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DF/JF: Battlefield 4 PS4 vs XB1 videos/screens (900p PS4, 720p XB1)

Kinda feel sorry for those uniformed gamers who play mostly Battlefield / Call of Duty and always associate Xbox with the best playing / looking versions of those games - so they automatically go XB1. In reality the online is rumoured to be more stable on PS4 this time, graphically the game is superior and will likely offer an overall better experience but for $100 less.


The thing is a lot of people go into comparisons to look at videos and pictures, not read. This thread is good evidence.

doesnt excuse them from being ignorant to the information that is right in front of them...the article (well all of them, from all the sources really) is like reading the video game equivalent of the German invasion of France in 1940...


So here we go:

PS4 version 1600x900 resolution
Xbone version only1280x720

PS4 version with a 50% lead in output pixels overall

PS4 regaining 60fps
Xbone with framerate issues
Xbone with aliasing issues
Xbone "only a stone's throw from the sub-720p resolution" / "highly noticeable sub-pixel break-up"

Curiously, the top end is also affected, causing the image to appear distinctly washed out, as if set to limited range. This is particularly evident on PS4, which is kept free of a comparable black push to Microsoft's platform to compensate. Right now there's every possibility that it could be a capture situation

If you cannot understand that,
If you think over sharpening and artificially boosting contrast settings on your television is a good thing - than you should accept your opinion is retrogressive to accuracy.
Yep, as expected. The PS4 version is crushing the Xbone version.
Funny, after all the damage control by Albert Penello.
PS4 version with a 50% lead in output pixels overall and this is just the beginning.
The performance gap will widen in the future.


Xbone footage:



Did you have that feeling on 95% of all PS3 games you played? I did, and I agree 100% with your assessment, but I never got the impression that many others felt that strongly about IQ.

most of 720p games on x360 and PS3 had AA or sort of AA.

Xbone version doesn't have ANY AA

i can't grasp how this is even possible. Watch youtube 1440p footage it is as close to 720p as possible and you will see there is 0 AA
I think you're missing my point. We've had a barrage of obfuscation and denial from MS that the real world performance delta between the machines isn't that great. My point is that either:-

1. The devs on this title had very immature development tools and did what they could with the tool that they had but the hardware is more then capable of nearly matching PS4 performance.
2. Resources were that stretched developing on so many consoles that they did not have enough time to optimise fully on Xbox One.
3. MS has flat out lied to us.

I'd like to know which one it is.
Pretty much 3 I'd wager.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Given that there's a room for performance improvement, I think they can't reverse the law of physics. I mean, if the processor is slower than the competitor it simply processes numbers slower too..

eh? The processor in the Xbox One is faster then the one in PS4.
Leadbetter's the MS mouthpiece. Rest of DF is fine AFAIK.

Posted DF articles need author disclaimers.

that would be nice
I don't hold a grudge against the regular people there (though screw the editor for passing leadbetter's dumb as shit interviews and opinions that are just PR x clickbait)
If we had a name on each article before the link then it would be easier to just ignore him.


Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...


Maybe console makers should make post process AA just on the driver level like in amd/ nvidia control panel, and let people choose themselves if they want to shit on their game or not, the performance hit is negligable anyhow.

I really wish this would happen, there are loads of games on the 360/PS3 where I'd have loved to switch the AA off. Picking out small details in a soft image is harder on the eyes, that's all there is to it.

I'm hoping it's just this one title. If other games start getting covered and they all have this look a-la N64, I'm not sure what options it leaves me other than giving in and getting a PC. I've been avoiding it for years since I don't like taking my work home with me.


