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Titanfall Hype

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When the beta hits in a couple weeks, it'll be interesting to see who's opinion changes. Actually playing the game solidified it for me as a must buy.

Yeah, definitely. The alpha video leaks last month reduced my hype levels but its still one of the games I'm most looking forward to this year. I can't wait to play it for myself. I'm just fiending for a new MP shooter after being done with Team Fortress 2 after playing it for 6 years now. Battlefield 3 was kind of disappointing for me and Battlefield 4 confirmed that I'm done with that series. Modern Warfare 3 confirmed that I was done with Call of Duty.
Do you have a source on that? Because afaik is the last gen-port not even done by Respawn.

360 version is done by Bluepoint. I imagine it would have been the same for the PS3. I don't think the last gen version is really on their priority list


Respawn chose to build Titanfall on the Source game engine early in their production cycle due to their developers' familiarity and its ability to maintain 60 frames per second on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.[8] In an interview, Respawn software engineer Richard Baker said the company chose Source since Portal 2 performed well on the PlayStation 3 with it, and the console was "the riskiest platform in current gen".[8] The company built upon the engine during development in features such as lighting, rendering, visibility, networking, and tools pipelines.[27]


Looks fun as shit, fun! You like fun? I sure do, who else likes fun?

Seriously tho, it's a breath of fresh air for me personally. So many ways to play the fps game has never been done before.


About the 360 version

I don't think anyone has seen it yet. That said if the alpha is anything to judge off of, I would say the 360 will scale ok on this. It still looked very playable with those textures, I think 360 could run that version with some work. Then again I'm not an expert by any means, it's just a guess.


I try to get into shooters nowadays but it is tough for me. For me the genre has stagnated. Battlefield 4 might be good if it actually worked. I tried to get into Call of Duty Ghosts but got bored fast. I did finish the campaign though. It is fun for how dumb it is. The only reason to keep playing is to see how much more crazy the campaign keeps going.

I have a little bit different multiplayer tastes. My favorite multi player shooter is Tribes. Part of the appeal to me in TitanFall is is the jet pack and parkour elements. I love the feeling of going vertical in games. However, the maps looks a bit small in TitanFall. Hope it isn't too claustrophobic. There really isn't anything like taking lift off in your jet pack, hitting that hill perfectly gaining speed and zooming around a giant map like you could in tribes.


EA doesn't have as much control in the game. The contract was with the EA Partners program leaves creative control and ownership of the IP to Respawn.
EA just publishes the title.

I believe EA retains exclusive publishing rights for the franchise, though, which leaves me to wonder to what extent Respawn actually 'owns' the IP, if they're not free to publish it elsewhere. I guess it's just to make sure nobody else can have it.


it'll be fun to not have to wade through hundreds of 'this game looks so boring why is anyone interested in it?' posts when titanfall 2 comes to ps4 as well

Preach. I think some of the hate is definitely due to it being Microsoft exclusive ( outside of pc ).


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
is titanfall out yet?



Considering the fact that the game was basically first truly shown in June and it releases in March, I wonder if Titanfall will take the record for most gaf thread pre-release proportionate to that debut -> release window. We're talking 158 threads with Titanfall in the title. Game is still more than a month away.

Some big Japanese games have probably had more threads pre-release overall but their dev time was also longer. FFXV will be a strong contender for overall threads


I'm not excited by Titanfall, but I'd wager that those that are excited by Titanfall are excited by Titanfall because those that have played Titanfall seem to be excited by Titanfall and it looks like a game those excited by Titanfall would like to play.


I think a lot of the hype is from the "newness" of it. The majority of popular fps games are all installments of a franchise that have been around forever. Battlefield, Call of Duty, Killzone, Halo etc. etc. Titanfall is not only offering new fps mechanics but it's also a completely new game. The maps, weapons, and playstyles will all be unique to those first playing Titanfall.

Of course it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea but I do think the hype around it is real. I am very worried about EA though. On one hand, I trust Microsoft and Respawn not to screw it up but EA has an excellent track record of abysmal launches.


I'm not excited by Titanfall, but I'd wager that those that are excited by Titanfall are excited by Titanfall because those that have played Titanfall seem to be excited by Titanfall and it looks like a game those excited by Titanfall would like to play.


Shut it down.


I played a demo of it at PAX Prime.

It's a lot of fun. Solid mechanics, fast-paced gameplay, and a refreshing conceit in the mechs. I've been experiencing first-person shooter, twitchy-trigger fatigue over the past two years, and my experience was a nice departure from the norm.

Immediately after the demo, I wanted to play another round and experiment more with the classes, mech types, and terrain.


And this is the general consensus from the people who have played it.

I played a demo of it at PAX Prime.

It's a lot of fun. Solid mechanics, fast-paced gameplay, and a refreshing conceit in the mechs. I've been experiencing first-person shooter, twitchy-trigger fatigue over the past two years, and my experience was a nice departure from the norm.

Immediately after the demo, I wanted to play another round and experiment more with the classes, mech types, and terrain.


Looking at OP's posting history, this thread makes sense. I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune if this game was a PS4 exclusive.

But keep overlooking the fact that thousands and thousands of people have said "the game is fun".
What is it about Titanfall that attracts so many "I don't get it" threads? It's very odd/interesting to me. I've never seen a game hyped up as much as or more than Titanfall get that comment or this many threads to this degree.

I know alot of games have received large hype but how many can you name that is a similar scale of hype and mp only?


Sketchbook Picasso
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to get into both Titanfall and PvZ Garden Warfare, at least not immediately. So, I choose Garden Warfare for now, as it's personality and style is much more appealing to me.

