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Analysts predict PSP will win over the DS

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Analysts think the PSP will win. "The user who is so accustomed to PS2, which has a very high penetration rate in the world, could migrate to PSP," John Yang at Standard and Poor’s said.

Analysts said the arrival of the PSP was the biggest fillip to the sector since Sony launched its PlayStation 2 (PS2) game console in 2000, going on to sell 74 million consoles. Two weeks ago Nintendo launched its handheld DS console.


I guess that depends upon whether or not Sony can up shipments.

Somehow I don't think that'll be a problem though. ;)
trippingmartian said:
I predict GB Next will topple PSP.

I think that this is completely what the DS is all about. A stopgap effort whose sole purpose is to blunt the penetration of the PSP, slowing it down enough for the next true Gameboy.


sonycowboy said:
I think that this is completely what the DS is all about. A stopgap effort whose sole purpose is to blunt the penetration of the PSP, slowing it down enough for the next true Gameboy.

I agree with this. That's why they didn't name it Gameboy even tough it play GB games...
A few weeks ago analysts said the same about the NDS. Over a few weeks, when new NDS titles are announced and everybody goes happy, the same analysts will say that the NDS will sell more than PSP. A month later it's all different again.

Analysts don't know what they are talking about and just follow the mass. they see pictures of large rows so the PSP must be populair !!!1

Too easy, too dumb.


Ruud_Luiten said:
A few weeks ago analysts said the same about the NDS. Over a few weeks, when new NDS titles are announced and everybody goes happy, the same analysts will say that the NDS will sell more than PSP. A month later it's all different again.

Analysts don't know what they are talking about and just follow the mass. they see pictures of large rows so the PSP must be populair !!!1

Too easy, too dumb.

Wise words for a junior member.


Zerodoppler said:
If the DS isn't going to be the direct competitor to the PSP, then Sony will have one hell of a head start before GBNext arrives in 2006 or later.

wake up man, the hell of a head start is 60.000.000 GBA sold against 200.000 psp


Elios83 said:
Analysts think the PSP will win. "The user who is so accustomed to PS2, which has a very high penetration rate in the world, could migrate to PSP," John Yang at Standard and Poor’s said.

Seems like a one-sided and rather stupid statement to make, considering GBA's penetration rate in the world.
Success of the PSP is inevitable.
It will topple Nintendo, GBA Next or whatever the hell it's called will not stand a chance.. DOA. :lol



Kseutron said:
wake up man, the hell of a head start is 60.000.000 GBA sold against 200.000 psp

Please. Thats like saying GBC has a huge lead. Then they launch GBA and the shelves are cleared of GBC games within 6 months.

GBA will only last until GBA2 (or whatever)
Kseutron said:
wake up man, the hell of a head start is 60.000.000 GBA sold against 200.000 psp

Why not throw in the other 80 Million original Gameboy & Gameboy color owners (or whatever that number got to)?

You know why not? Because the games are old and outdated. Just as within a year or so, the GBA games will be old and outdated. Installed based doesn't mean much once the new generation comes out. Look at PSOne software sales for the past several years.

If you're talking about backwards compatibility, I think it will be a fine selling point to be sure. However, I would argue given the craptacular tie ratio with handheld games to date as well as the lower software price, that it will be an even smaller issue than with consoles.


sonycowboy said:
Why not throw in the other 80 Million original Gameboy & Gameboy color owners (or whatever that number got to)?
120+ million.

I expect neither DS or PSP will be reaching 60 million in 3 years like GBA did.


Grubdog said:
I hear the Gameboy has a high penetration rate of the world too...

The NES and SNES had a huge penetration when the Playstation came out also. Guess we saw how much that mattered in the long run.

I'm not saying the PSP is the winner, but it's funny how many don't believe history can be repeated. Any way you cut it the PSP is entering in a very similar situation as the Playstation did.


kpop100 said:
I'm not saying the PSP is the winner, but it's funny how many don't believe history can be repeated. Any way you cut it the PSP is entering in a very similar situation as the Playstation did.
Square Enix disagrees with you. :p
jarrod said:
120+ million.

I expect neither DS or PSP will be reaching 60 million in 3 years like GBA did.


What's the total installed numbers for Gameboy then? 180+ Million? 200+ Million? Do you have a breakdown?
sonycowboy said:
Why not throw in the other 80 Million original Gameboy & Gameboy color owners (or whatever that number got to)?

