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Winter 2009 Anime Season of "too much loli - gonna go watch Vampire Bund"

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It's (almost) the eve of New Years eve, there's still no winter 09 thread up. I'm just going to link this image instead of trying to think of some additional synposis' (synopsii?)


Durarara!!, Katanagatari, Hidamari Sketch are the only 3 I'm probably going to watch.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Will watch:

Might watch if entertaining:
Vampire Dance in the Bund
Sora no Woto

Checking out for Lulz:
Qwaser of Stigmata
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu


EDIT: Just noticed the title, A++
Wow. Each season is always filled with a lot of crap but there's always at least 1 thing that catches my interest. Absolutely nothing this time. I'll check some stuff out, but I'm not hopeful I'll like anything.


another season of gyagu manga biyori that's won't get (fully) translated. blah.
welp, time to quit anime. or just catch up on older stuffs.

incidentally speaking of old stuff, something's missing from that list:

cobra the animation.
i guess afters many seasons of endless loli/moe/hime crap, things like this would get left out?


I also did a double-take reading that description of Qwaser of Stigmata. Japan never cease to amaze me :lol


Durara and Sora no are the only ones that look interesting. Durara got picked up by Crunchyroll so hopefully they do a decent job with the translations.


I guess there's never too much Loli.

Wow these people are shameless. Only in Japan can you open a underwear club in school.


Chromax said:
I'm never getting another season of FMP am I? =(

We are in the same train, been waiting ages for another season, FMP is first thing I always check when these lists comes out, there is so much material to make at least other awesome season.



Loli, moeblob, loli, moeblob, loli...hmmmmmm

Dance in the Vampire Bund
Nodame Cantabile Finale
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Sora no Woto

Qwaser of Stigmata...:lol It's hard to take this show seriously. Guess I'll pass this or at least check the first episode out.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Qwaser seemed intriguing until I read the part about drawing power from breast milk. Now I'm REALLY intrigued.

God dammit, this season sucks ass. People wonder why I've almost entirely stopped watching anime...


*looks at picture for Qwaser of Stigmata*

What's this? Some kind of dark shounen thing? Could be cool...

*reads description*

Da fuck? He gets his power from breast milk? Da fuck?
ReiGun said:
*looks at picture for Qwaser of Stigmata*

What's this? Some kind of dark shounen thing? Could be cool...

*reads description*

Da fuck? He gets his power from breast milk? Da fuck?

why are you guys tripping this looks like every other Japanese anime that goes near Hentai levels of pervertedness

said trailer (NSFW)

I will pass, they should have made it a hentai if they wanted to get that carried away.

yeah I understand the fuss too, sometimes I do wonder... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH JAPAN?


Wow that looks fucking terrible. I haven't "followed" anime in years but I see not much has changed. I'll probably check out Durarara!! or whatever when it's finished because it's from the same guys that made Baccano!


Smiles and Cries said:
why are you guys tripping this looks like every other Japanese anime that goes near Hentai levels of pervertedness

said trailer (NSFW)

I will pass, they should have made it a hentai if they wanted to get that carried away.

yeah I understand the fuss too, sometimes I do wonder... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH JAPAN?
It just caught me off guard this time. Like I said, the pic just looks like typical shounen. Then you read "breast milk" and it's like "Wow. Was not expecting that one." :lol


Japan, please stop making animes, i can't believe how shitty all of these look.

seriously, it's a dying industry, only the movies can ever be watched seriously.
Vampire Bund seems pretty interesting from the description until you look at the moe loli art. I'll check it out but ill be on the fence.
:lol and Qwaser.

I wish they made a sequel or prequel to Seirei no Moribito.


I'm gonna check out many of the shows.
I hope Durarara!! will be good.
I'm already expecting Qwaser to be on the same level as Queen's Blade, which is good for me. The uncut trailer was funny, for obvious reasons.


Chromax said:
I'm never getting another season of FMP am I? =(
You will when the last novel is released. Reading some fan translations of the post-TSR novels. It would be silly making a new serious "FMP" series, because it's in the middle of a very long story arc, that won't reach a conclusion, until the final novel in the series is released.

I do wish they made a another fumoffu in the mean-time.


Damn, i know we always bitch about the seasons looking like shit, but this one deserves it. Absolutely nothing of interest, i might check out K-On in the military, but that's it. Thank God for Gundam Unicorn.
OH snap, Seikon no Qwaser! That is the hardest manga to follow I've ever read. Plot is non-existent or poorly explored, and it always comes secondary to fanservice. I wonder how they'll do this one on tv, especially the Russian pre-pubescent girl who has the high school girl as a sex slave. Shit gets graphic.

I've read a few of these shows' manga, but to be honest, I haven't watched anime in about two years and doubt there is anything to make me watch it again until Mirai Nikki gets an adaptation or Berserk comes back.
Halycon said:
Will watch:

Might watch if entertaining:
Vampire Dance in the Bund
Sora no Woto
Also Watch:
Hellsing Ultimate 7

Might watch:
Fate re-edit
Hanamaru Kindergarden (Gainax)
Halo Legends (hopefully better than batman)
May also go back and checkout Hidamari Sketch
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