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Silent Hill 2 vs Resident Evil 2




I've often heard heated arguments about which one is the better survival horror game. I'd be interested to hear some opinions on this.


Both the pinnacles of their respective franchises for me.

If you had to push me I'd say I've played RE2 more over the years but honestly, whichever answer people give to this question is absolutely dandy. I prefer the tight corridoors and the satisfaction of the numerous weapons given by RE.


Resident Evil 2 is more fun to play, Silent Hill 2 is scarier and has a more memorable plot and character cast.


Which is the better survival-horror game? Silent Hill 2. Which is the better horror game? Hard to say as both do things very different.


Two of my favorite games of all time.

I once recorded two parallel playthroughs of RE2 on two separate VHS tapes, then cut them together into one chronological "movie" using 3 VCRs. I also beat that game 16 times to unlock Tofu. Also once did a playthrough without dying since I didn't have a memory card on me at the time.

SH2 is simply one of my favorite games ever. Masterpiece, through and through.


I...frankly...can't imagine a world in which there is an argument that RE2 is better. I guess there's much more item management.

SH2 was amazing. Difficulty settings, puzzle difficulty settings--what non-puzzle game EVER has puzzle difficulty settings? Added some great replayability. The hanged man puzzle in particular was amazing.

Animations were great for the time, monsters were amazing. Atmosphere, music, almost every aspect of SH2 leaves a lasting impression. Pyramid head, Doorman, Eddie, those endings, TWO PYRAMID HEADS (dear god no), the fire, the prison, the hospital. Christ, what an amazing game.

RE2 was good. But...I frankly can't think of a single thing it does better than SH2. It does some things differently (like item management, the weird limited saves system), and I can see how some people could specifically prefer those things. But I don't really see how it's even a fair fight. SH2 is a gaming masterpiece and a crown jewel of Survival Horror. RE2 is a pretty good game you should check out if you're into classic survival horror. It's probably the best of the "classic" style RE games, but to me those all play second fiddle to any of the first three Silent Hills (and Fatal Frame 1&2) to start with.
If you had to push me for an answer I'd have to say Silent Hill 2, because it is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Silent Hill and is a story driven masterpiece.

It can be debated that RE2 isn't even the best in the series, I'm personally I bigger fan of REmake, but that's just me.


Resident Evil 2 is the pinnacle of that franchise in my opinion, but Silent Hill 2 is also the peak of the Silent Hill franchise and is a better game than RE2 in every facet I think.
As much as I love RE2, Silent Hill 2 was a spectacular experience...I remember getting lost in that game, so many good memories.


Apples vs Oranges. Only similarity is they are both fruit.

Both games tell 2 different types of stories and tell them in very different ways, and both do what they do very well.

BUT if I had to choose one, it would be SH2. It tells a deeper and better story.


Silent Hill 2, no contest. It's actually scary, on a psychological level. It has a deep story. Amazing art direction. Excellent sound.

RE2 is great as well, but if you want to stack the two up next to each other, SH2 stands taller.

Whichever one made by Hideki Kamiya.

EDIT: Ah, gotcha. I misunderstood.


Silent Hill and Resident Evil aren't comparable. Entirely different gameplay basis imo. RE is more action focused as a survival-'horror'-shooter, while SH is a survival-horror-adventure, where is less emphasize on the action part. That said, SH 1+2+3 > everything RE has to offer.
As much as I like RE2 I'd say Silent Hill 2 is better overall. If RE2 had a lot of the series later mechanics ie quick turn and such I'd say otherwise.


I...frankly...can't imagine a world in which there is an argument that RE2 is better. I guess there's much more item management.

SH2 was amazing. Difficulty settings, puzzle difficulty settings--what non-puzzle game EVER has puzzle difficulty settings? Added some great replayability. The hanged man puzzle in particular was amazing.

Animations were great for the time, monsters were amazing. Atmosphere, music, almost every aspect of SH2 leaves a lasting impression. Pyramid head, Doorman, Eddie, those endings, TWO PYRAMID HEADS (dear god no), the fire, the prison, the hospital. Christ, what an amazing game.

RE2 was good. But...I frankly can't think of a single thing it does better than SH2. It does some things differently (like item management, the weird limited saves system), and I can see how some people could specifically prefer those things. But I don't really see how it's even a fair fight. SH2 is a gaming masterpiece and a crown jewel of Survival Horror. RE2 is a pretty good game you should check out if you're into classic survival horror. It's probably the best of the "classic" style RE games, but to me those all play second fiddle to any of the first three Silent Hills (and Fatal Frame 1&2) to start with.

