for the office... we all have to order our own PS4s for home... so it doesn't matter"

Oh wow oh wow way to make your ethics statement completely irrelevant at this point

what, stfu, did someone seriously say that?
Are you not watching the stream?


Joystiq stream is a lot better. He's just answering questions from the chat while playing AC4. Quality isn't as good though.
"How loud is the PS4?"
"Both next-gen consoles are pretty quiet."

If you watch this stream long enough you'll get enough information to form an early Xbone review.


hide your water-based mammals

You are horribad at battlefield but since the point is to show off the graphics I guess it doesn't matter

"Was that a woman I just killed? Am I a ladykiller?"

"No there are no female combatants [enemies] in the game. There is one on your side. She is there to point out the sexism of your teamates."

"Someone writes in: I thought Polygon was not supposed to accept free Playstation 4s?"

"These Playstation 4s are review units, not personal units, they are for the office... we all have to order our own PS4s for home... so it doesn't matter"

Oh wow oh wow way to make your ethics statement completely irrelevant at this point

Wow. Someone store that in the Polygon idiocy database.

Made a thread for the Joystiq stream.
Can someone explain the bet?

And for the record, Arthur isn't the problem with the stream, it's the other guy (Chris?).
During all the hardware speculation phase of this generation, some people insisted that there was some kind of secret component to the Xbox One that would make it equal to the PS4. It became jokingly known as the "secret sauce." Arthur Gies at one point posted that he heard about something that could be described as "secret sauce" for the XBO.

Later, when it became apparent that there was no "sauce," people made fun of Arthur for it. Arthur then bet $10 that nobody could find a post where he used that phrase. Someone immediately did and Arthur never replied.


Polygon is an awful site. The staff members are insufferable.

Even as a multi-format gamer with little platform preference I wouldn't place any stock in their opinion.


This is false. There's a lot of bullshit misinformation going around because people are insecure about their next gen purchases. It's a shame.

MS paid for a mini-documentary detailing the founding of the site - as a promotion for Internet Explorer. If I'm missing something, please fill me in.

edit: And their parent company is Vox Media, operators of SB Nation.

Yeah, it was technically sponsored by Internet Explorer, but if you can explain to me how that "documentary" was a promotion for IE, I'm all ears. The documentary was promoting Polygon and the media personalities involved as they built their new website.

You really need to ask yourself why MS might have an interest in financing a documentary and promoting this one specific gaming website, what they might have hoped to accomplish by doing so, and then look at how Polygon tends to cover MS vs. how they tend to cover Sony. One doesn't have to believe in conspiracy theories to reach the conclusion that something gross is going on.

All else aside, Polygon promoted itself by declaring that it was here to save games journalism, then took a large sum of money from a major game publisher and console manufacturer to make a documentary about themselves. It's unethical by any journalistic standard. You don't take money from the very people you are supposed to be impartially covering.
I know the two guys on this stream are 'trying' to make this entertaining, but after 5 minutes of watching them i will never trust a review from either of them.


Neo Member
The $750K was an ad deal for the documentary. When the NYT writes about Rolex should I just assume their writers were bought and paid for because their company has an ad deal with Rolex? Hardly seems fair.

BTW, I'm not commenting about the quality of their work. Quite frankly, I don't read enough of it to know. But there's are difference between criticizing their writing or calling them out on mistakes or even questioning whether a specific writer has biases that cloud their judgment and accusing them of being shills. It is absolutely not fair and deeply offensive to say anyone was bought and paid for by Microsoft. When you make that accusation show me the evidence because that is god damn serious. Otherwise, shut it.

Or, you know, just limit you criticism to substance and leave the conspiracy theories at home.


I don't know who are these polygon guys and why people hate them, but after watching this stream for 5 minutes I want to punch the guy on the left in the face. GAH!


Neo Member
Did Gies seriously


just say that he doesn't need to update the Killzone review to account for MP because he EXPERIMENTED with it?


Ban them for what? Having ad deals? Everyone would be banned.

Surely a website that claims to be impartial and objective, that reviews multiple games across multiple consoles should be casstratrated when they show clear as day signs of bias. Whatever the cause of said bias is irrelevant, be it money, or preference or anything in between. The moment you stop doing your job properly as a reviewer, i don't see what purpose they have being included in anything from metacritic scores, review discussions or, as people have requested...GAF itself.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Has Gies talked about xbone secret sauce?
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