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Tengen Toppa Kid Icarus Uprising SPOILER Thread | The next chapter is even better.


I didn't notice if it was mentioned already, but is there anything unlocked by gifting hearts to Palutena??
It seems like a throwback to the Fairy Fountains in Zelda: LTTP where you throw in an item and get an upgraded one in return but I'd rather not waste hearts without knowing for sure.

You get to see her dancing in a bikini.

In seriousness, other than her coming closer to the screen, nothing.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Plus Hade's choice of words when dealing with her. He really dropped the funny guy act at the end.

It would have been nice if he got to play with other character such as phosphora during the three year gap to get a better idea of why she seems to have dropped her human genocide.

"I am your master, Medusa, and I will revive you as many times as I desire! But you've worn out your usefulness!" *shoryuken*


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Dark Pit was exactly right about it being the gods and their stupid wars that were throwing everything out of balance.

The only thing that was occurring "naturally" was the humans and deforestation, but that's part of viridi's whole schtick about the strongest surviving and all that.

The humans fighting each other over the wish seed? All due to Hades manipulating them. Hell, from what Magnus was saying in Chapter 18, it seems like the humans knew very well about the conflicts between Hades, Palutena, and Viridi, and were likely casualties from the various forces fighting.


Such a great line, if a bit creepy.
That line is more or less the one time in the whole game that Hades is dead serious. Even when he was obliterated by the Final Strike, he had a hint of snark as he uttered his last words, "The nerve of you." But when he put Medusa in her place, his voice had no warmth whatsoever. He's a legitimately scary dude when he drops the douche schtick.


I did feel like the whole "Dark Pit" angle could have been explored a bit further. They build up the fact that Dark Pit represents an aspect of Pit's personality--perhaps a latent resentment of his own servitude. Dark Pit seizes the power of flight for himself, while Pit is still bound to Palutena. Dark Pit sees the truth behind the gods' war, while Pit remains obstinately blind to their true motives. It seemed as though the story was initially going to have them meet in the middle somehow, in terms of their polar-opposite ideals, but instead they just...stop fighting.

I mean, Pit's absolute faith is a bit refreshing, and it makes sense that his foil would be distrustful and thorny, but neither of them grows beyond their initial dispositions despite the events that unfold around them.


I did feel like the whole "Dark Pit" angle could have been explored a bit further. They build up the fact that Dark Pit represents an aspect of Pit's personality--perhaps a latent resentment of his own servitude. Dark Pit seizes the power of flight for himself, while Pit is still bound to Palutena. Dark Pit sees the truth behind the gods' war, while Pit remains obstinately blind to their true motives. It seemed as though the story was initially going to have them meet in the middle somehow, in terms of their polar-opposite ideals, but instead they just...stop fighting.

I mean, Pit's absolute faith is a bit refreshing, and it makes sense that his foil would be distrustful and thorny, but neither of them grows beyond their initial dispositions despite the events that unfold around them.
Pit was naive at times, but in the end he didn't just blindly follow the gods. We see Pit willing to oppose Palutena to protect the humans in Chapter 20 because when it comes down to it, Pit's about doing what's right, proving Dark Pit and others wrong when they say he's a yes-man. And likewise with Dark Pit, he remains chaos to Pit's order through the whole game, but at his core he develops a kinship with Pit and a respect for Pit's selfless deeds (including saving Dark Pit's own hide), and so he puts aside his pride to save his "rival" in his moment of need. I thought they did well with his character. Just like how Viridi was set up as an enemy to make their team-up against the Aurum and then Hades more impactful, so too does Dark Pit deepen from obstinate pride to brotherly appreciation by the end of the game, for a nice bit of dramatic role reversal. It'll be interesting to see what they do with Dark Pit in a potential sequel...


I mean, Pit's absolute faith is a bit refreshing, and it makes sense that his foil would be distrustful and thorny, but neither of them grows beyond their initial dispositions despite the events that unfold around them.

Really? My impression was completely the opposite. They both went through immense character development without changing their core personalities.


That line is more or less the one time in the whole game that Hades is dead serious. Even when he was obliterated by the Final Strike, he had a hint of snark as he uttered his last words, "The nerve of you." But when he put Medusa in her place, his voice had no warmth whatsoever. He's a legitimately scary dude when he drops the douche schtick.