Agree 110%, outside of a few jump scares, RE2 doesn't have that much horror. What RE2 does extremely well is something that the series does well as a whole, which is tension. This is mostly helped by the BS, illogical inventory system.
But yeah IMO Silent Hill 2 > RE2


Resident Evil 2 is one of the best games ever and Silent Hill is a Silent Hill game and Qin you SUCK


My two favorites probably. And replayed both recently as well.

RE2 for survival horror, SH2 for the dark descent into madness.
RE2 is so fun and has a lot of playable content but damn SH2 is probably the best survival horror game ever made if not considering things like action or boss fights

Yeah this is tough is go with RE2 though all things considered


They're different types of horror, with SH2 being of the mind-fuckery type and RE2 being science-run-amok type. I prefer the latter.

In terms of game design RE2 was just so tight. I loved the locales, the alternate stories, the boss fights, the weapon upgrades.


The only thing I can think of that RE2 did better than SH2 is the action, and in a survival horror comparison, that might be a negative. This one is free.


IMO they're both different in their own way that it is difficult to compare them.

To be more precise, SH2's psychological horror approach sets it apart from RE2.
Silent Hill 2 by far. When I finished RE2 I thought, "Man, that was fun!" and moved on to different games

When I finished SH2 and got the "Leave" ending, I remember agonizing over the meaning of everything I saw in that game (all the shit with Angela, Pyramid Head's symbolism), and replayed it until I got every ending, hoping to get more insight. Amazing experience.


Really hard to chose, but I think I'll go with SH2.

Of course the Original Silent Hill and REmake are better than both. :p
Arguably the best games in their respected franchises.

They are similar yet so different I wouldn't be able to tell you honestly.

Not Spaceghost

RE2 is the better survival game:
The game gives you reasons to manage your inventory frequently.
Planning for encounters ahead of time
Going back and using the item boxes to stash things you might need later was great, added tense moments of "IF I CAN JUST GET TO THE ITEM BOX EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY!"
On top of that exploration in RE2 always felt like scavenging for resources.
Rudimentary crafting system added a lot of choice about saving items or using them "do I save this green herb for when I get herbs to combine it with or just use it now to get through this?"
More weapon options made combat diverse and due to the limited ammo you felt like you had to constantly change your tactics, relying too much on the shotgun meant you might be screwed once you ran out of ammo. Or relying too much on the abundant pistol ammo meant you might take more hits because it takes longer to kill things.

SH2 is the better horror game:
Atmosphere is one of the best ever created, the town is horrifying to explore because you just don't know what's around the corner
The use of static to signal near by enemies really makes for an unsettling sound every time you get into combat
Darkness and limited vision make you feel like you have to be way more careful, even in just a straight shot hallway
The whole game has a sense of looming dread about it that adds up on the player over time making them feel vulnerable at many points (even when they are well equipped, like in the very first area in the apartment)


Resident Evil 2 has a shitty story, silly characters, and is boring as shit.
It has a pretty good soundtrack and (for the time) pretty great graphics.
With shitty tank controls.

Silent Hill 2 has a very good story, interesting characters, and it's goddamn engaging.
It has a masterful soundtrack, and fantastic graphics, that hold up well still.
With shitty tank controls.

No contest for me.

One is a masterpiece of horror, the other is the spawn of someone who wanted to do Devil May Cry, but was forced to do Resident Evil.


El Capitan Todd
Silent HIlle 2. A huge improvement over the first one (unlike RE2), still the best episode in the series to me (unlike RE2), a defining game for the brand (unlike RE2)

I think RE2 is a good RE but it's not as perfect as REmake, not as revolutionary as RE4 and not as fanservice-based as RE0


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
SH2 still holds up nicely. RE2 looked amazing for its time. There is a wide gap between the two generations.

I just played through RE2 on the Vita, still looked great. The pre-rendered backdrops really helped the game age well.

Why bring up RE6? It also has a limited inventory.

Everyone on this forum should take every possible opportunity to criticise RE6, as it was a crime against humanity.


I love the original Resident Evil games as much as the next guy but based on the definition of the genre at the time they both were made, Silent Hill 2 pisses all over Resident Evil as a survival horror game.

Other than a few jump scares, Resi wasn't really a scary series in my opinion. The STARs team were just too capable in contrast to the Hills protags.
RE2 is the better survival game
SH2 is the better horror game

I'd say the Police Station part was survival-ish with some jump scares in RE2.

SH2 beats it in almost every level (except the final parts) regarding horror. Akira Yamaoka music and sound design played a huge part in it.

Also wtf at those WoodenLung pics. Is that the PC version? there's almost no aliasing and no film grain filter...


Both are the most overrated in their respective franchises.

But honestly, they're so different I could never pick. Love them both.
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