I've entirely avoided CoD / Battlefield all last gen, and will probably do so this gen until I have some friends who inevitably pull me into one of the other...

...but I can say Titanfall's unique movement and Mecha Mobile Suits give me a lot more interest in it, than I'd normally have. Even a non FPS fan like me has some memories of Unreal Tourney, a few sessions of Tribes, and some Mech Assault on the original Xbox, and it hits all of those games memories pretty well.

Plus the MOBA-style fodder really seems to give more justification to this being a really expansive MP experience that blurs the lines between SP and MP. I really hope some of it's more interesting ideas shake up the Genre. I might not love current Militaristic FPS games, but I'm sure there is a genre mixup that I could really appreciate within it somewhere, and I think TF is a good step towards that expansion of variety.
March is about Dark Souls 2 for me personally and Infamous, Might pick up the 360 version of TF tho, But the leaked vids really reminded me of COD and im way fatigued with that game
In truth not to mention shooter fatigue with my
Ps4 already( BF4, KZ, Warframe )

So all in all at least if i get it and dont like it i can sell it.
I understand the hype, because it looks like a fresh concept for shooters.
But I don't really see the hype. Maybe its more in the US, but here in germany nobody talks about Titanfall.
I also think that only a rather small core group is very excited.

I looked up clicks on youtube(I know thats not a very reliable thing) and Titanfall really doesn't seem very hyped at all. Even Infamous has way more clicks if you combine all the Vids. And both are nothing compared to stuff like Watchdogs or GTA.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5sqPxbLmIU (2,12Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caiIamHIzBY (1,38Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goe6IB1DLZU (1,03Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIyAk_ATxec (0,68Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jSLqmxYiNI (0,60Mil)
And some more with around 200k

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFukFWFndEk (2,78Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHSeyPl--Fw (2,59Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-B40rzJHOY (2,56Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlNfJvFnzc8 (2,56Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uibnf_Q_51s (1,68Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exl3PRTlv1U (1,09Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuDVNoKxH54 (0,49Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4C1Xz8-0IA (0,48Mil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoVCHRztSb8 (0,48Mil)
And some more with around 200k

I feel like its a vocal minority that is hyping Titanfall.

El Sabroso

Preordered for PC, game hype is from the Alpha footage for me, looks that it has a fun Multiplayer mode and looks fast.
I'm excited for it (PC), but it's definitely getting overhyped a lot. Like way too much, it's pretty much the focal point of the X1. What I'm wondering is, what happens after it comes out? I'm guessing the hype will die down and then what's next for the X1? If H5 is delayed, MS needs to make the best of these next two months because with no Titanfall we'll start hearing a lot less about it. Honestly, one of the reasons I'm looking forward to it's release (on top of playing it) is that I'll finally be able to stop hearing about it. The press will finally move on from their Titanfall fixation and maybe we can start hearing about other games.
Why? Seems like an arbitrary addition.

Its on PC as well.
I hated everything that COD4 popularized. It did not made FPS better as a whole with all the copycats. It made most of it worst.

Now we're stuck with leveling, unlocks, and etc.

If grinding on A.I becomes the norm then it'll add grinding into online matches. Other fps makers better not copy this shit. I'm already sick of all the leveling, numbers, and unlocks in the fps genre. This is no damn rpg.


Looks boring and like any other shooter to me, except it has mechs. Woo big deal, no single player campaign = no thanks.


I really don't get the hype either. From what I've seen, the game is just online only small map only Call of Duty. Sure there are mechs, but the mechs are just essentially elevated cameras for you to spray randomly with, and the jet pack is an extremely old mechanic that really shouldn't be there. It may appear different graphically but gameplay wise it is exactly the same as Call of Duty, and none of it's hype is deserved.
I'm not excited by Titanfall, but I'd wager that those that are excited by Titanfall are excited by Titanfall because those that have played Titanfall seem to be excited by Titanfall and it looks like a game those excited by Titanfall would like to play.

Have YOU seen Titanfall?
I really don't get the hype either. From what I've seen, the game is just online only small map only Call of Duty. Sure there are mechs, but the mechs are just essentially elevated cameras for you to spray randomly with, and the jet pack is an extremely old mechanic that really shouldn't be there. It may appear different graphically but gameplay wise it is exactly the same as Call of Duty, and none of it's hype is deserved.

You can feel the CoD influences but at the same time it's not quite the same at all. It's a game you have to play in order to understand it and it's very fun; however, with that said, it is way overhyped (at least from what I played in Alpha).


I feel this thread is kind of endemic of most active GAF posters starting with console gaming in the SNES or PS1 era and associating either old Nintendo or cinematic, story heavy singleplayer games as the prime example of what gaming is, and then not getting that people who do multiplayer gaming first might be very excited for something that looks like it tries to blend popular multiplayer shooter trends from gen 5-6 and gen 7 together in a way they feel looks engaging.

Like I don't see any threads ever asking "Why is The Order 1886 exciting people? It's a linear cinematic corridor shooter." because we just gave GOTY to TLOU. Similarly, people getting confused about how a character from a game that has 27 million daily players beat Link, a character from a series that never even remotely approached 27 million units sold, because it's a multiplayer PC game that's notably more popular outside the US and Japan ("the gaming countries") than within them.
I think it's a mixture of both. We now money talks and ms is a u.s company with a popular brand so there was definitely some layers of bias. But the games looks really fun as well and a new take In one of the most popular genres. Now the reason why I say it wasn't just genuine hype was because of all the "this is then next big thing" comments. I get it, it's the guys that did the first Cod. But it did feel a little forced not to mention cod being military based is likely a reason it's so popular. Meh just glad speculation will end on how good it is in another month
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