Yeah even when pit cuts him in half he just laughs it off because he knew once he had his fun he could just destroy the great sacred treasure and finish things. Medusa showing up out of nowhere messed up Hades flow so he had to get serious with her.
Yeah even when pit cuts him in half he just laughs it off because he knew once he had his fun he could just destroy the great sacred treasure and finish things. Medusa showing up out of nowhere messed up Hades flow so he had to get serious with her.

^This. I doubt that Hades would've even TRIED to use his super-long-charge-time move if he had known Medusa would show up. It was literally the only time something had happened that he didn't plan/take advantage of, which made him angry. It was kind of scary though; almost like your favourite professor suddenly snapping at you.


Yeah even when pit cuts him in half he just laughs it off because he knew once he had his fun he could just destroy the great sacred treasure and finish things. Medusa showing up out of nowhere messed up Hades flow so he had to get serious with her.

^This. I doubt that Hades would've even TRIED to use his super-long-charge-time move if he had known Medusa would show up. It was literally the only time something had happened that he didn't plan/take advantage of, which made him angry. It was kind of scary though; almost like your favourite professor suddenly snapping at you.

It was like


until he

Nope, I still can't view Viridi as anything but a villain.

"Good riddance, human scum! The world is better off without you!" she says, laughing after she just nuked thousands.

Anyway, regarding something more gameplay related--are Pyrrhon, Medusa, the Chariot Master, Chaos Kin, and Hades the only characters/bosses without a weapon named after them (well, outside of Dyntos, but technically everything is his weapon, or something)? Or am I just missing them still?

Just a quick tally in my head.

-Twinbellows Cannon
-Magnus Club
-Gaol Blade
-Hewdraw Club
-Great Reaper Palm
-Pandora Claws
-Dark Pit Staff
-Poseidon Cannon
-Thanatos Staff
-Kraken Arm
-Phoenix Arm
-Cragalanche Cannon
-Viridi Palm, Viridi Claws
-Arlon Orbitars
-Phosphora Bow
-Aurum everything
-Palutena Bow, Palutena Blade

Unusual that they'd skip them and give Poseidon of all people a weapon. Though I might still be missing some, locked away in the horrors of the Hades Treasure Hunt.

Okay, so I suppose there isn't a Hades' Heart weapon either, but fuck that thing man, easily my least favorite boss in the game. And I suppose there isn't a Great Sacred Treasure weapon either, but, uh, that is a weapon.
I think you got all of them. Here's a few that I would LIKE them to put in the game:

Pyrrhon Orbitars (shaped like his head, spout one-liners whenver you fire a charged shot)

Hades Blade (Hades is my favourite character; blades are my favourite weapons; ipso facto: Hades Blade)

Amazon Pandora Blade (it just makes sense. Fires Heart-shaped charged shots)

Dark Pit Bow (good rate of fire, nice damage, poor range)

Dyntos Club (shaped like a giant hammer, fires enemies as charged shots)

Twinbellows Claws (makes way more sense than a cannon)

Chaos Kin Claws (extreme movement speed, low damage, fires ash as continuous fire)

Space Pirate Staff (shaped like the Sniper's weapon; decent range and very strong but slow)

Hades Palm (fires runes as cont. fire; backdash charge shot fires a mini-heart that explodes in a cross shape)

Medusa Arm (shaped like her Monster Form head; chared shots petrify)

Pyrrhon Cannon (charged shot is his Pyro Blaster)

Clubberskull Club (derp)


I think you got all of them. Here's a few that I would LIKE them to put in the game:

Pyrrhon Orbitars (shaped like his head, spout one-liners whenver you fire a charged shot)

Dyntos Club (shaped like a giant hammer, fires enemies as charged shots)

Chaos Kin Claws (extreme movement speed, low damage, fires ash as continuous fire)

Medusa Arm (shaped like her Monster Form head; chared shots

And why werent you a designer working on this game? Those ideas sound amazing.



Found a video of the final boss in Japanese. It seems there's some differences between this and the english version. In the Japanese version Pit sneezes instead of Hades, When Hades leaps in the air and kicks he calls it the Hades Kick, and it seems that Palutena doesn't tell you about the god like force seeking Hades.



Found a video of the final boss in Japanese. It seems there's some differences between this and the english version. In the Japanese version Pit sneezes instead of Hades, When Hades leaps in the air and kicks he calls it the Hades Kick, and it seems that Palutena doesn't tell you about the god like force seeking Hades.