Junior Member
What I don't understand is why given this issue. MS didn't send a team of devs over to optimise the graphics rendering pipeline to significantly improve performance.
The must have know that this was going to be a huge PR issue on such a high profile title.

limited resources. one the ps4 is stronger so to make up devs have to do some major voodoo and even then if both sides put in equal effort then ps4 should come out quite a bit stronger ....

so ms devs are bettter spent

refinnings tools which will help all 3rd party (theyre working on it)
refining os and other aspects (theyre working it in ... but thats an whole other discussion)
helping full exclusives (there were reports of ms devs being sent in to pump up dead rising 3)

think of it this way. even if both consoles didnt have a power difference. would sony be sending in their a teams of ssm and nd to help ea and ubisoft prop up their projects or making them push their own 1st party games and apis etc.

and as others have pointed out ms just frankly tried to push this whole balance thing to deflect from the fact that the ps4 is a stronger hardware .... they are better off saying yes were weaker on hardware but not horribly (wii u) so but we have kinect etc ... that was how the product seems to have been designed with kinect and apps and tv being central to the vision ... they should just have stuck to that .... My guess is they tried then they realized they are losing the core gamer and they wanted both worlds ... which isnt easy to do...


The "whopping" part is Digital Foundry's wording.

And actually, it IS whopping, compared to the Xbone's abysmal 720p output. It's the same resolution as the PS3 and 360 versions of BF4, for god's sake.

Look, if 720p is 'abysmal' then 900p isn't 'whopping' in my book.
Yes, the PS4 version is better, that was expected, but claiming it's abysmal vs whopping is a huge stretch.

And i think it shouldnt be a reason for huge concern.

I mean, GTA4 was 720p on X360 (with 2xMSAA) and 640p (no AA) on PS3 and there's similar examples.
What does that mean ? not much, actually.

Why would Xbone BF4 at 720p have any more AA than Xbone BF4 at 720p upscaled to 1080p?

Yeah, you're right.
I mean i'd like to see the difference between the upscaled and native image.

Extra AA MIGHT kick in for native 1080p games, obviously not 720p games.


Okay, if you really insist
Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...

Shame you did all that work to prove nothing.


Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...

Thick dark lines don't make something higher res. They make it lower res when they're smeared over the top of actual detail to the point where it's not visible.


Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...

hahaha ok. Did you even read the df artical textures are the same.


Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...

you showed them the Digital Foundry footage didnt you?? lol
doesnt excuse them from being ignorant to the information that is right in front of them...the article (well all of them, from all the sources really) is like reading the video game equivalent of the German invasion of France in 1940...

Yeah, but the evidence is quite apparent even in this thread. Lot of posters tried to educate others on why it looks different and it was ignored.


Digital Foundry said: First up, a few crucial points on our test methodology. It's worth noting that these captures are taken from Xbox One and PS4 development kits, as used by the game-makers themselves to ensure the game runs within the parameters of the retail hardware released this November. Also, the code is what DICE claims to be in a near-finalised state, where only very minor tweaks will be implemented over and above what we're seeing here. Day one patches will no doubt be in the pipeline, but clearly this is a build in which confidence has been placed; Electronic Arts' reps put up no boundaries between us and each version of the game, leaving us entirely to our devices. But we have to stress that we will be re-testing on production next-gen console hardware, with any day one patches installed.

What might we reasonably expect the differences between this test and final retail to be?

Improved AA on XBone?

Improved upscaling on PS4?


GAF's Bob Woodward
The DF XB1 captures don't look so bad on a iPad but on my PC the colours look crazy. I guess it's an issue with DF's capture, it doesn't seem so pronounced in other footage.


Heads up: Check out the Gamespot Video Review (on their site, not YouTube of course) and there is 60fps PS4 footage.


You know, in my opinion the terribly overblown contrast and store-configuration-$200-TV edge haloing actually make the XB1 version even more repulsive than it really is. If anything, you should blame DF for favoring PS4 with a high-quality capture.

Of course, the reaction by some in this thread explains why TVs are set to destroy images by default.


See the other thread, considering we don't have any version of the game, or any of the next-gen consoles (nor do we know if we'll even get any of them before the release date here in France), this is going to be difficult...

:( sorry to learn of this Blim.