You know why not? Because the games are old and outdated. Just as within a year or so, the GBA games will be old and outdated. Installed based doesn't mean much once the new generation comes out. Look at PSOne software sales for the past several years.

If you're talking about backwards compatibility, I think it will be a fine selling point to be sure. However, I would argue given the craptacular tie ratio with handheld games to date as well as the lower software price, that it will be an even smaller issue than with consoles.

Dismissing GBA sales is bullshit, No one dismissed the PS2's uber sales lead when the Gamecube and Xbox came out - its not like they came out the same year.

SONY just got here and its already being called a NEW Generation? When in fact the PSP is nothing but a portable PS2? If the GBA games can be called old and outdated, how long will PS2 games be the standard for new hottest?
jarrod said:
Square Enix disagrees with you. :p

Square Enix already has a game for the PSP and word is that quite a few more are to follow. I fully expect SE to be completely behind PSP in short order. They were concerned about a number of things, but with the news over the past 6 months and Sony's backburning of UMD movies and music (for the most part) over the next year or so, I think those concerns have been addressed.


The analysts are forgetting a very important piece of software which show they know nothing of what they are “analyzing”


sonycowboy said:

What's the total installed numbers for Gameboy then? 180+ Million? 200+ Million? Do you have a breakdown?
We don't have GB/GBC breakdowns (I'm guessing around 90M GB, 30M GBC) or updated figures (the 120M quote is from early 2002 iirc). We also don't have any Super GB/GB Player figures either (all of which are technically GameBoys as they include the full chipsets). A total conservative estimate for the GB family would probably be 185 million I imagine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
naz said:
SONY just got here and its already being called a NEW Generation? When in fact the PSP is nothing but a portable PS2? If the GBA games can be called old and outdated, how long will PS2 games be the standard for new hottest?

Whoa whoa whoa, think about what you're saying...

The leap from GBA to PSP is not a generational leap (technology wise)? Do you really believe that? People who claimed that GBA was "outdated" were generally referencing other handheld devices...not consoles. Could you really say that the PSP's technology is outdated in the realm of handhelds?
naz said:
SONY just got here and its already being called a NEW Generation? When in fact the PSP is nothing but a portable PS2? If the GBA games can be called old and outdated, how long will PS2 games be the standard for new hottest?

Nintendo has always been two generations behind at the launch of their products. Sony will only be a single generation back.

GBA = SNES (3rd generation system)
DS = N64 (4th generation system)
PSP = PS2 (5th generation system)

What, were you expecting a cell based portable? :lol


sonycowboy said:
Square Enix already has a game for the PSP and word is that quite a few more are to follow.
Compared to 6 SKUs already announced for DS. That's is hardly the PlayStation shift from 1996.


anyone who thinks the PSP will outsell the DS overall is stupid. for one Sony cant even manufacture enough to beat Nintendo let alone beat them at retail level.

PSP is going to be a great success for Sony in some ways, Financially its going hurt the PS3 launch I bet.
jarrod said:
Compared to 6 SKUs already announced for DS. That's is hardly the PlayStation shift from 1996.

Ok. In the next 2 years, which system do you believe will recieve the majority of SE's attention / new announcements?


jarrod said:
Square Enix disagrees with you. :p

The funny thing is there are some people as yourself that actually believe in a year's time from now (I give until E3), that there wont be 10 Squeenix games announced for the PSP. :lol
dark10x said:
Whoa whoa whoa, think about what you're saying...

The leap from GBA to PSP is not a generational leap (technology wise)? Do you really believe that? People who claimed that GBA was "outdated" were generally referencing other handheld devices...not consoles. Could you really say that the PSP's technology is outdated in the realm of handhelds?

No not saying that at all... generations on a Portable is a new thing to me. I've never heard talk of this before, it is until now that graphic whores have been found in the portable market.
Shoot just 6 months ago people have been buying 8 bit NES classics by the shitloads... for the GBA (OUTDATE? Not if you want to make a profit $$$)

SONY fans does a great hype job :) about what is cool and new and what is old and out dated


Well, PSP deserves to sell more. If it actually will, that is to be seen. If sony(or somebody else) can come up with a wireless killer app, and the unit ever drops into $100 range, the popularity could skyrocket. I think they need to focus on exclusive handheld style games for the system and not get lazy and rely on ps2 ports.