That sneeze is so weird, considering Hades is the one who does a sneeze animation. I wish Iwata asks about that.
I think it would have been pretty neat if they had a bow based off of his weapon in the original Kid Icarus. Like, one that is intentionally awful--no homing, no charged shot, pitiful range. 8 bit graphics and everything. I did like the one reference to his original bow. "Like shooting straws with a rubber band."

Here's something--what are Arlon and Phosphora? They aren't human and they aren't gods, so, what? Are they angels? Perhaps high ranking monsters akin to Hewdraw that just look like humans? Something else entirely?

I dunno.


Nope, I still can't view Viridi as anything but a villain.

"Good riddance, human scum! The world is better off without you!" she says, laughing after she just nuked thousands.

Pretty much the raw gist of a lot of it is that to the gods, humans are just a numbers game.


I think it would have been pretty neat if they had a bow based off of his weapon in the original Kid Icarus. Like, one that is intentionally awful--no homing, no charged shot, pitiful range. 8 bit graphics and everything. I did like the one reference to his original bow. "Like shooting straws with a rubber band."

Here's something--what are Arlon and Phosphora? They aren't human and they aren't gods, so, what? Are they angels? Perhaps high ranking monsters akin to Hewdraw that just look like humans? Something else entirely?

I dunno.
I view them as equivalent to whatever Pit is, and whatever Pit is can be a variety of things -- in his case, an angel; in Arlon's case, a "man in the moon;" and in Phosphora's case, an electricity-based warrior, as her idol description goes.

In other words, they're all something below gods but above men, fighting at the behest of their patron deity. Consider them divine warriors! On a side note, I find the concept of Arlon in relation to Viridi to be kind of neat. Just as the moon is subservient to the earth, locked in constant orbit, so too is Arlon a reticient butler to Viridi's domineering mistress!

As for Phosphora, I guess she fits the "nature" motif by way of being a literal force of nature, a.k.a. lightning. :)


They're demigods or divine warriors or whatever.

I wish it was more clear whether or not characters died. When everything explodes on defeat it's hard to tell if they exploded in a revivable way or an explosive way. Still, with death a revolving door, it probably doesn't matter that much in the long run.
They're demigods or divine warriors or whatever.

I wish it was more clear whether or not characters died. When everything explodes on defeat it's hard to tell if they exploded in a revivable way or an explosive way. Still, with death a revolving door, it probably doesn't matter that much in the long run.

Makes me wonder why it was such a big deal about the Underworld being able to create endless troops, when pretty much every God revives their minions as if it was nothing.

Here's a more positive note from me--the more I play the game, the more I appreciate Pit and Palutena's characterization and interaction. I think it's probably easily my favorite part to the writing. Palutena's constant bad jokes and teasing of Pit, and Pit's dimness and ass-kissing.

"Just kidding, we have minions for that."
"Haha, those guys must be real suckers."

For as little screen time he gets though, Pyrrhon probably has my favorite lines.

"Pyrrhon has a delivery, and the return address is justice!"

"Do your thing, Pit. You know, your shooting thing."

"Hard work should always be rewarded. That's why I got a gift. For me. To destroy you."

"Do your thing, Pyro Snake! Shazamitylam!"

"What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over all this awesome!"

Of course, the retroactive demotion of Medusa still seriously bugs me and is one of those things that bugs me more the more I think of it.


I think Hades is just like surprised at the break of tension, not sneezing

That's what I thought of but still, it feels too strange for just a surprised animation.

Makes me wonder why it was such a big deal about the Underworld being able to create endless troops, when pretty much every God revives their minions as if it was nothing.

Viridi makes her soldiers out of natural materials such as rocks, plants and wild life which is a finite resource while Palutena's army is constant in numbers (or grow slowly by whatever method she uses to gather troops) but they're always revived by her. At least that's my guess.
Hades on the other hand makes use of any dead troop that falls in battle when and wherever they were regardless of which side they were originally on to help his army grow.


Of course, the retroactive demotion of Medusa still seriously bugs me and is one of those things that bugs me more the more I think of it.

The biggest strike against Medusa is that she barely talks during the game. She pops up to say hi in the first stage and has some lines in the stage where you go fight her, but that's about it. Then Hades yaps it up in just about every stage for the next 2/3 of the game. I know they likely wanted the bosses of the early stages to have the screen time to establish themselves, but it would have been nice for Medusa to have more lines in the first 8 stages to develop her personality more.