Well. I think it's clear the Xbox One version is technically worse with jaggies and lacking texture detail. But saturation goes a long way. Shockingly, I prefer the Xbox one version shown here. I know that's bstshit insane. But the ps4 looks so dull and washed out. :/

add another to the list of people who hasnt actually read the thread


Well. I think it's clear the Xbox One version is technically worse with jaggies and lacking texture detail. But saturation goes a long way. Shockingly, I prefer the Xbox one version shown here. I know that's bstshit insane. But the ps4 looks so dull and washed out. :/

You know you could make the ps4 version look as crushed and as fucked up if you wanted right? just fuck about with your tv settings to get your very own crushed over sharpend mess.


Ok, rehosted. Xbone version in darker scenes is HIDEOUS. They destoryed the image content in darker scenes by playing with contrast and gamma.

PC http://abload.de/img/pc-1920x-1naq3f.jpeg
PS4 http://abload.de/img/ps4-1920x-1yupuk.jpeg
Xbone http://abload.de/img/xbone-1920x-1sop7x.jpeg < L O L

PC http://abload.de/img/pc1920x-1bbqnt.jpeg
PS4 http://abload.de/img/ps41920x-1yir0j.jpeg
Xbone http://abload.de/img/xbone1920x-1j3o35.jpeg < LL OO LL

But I guess, if they went with PS4/PC image style, game would look much worse.


Xbone crane looks like shit, grass too.
Everything kinda looks like shit on the One in that shot. The road ahead honestly looked like a lot of current gen games from a bad angle.
Its one of the few shots without crazy contrast at play. There are jaggies in both, but the Xbox One version has a ton more and they are much bigger and more visible.
You can still see the contrast in the grass and sky, but if you want that "Xbone-look" just tweak with the color/contrast/brightness/sharpness settings on your TV/Monitor.
The difference is definitely more obvious there. Indeed, the IQ difference will be more apparent to gamers that either sit closer to their screen, or have a bigger TV. The performance differences will be apparent to everyone though.
The high contrast does amplify the "badness" of the One so much I think it will be quite noticeable on a large display unless you sit so far back the text starts getting hard to read :p
If I zoom out to half the size the PS4 shot looks natural while the XOne still has rather sharp, jaggy edges. The birds for example stick out too much in the XOne and seem to lack motion blur.
The Xbox One isn't all sharpness either though. Go to 2:40 in this comparison video and look at the ground below the guy hanging. You don't need 720p to see it. Can't say anything about the PS4, but it seems like they are really hiding something in the Xbox One unless the guy is supposed to be very near sighted.


Showed this footage to my nephew, moms, brother and fiancé. They are not gamers lol and all of them chose the xbox 1 as a better looking, I agree with them, hi res textures, clearly visibly better on the xbox throughout the video, I will take that over a higher resolution and all that other shit honestly. I expected more from PS4...

Sounds like just another crazy, wild, zainy night at the iJudged household!


Can we get a mod to take the DF gifs and links from the OP? The review is fine, but the video and gifs are causing the same dumb posts.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
PS4 version misses highlights.

Don't know what you try to compare?

It's obvious that the Xbox One build is built of the PC build. It has the same textures and sky backgrounds.
For some reason, the PS4 version is different.


Dreams in Digital
absolutely not...just read their article lol...the entire article is nothing but a resounding win for the PS4...they just FUBAR'd the capture by getting some settings wrong...

every single article written comparing the PS4 and Xbone has said almost exactly the same thing...PS4 version is MUCH better

But who reads articles? Well done DF.
I think you're missing my point. We've had a barrage of obfuscation and denial from MS that the real world performance delta between the machines isn't that great. My point is that either:-

1. The devs on this title had very immature development tools and did what they could with the tool that they had but the hardware is more then capable of nearly matching PS4 performance.
2. Resources were that stretched developing on so many consoles that they did not have enough time to optimise fully on Xbox One.
3. MS has flat out lied to us.

I'd like to know which one it is.

you either playing dumb or you're genuinely dumb, with a little common sense it's obviously #3. the developers that you mentioned were either political about what they were saying or lacked the hardware knowledge to judge(kojima is great example for both), carmack admitted later that he has zero experience on both consoles so it invalidates what he said.
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