Sony is really good at building top of the line hardware, but they're not known for their strong software/developer support and relations. If sony and microsft were in this together, we would be seeing a fully online enabled handheld with a headset plug, and fully online games playable over live :D Well I can always dream.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DSN2K said:
anyone who thinks the PSP will outsell the DS overall is stupid. for one Sony cant even manufacture enough to beat Nintendo let alone beat them at retail level.

PSP is going to be a great success for Sony in some ways, Financially its going hurt the PS3 launch I bet.

Really? It seems possible to me. While Sony's output is certainly unable to match the current demand for the unit and limits the total possible sales for the time being, it seems entirely realistic that the demand for the DS will simply remain lower than that of the PSP and, when production is no longer a problem for either vendor, the number of PSPs sold could easily end up exceeding DS in the long run.

We can't really say one way or the other, so we'll just have to wait...

No not saying that at all... generations on a Portable is a new thing to me. I've never heard talk of this before, it is until now that graphic whores have been found in the portable market.

You must be new to the handheld market. While I haven't really been into the GBA, I used to own a Gameboy and Game Gear. You'd have to be crazy to think that there was no graphic "whorism" going on back then. Nintendo's monopoly on the market did manage to reduce that sort of thinking by quite a bit, however. Who cares if something looked a bit better than GBA...it wasn't going to have the software to back it up.


naz said:
SONY fans does a great hype job :) about what is cool and new and what is old and out dated

Are you reading impressions from the thing, people who have actually played it are hyping it more than Sony themselves.
DSN2K said:
anyone who thinks the PSP will outsell the DS overall is stupid. for one Sony cant even manufacture enough to beat Nintendo let alone beat them at retail level.

PSP is going to be a great success for Sony in some ways, Financially its going hurt the PS3 launch I bet.


Yes, Sony magically cannot manufacture enough units despite being one of the largest consumer electronics companies in the world. The reason for the small launch have been well documented, but we'll go over it again.

1) Sony barely had enough units to launch, but believed that getting it out before Christmas in Japan was extremely important so that the consumers and media could see the real differences between it and the DS, thus halting some of the DS's free sales that come as a result of no competition.

2) They backburned the PSP because of the shortages resulting from the PS2 redesign specifically to get as many PS2 units in before the holidays as possible.

I'll admit that Sony screwed up the PS2 production which has significant impact on the PSP's launch, but I think it hardly shows a perpetual inability to produce significant units. At it's height, Sony was producing 3.5 million PS2 units a month, but they let the hardware build up in the channel and they tried to time the market and got burned.
kpop100 said:
Are you reading impressions from the thing, people who have actually played it are hyping it more than Sony themselves.

Are you CRAZY... I CAN'T WAIT to get my PSP!!!

Just pointing out the fact that just because you are a graphic whore does not mean old games
are outdated... what is a gamer anyway if you don't love the games you play?


anyone who thinks the PSP will outsell the DS overall is stupid. for one Sony cant even manufacture enough to beat Nintendo let alone beat them at retail level.

I think the PSP will sell more than the DS.... by a lot. Once the PSP is out on all territories the DS will suffer greatly.


the question is what gba next will be capable of.
Nintendo and ati managed to get better then ps2 tech in the tiny box that is the gamecube 4years ago.
My guess is gba2 will be on par with GC graphically , making it 1 generation behind revolution.
sohka88 said:
I think the PSP will sell more than the DS.... by a lot. Once the PSP is out on all territories the DS will suffer greatly.


It's like putting Claudia Shiffer next to Kirstie Alley. She might have been decent in her time (especially in Star Trek 2 ;), but now ...
sonycowboy said:

Yes, Sony magically cannot manufacture enough units despite being one of the largest consumer electronics companies in the world. The reason for the small launch have been well documented, but we'll go over it again.

1) Sony barely had enough units to launch, but believed that getting it out before Christmas in Japan was extremely important so that the consumers and media could see the real differences between it and the DS, thus halting some of the DS's free sales that come as a result of no competition.

2) They backburned the PSP because of the shortages resulting from the PS2 redesign specifically to get as many PS2 units in before the holidays as possible.

I'll admit that Sony screwed up the PS2 production which has significant impact on the PSP's launch, but I think it hardly shows a perpetual inability to produce significant units. At it's height, Sony was producing 3.5 million PS2 units a month, but they let the hardware build up in the channel and they tried to time the market and got burned.

DAMAGE CONTROL is strong in this one
:lol :D
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