The biggest strike against Medusa is that she barely talks during the game. She pops up to say hi in the first stage and has some lines in the stage where you go fight her, but that's about it. Then Hades yaps it up in just about every stage for the next 2/3 of the game. I know they likely wanted the bosses of the early stages to have the screen time to establish themselves, but it would have been nice for Medusa to have more lines in the first 8 stages to develop her personality more.

Yeah that was my only problem with the first third of the game. Medusa only talked in chapters 1, 6, and 9. I would've liked her to at least talk a little in all nine chapters but it's not a big deal to me. Hades more than makes up for any problems with Medusa anyway.


They try to put Palutena's fall of grace as this calamity from which the fate of the world hinges, but follow it with very stupid writing immediately after she gets back to normal.
This is my only issue with the story.

Chapter 18 is the dramatic apex of the game, yet that entire story arc ends up leaning on the Chaos Kin? Wtf, a voiceless villain never mentioned before (well, hinted at maybe) or after those 4 chapters. The story just deflates so much after the Chaos Kin is defeated. I still can't understand why that didn't roll into the finale. The confrontation with Hades just felt forced.
The biggest strike against Medusa is that she barely talks during the game. She pops up to say hi in the first stage and has some lines in the stage where you go fight her, but that's about it. Then Hades yaps it up in just about every stage for the next 2/3 of the game. I know they likely wanted the bosses of the early stages to have the screen time to establish themselves, but it would have been nice for Medusa to have more lines in the first 8 stages to develop her personality more.
Yeah, this is another big part of it. It's pretty bad that Pandora and Thanatos are given more screen time and are better developed than Palutena's arch nemesis.

This is my only issue with the story.

Chapter 18 is the dramatic apex of the game, yet that entire story arc ends up leaning on the Chaos Kin? Wtf, a voiceless villain never mentioned before (well, hinted at maybe) or after those 4 chapters. The story just deflates so much after the Chaos Kin is defeated. I still can't understand why that didn't roll into the finale. The confrontation with Hades just felt forced.

This I agree with, mostly. I actually liked the Chaos Kin as a villain, I really felt it worked. But the way the game throws three sets of villains after you post Chapter 10 (Viridi, Aurum, Chaos Kin) with little to no set up prior really weakens their overall effect I think.

And I absolutely agree with the idea that the confrontation with Hades was forced. There really needed to be another level building up the conflict. You go from defeating the Chaos Kin, learning about what Hades is doing while doing something completely unrelated, getting swallowed into a rather goofy gimmick level that feels rather out of place for end game material, to leaving Hades completely to get a new weapon, and then the fight. He really lacks a proper ending level that Medusa, the Aurum, and the Chaos Kin had. I think the way you go straight from Dyntos's Workshop to Hades fight doesn't allow for proper rising action you should see at the end of a story, especially one as long and full of climaxes as Uprising.

(...wow that last sentence sounded wrong)


Makes me wonder why it was such a big deal about the Underworld being able to create endless troops, when pretty much every God revives their minions as if it was nothing.
Yeah, what could possibly be threatening about the Underworld Army never running out of troops? I mean it's not like they're out to destroy all life or anything. >_<

To address this with less snark, Viridi's forces are not indefinite, and Palutena can revive hers but they're all weaklings save for Pit. And when there's only one Pit, and ever-growing, everlasting billions of Underworld troops... It's the quintessential case of fighting a war you can't win. Hades had to go. :)

This is my only issue with the story.

Chapter 18 is the dramatic apex of the game, yet that entire story arc ends up leaning on the Chaos Kin? Wtf, a voiceless villain never mentioned before (well, hinted at maybe) or after those 4 chapters. The story just deflates so much after the Chaos Kin is defeated. I still can't understand why that didn't roll into the finale. The confrontation with Hades just felt forced.
I respectfully disagree. This arc was just about perfect.

You have the shocking revelations in Chapter 18, the fantastic plot device of the Lightning Chariot in Chapter 19, the introduction of the terrifying Chaos Kin in Chapter 20, Pit risking life and limb to save Palutena AND Dark Pit in Chapter 21, and then Palutena and Dark Pit rescuing him in Chapter 22, and the lot of them actually growing closer through it all, cementing Dark Pit's status as "good guy with bad boy attitude," and underscoring their understanding that they ALL share responsibility here.

Then Pit, back in action, goes to face Hades in Chapter 23 and learns the critical detail that he's woefully underpowered against the Lord of the Underworld, even with the Three Sacred Treasures. We experience the interesting perspective of a god from the inside (alternate dimension innards, yay!), and then meet Dyntos in Chapter 24, a god so powerful he can put Palutena asleep from a distance, as his idol notes. We get the ultimate mech, and with Palutena at our back go to stop Hades once and for all.

Hades, who revived Medusa; Hades, who started human wars with the Wish Seed; Hades, who waged war on humanity and nature and the heavens and kicked off all of the problems that attracted the Aurum and led to Pit unwittingly loosing the Chaos Kin; Hades, who turned the stream of souls into a torrent, and was turning them into monsters. I just love how many wrinkles there were to this war, spanning three distinct acts (chapters 1-9, 10-17, and 18-25), and how all rivers flow to AND from the same source: Hades, leveraging the loss of life to overstep his bounds in power-hungry pursuits. For me, it felt incredibly epic by the end.
Finally beat the game!

Completing all those treasure hunt panels and power panels are gonna be a real pain in the ass (highly doubt I'll get 100%)

Anyway, with the exception of the final boss fight, which I found to be underwhelming, everything else was great

And Viridi conquers all......including Hades. Come at me bros

Team Viridi <3

PK Gaming

Wow, I completely forgot about this thread and ended up making myself look like a jackass as a result. Anywho, I ended up finishing all stages on 9.0 recently


and i'm on my way to fully clearing Hades treasure hunt board... except some of the "finish X chapter with X weapon" achievements are killing me. I'm a blade guy, not a club guy!


Beat it last night, loved it.

The writing and voice acting was very well done. Pit was an enjoyable hero, and I'm glad the style of character they ended up going with. Hades was just awesome, as was Pyrrhon. Shame he was actually evil. Magnus was cool, just wish he showed up more. Also, is it every explained why the Dark Lord was really a little girl? I haven't replayed that many levels yet, so if it does show up I haven't seen it.

Palutena can suck it though. I hate her so much. Like, she is so damn annoying, always being a bitch to Pit. Stupid cow.

Also, why isn't it explained in the story why Pit can't fly on his own? I mean, he's the captain of the guard, and pretty much the strongest force in Palutena's army (even more than herself most likely) yet he still can't fly on his own. Yet all the centurions can fly, and they are nothing more than stupid cannon fodder. I was hoping after the revival spring Pit would have been able to fly by himself.

Dark Pit was really cool too. I'm glad he didn't end up being just the evil version of Pit, and was actually his own person. Was expecting them to like fuse or something near the end to make Pit more powerful.

The Great Sacred Treasure at the end was boss, watching it transform and break apart was sweet. Wish you could use the old three sacred treasures during other levels though.

Overall, a kickass game. Now to go back and try on higher intensities.


Are you sure you're not getting confused with Viridi?

I mean I know Palutena teases Pit a lot but it's all done in good spirit, hardly bitchy. Even with that in mind, there are many heartwarming and friendly moments throughout the game between her and Pit, especially in the latter half of the game. They're almost completely loyal to each other.


I can definitely agree that if there's any character in the game I could've done without, it would definitely be Viridi. I mean everyone in-game loves to talk about how Pyrrhon's claims of godhood are difficult to accept, but what about that one annoying little goddess over there that looks and acts like a complete fucking baby throughout the ENTIRETY of the game?
I can definitely agree that if there's any character in the game I could've done without, it would definitely be Viridi. I mean everyone in-game loves to talk about how Pyrrhon's claims of godhood are difficult to accept, but what about that one annoying little goddess over there that looks and acts like a complete fucking baby throughout the ENTIRETY of the game?

Well she has the body of a 10 year old, what more do you want?


A character that doesn't almost constantly act like a whiny brat, bitching and moaning about something at every turn? If this was only appearance-wise, fine, but some of her dialogue clearly indicates that she's fully capable of exhibiting mature, reasonable behavior if she really wanted to.

Her antics during her introduction was fine, but the fact that she's still all "THIS IS BULLSHIT, BUT LALALA I CAN'T HEAR ANY VALID POINT ANYBODY ELSE BRINGS UP" by even the end of the game is annoying. I honestly don't know if I'm better off comparing her to a small spoiled child or a cranky old man.

I'm not saying it was objectively bad writing, it's just something I personally didn't like. I wouldn't have minded her nearly as much if she wasn't such a major character.


Beat the last boss today. This game is absolutely crazy. Never thought I'd see aliens and mechs in Kid Icarus.

Hades is one of my favorite video game villains ever.
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